Fork 0
andy ba84ec24bf Changing the thresholds to be bigger in the previous patch isn't
really useful unless we simultaneously change the per-iteration deltas
to be smaller.  Add another pseudo-tunable to control the speed with
which we change values across iterations.  As it turns out, this is
much more effective than the threshold tunable.  It does come at the
cost of lower solution performance, however.
2002-12-12 02:15:06 +00:00

990 lines
25 KiB

#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
#include "ControlMap.hpp"
#include "Gear.hpp"
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Glue.hpp"
#include "RigidBody.hpp"
#include "Surface.hpp"
#include "Thruster.hpp"
#include "Airplane.hpp"
namespace yasim {
// gadgets
inline float norm(float f) { return f<1 ? 1/f : f; }
inline float abs(float f) { return f<0 ? -f : f; }
// Solver threshold. How close to the solution are we trying
// to get? Trying too hard can result in oscillations about
// the correct solution, which is bad. Stick this in as a
// compile time constant for now, and consider making it
// settable per-model.
const float STHRESH = 1;
// How slowly do we change values in the solver. Too slow, and
// the solution converges very slowly. Too fast, and it can
// oscillate.
const float SOLVE_TWEAK = 0.3226;
_emptyWeight = 0;
_pilotPos[0] = _pilotPos[1] = _pilotPos[2] = 0;
_wing = 0;
_tail = 0;
_ballast = 0;
_cruiseP = 0;
_cruiseT = 0;
_cruiseSpeed = 0;
_cruiseWeight = 0;
_approachP = 0;
_approachT = 0;
_approachSpeed = 0;
_approachAoA = 0;
_approachWeight = 0;
_dragFactor = 1;
_liftRatio = 1;
_cruiseAoA = 0;
_tailIncidence = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<_fuselages.size(); i++)
delete (Fuselage*)_fuselages.get(i);
for(i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++)
delete (Tank*)_tanks.get(i);
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++)
delete (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
for(i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++)
delete (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
for(i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++)
delete (Surface*)_surfs.get(i);
for(i=0; i<_contacts.size(); i++)
delete[] (float*)_contacts.get(i);
void Airplane::iterate(float dt)
// The gear might have moved. Change their aerodynamics.
void Airplane::consumeFuel(float dt)
// This is a really simple implementation that assumes all engines
// draw equally from all tanks in proportion to the amount of fuel
// stored there. Needs to be fixed, but that has to wait for a
// decision as to what the property interface will look like.
int i, outOfFuel = 0;
float fuelFlow = 0, totalFuel = 0.00001; // <-- overflow protection
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++)
fuelFlow += ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i))->thruster->getFuelFlow();
for(i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++)
totalFuel += ((Tank*)_tanks.get(i))->fill;
for(i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++) {
Tank* t = (Tank*)_tanks.get(i);
t->fill -= dt * fuelFlow * (t->fill/totalFuel);
if(t->fill <= 0) {
t->fill = 0;
outOfFuel = 1;
for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++)
// Set the tank masses on the RigidBody
for(i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++) {
Tank* t = (Tank*)_tanks.get(i);
_model.getBody()->setMass(t->handle, t->fill);
ControlMap* Airplane::getControlMap()
return &_controls;
Model* Airplane::getModel()
return &_model;
void Airplane::getPilotAccel(float* out)
State* s = _model.getState();
// Gravity
Glue::geodUp(s->pos, out);
Math::mul3(-9.8f, out, out);
// The regular acceleration
float tmp[3];
Math::mul3(-1, s->acc, tmp);
Math::add3(tmp, out, out);
// Convert to aircraft coordinates
Math::vmul33(s->orient, out, out);
// FIXME: rotational & centripetal acceleration needed
void Airplane::setPilotPos(float* pos)
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) _pilotPos[i] = pos[i];
void Airplane::getPilotPos(float* out)
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _pilotPos[i];
int Airplane::numGear()
return _gears.size();
Gear* Airplane::getGear(int g)
return ((GearRec*)_gears.get(g))->gear;
void Airplane::updateGearState()
for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
float ext = gr->gear->getExtension();
void Airplane::setApproach(float speed, float altitude)
