Mesa/3dfx/glide. Added a basic splash screen. Restructured the main loop and top level initialization routines to do this. Hacked in some support for playing a startup mp3 sound file while rest of sim initializes. Currently only works in Unix using the mpg123 player. Waits for the mpg123 player to finish before initializing internal sound drivers.
1388 lines
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1388 lines
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// GLUTmain.cxx -- top level sim routines
// Written by Curtis Olson for OpenGL, started May 1997.
// Copyright (C) 1997 Curtis L. Olson -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
// (Log is kept at end of this file)
# include <config.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include <float.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <XGL/xgl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat() */
# include <unistd.h> /* for stat() */
#include <Include/fg_constants.h> // for VERSION
#include <Include/general.h>
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.h>
#include <Astro/moon.hxx>
#include <Astro/planets.hxx>
#include <Astro/sky.hxx>
#include <Astro/stars.hxx>
#include <Astro/sun.hxx>
# include <Audio/src/sl.h>
# include <Audio/src/sm.h>
#include <Cockpit/cockpit.hxx>
#include <Debug/fg_debug.h>
#include <GUI/gui.h>
#include <Joystick/joystick.h>
#include <Math/fg_geodesy.h>
#include <Math/mat3.h>
#include <Math/polar3d.h>
#include <PUI/pu.h>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <Scenery/tilemgr.hxx>
#include <Time/event.hxx>
#include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
#include <Time/fg_timer.hxx>
#include <Time/sunpos.hxx>
#include <Weather/weather.h>
#include "GLUTkey.hxx"
#include "fg_init.hxx"
#include "options.hxx"
#include "splash.hxx"
#include "views.hxx"
// This is a record containing global housekeeping information
fgGENERAL general;
// Specify our current idle function state. This is used to run all
// our initializations out of the glutIdleLoop() so that we can get a
// splash screen up and running right away.
static idle_state = 0;
// Another hack
int use_signals = 0;
// Global structures for the Audio library
slScheduler audio_sched ( 8000 );
smMixer audio_mixer;
slSample *s1;
slSample *s2;
// The following defines flight gear options. Because glutlib will also
// want to parse its own options, those options must not be included here
// or they will get parsed by the main program option parser. Hence case
// is significant for any option added that might be in conflict with
// glutlib's parser.
// glutlib parses for:
// -display
// -direct (invalid in Win32)
// -geometry
// -gldebug
// -iconized
// -indirect (invalid in Win32)
// -synce
// Note that glutlib depends upon strings while this program's
// option parser wants only initial characters followed by numbers
// or pathnames.
// fgInitVisuals() -- Initialize various GL/view parameters
static void fgInitVisuals( void ) {
fgLIGHT *l;
struct fgWEATHER *w;
l = &cur_light_params;
o = ¤t_options;
w = ¤t_weather;
// Go full screen if requested ...
if ( o->fullscreen ) {
// If enabled, normal vectors specified with glNormal are scaled
// to unit length after transformation. See glNormal.
xglEnable( GL_NORMALIZE );
xglEnable( GL_LIGHTING );
xglEnable( GL_LIGHT0 );
xglLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, l->sun_vec );
// xglFogi (GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR);
xglFogi (GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP2);
// Fog density is now set when the weather system is initialized
// xglFogf (GL_FOG_DENSITY, w->fog_density);
if ( (o->fog == 1) || (o->shading == 0) ) {
// if fastest fog requested, or if flat shading force fastest
} else if ( o->fog == 2 ) {
if ( o->wireframe ) {
// draw wire frame
xglPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
// This is the default anyways, but it can't hurt
xglFrontFace ( GL_CCW );
// Update the view volume, position, and orientation
static void fgUpdateViewParams( void ) {
fgFLIGHT *f;
fgLIGHT *l;
fgVIEW *v;
f = current_aircraft.flight;
l = &cur_light_params;
o = ¤t_options;
v = ¤t_view;
// if (!o->panel_status) {
// xglViewport( 0, (GLint)((v->winHeight) / 2 ) ,
// (GLint)(v->winWidth), (GLint)(v->winHeight) / 2 );
// Tell GL we are about to modify the projection parameters
// xglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
// xglLoadIdentity();
// gluPerspective(o->fov, v->win_ratio / 2.0, 1.0, 100000.0);
// } else {
xglViewport(0, 0 , (GLint)(v->winWidth), (GLint)(v->winHeight) );
// Tell GL we are about to modify the projection parameters
gluPerspective(o->fov, v->win_ratio, 10.0, 100000.0);
// }
// set up our view volume (default)
fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->view_forward[0],
v->view_pos.y + v->view_forward[1],
v->view_pos.z + v->view_forward[2],
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]);
// look almost straight up (testing and eclipse watching)
/* fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->view_up[0] + .001,
v->view_pos.y + v->view_up[1] + .001,
v->view_pos.z + v->view_up[2] + .001,
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]); */
// lock view horizontally towards sun (testing)
/* fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->surface_to_sun[0],
v->view_pos.y + v->surface_to_sun[1],
v->view_pos.z + v->surface_to_sun[2],
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]); */
