Fork 0
2018-02-28 17:56:40 +00:00

124 lines
3.9 KiB

import FlightGear.Launcher 1.0
import QtQml 2.0
Section {
// note this id is used, hard-coded, in MPServersModel
id: mpSettings
title: "Multi-player"
Checkbox {
id: enableMP
label: qsTr("Connect to the multi-player network")
description: qsTr("FlightGear supporters maintain a network of servers to enable global multi-user "
+ "flight. This requires a moderately fast Internet connection to be usable. Your aircraft "
+ "will be visible to other users online, and you will see their aircraft.")
keywords: ["network", "mp", "multiplay","online"]
onCheckedChanged: {
if (checked) {
// kick off a server query now
LineEdit {
id: callSign
enabled: enableMP.checked
label: qsTr("Callsign")
description: qsTr("Enter a callsign you will use online. This is visible to all users and is " +
"how ATC services and other pilots will refer to you. " +
"(Maximum of seven characters permitted)")
placeholder: "D-FGFS"
keywords: ["callsign", "handle", "name"]
// between one and seven alphanumerics, underscores and or hypens
// spaces not permitted
validation: "[\\w-]{1,7}"
Combo {
id: mpServer
label: qsTr("Server")
enabled: enableMP.checked
description: qsTr("Select a server close to you for better responsiveness and reduced lag when flying online.")
model: _mpServers
readonly property bool currentIsCustom: (model.serverForIndex(selectedIndex) == "__custom__")
keywords: ["server", "hostname"]
target: _mpServers
onRestoreIndex: {
mpServer.selectedIndex = index
onRestoreDefault: {
console.info("Selecting default MP server");
mpServer.selectedIndex = 0;
LineEdit {
id: mpCustomServer
enabled: enableMP.checked
label: qsTr("Custom server")
visible: mpServer.currentIsCustom
description: qsTr("Enter a server hostname or IP address, and a port number. For example 'localhost:5001'")
placeholder: "localhost:5001"
readonly property int defaultMPPort: 5000
onApply: {
if (enableMP.checked) {
if (mpServer.currentIsCustom) {
var pieces = mpCustomServer.value.split(':')
var port = defaultMPPort;
if (pieces.length > 1) {
port = pieces[1];
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txhost", pieces[0]);
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txport", port);
} else {
var sel = mpServer.selectedIndex
var host = _mpServers.serverForIndex(sel);
if (host == "") {
console.warn("No host name for selected MP server " + sel)
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txhost", host);
var port = _mpServers.portForIndex(sel);
if (port == 0) {
port = defaultMPPort;
_config.setProperty("/sim/multiplay/txport", port);
if (callSign.value.length > 0) {
_config.setArg("callsign", callSign.value)
onRestore: {
if (enableMP.checked) {
// only query servers if MP is enabled
// restoration is done by the C++ code
// in MPServersModel::restoreMPServerSelection
onSave: {
saveSetting("mp-server", _mpServers.serverForIndex(mpServer.selectedIndex));
summary: enableMP.checked ? "multi-player;" : ""