// The zero AoA will become a calculated stall AoA in compile()
setApproach(speed, altitude, 0);
void Airplane::setApproach(float speed, float altitude, float aoa)
_approachSpeed = speed;
_approachP = Atmosphere::getStdPressure(altitude);
_approachT = Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(altitude);
_approachAoA = aoa;
void Airplane::setCruise(float speed, float altitude)
_cruiseSpeed = speed;
_cruiseP = Atmosphere::getStdPressure(altitude);
_cruiseT = Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(altitude);
_cruiseAoA = 0;
_tailIncidence = 0;
void Airplane::setElevatorControl(int control)
_approachElevator.control = control;
_approachElevator.val = 0;
void Airplane::addApproachControl(int control, float val)
Control* c = new Control();
c->control = control;
c->val = val;
void Airplane::addCruiseControl(int control, float val)
Control* c = new Control();
c->control = control;
c->val = val;
int Airplane::numTanks()
return _tanks.size();
float Airplane::getFuel(int tank)
return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->fill;
float Airplane::getFuelDensity(int tank)
return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->density;
float Airplane::getTankCapacity(int tank)
return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->cap;
void Airplane::setWeight(float weight)
_emptyWeight = weight;
void Airplane::setWing(Wing* wing)
_wing = wing;
void Airplane::setTail(Wing* tail)
_tail = tail;
void Airplane::addVStab(Wing* vstab)
void Airplane::addFuselage(float* front, float* back, float width,
float taper, float mid)
Fuselage* f = new Fuselage();
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
f->front[i] = front[i];
f->back[i] = back[i];
f->width = width;
f->taper = taper;
f->mid = mid;
int Airplane::addTank(float* pos, float cap, float density)
Tank* t = new Tank();
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) t->pos[i] = pos[i];
t->cap = cap;
t->fill = cap;
t->density = density;
t->handle = 0xffffffff;
return _tanks.add(t);
void Airplane::addGear(Gear* gear)
GearRec* g = new GearRec();
g->gear = gear;
g->surf = 0;
void Airplane::addThruster(Thruster* thruster, float mass, float* cg)
ThrustRec* t = new ThrustRec();
t->thruster = thruster;
t->mass = mass;
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) t->cg[i] = cg[i];
void Airplane::addBallast(float* pos, float mass)
_model.getBody()->addMass(mass, pos);
_ballast += mass;
int Airplane::addWeight(float* pos, float size)
WeightRec* wr = new WeightRec();
wr->handle = _model.getBody()->addMass(0, pos);
wr->surf = new Surface();
return _weights.add(wr);
void Airplane::setWeight(int handle, float mass)
WeightRec* wr = (WeightRec*)_weights.get(handle);
_model.getBody()->setMass(wr->handle, mass);
// Kill the aerodynamic drag if the mass is exactly zero. This is
// how we simulate droppable stores.
if(mass == 0) {
} else {
void Airplane::setFuelFraction(float frac)
int i;
for(i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++) {
Tank* t = (Tank*)_tanks.get(i);
t->fill = frac * t->cap;
_model.getBody()->setMass(t->handle, t->cap * frac);
float Airplane::getDragCoefficient()
return _dragFactor;
float Airplane::getLiftRatio()
return _liftRatio;
float Airplane::getCruiseAoA()
return _cruiseAoA;
float Airplane::getTailIncidence()
return _tailIncidence;
char* Airplane::getFailureMsg()
return _failureMsg;
int Airplane::getSolutionIterations()
return _solutionIterations;
void Airplane::setupState(float aoa, float speed, State* s)
float cosAoA = Math::cos(aoa);
float sinAoA = Math::sin(aoa);
s->orient[0] = cosAoA; s->orient[1] = 0; s->orient[2] = sinAoA;
s->orient[3] = 0; s->orient[4] = 1; s->orient[5] = 0;
s->orient[6] = -sinAoA; s->orient[7] = 0; s->orient[8] = cosAoA;
s->v[0] = speed; s->v[1] = 0; s->v[2] = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
s->pos[i] = s->rot[i] = s->acc[i] = s->racc[i] = 0;
// Put us 1m above the origin, or else the gravity computation in
// Model goes nuts
s->pos[2] = 1;
void Airplane::addContactPoint(float* pos)
float* cp = new float[3];
cp[0] = pos[0];
cp[1] = pos[1];
cp[2] = pos[2];
float Airplane::compileWing(Wing* w)
// The tip of the wing is a contact point
float tip[3];
if(w->isMirrored()) {
tip[1] *= -1;
// Make sure it's initialized. The surfaces will pop out with
// total drag coefficients equal to their areas, which is what we
// want.