// lock view horizontally towards south (testing)
/* fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->surface_south[0],
v->view_pos.y + v->surface_south[1],
v->view_pos.z + v->surface_south[2],
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]); */
// set the sun position
xglLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, l->sun_vec );
#ifdef 0
// Draw a basic instrument panel
static void fgUpdateInstrViewParams( void ) {
fgVIEW *v;
v = ¤t_view;
xglViewport(0, 0 , (GLint)(v->winWidth), (GLint)(v->winHeight) / 2);
gluOrtho2D(0, 640, 0, 480);
xglColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
xglColor3f (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
xglVertex2f(0.0, 0.00);
xglVertex2f(0.0, 480.0);
xglVertex2f(640.0, 0.0);
xglRectf(0.0,0.0, 640, 480);
// Update all Visuals (redraws anything graphics related)
static void fgRenderFrame( void ) {
fgLIGHT *l;
fgTIME *t;
fgVIEW *v;
double angle;
GLfloat black[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
GLfloat white[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
GLfloat terrain_color[4] = { 0.54, 0.44, 0.29, 1.0 };
l = &cur_light_params;
o = ¤t_options;
t = &cur_time_params;
v = ¤t_view;
if ( idle_state != 1000 ) {
// still initializing, draw the splash screen
} else {
// idle_state is now 1000 meaning we've finished all our
// initializations and are running the main loop, so this will
// now work without seg faulting the system.
// this is just a temporary hack, to make me understand Pui
timerText -> setLabel (ctime (&t->cur_time));
// end of hack
// update view volume parameters
if ( o->skyblend ) {
glClearColor(black[0], black[1], black[2], black[3]);
} else {
glClearColor(l->sky_color[0], l->sky_color[1],
l->sky_color[2], l->sky_color[3]);
// Tell GL we are switching to model view parameters
// xglLoadIdentity();
// draw sky
xglDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
xglDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
xglDisable( GL_CULL_FACE );
xglDisable( GL_FOG );
xglShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
if ( o->skyblend ) {
// setup transformation for drawing astronomical objects
// Translate to view position
xglTranslatef( v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z );
// Rotate based on gst (sidereal time)
// note: constant should be 15.041085, Curt thought it was 15
angle = t->gst * 15.041085;
// printf("Rotating astro objects by %.2f degrees\n",angle);
xglRotatef( angle, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
// draw stars and planets
// draw the sun
// render the moon
xglEnable( GL_LIGHTING );
// set lighting parameters
xglLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, white );
xglLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, white );
xglEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
// Let's try some blending technique's (Durk)
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
// draw scenery
if ( o->shading ) {
xglShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
} else {
xglShadeModel( GL_FLAT );
xglEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
if ( o->fog > 0 ) {
xglEnable( GL_FOG );
xglFogfv (GL_FOG_COLOR, l->fog_color);
// set lighting parameters
xglLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, l->scene_ambient );
xglLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, l->scene_diffuse );
if ( o->textures ) {
// texture parameters
xglEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
// set base color (I don't think this is doing anything here)
xglMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, white);
xglMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, white);
} else {
xglDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
xglMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, terrain_color);
xglMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, terrain_color);
// xglMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, white);
// xglMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, white);
xglDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
// display HUD && Panel
// display instruments
// if (!o->panel_status) {
// fgUpdateInstrViewParams();
// }
// Update internal time dependent calculations (i.e. flight model)
void fgUpdateTimeDepCalcs(int multi_loop) {
fgFLIGHT *f;
fgTIME *t;
fgVIEW *v;
int i;
f = current_aircraft.flight;
t = &cur_time_params;
v = ¤t_view;
// update the flight model
if ( multi_loop < 0 ) {
// printf("updating flight model x %d\n", multi_loop);
fgFlightModelUpdate(FG_LARCSIM, f, multi_loop);
// update the view angle
for ( i = 0; i < multi_loop; i++ ) {
if ( fabs(v->goal_view_offset - v->view_offset) < 0.05 ) {
v->view_offset = v->goal_view_offset;
} else {
// move v->view_offset towards v->goal_view_offset
if ( v->goal_view_offset > v->view_offset ) {
if ( v->goal_view_offset - v->view_offset < FG_PI ) {
v->view_offset += 0.01;
} else {
v->view_offset -= 0.01;
} else {
if ( v->view_offset - v->goal_view_offset < FG_PI ) {
v->view_offset -= 0.01;
} else {
v->view_offset += 0.01;
if ( v->view_offset > FG_2PI ) {
v->view_offset -= FG_2PI;
} else if ( v->view_offset < 0 ) {
v->view_offset += FG_2PI;
void fgInitTimeDepCalcs( void ) {
// initialize timer
fgTimerInit( 1.0 / DEFAULT_TIMER_HZ, fgUpdateTimeDepCalcs );
// What should we do when we have nothing else to do? Let's get ready
// for the next move and update the display?
