At the moment, this is dead code: only the tests are compiled. FG is still compiled without this code. A new directory is created that contains all the numerical computations made to estimate the wake induced by AI aircrafts. This is based on the venerable Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) which was all the rage in the 60's Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Even though quite old, the method is relevant to compute aircrafts wake in real time since 3D Navier-Stokes (NS3D) is out of reach for real time computations even with modern multicore personal computers and their GPUs.
58 lines
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58 lines
1.8 KiB
struct Globals {
Globals(void) { root.getNode("environment/density-slugft3", true); }
SGPropertyNode* get_props(void) { return &root; }
SGPropertyNode root;
struct PerformanceData {
double _span, _chord, _weight;
PerformanceData(double s, double c, double w)
: _span(s), _chord(c), _weight(w) {}
double wingSpan(void) const { return _span; }
double wingChord(void) const { return _chord; }
double weight(void) const { return _weight; }
class FGAIAircraft {
explicit FGAIAircraft(int id)
: _id(id), _pos(SGVec3d::zeros()), _heading(0.0), _pitch(0.0),
_vel(0.0), _perf(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) {}
void setPosition(const SGVec3d& pos) { _pos = pos; }
void setOrientation(double heading, double pitch)
_heading = heading;
_pitch = pitch;
void setGeom(double s, double c, double w)
_perf._span = s;
_perf._chord = c;
_perf._weight = w;
void setVelocity(double v) { _vel = v; }
const SGVec3d& getCartPos(void) const { return _pos; }
double _getHeading(void) const { return _heading; }
double getPitch(void) const { return _pitch; }
int getID(void) const { return _id; }
PerformanceData* getPerformance(void) { return &_perf; }
std::string getAcType(void) const { return "The AC type"; }
std::string _getName(void) const { return "The AC name"; }
double getSpeed(void) const { return _vel * SG_FPS_TO_KT; }
double getVerticalSpeed(void) const { return 0.0; }
double getAltitude(void) const { return 3000.; }
double getRoll(void) const { return 0.0; }
int _id;
SGVec3d _pos;
double _heading, _pitch, _vel;
PerformanceData _perf;
extern Globals* globals;