I've created some new classes to enable pointers-to-functions and
pointers-to-class-methods to be treated like objects. These objects
can be registered with fgEVENT_MGR.
File "Include/fg_callback.hxx" contains the callback class defns.
Modified fgEVENT and fgEVENT_MGR to use the callback classes. Also
some minor tweaks to STL usage.
Added file "Include/fg_stl_config.h" to deal with STL portability
issues. I've added an initial config for egcs (and probably gcc-2.8.x).
I don't have access to Visual C++ so I've left that for someone else.
This file is influenced by the stl_config.h file delivered with egcs.
Added "Include/auto_ptr.hxx" which contains an implementation of the
STL auto_ptr class which is not provided in all STL implementations
and is needed to use the callback classes.
Deleted fgLightUpdate() which was just a wrapper to call
Modified fg_init.cxx to register two method callbacks in place of the
old wrapper functions.