static void fgMainLoop( void ) {
fgFLIGHT *f;
fgTIME *t;
static int remainder = 0;
int elapsed, multi_loop;
double cur_elev;
int i;
double accum;
// double joy_x, joy_y;
// int joy_b1, joy_b2;
a = ¤t_aircraft;
f = a->flight;
g = &general;
t = &cur_time_params;
fgPrintf( FG_ALL, FG_DEBUG, "Running Main Loop\n");
fgPrintf( FG_ALL, FG_DEBUG, "======= ==== ====\n");
// update "time"
fgTimeUpdate(f, t);
// Read joystick
/* fgJoystickRead( &joy_x, &joy_y, &joy_b1, &joy_b2 );
printf( "Joystick X %f Y %f B1 %d B2 %d\n",
joy_x, joy_y, joy_b1, joy_b2 );
fgElevSet( -joy_y );
fgAileronSet( joy_x ); */
// Get elapsed time for this past frame
elapsed = fgGetTimeInterval();
fgPrintf( FG_ALL, FG_BULK,
"Time interval is = %d, previous remainder is = %d\n",
elapsed, remainder);
// Calculate frame rate average
if ( elapsed > 0.0 ) {
accum = 0.0;
for ( i = FG_FRAME_RATE_HISTORY - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
accum += g->frames[i];
// printf("frame[%d] = %.2f\n", i, g->frames[i]);
g->frames[i+1] = g->frames[i];
g->frames[0] = 1000.0 / (float)elapsed;
// printf("frame[0] = %.2f\n", g->frames[0]);
accum += g->frames[0];
g->frame_rate = accum / (float)FG_FRAME_RATE_HISTORY;
// printf("ave = %.2f\n", g->frame_rate);
// Calculate model iterations needed for next frame
fgPrintf( FG_ALL, FG_DEBUG,
"--> Frame rate is = %.2f\n", g->frame_rate);
elapsed += remainder;
multi_loop = (int)(((float)elapsed * 0.001) * DEFAULT_MODEL_HZ);
remainder = elapsed - ((multi_loop*1000) / DEFAULT_MODEL_HZ);
fgPrintf( FG_ALL, FG_BULK,
"Model iterations needed = %d, new remainder = %d\n",
multi_loop, remainder);
// Run flight model
if ( ! use_signals ) {
// flight model
// I'm just sticking this here for now, it should probably move
// eventually
/* cur_elev = mesh_altitude(FG_Longitude * RAD_TO_ARCSEC,
FG_Latitude * RAD_TO_ARCSEC); */
// there is no ground collision detection really, so for now I
// just hard code the ground elevation to be 0 */
cur_elev = 0;
// printf("Ground elevation is %.2f meters here.\n", cur_elev);
// FG_Runway_altitude = cur_elev * METER_TO_FEET;
if ( FG_Altitude * FEET_TO_METER < cur_elev + 3.758099) {
// set this here, otherwise if we set runway height above our
// current height we get a really nasty bounce.
FG_Runway_altitude = FG_Altitude - 3.758099;
// now set aircraft altitude above ground
FG_Altitude = cur_elev * METER_TO_FEET + 3.758099;
fgPrintf( FG_ALL, FG_BULK, "<*> resetting altitude to %.0f meters\n",
FG_Altitude * FEET_TO_METER);
// see if we need to load any new scenery tiles
// Process/manage pending events
// Run audio scheduler
audio_sched . update();
// redraw display
fgPrintf( FG_ALL, FG_DEBUG, "\n");
// This is the top level master main function that is registered as
// our idle funciton
// The first few passes take care of initialization things (a couple
// per pass) and once everything has been initialized fgMainLoop from
// then on.
static void fgIdleFunction ( void ) {
char path[256], mp3file[256], command[256], slfile[256];
static char *lockfile = "/tmp/mpg123.running";
g = &general;
o = ¤t_options;
// printf("idle state == %d\n", idle_state);
if ( idle_state == 0 ) {
// Initialize the splash screen right away
} else if ( idle_state == 1 ) {
// Start the intro music
#ifndef WIN32
strcpy(mp3file, o->fg_root);
strcat(mp3file, "/Sounds/");
strcat(mp3file, "intro.mp3");
"(touch %s; ampg123 %s > /dev/null 2>&1; /bin/rm %s) &",
lockfile, mp3file, lockfile );
"Starting intro music: %s\n", mp3file);
} else if ( idle_state == 2 ) {
// These are a few miscellaneous things that aren't really
// "subsystems" but still need to be initialized.
if( !fgInitGeneral()) {
"General initializations failed ...\n" );
#ifdef USE_GLIDE
if ( strstr ( g->glRenderer, "Glide" ) ) {
grTexLodBiasValue ( GR_TMU0, 1.0 ) ;
} else if ( idle_state == 3 ) {
// This is the top level init routine which calls all the
// other subsystem initialization routines. If you are adding
// a subsystem to flight gear, its initialization call should
// located in this routine.
if( !fgInitSubsystems()) {
"Subsystem initializations failed ...\n" );
} else if ( idle_state == 4 ) {
// setup OpenGL view parameters
if ( use_signals ) {
// init timer routines, signals, etc. Arrange for an alarm
// signal to be generated, etc.
