This fixes a race condition when teleporting somewhere outside of the currently loaded scenery. Before, if there was no valid scenery, an aircraft might end up at the center of the earth...
732 lines
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732 lines
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// groundcache.cxx -- carries a small subset of the scenegraph near the vehicle
// Written by Mathias Froehlich, started Nov 2004.
// Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Froehlich - Mathias.Froehlich@web.de
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
# include "config.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <osg/CullFace>
#include <osg/Drawable>
#include <osg/Geode>
#include <osg/Geometry>
#include <osg/TriangleFunctor>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/material/matlib.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/util/SGNodeMasks.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <Scenery/tilemgr.hxx>
#include <AIModel/AICarrier.hxx>
#include "flight.hxx"
#include "groundcache.hxx"
/// Ok, variant that uses a infinite line istead of the ray.
/// also not that this only works if the ray direction is normalized.
static inline bool
intersectsInf(const SGRayd& ray, const SGSphered& sphere)
SGVec3d r = sphere.getCenter() - ray.getOrigin();
double projectedDistance = dot(r, ray.getDirection());
double dist = dot(r, r) - projectedDistance * projectedDistance;
return dist < sphere.getRadius2();
template<typename T>
class SGExtendedTriangleFunctor : public osg::TriangleFunctor<T> {
// Ok, to be complete we should also implement the indexed variants
// For now this one appears to be enough ...
void drawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count)
if (_vertexArrayPtr==0 || count==0) return;
const osg::Vec3* vlast;
const osg::Vec3* vptr;
switch(mode) {
vlast = &_vertexArrayPtr[first+count];
vlast = &_vertexArrayPtr[first+count-1];
vlast = &_vertexArrayPtr[first+count-1];
osg::TriangleFunctor<T>::drawArrays(mode, first, count);
using osg::TriangleFunctor<T>::_vertexArrayPtr;
using osg::TriangleFunctor<T>::_treatVertexDataAsTemporary;
class GroundCacheFillVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor {
/// class to just redirect triangles to the GroundCacheFillVisitor
class GroundCacheFill {
void setGroundCacheFillVisitor(GroundCacheFillVisitor* gcfv)
{ mGroundCacheFillVisitor = gcfv; }
void operator () (const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2,
const osg::Vec3& v3, bool)
{ mGroundCacheFillVisitor->addTriangle(v1, v2, v3); }
void operator () (const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2, bool)
{ mGroundCacheFillVisitor->addLine(v1, v2); }
GroundCacheFillVisitor* mGroundCacheFillVisitor;
GroundCacheFillVisitor(FGGroundCache* groundCache,
const SGVec3d& down,
const SGVec3d& cacheReference,
double cacheRadius,
double wireCacheRadius) :
mDown = down;
mLocalDown = down;
sphIsec = true;
mBackfaceCulling = false;
mCacheReference = cacheReference;
mLocalCacheReference = cacheReference;
mCacheRadius = cacheRadius;
mWireCacheRadius = wireCacheRadius;
mGroundProperty.wire_id = -1;
mGroundProperty.vel = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
mGroundProperty.rot = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
mGroundProperty.pivot = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
void updateCullMode(osg::StateSet* stateSet)
if (!stateSet)
osg::StateAttribute* stateAttribute;
stateAttribute = stateSet->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::CULLFACE);
if (!stateAttribute)
osg::CullFace* cullFace = static_cast<osg::CullFace*>(stateAttribute);
mBackfaceCulling = cullFace->getMode() == osg::CullFace::BACK;
bool enterBoundingSphere(const osg::BoundingSphere& bs)
if (!bs.valid())
return false;
SGVec3d cntr(osg::Vec3d(bs.center())*mLocalToGlobal);
double rc = bs.radius() + mCacheRadius;
// Ok, this node might intersect the cache. Visit it in depth.
double centerDist2 = distSqr(mCacheReference, cntr);
if (centerDist2 < rc*rc) {
sphIsec = true;
} else {
// Check if the down direction touches the bounding sphere of the node
// if so, do at least croase agl computations.
