Fork 0
James Turner a9a49bc2e6 Unboosting files
Use simgear::strutils replacements in places, C++11 features in others
2019-02-04 15:20:22 +00:00

590 lines
19 KiB

Encode an ATIS into spoken words
Copyright (C) 2014 Torsten Dreyer
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "ATISEncoder.hxx"
#include <Airports/dynamics.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/locale.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using simgear::PropertyList;
static string NO_ATIS("nil");
static string EMPTY("");
#define SPACE append(1,' ')
std::string ATCSpeech::getSpokenDigit( int i )
string key = "n" + std::to_string(i);
return globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString(key.c_str(), "atc", "" );
string ATCSpeech::getSpokenNumber( string number )
string result;
for( string::iterator it = number.begin(); it != number.end(); ++it ) {
if( false == result.empty() )
result.append( getSpokenDigit( (*it) - '0' ));
return result;
string ATCSpeech::getSpokenNumber( int number, bool leadingZero, int digits )
string_list spokenDigits;
bool negative = false;
if( number < 0 ) {
negative = true;
number = -number;
int n = 0;
while( number > 0 ) {
spokenDigits.push_back( getSpokenDigit(number%10) );
number /= 10;
if( digits > 0 ) {
while( n++ < digits ) {
spokenDigits.push_back( getSpokenDigit(0) );
string result;
if( negative ) {
result.append( globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("minus", "atc", "minus" ) );
while( false == spokenDigits.empty() ) {
if( false == result.empty() )
result.append( spokenDigits.back() );
return result;
string ATCSpeech::getSpokenAltitude( int altitude )
string result;
int thousands = altitude / 1000;
int hundrets = (altitude % 1000) / 100;
if( thousands > 0 ) {
result.append( getSpokenNumber(thousands) );
result.append( getSpokenDigit(1000) );
if( hundrets > 0 )
result.append( getSpokenNumber(hundrets) )
.append( getSpokenDigit(100) );
return result;
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "text", &ATISEncoder::processTextToken ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "token", &ATISEncoder::processTokenToken ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "if", &ATISEncoder::processIfToken ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "section", &ATISEncoder::processTokens ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "id", &ATISEncoder::getAtisId ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "airport-name", &ATISEncoder::getAirportName ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "time", &ATISEncoder::getTime ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "approach-type", &ATISEncoder::getApproachType ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "rwy-land", &ATISEncoder::getLandingRunway ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "rwy-to", &ATISEncoder::getTakeoffRunway ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "transition-level", &ATISEncoder::getTransitionLevel ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "wind-dir", &ATISEncoder::getWindDirection ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "wind-from", &ATISEncoder::getWindMinDirection ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "wind-to", &ATISEncoder::getWindMaxDirection ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "wind-speed-kn", &ATISEncoder::getWindspeedKnots ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "gusts", &ATISEncoder::getGustsKnots ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "visibility-metric", &ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMetric ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "visibility-miles", &ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMiles ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "phenomena", &ATISEncoder::getPhenomena ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "clouds", &ATISEncoder::getClouds ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "clouds-brief", &ATISEncoder::getCloudsBrief ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "cavok", &ATISEncoder::getCavok ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "temperature-deg", &ATISEncoder::getTemperatureDeg ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "dewpoint-deg", &ATISEncoder::getDewpointDeg ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "qnh", &ATISEncoder::getQnh ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "inhg", &ATISEncoder::getInhg ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "inhg-integer", &ATISEncoder::getInhgInteger ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "inhg-fraction", &ATISEncoder::getInhgFraction ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "trend", &ATISEncoder::getTrend ));
SGPropertyNode_ptr findAtisTemplate( const std::string & stationId, SGPropertyNode_ptr atisSchemaNode )
using simgear::strutils::starts_with;
SGPropertyNode_ptr atisTemplate;
PropertyList schemaNodes = atisSchemaNode->getChildren("atis-schema");
for( PropertyList::iterator asit = schemaNodes.begin(); asit != schemaNodes.end(); ++asit ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr ppp = (*asit)->getNode("station-starts-with", false );
atisTemplate = (*asit)->getNode("atis", false );
if( false == atisTemplate.valid() ) continue; // no <atis> node - ignore entry
PropertyList startsWithNodes = (*asit)->getChildren("station-starts-with");
for( PropertyList::iterator swit = startsWithNodes.begin(); swit != startsWithNodes.end(); ++swit ) {
if( starts_with( stationId, (*swit)->getStringValue() ) ) {
return atisTemplate;
return atisTemplate;
string ATISEncoder::encodeATIS( ATISInformationProvider * atisInformation )
using simgear::strutils::lowercase;
if( false == atisInformation->isValid() ) return NO_ATIS;
airport = FGAirport::getByIdent( atisInformation->airportId() );
if( false == airport.valid() ) {
SG_LOG( SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "ATISEncoder: unknown airport id " << atisInformation->airportId() );
return NO_ATIS;
_atis = atisInformation;
// lazily load the schema file on the first call
if( false == atisSchemaNode.valid() ) {
atisSchemaNode = new SGPropertyNode();
SGPath path = globals->resolve_maybe_aircraft_path("ATC/atis.xml");
readProperties( path, atisSchemaNode );
catch (const sg_exception& e)
SG_LOG( SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ATISEncoder: Failed to load atis schema definition: " << e.getMessage());
return NO_ATIS;
string stationId = lowercase( airport->ident() );
SGPropertyNode_ptr atisTemplate = findAtisTemplate( stationId, atisSchemaNode );;
if( false == atisTemplate.valid() ) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "no matching atis template for station " << stationId );
return NO_ATIS; // no template for this station!?