} else if ( idle_state == 5 ) {
//Init the user interface
} else if ( idle_state == 6 ) {
// Initialize audio support
#ifndef WIN32
// Let's wait for mpg123 to finish
struct stat stat_buf;
"Waiting for mpg123 player to finish " );
while ( stat(lockfile, &stat_buf) == 0 ) {
// file exist, wait ...
fgPrintf( FG_GENERAL, FG_INFO, ".");
fgPrintf( FG_GENERAL, FG_INFO, "\n");
#endif // WIN32
// audio_sched = new slScheduler ( 8000 );
// audio_mixer = new smMixer;
audio_mixer . setMasterVolume ( 30 ) ; /* 50% of max volume. */
audio_sched . setSafetyMargin ( 1.0 ) ;
strcpy(path, o->fg_root);
strcat(path, "/Sounds/");
strcpy(slfile, path);
strcat(slfile, "prpidle.wav");
// s1 = new slSample ( slfile );
s1 = new slSample ( "/dos/X-System-HSR/sounds/xp_recip.wav",
&audio_sched );
printf("Rate = %d Bps = %d Stereo = %d\n",
s1 -> getRate(), s1 -> getBps(), s1 -> getStereo());
audio_sched . loopSample ( s1 );
// strcpy(slfile, path);
// strcat(slfile, "thunder.wav");
// s2 -> loadFile ( slfile );
// s2 -> adjustVolume(0.5);
// audio_sched -> playSample ( s2 );
idle_state = 1000;
if ( idle_state == 1000 ) {
// We've finished all our initialization steps, from now on we
// run the main loop.
} else {
// Handle new window size or exposure
static void fgReshape( int width, int height ) {
fgVIEW *v;
v = ¤t_view;
// Do this so we can call fgReshape(0,0) ourselves without having
// to know what the values of width & height are.
if ( (height > 0) && (width > 0) ) {
v->win_ratio = (GLfloat) width / (GLfloat) height;
v->winWidth = width;
v->winHeight = height;
// Inform gl of our view window size (now handled elsewhere)
// xglViewport(0, 0, (GLint)width, (GLint)height);
if ( idle_state == 1000 ) {
// yes we've finished all our initializations and are running
// the main loop, so this will now work without seg faulting
// the system.
// Initialize GLUT and define a main window
int fgGlutInit( int *argc, char **argv ) {
// GLUT will extract all glut specific options so later on we only
// need wory about our own.
xglutInit(argc, argv);
// Define Display Parameters
xglutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE );
// Define initial window size
xglutInitWindowSize(640, 480);
// Initialize windows
xglutCreateWindow("Flight Gear");
// Initialize GLUT event handlers
int fgGlutInitEvents( void ) {
// call fgReshape() on window resizes
xglutReshapeFunc( fgReshape );
// call GLUTkey() on keyboard event
xglutKeyboardFunc( GLUTkey );
glutSpecialFunc( GLUTspecialkey );
// call guiMouseFunc() whenever our little rodent is used
glutMouseFunc ( guiMouseFunc );
glutMotionFunc (guiMotionFunc );
glutPassiveMotionFunc (guiMotionFunc );
// call fgMainLoop() whenever there is
// nothing else to do
xglutIdleFunc( fgIdleFunction );
// draw the scene
xglutDisplayFunc( fgRenderFrame );
// Main ...
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
fgFLIGHT *f;
char config[256];
int result; // Used in command line argument.
f = current_aircraft.flight;
o = ¤t_options;
_control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM); /* defined in float.h */
// Initialize the debugging output system
fgPrintf(FG_GENERAL, FG_INFO, "Flight Gear: Version %s\n\n", VERSION);
// Initialize the Window/Graphics environment.
if( !fgGlutInit(&argc, argv) ) {
fgPrintf( FG_GENERAL, FG_EXIT, "GLUT initialization failed ...\n" );
// Initialize the various GLUT Event Handlers.
if( !fgGlutInitEvents() ) {
"GLUT event handler initialization failed ...\n" );
// Attempt to locate and parse a config file
// First check fg_root
strcpy(config, o->fg_root);
strcat(config, "/system.fgfsrc");
result = o->parse_config_file(config);
// Next check home directory
if ( getenv("HOME") != NULL ) {
strcpy(config, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(config, "/.fgfsrc");
result = o->parse_config_file(config);
// Parse remaining command line options
// These will override anything specified in a config file
result = o->parse_command_line(argc, argv);
if ( result != FG_OPTIONS_OK ) {
// Something must have gone horribly wrong with the command
// line parsing or maybe the user just requested help ... :-)
fgPrintf( FG_GENERAL, FG_EXIT, "\nExiting ...\n");
// pass control off to the master GLUT event handler
// we never actually get here ... but just in case ... :-)
// $Log$
// Revision 1.30 1998/07/06 02:42:03 curt
// Added support for switching between fullscreen and window mode for
// Mesa/3dfx/glide.
