MSVC is warning on this usage, as is the Mac release build. Working around the issue for the moment.
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// Copyright (C) 2008 Tim Moore
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <osg/Matrix>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osg/Referenced>
#include <osg/Node>
#include <osg/TextureRectangle>
#include <osg/Texture2D>
#include <osg/TexGen>
#include <osgUtil/RenderBin>
// For osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections, which is a typedef.
#include <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector>
namespace osg
class Camera;
namespace osgViewer
class Viewer;
class SGPropertyNode;
namespace flightgear
class GraphicsWindow;
class CameraViewportListener;
class CameraGroupListener;
struct RenderBufferInfo {
RenderBufferInfo(osg::Texture2D* t = 0, float s = 1.0 ) : texture(t), scaleFactor(s) {}
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> texture;
float scaleFactor;
typedef std::map<std::string,RenderBufferInfo> RenderBufferMap;
typedef std::map<osg::Camera::BufferComponent,std::string> AttachmentMap;
struct RenderStageInfo {
RenderStageInfo(osg::Camera* camera_ = 0, int si = -1, bool fs = false)
: camera(camera_), slaveIndex(si), scaleFactor(1.0f), fullscreen(fs)
, resizable(true)
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> camera;
AttachmentMap buffers;
int slaveIndex;
float scaleFactor;
bool fullscreen;
bool resizable;
extern const char* MAIN_CAMERA;
extern const char* FAR_CAMERA;
extern const char* GEOMETRY_CAMERA;
extern const char* SHADOW_CAMERA;
extern const char* LIGHTING_CAMERA;
extern const char* DISPLAY_CAMERA;
typedef std::map<std::string,RenderStageInfo> CameraMap;
/** A wrapper around osg::Camera that contains some extra information.
struct CameraInfo : public osg::Referenced
CameraInfo(unsigned flags_)
: flags(flags_),
x(0.0), y(0.0), width(0.0), height(0.0),
physicalWidth(0), physicalHeight(0), bezelHeightTop(0),
bezelHeightBottom(0), bezelWidthLeft(0), bezelWidthRight(0),
bufferSize( new osg::Uniform("fg_BufferSize", osg::Vec2f() ) ),
projInverse( new osg::Uniform( "fg_ProjectionMatrixInverse", osg::Matrixf() ) ),
viewInverse( new osg::Uniform( "fg_ViewMatrixInverse",osg::Matrixf() ) ),
view( new osg::Uniform( "fg_ViewMatrix",osg::Matrixf() ) ),
worldPosCart( new osg::Uniform( "fg_CameraPositionCart", osg::Vec3f() ) ),
worldPosGeod( new osg::Uniform( "fg_CameraPositionGeod", osg::Vec3f() ) ),
du( new osg::Uniform( "fg_du",osg::Vec4() ) ),
dv( new osg::Uniform( "fg_dv",osg::Vec4() ) ),
shadowMatrix[0] = new osg::Uniform("fg_ShadowMatrix_0", osg::Matrixf());
shadowMatrix[1] = new osg::Uniform("fg_ShadowMatrix_1", osg::Matrixf());
shadowMatrix[2] = new osg::Uniform("fg_ShadowMatrix_2", osg::Matrixf());
shadowMatrix[3] = new osg::Uniform("fg_ShadowMatrix_3", osg::Matrixf());
/** Update and resize cameras
void updateCameras();
void resized(double w, double h);
/** The name as given in the config file.
std::string name;
/** Properties of the camera. @see CameraGroup::Flags.
unsigned flags;
/** Viewport parameters.
double x;
double y;
double width;
double height;
/** Physical size parameters.
double physicalWidth;
double physicalHeight;
double bezelHeightTop;
double bezelHeightBottom;
double bezelWidthLeft;
double bezelWidthRight;
/** The parent camera for relative camera configurations.
unsigned relativeCameraParent;
/** the camera objects
CameraMap cameras;
void addCamera( const std::string& k, osg::Camera* c, int si = -1, bool fs = false ) { cameras[k].camera = c; cameras[k].slaveIndex = si; cameras[k].fullscreen = fs; }
void addCamera( const std::string& k, osg::Camera* c, bool fs ) { cameras[k].camera = c; cameras[k].fullscreen = fs; }
void addCamera( const std::string& k, osg::Camera* c, float s, bool fs = false ) { cameras[k].camera = c; cameras[k].scaleFactor = s; cameras[k].fullscreen = fs; }
osg::Camera* getCamera(const std::string& k) const;
int getMainSlaveIndex() const;
RenderStageInfo& getRenderStageInfo( const std::string& k ) { return cameras[k]; }
/** the buffer objects
RenderBufferMap buffers;
void addBuffer(const std::string& k, osg::Texture2D* tex, float scale = 1.0 ) { buffers[k] = RenderBufferInfo(tex,scale); }
osg::Texture2D* getBuffer(const std::string& k) const;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> bufferSize;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> projInverse;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> viewInverse;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> view;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> worldPosCart;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> worldPosGeod;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> du;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> dv;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> shadowMatrix[4];
CameraViewportListener* viewportListener;
void setMatrices( osg::Camera* c );
osgUtil::RenderBin::RenderBinList savedTransparentBins;
/** The reference points in the parents projection space.
