Erik Hofman: This patch contains an update to net_ctrls.hxx that adds an extra 100 bytes (or an equivalent of 25 (u)int32_t types) of reserved space. This could be used to make the protocol forward and backward compatibel within a certain scope. Be sure to read the instructions at the begining of the header file when addinf new variables.
151 lines
4.6 KiB
151 lines
4.6 KiB
// net_ctrls.hxx -- defines a common net I/O interface to the flight
// sim controls
// Written by Curtis Olson -
// Started July 2001.
// This file is in the Public Domain, and comes with no warranty.
// $Id$
#ifndef _NET_CTRLS_HXX
#define _NET_CTRLS_HXX
#include <simgear/misc/stdint.hxx>
// NOTE: this file defines an external interface structure. Due to
// variability between platforms and architectures, we only used fixed
// length types here. Specifically, integer types can vary in length.
// I am not aware of any platforms that don't use 4 bytes for float
// and 8 bytes for double.
// !!! IMPORTANT !!!
/* There is some space reserved in the protocol for future use.
* When adding a new type, add it just before the "reserved" definition
* and subtract the size of this new type from the RESERVED_SPACE definition
* (1 for (u)int32_t or float and 2 for double).
* This way the protocol will be forward and backward compatible until
* RESERVED_SPACE becomes zero.
const uint32_t FG_NET_CTRLS_VERSION = 27;
// Define a structure containing the control parameters
class FGNetCtrls {
enum {
uint32_t version; // increment when data values change
// Aero controls
double aileron; // -1 ... 1
double elevator; // -1 ... 1
double rudder; // -1 ... 1
double aileron_trim; // -1 ... 1
double elevator_trim; // -1 ... 1
double rudder_trim; // -1 ... 1
double flaps; // 0 ... 1
double spoilers;
double speedbrake;
// Aero control faults
uint32_t flaps_power; // true = power available
uint32_t flap_motor_ok;
// Engine controls
uint32_t num_engines; // number of valid engines
uint32_t master_bat[FG_MAX_ENGINES];
uint32_t master_alt[FG_MAX_ENGINES];
uint32_t magnetos[FG_MAX_ENGINES];
uint32_t starter_power[FG_MAX_ENGINES];// true = starter power
double throttle[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // 0 ... 1
double mixture[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // 0 ... 1
double condition[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // 0 ... 1
uint32_t fuel_pump_power[FG_MAX_ENGINES];// true = on
double prop_advance[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // 0 ... 1
uint32_t feed_tank_to[4];
uint32_t reverse[4];
// Engine faults
uint32_t engine_ok[FG_MAX_ENGINES];
uint32_t mag_left_ok[FG_MAX_ENGINES];
uint32_t mag_right_ok[FG_MAX_ENGINES];
uint32_t spark_plugs_ok[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // false = fouled plugs
uint32_t oil_press_status[FG_MAX_ENGINES];// 0 = normal, 1 = low, 2 = full fail
uint32_t fuel_pump_ok[FG_MAX_ENGINES];
// Fuel management
uint32_t num_tanks; // number of valid tanks
uint32_t fuel_selector[FG_MAX_TANKS]; // false = off, true = on
uint32_t xfer_pump[5]; // specifies transfer from array
// value tank to tank specified by
// int value
uint32_t cross_feed; // false = off, true = on
// Brake controls
double brake_left;
double brake_right;
double copilot_brake_left;
double copilot_brake_right;
double brake_parking;
// Landing Gear
uint32_t gear_handle; // true=gear handle down; false= gear handle up
// Switches
uint32_t master_avionics;
// nav and Comm
double comm_1;
double comm_2;
double nav_1;
double nav_2;
// wind and turbulance
double wind_speed_kt;
double wind_dir_deg;
double turbulence_norm;
// temp and pressure
double temp_c;
double press_inhg;
// other information about environment
double hground; // ground elevation (meters)
double magvar; // local magnetic variation in degs.
// hazards
uint32_t icing; // icing status could me much
// more complex but I'm
// starting simple here.
// simulation control
uint32_t speedup; // integer speedup multiplier
uint32_t freeze; // 0=normal
// 0x01=master
// 0x02=position
// 0x04=fuel
// --- New since FlightGear 0.9.10 (FG_NET_CTRLS_VERSION = 27)
// --- Add new variables just before this line.
uint32_t reserved[RESERVED_SPACE]; // 100 bytes reserved for future use.
#endif // _NET_CTRLS_HXX