// Added a basic splash screen. Restructured the main loop and top level
// initialization routines to do this.
// Hacked in some support for playing a startup mp3 sound file while rest
// of sim initializes. Currently only works in Unix using the mpg123 player.
// Waits for the mpg123 player to finish before initializing internal
// sound drivers.
// Revision 1.29 1998/07/04 00:52:22 curt
// Add my own version of gluLookAt() (which is nearly identical to the
// Mesa/glu version.) But, by calculating the Model View matrix our selves
// we can save this matrix without having to read it back in from the video
// card. This hopefully allows us to save a few cpu cycles when rendering
// out the fragments because we can just use glLoadMatrixd() with the
// precalculated matrix for each tile rather than doing a push(), translate(),
// pop() for every fragment.
// Panel status defaults to off for now until it gets a bit more developed.
// Extract OpenGL driver info on initialization.
// Revision 1.28 1998/06/27 16:54:32 curt
// Replaced "extern displayInstruments" with a entry in fgOPTIONS.
// Don't change the view port when displaying the panel.
// Revision 1.27 1998/06/17 21:35:10 curt
// Refined conditional audio support compilation.
// Moved texture parameter setup calls to ../Scenery/materials.cxx
// #include <string.h> before various STL includes.
// Make HUD default state be enabled.
// Revision 1.26 1998/06/13 00:40:32 curt
// Tweaked fog command line options.
// Revision 1.25 1998/06/12 14:27:26 curt
// Pui -> PUI, Gui -> GUI.
// Revision 1.24 1998/06/12 00:57:39 curt
// Added support for Pui/Gui.
// Converted fog to GL_FOG_EXP2.
// Link to static simulator parts.
// Update runfg.bat to try to be a little smarter.
// Revision 1.23 1998/06/08 17:57:04 curt
// Minor sound/startup position tweaks.
// Revision 1.22 1998/06/05 18:18:40 curt
// A bit of fiddling with audio ...
// Revision 1.21 1998/06/03 22:01:06 curt
// Tweaking sound library usage.
// Revision 1.20 1998/06/03 00:47:11 curt
// Updated to compile in audio support if OSS available.
// Updated for new version of Steve's audio library.
// STL includes don't use .h
// Small view optimizations.
// Revision 1.19 1998/06/01 17:54:40 curt
// Added Linux audio support.
// avoid glClear( COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) when not using it to set the sky color.
// map stl tweaks.
// Revision 1.18 1998/05/29 20:37:19 curt
// Tweaked material properties & lighting a bit in GLUTmain.cxx.
// Read airport list into a "map" STL for dynamic list sizing and fast tree
// based lookups.
// Revision 1.17 1998/05/22 21:28:52 curt
// Modifications to use the new fgEVENT_MGR class.
// Revision 1.16 1998/05/20 20:51:33 curt
// Tweaked smooth shaded texture lighting properties.
// Converted fgLIGHT to a C++ class.
// Revision 1.15 1998/05/16 13:08:34 curt
// C++ - ified views.[ch]xx
// Shuffled some additional view parameters into the fgVIEW class.
// Changed tile-radius to tile-diameter because it is a much better
// name.
// Added a WORLD_TO_EYE transformation to views.cxx. This allows us
// to transform world space to eye space for view frustum culling.
// Revision 1.14 1998/05/13 18:29:57 curt
// Added a keyboard binding to dynamically adjust field of view.
// Added a command line option to specify fov.
// Adjusted terrain color.
// Root path info moved to fgOPTIONS.
// Added ability to parse options out of a config file.
// Revision 1.13 1998/05/11 18:18:15 curt
// For flat shading use "glHint (GL_FOG_HINT, GL_FASTEST )"
// Revision 1.12 1998/05/07 23:14:15 curt
// Added "D" key binding to set autopilot heading.
// Made frame rate calculation average out over last 10 frames.
// Borland C++ floating point exception workaround.
// Added a --tile-radius=n option.
// Revision 1.11 1998/05/06 03:16:23 curt
// Added an averaged global frame rate counter.
// Added an option to control tile radius.
// Revision 1.10 1998/05/03 00:47:31 curt
// Added an option to enable/disable full-screen mode.
// Revision 1.9 1998/04/30 12:34:17 curt
// Added command line rendering options:
// enable/disable fog/haze
// specify smooth/flat shading
// disable sky blending and just use a solid color
// enable wireframe drawing mode
// Revision 1.8 1998/04/28 01:20:21 curt
// Type-ified fgTIME and fgVIEW.