osg::Vec2d parentReference[2];
/** The reference points in the current projection space.
osg::Vec2d thisReference[2];
class CameraGroup : public osg::Referenced
/** properties of a camera.
enum Flags
VIEW_ABSOLUTE = 0x1, /**< The camera view is absolute, not
relative to the master camera. */
PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE = 0x2, /**< The projection is absolute. */
ORTHO = 0x4, /**< The projection is orthographic */
GUI = 0x8, /**< Camera draws the GUI. */
DO_INTERSECTION_TEST = 0x10,/**< scene intersection tests this
camera. */
FIXED_NEAR_FAR = 0x20, /**< take the near far values in the
projection for real. */
ENABLE_MASTER_ZOOM = 0x40 /**< Can apply the zoom algorithm. */
/** Create a camera group associated with an osgViewer::Viewer.
* @param viewer the viewer
CameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer);
/** Get the camera group's Viewer.
* @return the viewer
osgViewer::Viewer* getViewer() { return _viewer.get(); }
/** Create an osg::Camera from a property node and add it to the
* camera group.
* @param cameraNode the property node.
* @return a CameraInfo object for the camera.
CameraInfo* buildCamera(SGPropertyNode* cameraNode);
/** Create a camera from properties that will draw the GUI and add
* it to the camera group.
* @param cameraNode the property node. This can be 0, in which
* case a default GUI camera is created.
* @param window the GraphicsWindow to use for the GUI camera. If
* this is 0, the window is determined from the property node.
* @return a CameraInfo object for the GUI camera.
CameraInfo* buildGUICamera(SGPropertyNode* cameraNode,
GraphicsWindow* window = 0);
/** Update the view for the camera group.
* @param position the world position of the view
* @param orientation the world orientation of the view.
void update(const osg::Vec3d& position, const osg::Quat& orientation);
/** Set the parameters of the viewer's master camera. This won't
* affect cameras that have CameraFlags::PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE set.
* XXX Should znear and zfar be settable?
* @param vfov the vertical field of view angle
* @param aspectRatio the master camera's aspect ratio. This
* doesn't actually change the viewport, but should reflect the
* current viewport.
void setCameraParameters(float vfov, float aspectRatio);
/** Set the default CameraGroup, which is the only one that
* matters at this time.
* @param group the group to set.
static void buildDefaultGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer);
static void setDefault(CameraGroup* group) { _defaultGroup = group; }
/** Get the default CameraGroup.
* @return the default camera group.
static CameraGroup* getDefault() { return _defaultGroup.get(); }
typedef std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<CameraInfo> > CameraList;
typedef CameraList::iterator CameraIterator;
typedef CameraList::const_iterator ConstCameraIterator;
/** Get iterator for camera vector. The iterator's value is a ref_ptr.
CameraIterator camerasBegin() { return _cameras.begin(); }
/** Get iteator pointing to the end of the camera list.
CameraIterator camerasEnd() { return _cameras.end(); }
ConstCameraIterator camerasBegin() const { return _cameras.begin(); }
ConstCameraIterator camerasEnd() const { return _cameras.end(); }
void addCamera(CameraInfo* info) { _cameras.push_back(info); }
/** Set the cull mask on all non-GUI cameras
void setCameraCullMasks(osg::Node::NodeMask nm);
/** Update camera properties after a resize event.
void resized();
void buildDistortionCamera(const SGPropertyNode* psNode,
osg::Camera* camera);
* get aspect ratio of master camera's viewport
double getMasterAspectRatio() const;
* find the GUI camera if one is defined
const CameraInfo* getGUICamera() const;
void setZNear(float f) { _zNear = f; }
void setZFar(float f) { _zFar = f; }
void setNearField(float f) { _nearField = f; }
CameraList _cameras;
osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> _viewer;
static osg::ref_ptr<CameraGroup> _defaultGroup;
std::auto_ptr<CameraGroupListener> _listener;
// Near, far for the master camera if used.
float _zNear;
float _zFar;
float _nearField;
typedef std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osg::TextureRectangle> > TextureMap;
TextureMap _textureTargets;
/** Build a complete CameraGroup from a property node.
* @param viewer the viewer associated with this camera group.
* @param the camera group property node.
static CameraGroup* buildCameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer,
SGPropertyNode* node);
namespace flightgear
/** Get the osg::Camera that draws the GUI, if any, from a camera
* group.
* @param cgroup the camera group
* @return the GUI camera or 0
osg::Camera* getGUICamera(CameraGroup* cgroup);
/** Choose a camera using an event and do intersection testing on its
* view of the scene. Only cameras with the DO_INTERSECTION_TEST flag
* set are considered.
* @param cgroup the CameraGroup
* @param ea the event containing a window and mouse coordinates
* @param intersections container for the result of intersection
* testing.
* @return true if any intersections are found
bool computeIntersections(const CameraGroup* cgroup,
const osg::Vec2d& windowPos,
/** Warp the pointer to coordinates in the GUI camera of a camera group.
* @param cgroup the camera group
* @param x x window coordinate of pointer
* @param y y window coordinate of pointer, in "y down" coordinates.
void warpGUIPointer(CameraGroup* cgroup, int x, int y);