Group like triangles together for output to be in a single display list, even though they are individual, non-fanified, triangles.
421 lines
12 KiB
421 lines
12 KiB
// genobj.hxx -- Generate the flight gear "obj" file format from the
// triangle output
// Written by Curtis Olson, started March 1999.
// Copyright (C) 1999 Curtis L. Olson -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
// (Log is kept at end of this file)
#include <time.h>
#include <Math/mat3.h>
#include <Polygon/names.hxx>
#include <Tools/scenery_version.hxx>
#include "genobj.hxx"
// build the wgs-84 point list
void FGGenOutput::gen_wgs84_points( const FGArray& array ) {
cout << "calculating wgs84 point" << endl;
Point3D geod, radians, cart;
const_point_list_iterator current = geod_nodes.begin();
const_point_list_iterator last = geod_nodes.end();
double real_z;
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
geod = *current;
real_z = array.interpolate_altitude( geod.x() * 3600.0,
geod.y() * 3600.0 );
// convert to radians
radians = Point3D( geod.x() * DEG_TO_RAD,
geod.y() * DEG_TO_RAD,
real_z );
cart = fgGeodToCart(radians);
// cout << cart << endl;
// build the node -> element (triangle) reverse lookup table. there
// is an entry for each point containing a list of all the triangles
// that share that point.
void FGGenOutput::gen_node_ele_lookup_table() {
belongs_to ele_list;
ele_list.erase( ele_list.begin(), ele_list.end() );
// initialize reverse_ele_lookup structure by creating an empty
// list for each point
const_point_list_iterator w_current = wgs84_nodes.begin();
const_point_list_iterator w_last = wgs84_nodes.end();
for ( ; w_current != w_last; ++w_current ) {
reverse_ele_lookup.push_back( ele_list );
// traverse triangle structure building reverse lookup table
const_triele_list_iterator current = tri_elements.begin();
const_triele_list_iterator last = tri_elements.end();
int counter = 0;
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n1() ].push_back( counter );
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n2() ].push_back( counter );
reverse_ele_lookup[ current->get_n3() ].push_back( counter );
// caclulate the normal for the specified triangle face
Point3D FGGenOutput::calc_normal( int i ) {
double v1[3], v2[3], normal[3];
double temp;
Point3D p1 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = wgs84_nodes[ tri_elements[i].get_n3() ];
v1[0] = p2.x() - p1.x(); v1[1] = p2.y() - p1.y(); v1[2] = p2.z() - p1.z();
v2[0] = p3.x() - p1.x(); v2[1] = p3.y() - p1.y(); v2[2] = p3.z() - p1.z();
MAT3cross_product(normal, v1, v2);
return Point3D( normal[0], normal[1], normal[2] );
// build the face normal list
void FGGenOutput::gen_face_normals() {
// traverse triangle structure building the face normal table
cout << "calculating face normals" << endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)tri_elements.size(); i++ ) {
// cout << calc_normal( i ) << endl;
face_normals.push_back( calc_normal( i ) );
// calculate the normals for each point in wgs84_nodes
void FGGenOutput::gen_normals() {
Point3D normal;
cout << "caculating node normals" << endl;
// for each node
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)wgs84_nodes.size(); ++i ) {
belongs_to tri_list = reverse_ele_lookup[i];
belongs_to_iterator current = tri_list.begin();
belongs_to_iterator last = tri_list.end();
Point3D average( 0.0 );
// for each triangle that shares this node
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
normal = face_normals[ *current ];
average += normal;
// cout << normal << endl;
average /= tri_list.size();
// cout << "average = " << average << endl;
point_normals.push_back( average );
// calculate the global bounding sphere. Center is the average of the
// points.
void FGGenOutput::calc_gbs() {
double dist_squared;
double radius_squared = 0;
gbs_center = Point3D( 0.0 );
const_point_list_iterator current = wgs84_nodes.begin();
const_point_list_iterator last = wgs84_nodes.end();
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
gbs_center += *current;
gbs_center /= wgs84_nodes.size();
current = wgs84_nodes.begin();
for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
dist_squared = gbs_center.distance3Dsquared(*current);
if ( dist_squared > radius_squared ) {
radius_squared = dist_squared;
gbs_radius = sqrt(radius_squared);
// build the necessary output structures based on the triangulation
// data
int FGGenOutput::build( const FGArray& array, const FGTriangle& t ) {
FGTriNodes trinodes = t.get_out_nodes();
// copy the geodetic node list into this class
geod_nodes = trinodes.get_node_list();
// copy the triangle list into this class
tri_elements = t.get_elelist();
// generate the point list in wgs-84 coordinates
gen_wgs84_points( array );
// calculate the global bounding sphere
cout << "center = " << gbs_center << " radius = " << gbs_radius << endl;
// build the node -> element (triangle) reverse lookup table
// build the face normal list
// calculate the normals for each point in wgs84_nodes
return 1;
// caclulate the bounding sphere for a list of triangle faces
void FGGenOutput::calc_group_bounding_sphere( const triele_list& tris,
Point3D *center, double *radius )
cout << "calculate group bounding sphere for " << tris.size() << " tris."