return processTokens( atisTemplate );
string ATISEncoder::processTokens( SGPropertyNode_ptr node )
string result;
if( node.valid() ) {
for( int i = 0; i < node->nChildren(); i++ ) {
result.append(processToken( node->getChild(i) ));
return result;
string ATISEncoder::processToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr token )
HandlerMap::iterator it = handlerMap.find( token->getName());
if( it == handlerMap.end() ) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "ATISEncoder: unknown token: " << token->getName() );
return EMPTY;
handler_t h = it->second;
return (this->*h)( token );
string ATISEncoder::processTextToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr token )
return token->getStringValue();
string ATISEncoder::processTokenToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr token )
HandlerMap::iterator it = handlerMap.find( token->getStringValue());
if( it == handlerMap.end() ) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "ATISEncoder: unknown token: " << token->getStringValue() );
return EMPTY;
handler_t h = it->second;
return (this->*h)( token );
string ATISEncoder::processIfToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr token )
using namespace simgear::strutils;
SGPropertyNode_ptr n;
if( (n = token->getChild("empty", false )).valid() ) {
return checkEmptyCondition( n, true) ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-empty", false )).valid() ) {
return checkEmptyCondition( n, false) ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("contains", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, true, &contains, "contains") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-contains", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, false, &contains, "not-contains") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("ends-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, true, &ends_with, "ends-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-ends-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, false, &ends_with, "not-ends-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("equals", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, true, &equals, "equals") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-equals", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, false, &equals, "not-equals") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("starts-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, true, &starts_with, "starts-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-starts-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, false, &starts_with, "not-starts-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "ATISEncoder: no valid token found for <if> element" );
return EMPTY;
bool ATISEncoder::checkEmptyCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool isEmpty )
SGPropertyNode_ptr n1 = node->getNode( "token", false );
if( false == n1.valid() ) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "missing <token> node for (not)-empty" );
return false;
return processToken( n1 ).empty() == isEmpty;
bool ATISEncoder::checkCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool notInverted,
bool (*fp)(const string &, const string &), const string &name )
using namespace simgear::strutils;
SGPropertyNode_ptr n1 = node->getNode( "token", 0, false );
SGPropertyNode_ptr n2 = node->getNode( "token", 1, false );
if( n1.valid() && n2.valid() ) {
bool comp = fp( processToken( n1 ), processToken( n2 ) );
return comp == notInverted;
if( n1.valid() && !n2.valid() ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr t1 = node->getNode( "text", 0, false );
if( t1.valid() ) {
string n1s = lowercase( strip( processToken( n1 ) ) );
string t1s = lowercase( strip( processTextToken( t1 ) ) );
return fp( n1s, t1s ) == notInverted;
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "missing <token> or <text> node for " << name);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "missing <token> node for " << name);
return false;
string ATISEncoder::getAtisId( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
FGAirportDynamics * dynamics = airport->getDynamics();
if( NULL != dynamics ) {
dynamics->updateAtisSequence( 30*60, false );
return dynamics->getAtisSequence();
return EMPTY;
string ATISEncoder::getAirportName( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return airport->getName();
string ATISEncoder::getTime( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getTime() % (100*100), true, 4 );
static inline FGRunwayRef findBestRunwayForWind( FGAirportRef airport, int windDeg, int windKt )
struct FGAirport::FindBestRunwayForHeadingParams p;
//TODO: ramp down the heading weight with wind speed
p.ilsWeight = 4;
return airport->findBestRunwayForHeading( windDeg, &p );
string ATISEncoder::getApproachType( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
FGRunwayRef runway = findBestRunwayForWind( airport, _atis->getWindDeg(), _atis->getWindSpeedKt() );
if( runway.valid() ) {
if( NULL != runway->ILS() ) return globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("ils", "atc", "ils" );
//TODO: any chance to find other approach types? localizer-dme, vor-dme, vor, ndb?
return globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("visual", "atc", "visual" );
string ATISEncoder::getLandingRunway( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
FGRunwayRef runway = findBestRunwayForWind( airport, _atis->getWindDeg(), _atis->getWindSpeedKt() );
if( runway.valid() ) {
string runwayIdent = runway->ident();
if(runwayIdent != "NN") {
return getSpokenNumber(runwayIdent);
return EMPTY;
string ATISEncoder::getTakeoffRunway( SGPropertyNode_ptr p )
//TODO: if the airport has more than one runway, probably pick another one?
return getLandingRunway( p );
string ATISEncoder::getTransitionLevel( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
double hPa = _atis->getQnh();
/* Transition level is the flight level above which aircraft must use standard pressure and below
* which airport pressure settings must be used.