float wgt = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<w->numSurfaces(); i++) {
Surface* s = (Surface*)w->getSurface(i);
float td = s->getTotalDrag();
float mass = w->getSurfaceWeight(i);
mass = mass * Math::sqrt(mass);
float pos[3];
_model.getBody()->addMass(mass, pos);
wgt += mass;
return wgt;
float Airplane::compileFuselage(Fuselage* f)
// The front and back are contact points
float wgt = 0;
float fwd[3];
Math::sub3(f->front, f->back, fwd);
float len = Math::mag3(fwd);
float wid = f->width;
int segs = (int)Math::ceil(len/wid);
float segWgt = len*wid/segs;
int j;
for(j=0; j<segs; j++) {
float frac = (j+0.5f) / segs;
float scale = 1;
if(frac < f->mid)
scale = f->taper+(1-f->taper) * (frac / f->mid);
scale = f->taper+(1-f->taper) * (frac - f->mid) / (1 - f->mid);
// Where are we?
float pos[3];
Math::mul3(frac, fwd, pos);
Math::add3(f->back, pos, pos);
// _Mass_ weighting goes as surface area^(3/2)
float mass = scale*segWgt * Math::sqrt(scale*segWgt);
_model.getBody()->addMass(mass, pos);
wgt += mass;
// Make a Surface too
Surface* s = new Surface();
float sideDrag = len/wid;
// FIXME: fails for fuselages aligned along the Y axis
float o[9];
float *x=o, *y=o+3, *z=o+6; // nicknames for the axes
Math::unit3(fwd, x);
y[0] = 0; y[1] = 1; y[2] = 0;
Math::cross3(x, y, z);
Math::unit3(z, z);
Math::cross3(z, x, y);
return wgt;
// FIXME: should probably add a mass for the gear, too
void Airplane::compileGear(GearRec* gr)
Gear* g = gr->gear;
// Make a Surface object for the aerodynamic behavior
Surface* s = new Surface();
gr->surf = s;
// Put the surface at the half-way point on the gear strut, give
// it a drag coefficient equal to a square of the same dimension
// (gear are really draggy) and make it symmetric. Assume that
// the "length" of the gear is 3x the compression distance
float pos[3], cmp[3];
float length = 3 * Math::mag3(cmp);
Math::mul3(0.5, cmp, cmp);
Math::add3(pos, cmp, pos);
void Airplane::compileContactPoints()
// Figure it will compress by 20cm
float comp[3];
float DIST = 0.2f;
comp[0] = 0; comp[1] = 0; comp[2] = DIST;
// Give it a spring constant such that at full compression it will
// hold up 10 times the planes mass. That's about right. Yeah.
float mass = _model.getBody()->getTotalMass();
float spring = (1/DIST) * 9.8f * 10.0f * mass;
float damp = 2 * Math::sqrt(spring * mass);
int i;
for(i=0; i<_contacts.size(); i++) {
float *cp = (float*)_contacts.get(i);
Gear* g = new Gear();
// I made these up
void Airplane::compile()
double ground[3];
ground[0] = 0; ground[1] = 0; ground[2] = 1;
_model.setGroundPlane(ground, -100000);
RigidBody* body = _model.getBody();
int firstMass = body->numMasses();
// Generate the point masses for the plane. Just use unitless
// numbers for a first pass, then go back through and rescale to
// make the weight right.
float aeroWgt = 0;
// The Wing objects
aeroWgt += compileWing(_wing);
aeroWgt += compileWing(_tail);
int i;
for(i=0; i<_vstabs.size(); i++) {
aeroWgt += compileWing((Wing*)_vstabs.get(i));
// The fuselage(s)
for(i=0; i<_fuselages.size(); i++) {
aeroWgt += compileFuselage((Fuselage*)_fuselages.get(i));
// Count up the absolute weight we have
float nonAeroWgt = _ballast;
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++)
nonAeroWgt += ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i))->mass;
// Rescale to the specified empty weight
float wscale = (_emptyWeight-nonAeroWgt)/aeroWgt;
for(i=firstMass; i<body->numMasses(); i++)
body->setMass(i, body->getMass(i)*wscale);
// Add the thruster masses
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
ThrustRec* t = (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
body->addMass(t->mass, t->cg);
// Add the tanks, empty for now.
float totalFuel = 0;
for(i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++) {
Tank* t = (Tank*)_tanks.get(i);
t->handle = body->addMass(0, t->pos);
totalFuel += t->cap;
_cruiseWeight = _emptyWeight + totalFuel*0.5f;
_approachWeight = _emptyWeight + totalFuel*0.2f;
// Add surfaces for the landing gear.