// Ther other thing is that we must check if we are in range of
// cats or wires
double rw = bs.radius() + mWireCacheRadius;
if (rw*rw < centerDist2 &&
!intersectsInf(SGRayd(mCacheReference, mDown),
SGSphered(cntr, bs.radius())))
return false;
sphIsec = false;
return true;
bool enterNode(osg::Node& node)
if (!enterBoundingSphere(node.getBound()))
return false;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty& gp = mGroundProperty;
// get some material information for use in the gear model
gp.type = FGInterface::Unknown;
osg::Referenced* base = node.getUserData();
if (!base)
return true;
FGAICarrierHardware *ud =
if (!ud)
return true;
switch (ud->type) {
case FGAICarrierHardware::Wire:
gp.type = FGInterface::Wire;
gp.wire_id = ud->id;
case FGAICarrierHardware::Catapult:
gp.type = FGInterface::Catapult;
gp.type = FGInterface::Solid;
// Copy the velocity from the carrier class.
ud->carrier->getVelocityWrtEarth(gp.vel, gp.rot, gp.pivot);
return true;
void fillWith(osg::Drawable* drawable)
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
if (!enterBoundingSphere(drawable->getBound()))
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty& gp = mGroundProperty;
// get some material information for use in the gear model
gp.material = globals->get_matlib()->findMaterial(drawable->getStateSet());
if (gp.material)
gp.type = gp.material->get_solid() ? FGInterface::Solid : FGInterface::Water;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty oldGp = mGroundProperty;
if (!enterNode(geode))
for(unsigned i = 0; i < geode.getNumDrawables(); ++i)
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
mGroundProperty = oldGp;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
virtual void apply(osg::Group& group)
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty oldGp = mGroundProperty;
if (!enterNode(group))
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
mGroundProperty = oldGp;
virtual void apply(osg::Transform& transform)
if (!enterNode(transform))
bool oldBackfaceCulling = mBackfaceCulling;
bool oldSphIsec = sphIsec;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty oldGp = mGroundProperty;
/// transform the caches center to local coords
osg::Matrix oldLocalToGlobal = mLocalToGlobal;
osg::Matrix oldGlobalToLocal = mGlobalToLocal;
transform.computeLocalToWorldMatrix(mLocalToGlobal, this);
transform.computeWorldToLocalMatrix(mGlobalToLocal, this);
SGVec3d oldLocalCacheReference = mLocalCacheReference;
mLocalCacheReference.osg() = mCacheReference.osg()*mGlobalToLocal;
SGVec3d oldLocalDown = mLocalDown;
mLocalDown.osg() = osg::Matrixd::transform3x3(mDown.osg(), mGlobalToLocal);
// walk the children
// Restore that one
mLocalDown = oldLocalDown;
mLocalCacheReference = oldLocalCacheReference;
mLocalToGlobal = oldLocalToGlobal;
mGlobalToLocal = oldGlobalToLocal;
sphIsec = oldSphIsec;
mBackfaceCulling = oldBackfaceCulling;
mGroundProperty = oldGp;
void addTriangle(const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2,
const osg::Vec3& v3)
SGVec3d v[3] = {
// a bounding sphere in the node local system
SGVec3d boundCenter = (1.0/3)*(v[0] + v[1] + v[2]);
double boundRadius = std::max(distSqr(v[0], boundCenter),
distSqr(v[1], boundCenter));
boundRadius = std::max(boundRadius, distSqr(v[2], boundCenter));
boundRadius = sqrt(boundRadius);
SGRayd ray(mLocalCacheReference, mLocalDown);
// if we are not in the downward cylinder bail out
if (!intersectsInf(ray, SGSphered(boundCenter, boundRadius + mCacheRadius)))
SGTriangled triangle(v);
// The normal and plane in the node local coordinate system
SGVec3d n = cross(triangle.getEdge(0), triangle.getEdge(1));
if (0 < dot(mLocalDown, n)) {
if (mBackfaceCulling) {
// Surface points downwards, ignore for altitude computations.
