When using the default (generic) config, which references many props which may not exist in a particular aircraft, suppress the 'recording non-existent' property warning.
610 lines
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// flightrecorder.cxx
// Written by Thorsten Brehm, started August 2011.
// Copyright (C) 2011 Thorsten Brehm - brehmt (at) gmail com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/ResourceManager.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "flightrecorder.hxx"
using namespace FlightRecorder;
using std::string;
FGFlightRecorder::FGFlightRecorder(const char* pConfigName) :
m_RecorderNode(fgGetNode("/sim/flight-recorder", true)),
m_ConfigNode = 0;
m_usingDefaultConfig = false;
SGPropertyNode_ptr ConfigNode;
int Selected = m_RecorderNode->getIntValue(m_ConfigName, 0);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_INFO, "FlightRecorder: Recorder configuration #" << Selected);
if (Selected >= 0)
ConfigNode = m_RecorderNode->getChild("config", Selected);
if (!ConfigNode.valid())
ConfigNode = getDefault();
FGFlightRecorder::reinit(SGPropertyNode_ptr ConfigNode)
m_TotalRecordSize = 0;
m_ConfigNode = ConfigNode;
if (!m_ConfigNode.valid())
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "FlightRecorder: Configuration is invalid. Flight recorder disabled.");
// set name of active flight recorder type
const char* pRecorderName =
"aircraft-specific flight recorder");
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_INFO, "FlightRecorder: Using custom recorder configuration: " << pRecorderName);
m_RecorderNode->setStringValue("active-config-name", pRecorderName);
// get signals
initSignalList("double", m_CaptureDouble, m_ConfigNode );
initSignalList("float", m_CaptureFloat , m_ConfigNode );
initSignalList("int", m_CaptureInteger, m_ConfigNode );
initSignalList("int16", m_CaptureInt16 , m_ConfigNode );
initSignalList("int8", m_CaptureInt8 , m_ConfigNode );
initSignalList("bool", m_CaptureBool , m_ConfigNode );
// calculate size of a single record
m_TotalRecordSize = sizeof(double) * 1 /* sim time */ +
sizeof(double) * m_CaptureDouble.size() +
sizeof(float) * m_CaptureFloat.size() +
sizeof(int) * m_CaptureInteger.size() +
sizeof(short int) * m_CaptureInt16.size() +
sizeof(signed char) * m_CaptureInt8.size() +
sizeof(unsigned char) * ((m_CaptureBool.size()+7)/8); // 8 bools per byte
// expose size of actual flight recorder record
m_RecorderNode->setIntValue("record-size", m_TotalRecordSize);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_INFO, "FlightRecorder: record size is " << m_TotalRecordSize << " bytes");
/** Check if SignalList already contains the given property */
FGFlightRecorder::haveProperty(FlightRecorder::TSignalList& SignalList,SGPropertyNode* pProperty)
unsigned int Count = SignalList.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<Count; i++)
if (SignalList[i].Signal.get() == pProperty)
return true;
return false;
/** Check if any signal list already contains the given property */
FGFlightRecorder::haveProperty(SGPropertyNode* pProperty)
if (haveProperty(m_CaptureDouble, pProperty))
return true;
if (haveProperty(m_CaptureFloat, pProperty))
return true;
if (haveProperty(m_CaptureInteger, pProperty))
return true;
if (haveProperty(m_CaptureInt16, pProperty))
return true;
if (haveProperty(m_CaptureInt8, pProperty))
return true;
if (haveProperty(m_CaptureBool, pProperty))
return true;
return false;
/** Read default flight-recorder configuration.
* Default should match properties as hard coded for versions up to FG2.4.0. */
SGPropertyNode_ptr ConfigNode;
// set name of active flight recorder type
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_INFO, "FlightRecorder: No custom configuration. Loading generic default recorder.");
const char* Path = m_RecorderNode->getStringValue("default-config",NULL);
if (!Path)
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "FlightRecorder: No default flight recorder specified! Check preferences.xml!");
SGPath path = globals->resolve_aircraft_path(Path);
if (path.isNull())
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "FlightRecorder: Cannot find file '" << Path << "'.");
readProperties(path.str(), m_RecorderNode->getChild("config", 0 ,true), 0);
ConfigNode = m_RecorderNode->getChild("config", 0 ,false);
} catch (sg_io_exception &e)
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "FlightRecorder: Error reading file '" <<
Path << ": " << e.getFormattedMessage());
m_usingDefaultConfig = true;
return ConfigNode;
/** Read signal list below given base node.
* Only process properties of given signal type and add all signals to the given list.
* This method is called for all supported signal types - properties of each type are
* kept in separate lists for efficiency reasons. */
FGFlightRecorder::initSignalList(const char* pSignalType, TSignalList& SignalList, SGPropertyNode_ptr BaseNode)
// clear old signals
processSignalList(pSignalType, SignalList, BaseNode);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "FlightRecorder: " << SignalList.size() << " signals of type " << pSignalType );
/** Process signal list below given base node.
* Only process properties of given signal type and add all signals to the given list.
