Fork 0
ehofman 029dda3297 In the process of changing, adding and removing files the last few years
there was the situation where four directories contained jst two files,
of which three directories were aircraft related, and one directory contained
test code from Curt that might be better of in SimGear anyhow.

This is just a patch to move a bunch of files to new locations. In case of
local changes to any of them you can do the following:

move replay.[ch]xx from src/Replay to src/Aircraft
move control.[ch]xx from src/Control to src/Aircraft
move ssgEntityArray.[ch]xx from src/Objects to simgear/screen

In addition it has been decided only to use .[ch]xx files in all directories
unless it's contained within an FDM specific directory, in which case the
author is free to do whatever (s)he wants.

In this repspect the following files have been renamed in src/Multiplayer:

tiny_xdr.[ch]pp has become tiny_xdr.[ch]xx
multiplaymgr.[ch]pp has become multiplaymgr.[ch]xx
2005-11-01 13:41:49 +00:00

259 lines
10 KiB

// opengc.cxx - Network interface program to send data to display processor over LAN
// Created by: J. Wojnaroski -- castle@mminternet.com
// Date: 21 Nov 2001
// Extended from original network code developed by C. Olson
// Modified 12/02/01 - Update engine structure for multi-engine models
// - Added data preamble to id msg types
// Modified 01/23/02 - Converted portions of the Engine and Gear accesssors to properties
// - Removed data from navigation functions. OpenGC provides own nav functions
// Modified 03/05/03 - Modified to reduce need to search property tree for each node per frame
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/iochannel.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include "opengc.hxx"
#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
FGOpenGC::FGOpenGC() :
press_node(fgGetNode("/environment/pressure-inhg", true)),
temp_node(fgGetNode("/environment/temperature-degc", true)),
wind_dir_node(fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg", true)),
wind_speed_node(fgGetNode("/environment/wind-speed-kt", true)),
mag_var_node(fgGetNode("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg", true)),
p_latitude(fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true)),
p_longitude(fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true)),
p_alt_node(fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true)),
p_altitude(fgGetNode("/steam/altitude-ft", true)),
p_altitude_agl(fgGetNode("/position/altitude-agl-ft", true)),
egt0_node(fgGetNode("/engines/engine/egt-degf", true)),
egt1_node(fgGetNode("/engines/engine[1]/egt-degf", true)),
egt2_node(fgGetNode("/engines/engine[2]/egt-degf", true)),
egt3_node(fgGetNode("/engines/engine[3]/egt-degf", true)),
p_left_aileron(fgGetNode("surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm", true)),
p_right_aileron(fgGetNode("surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm", true)),
p_elevator(fgGetNode("surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm", true)),
p_elevator_trim(fgGetNode("surface-positions/elevator_trim-pos-norm", true)),
p_rudder(fgGetNode("surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm", true)),
p_flaps(fgGetNode("surface-positions/flap-pos-norm", true)),
p_flaps_cmd(fgGetNode("/controls/flaps", true)),
p_alphadot(fgGetNode("/fdm/jsbsim/aero/alphadot-radsec", true)),
p_betadot(fgGetNode("/fdm/jsbsim/aero/betadot-radsec", true))
FGOpenGC::~FGOpenGC() {
// open hailing frequencies
bool FGOpenGC::open() {
if ( is_enabled() ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "This shouldn't happen, but the channel "
<< "is already in use, ignoring" );
return false;
SGIOChannel *io = get_io_channel();
if ( ! io->open( get_direction() ) ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Error opening channel communication layer." );
return false;
set_enabled( true );
return true;
//static void collect_data( const FGInterface *fdm, ogcFGData *data ) {
void FGOpenGC::collect_data( const FGInterface *fdm, ogcFGData *data ) {
data->version_id = OGC_VERSION;
data->longitude = p_longitude->getDoubleValue();
data->latitude = p_latitude->getDoubleValue();
data->elevation = p_alt_node->getDoubleValue();
data->magvar = mag_var_node->getDoubleValue();
//cout << "ID: " << OGC_VERSION << " Lon: " << data->longitude << " Lat: " << data->latitude << endl;
data->pitch = cur_fdm_state->get_Theta_deg();
data->bank = cur_fdm_state->get_Phi_deg();
data->heading = cur_fdm_state->get_Psi_deg();
data->altitude = p_altitude->getDoubleValue();
data->altitude_agl = p_altitude_agl->getDoubleValue();
data->v_kcas = cur_fdm_state->get_V_calibrated_kts();
data->vvi = cur_fdm_state->get_Climb_Rate();
data->mach = cur_fdm_state->get_Mach_number();
data->groundspeed = cur_fdm_state->get_V_ground_speed();
data->v_keas = cur_fdm_state->get_V_equiv_kts();
data->phi_dot = cur_fdm_state->get_Phi_dot();
data->theta_dot = cur_fdm_state->get_Theta_dot();
data->psi_dot = cur_fdm_state->get_Psi_dot();
data->alpha = cur_fdm_state->get_Alpha();
data->beta = cur_fdm_state->get_Beta();
data->alpha_dot = p_alphadot->getDoubleValue();
data->beta_dot = p_betadot->getDoubleValue();
//data->rudder_trim = p_Controls->get_rudder_trim();
data->left_aileron = p_left_aileron->getDoubleValue();
data->right_aileron = p_right_aileron->getDoubleValue();
data->elevator = p_elevator->getDoubleValue();
data->elevator_trim = p_elevator_trim->getDoubleValue();
data->rudder = p_rudder->getDoubleValue();
data->flaps = p_flaps->getDoubleValue();
data->flaps_cmd = p_flaps_cmd->getDoubleValue();