} else {
// Only check if the triangle is in the cache sphere if the plane
// containing the triangle is near enough
if (sphIsec) {
double d = dot(n, v[0] - mLocalCacheReference);
if (d*d < mCacheRadius*dot(n, n)) {
// Check if the sphere around the vehicle intersects the sphere
// around that triangle. If so, put that triangle into the cache.
double r2 = boundRadius + mCacheRadius;
if (distSqr(boundCenter, mLocalCacheReference) < r2*r2) {
FGGroundCache::Triangle t;
t.triangle.setEdge(0, SGVec3d(osg::Matrixd::transform3x3(triangle.getEdge(0).osg(), mLocalToGlobal)));
t.triangle.setEdge(1, SGVec3d(osg::Matrixd::transform3x3(triangle.getEdge(1).osg(), mLocalToGlobal)));
t.velocity = mGroundProperty.vel;
t.rotation = mGroundProperty.rot;
t.rotation_pivot = mGroundProperty.pivot;
t.type = mGroundProperty.type;
t.material = mGroundProperty.material;
// In case the cache is empty, we still provide agl computations.
// But then we use the old way of having a fixed elevation value for
// the whole lifetime of this cache.
SGVec3d isectpoint;
if (intersects(isectpoint, triangle, ray, 1e-4)) {
mGroundCache->found_ground = true;
isectpoint.osg() = isectpoint.osg()*mLocalToGlobal;
double this_radius = length(isectpoint);
if (mGroundCache->ground_radius < this_radius) {
mGroundCache->ground_radius = this_radius;
mGroundCache->_type = mGroundProperty.type;
mGroundCache->_material = mGroundProperty.material;
void addLine(const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2)
SGVec3d gv1(osg::Vec3d(v1)*mLocalToGlobal);
SGVec3d gv2(osg::Vec3d(v2)*mLocalToGlobal);
SGVec3d boundCenter = 0.5*(gv1 + gv2);
double boundRadius = length(gv1 - boundCenter);
if (distSqr(boundCenter, mCacheReference)
< (boundRadius + mWireCacheRadius)*(boundRadius + mWireCacheRadius) ) {
if (mGroundProperty.type == FGInterface::Wire) {
FGGroundCache::Wire wire;
wire.ends[0] = gv1;
wire.ends[1] = gv2;
wire.velocity = mGroundProperty.vel;
wire.rotation = mGroundProperty.rot;
wire.rotation_pivot = mGroundProperty.pivot;
wire.wire_id = mGroundProperty.wire_id;
if (mGroundProperty.type == FGInterface::Catapult) {
FGGroundCache::Catapult cat;
// Trick to get the ends in the right order.
// Use the x axis in the original coordinate system. Choose the
// most negative x-axis as the one pointing forward
if (v1[0] > v2[0]) {
cat.start = gv1;
cat.end = gv2;
} else {
cat.start = gv2;
cat.end = gv1;
cat.velocity = mGroundProperty.vel;
cat.rotation = mGroundProperty.rot;
cat.rotation_pivot = mGroundProperty.pivot;
SGExtendedTriangleFunctor<GroundCacheFill> mTriangleFunctor;
FGGroundCache* mGroundCache;
SGVec3d mCacheReference;
double mCacheRadius;
double mWireCacheRadius;
osg::Matrix mLocalToGlobal;
osg::Matrix mGlobalToLocal;
SGVec3d mDown;
SGVec3d mLocalDown;
SGVec3d mLocalCacheReference;
bool sphIsec;
bool mBackfaceCulling;
FGGroundCache::GroundProperty mGroundProperty;
FGGroundCache::FGGroundCache() :
reference_wgs84_point(SGVec3d(0, 0, 0)),
inline void
FGGroundCache::velocityTransformTriangle(double dt,
SGTriangled& dst, SGSphered& sdst,
const FGGroundCache::Triangle& src)
dst = src.triangle;
sdst = src.sphere;
if (dt*dt*dot(src.velocity, src.velocity) < SGLimitsd::epsilon())
SGVec3d baseVert = dst.getBaseVertex();
SGVec3d pivotoff = baseVert - src.rotation_pivot;
baseVert += dt*(src.velocity + cross(src.rotation, pivotoff));
dst.setEdge(0, dst.getEdge(0) + dt*cross(src.rotation, dst.getEdge(0)));
dst.setEdge(1, dst.getEdge(1) + dt*cross(src.rotation, dst.getEdge(1)));
FGGroundCache::prepare_ground_cache(double ref_time, const SGVec3d& pt,
double rad)
// Empty cache.