* This method is called for all supported signal types - properties of each type are
* kept in separate lists for efficiency reasons. */
FGFlightRecorder::processSignalList(const char* pSignalType, TSignalList& SignalList, SGPropertyNode_ptr SignalListNode,
string PropPrefix, int Count)
// get the list of signal sources (property paths) for this signal type
SGPropertyNode_ptr SignalNode;
int Index=0;
Count = SignalListNode->getIntValue("count",Count);
PropPrefix = simgear::strutils::strip(SignalListNode->getStringValue("prefix",PropPrefix.c_str()));
if ((!PropPrefix.empty())&&(PropPrefix[PropPrefix.size()-1] != '/'))
PropPrefix += "/";
SignalNode = SignalListNode->getChild("signal",Index,false);
if (SignalNode.valid()&&
(0==strcmp(pSignalType, SignalNode->getStringValue("type","float"))))
string PropertyPath = SignalNode->getStringValue("property","");
if (!PropertyPath.empty())
PropertyPath = PropPrefix + PropertyPath;
const char* pInterpolation = SignalNode->getStringValue("interpolation","linear");
// Check if current signal has a "%i" place holder. Otherwise count is 1.
string::size_type IndexPos = PropertyPath.find("%i");
int SignalCount = Count;
if (IndexPos == string::npos)
SignalCount = 1;
for (int IndexValue=0;IndexValue<SignalCount;IndexValue++)
string PPath = PropertyPath;
if (IndexPos != string::npos)
char strbuf[20];
snprintf(strbuf, 20, "%d", IndexValue);
PPath = PPath.replace(IndexPos,2,strbuf);
TCapture Capture;
Capture.Signal = fgGetNode(PPath.c_str(),false);
if (!Capture.Signal.valid())
// JMT - only warn if using a custom config, not the default one. Since the generic config of
// course requests many props, but we do want this warning for custom configs tailored to the
// aircraft model.
if (!m_usingDefaultConfig) {
// warn user: we're maybe going to record useless data
// Or maybe the data is only initialized later. Warn anyway, so we can catch useless data.
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_INFO, "FlightRecorder: Recording non-existent property '" << PPath << "'.");
Capture.Signal = fgGetNode(PPath.c_str(),true);
if (0==strcmp(pInterpolation,"discrete"))
Capture.Interpolation = discrete;
if ((0==strcmp(pInterpolation,"angular"))||
Capture.Interpolation = angular_rad;
if (0==strcmp(pInterpolation,"angular-deg"))
Capture.Interpolation = angular_deg;
if (0==strcmp(pInterpolation,"linear"))
Capture.Interpolation = linear;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "FlightRecorder: Unsupported interpolation type '"
<< pInterpolation<< "' of signal '" << PPath << "'");
Capture.Interpolation = linear;
if (haveProperty(Capture.Signal))
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "FlightRecorder: Property '"
<< PPath << "' specified multiple times. Check flight recorder configuration.");
} while (SignalNode.valid());
// allow recursive definition of signal lists
simgear::PropertyList Nodes = SignalListNode->getChildren("signals");
for (unsigned int i=0;i<Nodes.size();i++)
processSignalList(pSignalType, SignalList, Nodes[i], PropPrefix, Count);
/** Get an empty container for a single capture. */
if (!m_TotalRecordSize)
return NULL;
FGReplayData* p = (FGReplayData*) new unsigned char[m_TotalRecordSize];
return p;
/** Free given container with capture data. */
FGFlightRecorder::deleteRecord(FGReplayData* pRecord)
delete[] pRecord;
/** Capture data.
* When pBuffer==NULL new memory is allocated.
* If pBuffer!=NULL memory of given buffer is reused.
FGFlightRecorder::capture(double SimTime, FGReplayData* pRecycledBuffer)
if (!pRecycledBuffer)
pRecycledBuffer = createEmptyRecord();
if (!pRecycledBuffer)
return NULL;
unsigned char* pBuffer = (unsigned char*) pRecycledBuffer;
int Offset = 0;
pRecycledBuffer->sim_time = SimTime;
Offset += sizeof(double);
// 64bit aligned data first!
// capture doubles
double* pDoubles = (double*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureDouble.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
pDoubles[i] = m_CaptureDouble[i].Signal->getDoubleValue();
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(double);
// 32bit aligned data comes second...
// capture floats
float* pFloats = (float*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureFloat.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
pFloats[i] = m_CaptureFloat[i].Signal->getFloatValue();
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(float);
// capture integers (32bit aligned)
int* pInt = (int*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureInteger.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
pInt[i] = m_CaptureInteger[i].Signal->getIntValue();
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(int);
// 16bit aligned data is next...
// capture 16bit short integers
short int* pShortInt = (short int*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureInt16.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
pShortInt[i] = (short int) m_CaptureInt16[i].Signal->getIntValue();
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(short int);
// finally: byte aligned data is last...