<< endl;
// generate a list of unique points from the triangle list
FGTriNodes nodes;
const_triele_list_iterator t_current = tris.begin();
const_triele_list_iterator t_last = tris.end();
for ( ; t_current != t_last; ++t_current ) {
Point3D p1 = wgs84_nodes[ t_current->get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = wgs84_nodes[ t_current->get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = wgs84_nodes[ t_current->get_n3() ];
// find average of point list
Point3D c( 0.0 );
point_list points = nodes.get_node_list();
cout << "found " << points.size() << " unique nodes" << endl;
point_list_iterator p_current = points.begin();
point_list_iterator p_last = points.end();
for ( ; p_current != p_last; ++p_current ) {
c += *p_current;
c /= points.size();
// find max radius
double dist_squared;
double max_squared = 0;
p_current = points.begin();
p_last = points.end();
for ( ; p_current != p_last; ++p_current ) {
dist_squared = c.distance3Dsquared(*p_current);
if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) {
max_squared = dist_squared;
*center = c;
*radius = sqrt(max_squared);
// caclulate the bounding sphere for the specified triangle face
void FGGenOutput::calc_bounding_sphere( const FGTriEle& t,
Point3D *center, double *radius )
Point3D c( 0.0 );
Point3D p1 = wgs84_nodes[ t.get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = wgs84_nodes[ t.get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = wgs84_nodes[ t.get_n3() ];
c = p1 + p2 + p3;
c /= 3;
double dist_squared;
double max_squared = 0;
dist_squared = c.distance3Dsquared(p1);
if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) {
max_squared = dist_squared;
dist_squared = c.distance3Dsquared(p2);
if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) {
max_squared = dist_squared;
dist_squared = c.distance3Dsquared(p3);
if ( dist_squared > max_squared ) {
max_squared = dist_squared;
*center = c;
*radius = sqrt(max_squared);
// write out the fgfs scenery file
int FGGenOutput::write( const string& base, const FGBucket& b ) {
Point3D p;
string dir = base + "/Scenery/" + b.gen_base_path();
string command = "mkdir -p " + dir;
string file = dir + "/" + b.gen_index_str();
cout << "Output file = " << file << endl;
FILE *fp;
if ( (fp = fopen( file.c_str(), "w" )) == NULL ) {
cout << "ERROR: opening " << file << " for writing!" << endl;
// write headers
fprintf(fp, "# FGFS Scenery Version %s\n", FG_SCENERY_FILE_FORMAT);
time_t calendar_time = time(NULL);
struct tm *local_tm;
local_tm = localtime( &calendar_time );
char time_str[256];
strftime( time_str, 256, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", local_tm);
fprintf(fp, "# Created %s\n", time_str );
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// write global bounding sphere
fprintf(fp, "# gbs %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f\n",
gbs_center.x(), gbs_center.y(), gbs_center.z(), gbs_radius);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// write nodes
fprintf(fp, "# vertex list\n");
const_point_list_iterator w_current = wgs84_nodes.begin();
const_point_list_iterator w_last = wgs84_nodes.end();
for ( ; w_current != w_last; ++w_current ) {
p = *w_current - gbs_center;
fprintf(fp, "v %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// write vertex normals
fprintf(fp, "# vertex normal list\n");
const_point_list_iterator n_current = point_normals.begin();
const_point_list_iterator n_last = point_normals.end();
for ( ; n_current != n_last; ++n_current ) {
p = *n_current;
fprintf(fp, "vn %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// write triangles (grouped by type for now)
Point3D center;
double radius;
fprintf(fp, "# triangle list\n");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
for ( int i = 0; i < FG_MAX_AREA_TYPES; ++i ) {
triele_list area_tris;
area_tris.erase( area_tris.begin(), area_tris.end() );
const_triele_list_iterator t_current = tri_elements.begin();
const_triele_list_iterator t_last = tri_elements.end();
for ( ; t_current != t_last; ++t_current ) {
if ( (int)t_current->get_attribute() == i ) {
area_tris.push_back( *t_current );
if ( (int)area_tris.size() > 0 ) {
string attr_name = get_area_name( (AreaType)i );
calc_group_bounding_sphere( area_tris, ¢er, &radius );
cout << "writing " << (int)area_tris.size() << " faces for "
<< attr_name << endl;
fprintf(fp, "# usemtl %s\n", attr_name.c_str() );
fprintf(fp, "# bs %.4f %.4f %.4f %.2f\n",
center.x(), center.y(), center.z(), radius);
triele_list_iterator a_current = area_tris.begin();
triele_list_iterator a_last = area_tris.end();
for ( ; a_current != a_last; ++a_current ) {
fprintf( fp, "f %d %d %d\n",
a_current->get_n3() );
fprintf( fp, "\n" );
command = "gzip --force --best " + file;
return 1;
// $Log$
// Revision 1.5 1999/03/27 14:06:42 curt
// Tweaks to bounding sphere calculation routines.
// Group like triangles together for output to be in a single display list,
// even though they are individual, non-fanified, triangles.
// Revision 1.4 1999/03/27 05:23:22 curt
// Interpolate real z value of all nodes from dem data.
// Write scenery file to correct location.
// Pass along correct triangle attributes and write to output file.
// Revision 1.3 1999/03/25 19:04:21 curt
// Preparations for outputing scenery file to correct location.
// Revision 1.2 1999/03/23 22:02:03 curt
// Worked on creating data to output ... normals, bounding spheres, etc.
// Revision 1.1 1999/03/22 23:51:51 curt
// Initial revision.