for(i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++)
// The Thruster objects
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
ThrustRec* tr = (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
tr->handle = _model.addThruster(tr->thruster);
// Ground effect
float gepos[3];
float gespan = _wing->getGroundEffect(gepos);
_model.setGroundEffect(gepos, gespan, 0.15f);
// Do this after solveGear, because it creates "gear" objects that
// we don't want to affect.
void Airplane::solveGear()
float cg[3], pos[3];
// Calculate spring constant weightings for the gear. Weight by
// the inverse of the distance to the c.g. in the XY plane, which
// should be correct for most gear arrangements. Add 50cm of
// "buffer" to keep things from blowing up with aircraft with a
// single gear very near the c.g. (AV-8, for example).
float total = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
Gear* g = gr->gear;
Math::sub3(cg, pos, pos);
gr->wgt = 1.0f/(0.5f+Math::sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1]));
total += gr->wgt;
// Renormalize so they sum to 1
for(i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++)
((GearRec*)_gears.get(i))->wgt /= total;
// The force at max compression should be sufficient to stop a
// plane moving downwards at 2x the approach descent rate. Assume
// a 3 degree approach.
float descentRate = 2.0f*_approachSpeed/19.1f;
// Spread the kinetic energy according to the gear weights. This
// will results in an equal compression fraction (not distance) of
// each gear.
float energy = 0.5f*_approachWeight*descentRate*descentRate;
for(i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
float e = energy * gr->wgt;
float comp[3];
float len = Math::mag3(comp);
// Energy in a spring: e = 0.5 * k * len^2
float k = 2 * e / (len*len);
gr->gear->setSpring(k * gr->gear->getSpring());
// Critically damped (too damped, too!)
* gr->gear->getDamping());
// These are pretty generic
void Airplane::initEngines()
for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
ThrustRec* tr = (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
void Airplane::stabilizeThrust()
int i;
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++)
void Airplane::runCruise()
setupState(_cruiseAoA, _cruiseSpeed, &_cruiseState);
_model.setAir(_cruiseP, _cruiseT,
Atmosphere::calcStdDensity(_cruiseP, _cruiseT));
// The control configuration
int i;
for(i=0; i<_cruiseControls.size(); i++) {
Control* c = (Control*)_cruiseControls.get(i);
_controls.setInput(c->control, c->val);
_controls.applyControls(1000000); // Huge dt value
// The local wind
float wind[3];
Math::mul3(-1, _cruiseState.v, wind);
Math::vmul33(_cruiseState.orient, wind, wind);
// Cruise is by convention at 50% tank capacity
// Set up the thruster parameters and iterate until the thrust
// stabilizes.
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
Thruster* t = ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i))->thruster;
t->setAir(_cruiseP, _cruiseT,
Atmosphere::calcStdDensity(_cruiseP, _cruiseT));
// Precompute thrust in the model, and calculate aerodynamic forces
void Airplane::runApproach()
setupState(_approachAoA, _approachSpeed, &_approachState);
_model.setAir(_approachP, _approachT,
Atmosphere::calcStdDensity(_approachP, _approachT));
// The control configuration
int i;
for(i=0; i<_approachControls.size(); i++) {
Control* c = (Control*)_approachControls.get(i);
_controls.setInput(c->control, c->val);
// The local wind
float wind[3];
Math::mul3(-1, _approachState.v, wind);
Math::vmul33(_approachState.orient, wind, wind);
// Approach is by convention at 20% tank capacity
// Run the thrusters until they get to a stable setting. FIXME:
// this is lots of wasted work.