found_ground = false;
SGGeod geodPt = SGGeod::fromCart(pt);
// Don't blow away the cache ground_radius and stuff if there's no
// scenery
if (!globals->get_tile_mgr()->scenery_available(geodPt.getLatitudeDeg(),
return false;
ground_radius = 0.0;
// Store the parameters we used to build up that cache.
reference_wgs84_point = pt;
reference_vehicle_radius = rad;
// Store the time reference used to compute movements of moving triangles.
cache_ref_time = ref_time;
// Get a normalized down vector valid for the whole cache
SGQuatd hlToEc = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodPt);
down = hlToEc.rotate(SGVec3d(0, 0, 1));
// Prepare sphere around the aircraft.
double cacheRadius = rad;
// Prepare bigger sphere around the aircraft.
// This one is required for reliably finding wires we have caught but
// have already left the hopefully smaller sphere for the ground reactions.
const double max_wire_dist = 300.0;
double wireCacheRadius = max_wire_dist < rad ? rad : max_wire_dist;
// Walk the scene graph and extract solid ground triangles and carrier data.
GroundCacheFillVisitor gcfv(this, down, pt, cacheRadius, wireCacheRadius);
// some stats
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_DEBUG, "prepare_ground_cache(): ac radius = " << rad
<< ", # triangles = " << triangles.size()
<< ", # wires = " << wires.size()
<< ", # catapults = " << catapults.size()
<< ", ground_radius = " << ground_radius );
// If the ground radius is still below 5e6 meters, then we do not yet have
// any scenery.
found_ground = found_ground && 5e6 < ground_radius;
if (!found_ground)
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT, SG_WARN, "prepare_ground_cache(): trying to build cache "
"without any scenery below the aircraft" );
return found_ground;
FGGroundCache::is_valid(double& ref_time, SGVec3d& pt, double& rad)
pt = reference_wgs84_point;
rad = reference_vehicle_radius;
ref_time = cache_ref_time;
return found_ground;
FGGroundCache::get_cat(double t, const SGVec3d& dpt,
SGVec3d end[2], SGVec3d vel[2])
// start with a distance of 1e10 meters...
double dist = 1e10;
// Time difference to the reference time.
t -= cache_ref_time;
size_t sz = catapults.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
SGVec3d pivotoff, rvel[2];
pivotoff = catapults[i].start - catapults[i].rotation_pivot;
rvel[0] = catapults[i].velocity + cross(catapults[i].rotation, pivotoff);
pivotoff = catapults[i].end - catapults[i].rotation_pivot;
rvel[1] = catapults[i].velocity + cross(catapults[i].rotation, pivotoff);
SGVec3d thisEnd[2];
thisEnd[0] = catapults[i].start + t*rvel[0];
thisEnd[1] = catapults[i].end + t*rvel[1];
double this_dist = distSqr(SGLineSegmentd(thisEnd[0], thisEnd[1]), dpt);
if (this_dist < dist) {
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "Found catapult "
<< this_dist << " meters away");
dist = this_dist;
end[0] = thisEnd[0];
end[1] = thisEnd[1];
vel[0] = rvel[0];
vel[1] = rvel[1];
// At the end take the root, we only computed squared distances ...
return sqrt(dist);
FGGroundCache::get_agl(double t, const SGVec3d& dpt, double max_altoff,
SGVec3d& contact, SGVec3d& normal, SGVec3d& vel,
int *type, const SGMaterial** material, double *agl)
bool ret = false;
*type = FGInterface::Unknown;
// *agl = 0.0;
if (material)
*material = 0;
vel = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
contact = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
normal = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
// Time difference to th reference time.
t -= cache_ref_time;
// The double valued point we start to search for intersection.