data->gear_nose = fgGetDouble("gear/gear[0]/position-norm");
data->gear_left = fgGetDouble("gear/gear[1]/position-norm");
data->gear_right = fgGetDouble("gear/gear[2]/position-norm");
data->gear_left_rear = fgGetDouble("gear/gear[3]/position-norm");
data->gear_right_rear = fgGetDouble("gear/gear[4]/position-norm");
data->rpm[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/rpm");
data->rpm[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/rpm");
data->epr[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/epr");
data->epr[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/epr");
data->epr[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/epr");
data->epr[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/epr");
data->egt[0] = (egt0_node->getDoubleValue() - 32.0) * 0.555;
data->egt[1] = (egt1_node->getDoubleValue() - 32.0) * 0.555;
data->egt[2] = (egt2_node->getDoubleValue() - 32.0) * 0.555;
data->egt[3] = (egt3_node->getDoubleValue() - 32.0) * 0.555;
data->n2_turbine[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/n2");
data->n2_turbine[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/n2");
data->n2_turbine[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/n2");
data->n2_turbine[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/n2");
data->n1_turbine[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/n1");
data->n1_turbine[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/n1");
data->n1_turbine[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/n1");
data->n1_turbine[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/n1");
// the units for turbine engines is lbs/hr divide by 6.5 to convert to gph if piston type
data->fuel_flow[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/fuel-flow-gph");
data->fuel_flow[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/fuel-flow-gph");
data->fuel_flow[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/fuel-flow-gph");
data->fuel_flow[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/fuel-flow-gph");
data->oil_pressure[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/oil-pressure-psi");
data->oil_pressure[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/oil-pressure-psi");
data->oil_pressure[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/oil-pressure-psi");
data->oil_pressure[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/oil-pressure-psi");
data->oil_temp[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/OilTemp_degK");
data->oil_temp[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/OilTemp_degK");
data->oil_temp[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/OilTemp_degK");
data->oil_temp[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/OilTemp_degK");
// dummy value to fill data packet
data->oil_quantity[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/oil-quantity");
data->oil_quantity[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/oil-quantity");
data->oil_quantity[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/oil-quantity");
data->oil_quantity[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/oil-quantity");
data->oil_quantity[0] = 40.3; data->oil_quantity[1] = 44.6;
data->hyd_pressure[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/hyd-pressure-psi");
data->hyd_pressure[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/hyd-pressure-psi");
data->hyd_pressure[2] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[2]/hyd-pressure-psi");
data->hyd_pressure[3] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[3]/hyd-pressure-psi");
data->hyd_pressure[0] = 3215.0; data->hyd_pressure[1] = 3756.0;
data->man_pressure[0] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[0]/mp-osi");
data->man_pressure[1] = fgGetDouble("/engines/engine[1]/mp-osi");
data->tank[0] = fgGetDouble("/consumables/fuel/tank[2]/level-gal_us") * 6.6;
data->tank[1] = fgGetDouble("/consumables/fuel/tank/level-gal_us") * 6.6;
data->tank[2] = fgGetDouble("/consumables/fuel/tank[1]/level-gal_us") * 6.6;
//data->tank[0] = 3000.0;
//data->tank[1] = 9800.0;
//data->tank[2] = 9800.0;
data->total_temperature = cur_fdm_state->get_Total_temperature();
data->total_pressure = cur_fdm_state->get_Total_pressure();
data->dynamic_pressure = cur_fdm_state->get_Dynamic_pressure();
data->static_pressure = press_node->getDoubleValue();
data->static_temperature = temp_node->getDoubleValue();
data->wind = wind_speed_node->getDoubleValue();
data->wind_dir = wind_dir_node->getDoubleValue();
static void distribute_data( const ogcFGData *data, FGInterface *chunk ) {
// just a place holder until the CDU is developed
// process work for this port
bool FGOpenGC::process() {
SGIOChannel *io = get_io_channel();
int length = sizeof(buf);
if ( get_direction() == SG_IO_OUT ) {
collect_data( cur_fdm_state, &buf );
//collect_data( &buf );
if ( ! io->write( (char *)(& buf), length ) ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_WARN, "Error writing data." );
return false;
} else if ( get_direction() == SG_IO_IN ) {
if ( io->get_type() == sgFileType ) {
if ( io->read( (char *)(& buf), length ) == length ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_DEBUG, "Success reading data." );
distribute_data( &buf, cur_fdm_state );
} else {
while ( io->read( (char *)(& buf), length ) == length ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_DEBUG, "Success reading data." );
distribute_data( &buf, cur_fdm_state );
return true;
// close the channel
bool FGOpenGC::close() {
SGIOChannel *io = get_io_channel();
set_enabled( false );
if ( ! io->close() ) {
return false;
return true;