// Added a command line option to disable textures.
// Revision 1.7 1998/04/26 05:10:02 curt
// "struct fgLIGHT" -> "fgLIGHT" because fgLIGHT is typedef'd.
// Revision 1.6 1998/04/25 22:06:30 curt
// Edited cvs log messages in source files ... bad bad bad!
// Revision 1.5 1998/04/25 20:24:01 curt
// Cleaned up initialization sequence to eliminate interdependencies
// between sun position, lighting, and view position. This creates a
// valid single pass initialization path.
// Revision 1.4 1998/04/24 14:19:30 curt
// Fog tweaks.
// Revision 1.3 1998/04/24 00:49:18 curt
// Wrapped "#include <config.h>" in "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H"
// Trying out some different option parsing code.
// Some code reorganization.
// Revision 1.2 1998/04/22 13:25:41 curt
// C++ - ifing the code.
// Starting a bit of reorganization of lighting code.
// Revision 1.1 1998/04/21 17:02:39 curt
// Prepairing for C++ integration.
// Revision 1.71 1998/04/18 04:11:26 curt
// Moved fg_debug to it's own library, added zlib support.
// Revision 1.70 1998/04/14 02:21:02 curt
// Incorporated autopilot heading hold contributed by: Jeff Goeke-Smith
// <>
// Revision 1.69 1998/04/08 23:35:34 curt
// Tweaks to Gnu automake/autoconf system.
// Revision 1.68 1998/04/03 22:09:03 curt
// Converting to Gnu autoconf system.
// Revision 1.67 1998/03/23 21:24:37 curt
// Source code formating tweaks.
// Revision 1.66 1998/03/14 00:31:20 curt
// Beginning initial terrain texturing experiments.
// Revision 1.65 1998/03/09 22:45:57 curt
// Minor tweaks for building on sparc platform.
// Revision 1.64 1998/02/20 00:16:23 curt
// Thursday's tweaks.
// Revision 1.63 1998/02/16 16:17:39 curt
// Minor tweaks.
// Revision 1.62 1998/02/16 13:39:42 curt
// Miscellaneous weekend tweaks. Fixed? a cache problem that caused whole
// tiles to occasionally be missing.
// Revision 1.61 1998/02/12 21:59:46 curt
// Incorporated code changes contributed by Charlie Hotchkiss
// <>
// Revision 1.60 1998/02/11 02:50:40 curt
// Minor changes.
// Revision 1.59 1998/02/09 22:56:54 curt
// Removed "depend" files from cvs control. Other minor make tweaks.
// Revision 1.58 1998/02/09 15:07:49 curt
// Minor tweaks.
// Revision 1.57 1998/02/07 15:29:40 curt
// Incorporated HUD changes and struct/typedef changes from Charlie Hotchkiss
// <>
// Revision 1.56 1998/02/03 23:20:23 curt
// Lots of little tweaks to fix various consistency problems discovered by
// Solaris' CC. Fixed a bug in fg_debug.c with how the fgPrintf() wrapper
// passed arguments along to the real printf(). Also incorporated HUD changes
// by Michele America.
// Revision 1.55 1998/02/02 20:53:58 curt
// Incorporated Durk's changes.
// Revision 1.54 1998/01/31 00:43:10 curt
// Added MetroWorks patches from Carmen Volpe.
// Revision 1.53 1998/01/27 18:35:54 curt
// Minor tweaks.
// Revision 1.52 1998/01/27 00:47:56 curt
// Incorporated Paul Bleisch's <> new debug message
// system and commandline/config file processing code.
// Revision 1.51 1998/01/26 15:57:05 curt
// Tweaks for dynamic scenery development.
// Revision 1.50 1998/01/19 19:27:07 curt
// Merged in make system changes from Bob Kuehne <>
// This should simplify things tremendously.
// Revision 1.49 1998/01/19 18:40:31 curt
// Tons of little changes to clean up the code and to remove fatal errors
// when building with the c++ compiler.
// Revision 1.48 1998/01/19 18:35:46 curt
// Minor tweaks and fixes for cygwin32.
// Revision 1.47 1998/01/13 00:23:08 curt
// Initial changes to support loading and management of scenery tiles. Note,
// there's still a fair amount of work left to be done.
// Revision 1.46 1998/01/08 02:22:06 curt
// Beginning to integrate Tile management subsystem.
// Revision 1.45 1998/01/07 03:18:55 curt
// Moved astronomical stuff from .../Src/Scenery to .../Src/Astro/
// Revision 1.44 1997/12/30 22:22:31 curt
// Further integration of event manager.
// Revision 1.43 1997/12/30 20:47:43 curt
// Integrated new event manager with subsystem initializations.
// Revision 1.42 1997/12/30 16:36:47 curt
// Merged in Durk's changes ...
// Revision 1.41 1997/12/30 13:06:56 curt
// A couple lighting tweaks ...