SGVec3d pt = dpt;
// shift the start of our ray by maxaltoff upwards
SGRayd ray(pt - max_altoff*down, down);
// Initialize to something sensible
double current_radius = 0.0;
size_t sz = triangles.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
SGSphered sphere;
SGTriangled triangle;
velocityTransformTriangle(t, triangle, sphere, triangles[i]);
if (!intersectsInf(ray, sphere))
// Check for intersection.
SGVec3d isecpoint;
if (intersects(isecpoint, triangle, ray, 1e-4)) {
// Compute the vector from pt to the intersection point ...
SGVec3d off = isecpoint - pt;
// ... and check if it is too high or not
// compute the radius, good enough approximation to take the geocentric radius
double radius = dot(isecpoint, isecpoint);
if (current_radius < radius) {
current_radius = radius;
ret = true;
// Save the new potential intersection point.
contact = isecpoint;
// The first three values in the vector are the plane normal.
normal = triangle.getNormal();
// The velocity wrt earth.
SGVec3d pivotoff = pt - triangles[i].rotation_pivot;
vel = triangles[i].velocity + cross(triangles[i].rotation, pivotoff);
// Save the ground type.
*type = triangles[i].type;
*agl = dot(down, contact - dpt);
if (material)
*material = triangles[i].material;
if (ret)
return true;
// Whenever we did not have a ground triangle for the requested point,
// take the ground level we found during the current cache build.
// This is as good as what we had before for agl.
double r = length(dpt);
contact = dpt;
contact *= ground_radius/r;
normal = -down;
vel = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
// The altitude is the distance of the requested point from the
// contact point.
*agl = dot(down, contact - dpt);
*type = _type;
if (material)
*material = _material;
return ret;
bool FGGroundCache::caught_wire(double t, const SGVec3d pt[4])
size_t sz = wires.size();
if (sz == 0)
return false;
// Time difference to the reference time.
t -= cache_ref_time;
// Build the two triangles spanning the area where the hook has moved
// during the past step.
SGTriangled triangle[2];
triangle[0].set(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
triangle[1].set(pt[0], pt[2], pt[3]);
// Intersect the wire lines with each of these triangles.
// You have caught a wire if they intersect.
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
SGVec3d le[2];
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
le[k] = wires[i].ends[k];
SGVec3d pivotoff = le[k] - wires[i].rotation_pivot;
SGVec3d vel = wires[i].velocity + cross(wires[i].rotation, pivotoff);
le[k] += t*vel;
SGLineSegmentd lineSegment(le[0], le[1]);
for (int k=0; k<2; ++k) {
if (intersects(triangle[k], lineSegment)) {
SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "Caught wire");
// Store the wire id.
wire_id = wires[i].wire_id;
return true;
return false;
bool FGGroundCache::get_wire_ends(double t, SGVec3d end[2], SGVec3d vel[2])
// Fast return if we do not have an active wire.
if (wire_id < 0)
return false;
// Time difference to the reference time.
t -= cache_ref_time;
// Search for the wire with the matching wire id.
size_t sz = wires.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
if (wires[i].wire_id == wire_id) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
SGVec3d pivotoff = wires[i].ends[k] - wires[i].rotation_pivot;
vel[k] = wires[i].velocity + cross(wires[i].rotation, pivotoff);
end[k] = wires[i].ends[k] + t*vel[k];
return true;
return false;
void FGGroundCache::release_wire(void)
wire_id = -1;