219 lines
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219 lines
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// metarproperties.cxx -- Parse a METAR and write properties
// Written by David Megginson, started May 2002.
// Rewritten by Torsten Dreyer, August 2010
// Copyright (C) 2002 David Megginson - david@megginson.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
#include "metarproperties.hxx"
#include "fgmetar.hxx"
#include "environment.hxx"
#include "atmosphere.hxx"
#include <simgear/scene/sky/cloud.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
using std::string;
namespace Environment {
static vector<string> coverage_string;
MetarProperties::MetarProperties( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) :
_metarValidNode( rootNode->getNode( "valid", true ) ),
// Hack to avoid static initialization order problems on OSX
if( coverage_string.size() == 0 ) {
// don't tie metar-valid, so listeners get triggered
_metarValidNode->setBoolValue( false );
_tiedProperties.setRoot( _rootNode );
_tiedProperties.Tie("data", this, &MetarProperties::get_metar, &MetarProperties::set_metar );
_tiedProperties.Tie("station-id", this, &MetarProperties::get_station_id );
_tiedProperties.Tie("station-elevation-ft", &_station_elevation );
_tiedProperties.Tie("station-latitude-deg", &_station_latitude );
_tiedProperties.Tie("station-longitude-deg", &_station_longitude );
_tiedProperties.Tie("min-visibility-m", &_min_visibility );
_tiedProperties.Tie("max-visibility-m", &_max_visibility );
_tiedProperties.Tie("base-wind-range-from", &_base_wind_range_from );
_tiedProperties.Tie("base-wind-range-to", &_base_wind_range_to );
_tiedProperties.Tie("base-wind-speed-kt", &_wind_speed );
_tiedProperties.Tie("base-wind-dir-deg", &_base_wind_dir );
_tiedProperties.Tie("base-wind-from-north-fps", &_wind_from_north_fps );
_tiedProperties.Tie("base-wind-from-east-fps", &_wind_from_east_fps );
_tiedProperties.Tie("gust-wind-speed-kt", &_gusts );
_tiedProperties.Tie("temperature-degc", &_temperature );
_tiedProperties.Tie("dewpoint-degc", &_dewpoint );
_tiedProperties.Tie("rel-humidity-norm", &_humidity );
_tiedProperties.Tie("pressure-inhg", &_pressure );
_tiedProperties.Tie("temperature-sea-level-degc", &_sea_level_temperature );
_tiedProperties.Tie("dewpoint-sea-level-degc", &_sea_level_dewpoint );
_tiedProperties.Tie("pressure-sea-level-inhg", &_sea_level_pressure );
_tiedProperties.Tie("rain-norm", &_rain );
_tiedProperties.Tie("hail-norm", &_hail );
_tiedProperties.Tie("snow-norm", &_snow);
_tiedProperties.Tie("snow-cover", &_snow_cover );
static const double thickness_value[] = { 0, 65, 600, 750, 1000 };
void MetarProperties::set_metar( const char * metar )
_metar = metar;
SGSharedPtr<FGMetar> m;
try {
m = new FGMetar( _metar );
catch( sg_io_exception ) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "Can't parse metar: " << _metar );
_min_visibility = m->getMinVisibility().getVisibility_m();
_max_visibility = m->getMaxVisibility().getVisibility_m();
const SGMetarVisibility *dirvis = m->getDirVisibility();
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++, dirvis++) {
SGPropertyNode *vis = _rootNode->getChild("visibility", i, true);
double v = dirvis->getVisibility_m();
vis->setDoubleValue("min-m", v);
vis->setDoubleValue("max-m", v);
_base_wind_dir = m->getWindDir();
_base_wind_range_from = m->getWindRangeFrom();
_base_wind_range_to = m->getWindRangeTo();
_wind_speed = m->getWindSpeed_kt();
double speed_fps = _wind_speed * SG_NM_TO_METER * SG_METER_TO_FEET / 3600.0;
_wind_from_north_fps = speed_fps * cos((double)_base_wind_dir * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
_wind_from_east_fps = speed_fps * sin((double)_base_wind_dir * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
_gusts = m->getGustSpeed_kt();
_temperature = m->getTemperature_C();
_dewpoint = m->getDewpoint_C();
_humidity = m->getRelHumidity();
_pressure = m->getPressure_inHg();
// 1. check the id given in the metar
FGAirport* a = FGAirport::findByIdent(m->getId());
// 2. if unknown, find closest airport with metar to current position
if( a == NULL ) {
SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(_longitude_n->getDoubleValue(), _latitude_n->getDoubleValue());
a = FGAirport::findClosest(pos, 10000.0, &_airportWithMetarFilter);
// 3. otherwise use ground elevation
if( a != NULL ) {
_station_elevation = a->getElevation();
const SGGeod & towerPosition = a->getTowerLocation();
_station_latitude = towerPosition.getLatitudeDeg();
_station_longitude = towerPosition.getLongitudeDeg();
_station_id = a->ident();
} else {
_station_elevation = 0.0;
_station_latitude = 0.0;
_station_longitude = 0.0;
_station_id = "XXXX";
// station_elevation_ft = _ground_elevation_n->getDoubleValue() * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
// _station_id = m->getId();
{ // calculate sea level temperature, dewpoint and pressure
FGEnvironment dummy; // instantiate a dummy so we can leech a method
dummy.set_elevation_ft( _station_elevation );
dummy.set_temperature_degc( _temperature );
dummy.set_dewpoint_degc( _dewpoint );
_sea_level_temperature = dummy.get_temperature_sea_level_degc();
_sea_level_dewpoint = dummy.get_dewpoint_sea_level_degc();
double elevation_m = _station_elevation * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double fieldPressure = FGAtmo::fieldPressure( elevation_m, _pressure * atmodel::inHg );
_sea_level_pressure = P_layer(0, elevation_m, fieldPressure, _temperature + atmodel::freezing, atmodel::ISA::lam0) / atmodel::inHg;
vector<SGMetarCloud> cv = m->getClouds();
vector<SGMetarCloud>::const_iterator cloud, cloud_end = cv.end();
static const char * LAYER = "layer";
SGPropertyNode_ptr cloudsNode = _rootNode->getNode("clouds", true );
const vector<SGMetarCloud> & metarClouds = m->getClouds();
for( unsigned i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr layerNode = cloudsNode->getChild(LAYER, i, true );
int coverage = i < metarClouds.size() ? metarClouds[i].getCoverage() : 0;
double elevation = i >= metarClouds.size() || coverage == 0 ? -9999.0 : metarClouds[i].getAltitude_ft() + _station_elevation;
layerNode->setStringValue( "coverage", coverage_string[coverage] );
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "coverage-type", SGCloudLayer::getCoverageType(coverage_string[coverage]) );
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "elevation-ft", elevation );
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "thickness-ft", thickness_value[coverage]);
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "span-m", 40000 );
_rain = m->getRain();
_hail = m->getHail();
_snow = m->getSnow();
_snow_cover = m->getSnowCover();
} // namespace Environment