// Revision 1.40 1997/12/30 01:38:37 curt
// Switched back to per vertex normals and smooth shading for terrain.
// Revision 1.39 1997/12/22 23:45:45 curt
// First stab at sunset/sunrise sky glow effects.
// Revision 1.38 1997/12/22 04:14:28 curt
// Aligned sky with sun so dusk/dawn effects can be correct relative to the sun.
// Revision 1.37 1997/12/19 23:34:03 curt
// Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
// Revision 1.36 1997/12/19 16:44:57 curt
// Working on scene rendering order and options.
// Revision 1.35 1997/12/18 23:32:32 curt
// First stab at sky dome actually starting to look reasonable. :-)
// Revision 1.34 1997/12/17 23:13:34 curt
// Began working on rendering a sky.
// Revision 1.33 1997/12/15 23:54:45 curt
// Add xgl wrappers for debugging.
// Generate terrain normals on the fly.
// Revision 1.32 1997/12/15 20:59:08 curt
// Misc. tweaks.
// Revision 1.31 1997/12/12 21:41:25 curt
// More light/material property tweaking ... still a ways off.
// Revision 1.30 1997/12/12 19:52:47 curt
// Working on lightling and material properties.
// Revision 1.29 1997/12/11 04:43:54 curt
// Fixed sun vector and lighting problems. I thing the moon is now lit
// correctly.
// Revision 1.28 1997/12/10 22:37:45 curt
// Prepended "fg" on the name of all global structures that didn't have it yet.
// i.e. "struct WEATHER {}" became "struct fgWEATHER {}"
// Revision 1.27 1997/12/09 05:11:54 curt
// Working on tweaking lighting.
// Revision 1.26 1997/12/09 04:25:29 curt
// Working on adding a global lighting params structure.
// Revision 1.25 1997/12/08 22:54:09 curt
// Enabled GL_CULL_FACE.
// Revision 1.24 1997/11/25 19:25:32 curt
// Changes to integrate Durk's moon/sun code updates + clean up.
// Revision 1.23 1997/11/15 18:16:34 curt
// minor tweaks.
// Revision 1.22 1997/10/30 12:38:41 curt
// Working on new scenery subsystem.
// Revision 1.21 1997/09/23 00:29:38 curt
// Tweaks to get things to compile with gcc-win32.
// Revision 1.20 1997/09/22 14:44:19 curt
// Continuing to try to align stars correctly.
// Revision 1.19 1997/09/18 16:20:08 curt
// At dusk/dawn add/remove stars in stages.
// Revision 1.18 1997/09/16 22:14:51 curt
// Tweaked time of day lighting equations. Don't draw stars during the day.
// Revision 1.17 1997/09/16 15:50:29 curt
// Working on star alignment and time issues.
// Revision 1.16 1997/09/13 02:00:06 curt
// Mostly working on stars and generating sidereal time for accurate star
// placement.
// Revision 1.15 1997/09/05 14:17:27 curt
// More tweaking with stars.
// Revision 1.14 1997/09/05 01:35:53 curt
// Working on getting stars right.
// Revision 1.13 1997/09/04 02:17:34 curt
// Shufflin' stuff.
// Revision 1.12 1997/08/27 21:32:24 curt
// Restructured view calculation code. Added stars.
// Revision 1.11 1997/08/27 03:30:16 curt
// Changed naming scheme of basic shared structures.
// Revision 1.10 1997/08/25 20:27:22 curt
// Merged in initial HUD and Joystick code.
// Revision 1.9 1997/08/22 21:34:39 curt
// Doing a bit of reorganizing and house cleaning.
// Revision 1.8 1997/08/19 23:55:03 curt
// Worked on better simulating real lighting.
// Revision 1.7 1997/08/16 12:22:38 curt
// Working on improving the lighting/shading.
// Revision 1.6 1997/08/13 20:24:56 curt
// Changes due to changing sunpos interface.
// Revision 1.5 1997/08/06 21:08:32 curt
// Sun position now really* works (I think) ... I still have sun time warping
// code in place, probably should remove it soon.
// Revision 1.4 1997/08/06 15:41:26 curt
// Working on correct sun position.
// Revision 1.3 1997/08/06 00:24:22 curt
// Working on correct real time sun lighting.
// Revision 1.2 1997/08/04 20:25:15 curt
// Organizational tweaking.
// Revision 1.1 1997/08/02 18:45:00 curt
// Renamed GLmain.c GLUTmain.c
// Revision 1.43 1997/08/02 16:23:47 curt
// Misc. tweaks.
// Revision 1.42 1997/08/01 19:43:33 curt
// Making progress with coordinate system overhaul.
// Revision 1.41 1997/07/31 22:52:37 curt
// Working on redoing internal coordinate systems & scenery transformations.
// Revision 1.40 1997/07/30 16:12:42 curt
// Moved fg_random routines from Util/ to Math/
// Revision 1.39 1997/07/21 14:45:01 curt
// Minor tweaks.
