252 lines
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252 lines
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// newmat.cxx -- class to handle material properties
// Written by Curtis Olson, started May 1998.
// Copyright (C) 1998 - 2000 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
# include <math.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sgstream.hxx>
#include "newmat.hxx"
// Constructor
FGNewMat::FGNewMat ( void ) {
wrapu = wrapv = 1;
mipmap = 1;
light_coverage = -1.0;
// Constructor
FGNewMat::FGNewMat ( const string &name )
FGNewMat( name, name );
// Constructor
FGNewMat::FGNewMat ( const string &mat_name, const string &tex_name )
material_name = mat_name;
texture_name = tex_name;
xsize = ysize = 0;
wrapu = wrapv = 1;
mipmap = 1;
alpha = 0;
ambient[0] = ambient[1] = ambient[2] = ambient[3] = 1.0;
diffuse[0] = diffuse[1] = diffuse[2] = diffuse[3] = 1.0;
specular[0] = specular[1] = specular[2] = specular[3] = 1.0;
emission[0] = emission[1] = emission[2] = emission[3] = 1.0;
light_coverage = -1.0;
void FGNewMat::build_ssg_state( GLenum shade_model, bool texture_default,
bool defer_tex_load )
state = new ssgStateSelector(2);
textured = new ssgSimpleState();
nontextured = new ssgSimpleState();
// Set up the textured state
textured->setShadeModel( shade_model );
textured->enable( GL_LIGHTING );
textured->enable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
textured->enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
textured->disable( GL_BLEND );
textured->disable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
if ( !defer_tex_load ) {
textured->setTexture( (char *)texture_name.c_str(), wrapu, wrapv );
texture_loaded = true;
} else {
texture_loaded = false;
// cout << "wrap u = " << wrapu << " wrapv = " << wrapv << endl;
textured->enable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
textured->setColourMaterial( GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE );
textured->setMaterial( GL_EMISSION, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
textured->setMaterial( GL_SPECULAR, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
// Set up the coloured state
nontextured->enable( GL_LIGHTING );
nontextured->setShadeModel( shade_model );
nontextured->enable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
nontextured->disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
nontextured->disable( GL_BLEND );
nontextured->disable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
nontextured->disable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
/* cout << "ambient = " << ambient[0] << "," << ambient[1]
<< "," << ambient[2] << endl; */
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_AMBIENT,
ambient[0], ambient[1],
ambient[2], ambient[3] ) ;
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_DIFFUSE,
diffuse[0], diffuse[1],
diffuse[2], diffuse[3] ) ;
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_SPECULAR,
specular[0], specular[1],
specular[2], specular[3] ) ;
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_EMISSION,
emission[0], emission[1],
emission[2], emission[3] ) ;
state->setStep( 0, textured ); // textured
state->setStep( 1, nontextured ); // untextured
// Choose the appropriate starting state.
if ( texture_default ) {
} else {
void FGNewMat::set_ssg_state( ssgSimpleState *s ) {
state = new ssgStateSelector(2);
textured = s;
nontextured = new ssgSimpleState();
// Set up the coloured state
nontextured->enable( GL_LIGHTING );
nontextured->setShadeModel( GL_FLAT );
nontextured->enable ( GL_CULL_FACE ) ;
nontextured->disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
nontextured->disable( GL_BLEND );
nontextured->disable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
nontextured->disable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
/* cout << "ambient = " << ambient[0] << "," << ambient[1]
<< "," << ambient[2] << endl; */
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_AMBIENT,
ambient[0], ambient[1],
ambient[2], ambient[3] ) ;
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_DIFFUSE,
diffuse[0], diffuse[1],
diffuse[2], diffuse[3] ) ;
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_SPECULAR,
specular[0], specular[1],
specular[2], specular[3] ) ;
nontextured->setMaterial ( GL_EMISSION,
emission[0], emission[1],
emission[2], emission[3] ) ;
state->setStep( 0, textured ); // textured
state->setStep( 1, nontextured ); // untextured
// Choose the appropriate starting state.
void FGNewMat::dump_info () {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "{" << endl << " texture = "
<< texture_name );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, " xsize = " << xsize );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, " ysize = " << ysize );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, " ambient = " << ambient[0] << " "
<< ambient[1] <<" "<< ambient[2] <<" "<< ambient[3] );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, " diffuse = " << diffuse[0] << " "
<< diffuse[1] << " " << diffuse[2] << " " << diffuse[3] );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, " specular = " << specular[0] << " "
<< specular[1] << " " << specular[2] << " " << specular[3]);
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, " emission = " << emission[0] << " "
<< emission[1] << " " << emission[2] << " " << emission[3]);
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, " alpha = " << alpha << endl <<"}" );
// Destructor
FGNewMat::~FGNewMat ( void ) {
operator >> ( istream& in, FGNewMat& m )
string token;
for (;;) {
in >> token;
if ( token == "texture" ) {
in >> token >> m.texture_name;
} else if ( token == "xsize" ) {
in >> token >> m.xsize;
} else if ( token == "ysize" ) {
in >> token >> m.ysize;
} else if ( token == "wrapu" ) {
in >> token >> m.wrapu;
} else if ( token == "wrapv" ) {
in >> token >> m.wrapv;
} else if ( token == "mipmap" ) {
in >> token >> m.mipmap;
} else if ( token == "ambient" ) {
in >> token >> m.ambient[0] >> m.ambient[1]
>> m.ambient[2] >> m.ambient[3];
} else if ( token == "diffuse" ) {
in >> token >> m.diffuse[0] >> m.diffuse[1]
>> m.diffuse[2] >> m.diffuse[3];
} else if ( token == "specular" ) {
in >> token >> m.specular[0] >> m.specular[1]
>> m.specular[2] >> m.specular[3];
} else if ( token == "emission" ) {
in >> token >> m.emission[0] >> m.emission[1]
>> m.emission[2] >> m.emission[3];
} else if ( token == "alpha" ) {
in >> token >> token;
if ( token == "yes" ) {
m.alpha = 1;
} else if ( token == "no" ) {
m.alpha = 0;
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "Bad alpha value " << token );
} else if ( token == "light-coverage" ) {
in >> token >> m.light_coverage;
} else if ( token[0] == '}' ) {
return in;