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
Thruster* t = ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i))->thruster;
t->setAir(_approachP, _approachT,
Atmosphere::calcStdDensity(_approachP, _approachT));
// Precompute thrust in the model, and calculate aerodynamic forces
void Airplane::applyDragFactor(float factor)
float applied = Math::pow(factor, SOLVE_TWEAK);
_dragFactor *= applied;
_wing->setDragScale(_wing->getDragScale() * applied);
_tail->setDragScale(_tail->getDragScale() * applied);
int i;
for(i=0; i<_vstabs.size(); i++) {
Wing* w = (Wing*)_vstabs.get(i);
w->setDragScale(w->getDragScale() * applied);
for(i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++) {
Surface* s = (Surface*)_surfs.get(i);
s->setTotalDrag(s->getTotalDrag() * applied);
void Airplane::applyLiftRatio(float factor)
float applied = Math::pow(factor, SOLVE_TWEAK);
_liftRatio *= applied;
_wing->setLiftRatio(_wing->getLiftRatio() * applied);
_tail->setLiftRatio(_tail->getLiftRatio() * applied);
int i;
for(i=0; i<_vstabs.size(); i++) {
Wing* w = (Wing*)_vstabs.get(i);
w->setLiftRatio(w->getLiftRatio() * applied);
float Airplane::clamp(float val, float min, float max)
if(val < min) return min;
if(val > max) return max;
return val;
float Airplane::normFactor(float f)
if(f < 0) f = -f;
if(f < 1) f = 1/f;
return f;
void Airplane::solve()
static const float ARCMIN = 0.0002909f;
float tmp[3];
_solutionIterations = 0;
_failureMsg = 0;
while(1) {
#if 0
printf("%d %f %f %f %f %f\n", //DEBUG
if(_solutionIterations++ > 10000) {
_failureMsg = "Solution failed to converge after 10000 iterations";
// Run an iteration at cruise, and extract the needed numbers:
float thrust = tmp[0];
Math::tmul33(_cruiseState.orient, tmp, tmp);
float xforce = _cruiseWeight * tmp[0];
float clift0 = _cruiseWeight * tmp[2];
Math::tmul33(_cruiseState.orient, tmp, tmp);
float pitch0 = tmp[1];
// Run an approach iteration, and do likewise
Math::tmul33(_approachState.orient, tmp, tmp);
double apitch0 = tmp[1];
Math::tmul33(_approachState.orient, tmp, tmp);
float alift = _approachWeight * tmp[2];
// Modify the cruise AoA a bit to get a derivative
_cruiseAoA += ARCMIN;
_cruiseAoA -= ARCMIN;
Math::tmul33(_cruiseState.orient, tmp, tmp);
float clift1 = _cruiseWeight * tmp[2];
// Do the same with the tail incidence
_tail->setIncidence(_tailIncidence + ARCMIN);
Math::tmul33(_cruiseState.orient, tmp, tmp);
float pitch1 = tmp[1];
// Now calculate:
float awgt = 9.8f * _approachWeight;
float dragFactor = thrust / (thrust-xforce);
float liftFactor = awgt / (awgt+alift);
float aoaDelta = -clift0 * (ARCMIN/(clift1-clift0));
float tailDelta = -pitch0 * (ARCMIN/(pitch1-pitch0));
// Sanity:
if(dragFactor <= 0 || liftFactor <= 0)
// And the elevator control in the approach. This works just
// like the tail incidence computation (it's solving for the
// same thing -- pitching moment -- by diddling a different
// variable).
const float ELEVDIDDLE = 0.001f;
_approachElevator.val += ELEVDIDDLE;
_approachElevator.val -= ELEVDIDDLE;
Math::tmul33(_approachState.orient, tmp, tmp);
double apitch1 = tmp[1];
float elevDelta = -apitch0 * (ELEVDIDDLE/(apitch1-apitch0));
// Now apply the values we just computed. Note that the
// "minor" variables are deferred until we get the lift/drag
// numbers in the right ballpark.
// DON'T do the following until the above are sane
if(normFactor(dragFactor) > STHRESH*1.0001
|| normFactor(liftFactor) > STHRESH*1.0001)
// OK, now we can adjust the minor variables:
_cruiseAoA += SOLVE_TWEAK*aoaDelta;
_tailIncidence += SOLVE_TWEAK*tailDelta;
_cruiseAoA = clamp(_cruiseAoA, -0.175f, 0.175f);
_tailIncidence = clamp(_tailIncidence, -0.175f, 0.175f);
if(abs(xforce/_cruiseWeight) < STHRESH*0.0001 &&
abs(alift/_approachWeight) < STHRESH*0.0001 &&
abs(aoaDelta) < STHRESH*.000017 &&
abs(tailDelta) < STHRESH*.000017)
// If this finaly value is OK, then we're all done
if(abs(elevDelta) < STHRESH*0.0001)
// Otherwise, adjust and do the next iteration
_approachElevator.val += SOLVE_TWEAK * elevDelta;
if(abs(_approachElevator.val) > 1) {
_failureMsg = "Insufficient elevator to trim for approach";
if(_dragFactor < 1e-06 || _dragFactor > 1e6) {
_failureMsg = "Drag factor beyond reasonable bounds.";
} else if(_liftRatio < 1e-04 || _liftRatio > 1e4) {
_failureMsg = "Lift ratio beyond reasonable bounds.";
} else if(Math::abs(_cruiseAoA) >= .17453293) {
_failureMsg = "Cruise AoA > 10 degrees";
} else if(Math::abs(_tailIncidence) >= .17453293) {
_failureMsg = "Tail incidence > 10 degrees";
}; // namespace yasim