// Revision 1.38 1997/07/19 23:04:47 curt
// Added an initial weather section.
// Revision 1.37 1997/07/19 22:34:02 curt
// Moved PI definitions to ../constants.h
// Moved random() stuff to ../Utils/ and renamed fg_random()
// Revision 1.36 1997/07/18 23:41:25 curt
// Tweaks for building with Cygnus Win32 compiler.
// Revision 1.35 1997/07/18 14:28:34 curt
// Hacked in some support for wind/turbulence.
// Revision 1.34 1997/07/16 20:04:48 curt
// Minor tweaks to aid Win32 port.
// Revision 1.33 1997/07/12 03:50:20 curt
// Added an #include <Windows32/Base.h> to help compiling for Win32
// Revision 1.32 1997/07/11 03:23:18 curt
// Solved some scenery display/orientation problems. Still have a positioning
// (or transformation?) problem.
// Revision 1.31 1997/07/11 01:29:58 curt
// More tweaking of terrian floor.
// Revision 1.30 1997/07/10 04:26:37 curt
// We now can interpolated ground elevation for any position in the grid. We
// can use this to enforce a "hard" ground. We still need to enforce some
// bounds checking so that we don't try to lookup data points outside the
// grid data set.
// Revision 1.29 1997/07/09 21:31:12 curt
// Working on making the ground "hard."
// Revision 1.28 1997/07/08 18:20:12 curt
// Working on establishing a hard ground.
// Revision 1.27 1997/07/07 20:59:49 curt
// Working on scenery transformations to enable us to fly fluidly over the
// poles with no discontinuity/distortion in scenery.
// Revision 1.26 1997/07/05 20:43:34 curt
// renamed mat3 directory to Math so we could add other math related routines.
// Revision 1.25 1997/06/29 21:19:17 curt
// Working on scenery management system.
// Revision 1.24 1997/06/26 22:14:53 curt
// Beginning work on a scenery management system.
// Revision 1.23 1997/06/26 19:08:33 curt
// Restructuring make, adding automatic "make dep" support.
// Revision 1.22 1997/06/25 15:39:47 curt
// Minor changes to compile with rsxnt/win32.
// Revision 1.21 1997/06/22 21:44:41 curt
// Working on intergrating the VRML (subset) parser.
// Revision 1.20 1997/06/21 17:12:53 curt
// Capitalized subdirectory names.
// Revision 1.19 1997/06/18 04:10:31 curt
// A couple more runway tweaks ...
// Revision 1.18 1997/06/18 02:21:24 curt
// Hacked in a runway
// Revision 1.17 1997/06/17 16:51:58 curt
// Timer interval stuff now uses gettimeofday() instead of ftime()
// Revision 1.16 1997/06/17 04:19:16 curt
// More timer related tweaks with respect to view direction changes.
// Revision 1.15 1997/06/17 03:41:10 curt
// Nonsignal based interval timing is now working.
// This would be a good time to look at cleaning up the code structure a bit.
// Revision 1.14 1997/06/16 19:32:51 curt
// Starting to add general timer support.
// Revision 1.13 1997/06/02 03:40:06 curt
// A tiny bit more view tweaking.
// Revision 1.12 1997/06/02 03:01:38 curt
// Working on views (side, front, back, transitions, etc.)
// Revision 1.11 1997/05/31 19:16:25 curt
// Elevator trim added.
// Revision 1.10 1997/05/31 04:13:52 curt
// Continuing work on the LaRCsim flight model integration.
// Added some MSFS-like keyboard input handling.
// Revision 1.9 1997/05/30 19:27:01 curt
// The LaRCsim flight model is starting to look like it is working.
// Revision 1.8 1997/05/30 03:54:10 curt
// Made a bit more progress towards integrating the LaRCsim flight model.
// Revision 1.7 1997/05/29 22:39:49 curt
// Working on incorporating the LaRCsim flight model.
// Revision 1.6 1997/05/29 12:31:39 curt
// Minor tweaks, moving towards general flight model integration.
// Revision 1.5 1997/05/29 02:33:23 curt
// Updated to reflect changing interfaces in other "modules."
// Revision 1.4 1997/05/27 17:44:31 curt
// Renamed & rearranged variables and routines. Added some initial simple
// timer/alarm routines so the flight model can be updated on a regular
// interval.
// Revision 1.3 1997/05/23 15:40:25 curt
// Added GNU copyright headers.
// Fog now works!
// Revision 1.2 1997/05/23 00:35:12 curt
// Trying to get fog to work ...
// Revision 1.1 1997/05/21 15:57:51 curt
// Renamed due to added GLUT support.
// Revision 1.3 1997/05/19 18:22:42 curt
// Parameter tweaking ... starting to stub in fog support.
// Revision 1.2 1997/05/17 00:17:34 curt
// Trying to stub in support for standard OpenGL.
// Revision 1.1 1997/05/16 16:05:52 curt
// Initial revision.