// capture 8bit chars
signed char* pChar = (signed char*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureInt8.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
pChar[i] = (signed char) m_CaptureInt8[i].Signal->getIntValue();
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(signed char);
// capture 1bit booleans (8bit aligned)
unsigned char* pFlags = (unsigned char*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureBool.size();
int Size = (SignalCount+7)/8;
Offset += Size;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
if (m_CaptureBool[i].Signal->getBoolValue())
pFlags[i>>3] |= 1 << (i&7);
assert(Offset == m_TotalRecordSize);
return (FGReplayData*) pBuffer;
/** Do interpolation as defined by given interpolation type and weighting ratio. */
static double
weighting(TInterpolation interpolation, double ratio, double v1,double v2)
switch (interpolation)
case linear:
return v1 + ratio*(v2-v1);
case angular_deg:
// special handling of angular data
double tmp = v2 - v1;
if ( tmp > 180 )
tmp -= 360;
else if ( tmp < -180 )
tmp += 360;
return v1 + tmp * ratio;
case angular_rad:
// special handling of angular data
double tmp = v2 - v1;
if ( tmp > SGD_PI )
tmp -= SGD_2PI;
else if ( tmp < -SGD_PI )
tmp += SGD_2PI;
return v1 + tmp * ratio;
case discrete:
// fall through
return v2;
/** Replay.
* Restore all properties with data from given buffer. */
FGFlightRecorder::replay(double SimTime, const FGReplayData* _pNextBuffer, const FGReplayData* _pLastBuffer)
const char* pLastBuffer = (const char*) _pLastBuffer;
const char* pBuffer = (const char*) _pNextBuffer;
if (!pBuffer)
int Offset = 0;
double ratio = 1.0;
if (pLastBuffer)
double NextSimTime = _pNextBuffer->sim_time;
double LastSimTime = _pLastBuffer->sim_time;
double Numerator = SimTime - LastSimTime;
double dt = NextSimTime - LastSimTime;
// avoid divide by zero and other quirks
if ((Numerator > 0.0)&&(dt != 0.0))
ratio = Numerator / dt;
if (ratio > 1.0)
ratio = 1.0;
Offset += sizeof(double);
// 64bit aligned data first!
// restore doubles
const double* pDoubles = (const double*) &pBuffer[Offset];
const double* pLastDoubles = (const double*) &pLastBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureDouble.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
double v = pDoubles[i];
if (pLastBuffer)
v = weighting(m_CaptureDouble[i].Interpolation, ratio,
pLastDoubles[i], v);
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(double);
// 32bit aligned data comes second...
// restore floats
const float* pFloats = (const float*) &pBuffer[Offset];
const float* pLastFloats = (const float*) &pLastBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureFloat.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
float v = pFloats[i];
if (pLastBuffer)
v = weighting(m_CaptureFloat[i].Interpolation, ratio,
pLastFloats[i], v);
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(float);
// restore integers (32bit aligned)
const int* pInt = (const int*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureInteger.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(int);
// 16bit aligned data is next...
// restore 16bit short integers
const short int* pShortInt = (const short int*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureInt16.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(short int);
// finally: byte aligned data is last...
// restore 8bit chars
const signed char* pChar = (const signed char*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureInt8.size();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
Offset += SignalCount * sizeof(signed char);
// restore 1bit booleans (8bit aligned)
const unsigned char* pFlags = (const unsigned char*) &pBuffer[Offset];
unsigned int SignalCount = m_CaptureBool.size();
int Size = (SignalCount+7)/8;
Offset += Size;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
m_CaptureBool[i].Signal->setBoolValue(0 != (pFlags[i>>3] & (1 << (i&7))));
FGFlightRecorder::getConfig(SGPropertyNode* root, const char* typeStr, const FlightRecorder::TSignalList& SignalList)
static const char* InterpolationTypes[] = {"discrete", "linear", "angular-rad", "angular-deg"};
size_t SignalCount = SignalList.size();
SGPropertyNode* Signals = root->getNode("signals", true);
for (size_t i=0; i<SignalCount; i++)
SGPropertyNode* SignalProp = Signals->addChild("signal");
SignalProp->setStringValue("type", typeStr);
SignalProp->setStringValue("interpolation", InterpolationTypes[SignalList[i].Interpolation]);
SignalProp->setStringValue("property", SignalList[i].Signal->getPath());
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "FlightRecorder: Have " << SignalCount << " signals of type " << typeStr);
root->setIntValue(typeStr, SignalCount);
return SignalCount;
FGFlightRecorder::getConfig(SGPropertyNode* root)
root->setStringValue("name", m_RecorderNode->getStringValue("active-config-name", ""));
int SignalCount = 0;
SignalCount += getConfig(root, "double", m_CaptureDouble);
SignalCount += getConfig(root, "float", m_CaptureFloat);
SignalCount += getConfig(root, "int", m_CaptureInteger);
SignalCount += getConfig(root, "int16", m_CaptureInt16);
SignalCount += getConfig(root, "int8", m_CaptureInt8);
SignalCount += getConfig(root, "bool", m_CaptureBool);
root->setIntValue("recorder/record-size", getRecordSize());
root->setIntValue("recorder/signal-count", SignalCount);