* Following definitions are taken from German ATIS:
* QNH <= 977 hPa: TRL 80
* QNH <= 1013 hPa: TRL 70
* QNH > 1013 hPa: TRL 60
* (maybe differs slightly for other countries...)
int tl;
if (hPa <= 978) {
tl = 80;
} else if( hPa > 978 && hPa <= 1013 ) {
tl = 70;
} else if( hPa > 1013 && hPa <= 1046 ) {
tl = 60;
} else {
tl = 50;
// add an offset to the transition level for high altitude airports (just guessing here,
// seems reasonable)
int e = int(airport->getElevation() / 1000.0);
if (e >= 3) {
// TL steps in 10(00)ft
tl += (e-2)*10;
return getSpokenNumber(tl);
string ATISEncoder::getWindDirection( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string variable = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("variable", "atc", "variable" );
bool vrb = _atis->getWindMinDeg() == 0 && _atis->getWindMaxDeg() == 359;
return vrb ? variable : getSpokenNumber( _atis->getWindDeg(), true, 3 );
string ATISEncoder::getWindMinDirection( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getWindMinDeg(), true, 3 );
string ATISEncoder::getWindMaxDirection( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getWindMaxDeg(), true, 3 );
string ATISEncoder::getWindspeedKnots( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getWindSpeedKt() );
string ATISEncoder::getGustsKnots( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
int g = _atis->getGustsKt();
return g > 0 ? getSpokenNumber( g ) : EMPTY;
string ATISEncoder::getCavok( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string CAVOK = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("cavok", "atc", "cavok" );
return _atis->isCavok() ? CAVOK : EMPTY;
string ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMetric( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string m = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("meters", "atc", "meters" );
string km = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("kilometers", "atc", "kilometers" );
string or_more = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("ormore", "atc", "or more" );
int v = _atis->getVisibilityMeters();
string reply;
if( v < 5000 ) return reply.append( getSpokenAltitude( v ) ).SPACE.append( m );
if( v >= 9999 ) return reply.append( getSpokenNumber(10) ).SPACE.append( km ).SPACE.append(or_more);
return reply.append( getSpokenNumber( v/1000 ).SPACE.append( km ) );
string ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMiles( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string feet = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("feet", "atc", "feet" );
int v = _atis->getVisibilityMeters();
int vft = int( v * SG_METER_TO_FEET / 100 + 0.5 ) * 100; // Rounded to 100 ft
int vsm = int( v * SG_METER_TO_SM + 0.5 );
string reply;
if( vsm < 1 ) return reply.append( getSpokenAltitude( vft ) ).SPACE.append( feet );
if( vsm >= 10 ) return reply.append( getSpokenNumber(10) );
return reply.append( getSpokenNumber( vsm ) );
string ATISEncoder::getPhenomena( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return _atis->getPhenomena();
string ATISEncoder::getClouds( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string FEET = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("feet", "atc", "feet" );
string reply;
ATISInformationProvider::CloudEntries cloudEntries = _atis->getClouds();
for( ATISInformationProvider::CloudEntries::iterator it = cloudEntries.begin(); it != cloudEntries.end(); it++ ) {
if( false == reply.empty() ) reply.SPACE;
reply.append( it->second ).SPACE.append( getSpokenAltitude(it->first).SPACE.append( FEET ) );
return reply;
string ATISEncoder::getCloudsBrief( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string reply;
ATISInformationProvider::CloudEntries cloudEntries = _atis->getClouds();
for( ATISInformationProvider::CloudEntries::iterator it = cloudEntries.begin(); it != cloudEntries.end(); it++ ) {
if( false == reply.empty() ) reply.append(",").SPACE;
reply.append( it->second ).SPACE.append( getSpokenAltitude(it->first) );
return reply;
string ATISEncoder::getTemperatureDeg( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getTemperatureDeg() );
string ATISEncoder::getDewpointDeg( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getDewpointDeg() );
string ATISEncoder::getQnh( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getQnh() );
string ATISEncoder::getInhgInteger( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
double qnh = _atis->getQnhInHg();
return getSpokenNumber( (int)qnh, true, 2 );
string ATISEncoder::getInhgFraction( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
double qnh = _atis->getQnhInHg();
int f = int(100 * (qnh - int(qnh)) + 0.5);
return getSpokenNumber( f, true, 2 );
string ATISEncoder::getInhg( SGPropertyNode_ptr node)
string DECIMAL = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("dp", "atc", "decimal" );
return getInhgInteger(node)
string ATISEncoder::getTrend( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return _atis->getTrend();