This enables options such as '-u AeroElementTests,YASimAtmosphereTests'. It should help tracking down bugs whereby a test failure or error is triggered solely due to a previous test.
454 lines
17 KiB
454 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Edward d'Auvergne
* This file is part of the program FlightGear.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "dataStore.hxx"
#include "fgTestRunner.hxx"
#include "formatting.hxx"
#include "logging.hxx"
using namespace std;
// The help message.
void helpPrintout(std::ostream &stream) {
stream << "Usage: run_test_suite [options]" << std::endl << std::endl;
stream << "Options:" << std::endl;
stream << " -h, --help show this help message and exit." << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << " Test selection options:" << std::endl;
stream << " -s, --system-tests execute the system/functional tests." << std::endl;
stream << " -u, --unit-tests execute the unit tests." << std::endl;
stream << " -g, --gui-tests execute the GUI tests." << std::endl;
stream << " -m, --simgear-tests execute the simgear tests." << std::endl;
stream << " -f, --fgdata-tests execute the FGData tests." << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << " The -s, -u, -g, and -m options accept an optional argument to perform a" << std::endl;
stream << " subset of all tests. This argument should either be the name of a test" << std::endl;
stream << " suite, the full name of an individual test, or a comma separated list." << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << " Full test names consist of the test suite name, the separator '::' and then" << std::endl;
stream << " the individual test name. The test names can revealed with the verbose" << std::endl;
stream << " option." << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << " Logging options:" << std::endl;
stream << " --log-level={bulk,debug,info,warn,alert,popup,dev_warn,dev_alert}" << std::endl;
stream << " specify the minimum logging level to output" << std::endl;
stream << " --log-class=[none, terrain, astro, flight, input, gl, view, cockpit," << std::endl;
stream << " general, math, event, aircraft, autopilot, io, clipper," << std::endl;
stream << " network, atc, nasal, instrumentation, systems, ai, environment," << std::endl;
stream << " sound, navaid, gui, terrasync, particles, headless, osg," << std::endl;
stream << " undefined, all]" << std::endl;
stream << " select the logging class(es) to output." << std::endl;
stream << " --log-split output the different non-interleaved log streams" << std::endl;
stream << " sequentially." << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << " Verbosity options:" << std::endl;
stream << " -t, --timings verbose output including names and timings for all" << std::endl;
stream << " tests." << std::endl;
stream << " -c, --ctest simplified output suitable for running via CTest." << std::endl;
stream << " -d, --debug disable IO capture for debugging (super verbose output)." << std::endl;
stream << " --no-summary disable the final summary printout." << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << " FG options:" << std::endl;
stream << " --fg-root the path to FGData." << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
stream << "Environmental variables:" << std::endl;
stream << " FG_TEST_LOG_LEVEL equivalent to the --log-level option." << std::endl;
stream << " FG_TEST_LOG_CLASS equivalent to the --log-class option." << std::endl;
stream << " FG_TEST_LOG_SPLIT equivalent to the --log-split option." << std::endl;
stream << " FG_TEST_TIMINGS equivalent to the -t or --timings option." << std::endl;
stream << " FG_TEST_DEBUG equivalent to the -d or --debug option." << std::endl;
stream << " FG_ROOT the path to FGData. The order of precedence is" << std::endl;
stream << " --fg-root, the FG_DATA_DIR CMake option, FG_ROOT," << std::endl;
stream << " '../fgdata/', and '../data/'." << std::endl;
// Convert the log class comma separated string list into a simgear debug class value.
sgDebugClass processLogClass(std::string classList, bool &failure) {
// Declarations.
std::string logClassItem, val;
unsigned int logClass=0;
// Convert the command line value into a string array.
std::replace(classList.begin(), classList.end(), ',', ' ');
std::vector<std::string> logClasses;
stringstream temp(classList);
while (temp >> val)
// Build up the value.
for (auto const& logClassItem: logClasses)
if (logClassItem == "none")
logClass |= SG_NONE;
else if (logClassItem == "terrain")
logClass |= SG_TERRAIN;
else if (logClassItem == "astro")
logClass |= SG_ASTRO;
else if (logClassItem == "flight")
logClass |= SG_FLIGHT;
else if (logClassItem == "input")
logClass |= SG_INPUT;
else if (logClassItem == "gl")
logClass |= SG_GL;
else if (logClassItem == "view")
logClass |= SG_VIEW;
else if (logClassItem == "cockpit")
logClass |= SG_COCKPIT;
else if (logClassItem == "general")
logClass |= SG_GENERAL;
else if (logClassItem == "math")
logClass |= SG_MATH;
else if (logClassItem == "event")
logClass |= SG_EVENT;
else if (logClassItem == "aircraft")
logClass |= SG_AIRCRAFT;
else if (logClassItem == "autopilot")
logClass |= SG_AUTOPILOT;
else if (logClassItem == "io")
logClass |= SG_IO;
else if (logClassItem == "clipper")
logClass |= SG_CLIPPER;
else if (logClassItem == "network")
logClass |= SG_NETWORK;
else if (logClassItem == "atc")
logClass |= SG_ATC;
else if (logClassItem == "nasal")
logClass |= SG_NASAL;
else if (logClassItem == "instrumentation")
logClass |= SG_INSTR;
else if (logClassItem == "systems")
logClass |= SG_SYSTEMS;
else if (logClassItem == "ai")
logClass |= SG_AI;
else if (logClassItem == "environment")
else if (logClassItem == "sound")
logClass |= SG_SOUND;
else if (logClassItem == "navaid")
logClass |= SG_NAVAID;
else if (logClassItem == "gui")
logClass |= SG_GUI;
else if (logClassItem == "terrasync")
logClass |= SG_TERRASYNC;
else if (logClassItem == "particles")
logClass |= SG_PARTICLES;
else if (logClassItem == "headless")
logClass |= SG_HEADLESS;
else if (logClassItem == "osg")
logClass |= SG_OSG;
else if (logClassItem == "undefined")
logClass |= SG_UNDEFD;
else if (logClassItem == "all")
logClass |= SG_ALL;
else {
std::cout << "The log class \"" << logClassItem << "\" must be one of:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " {none, terrain, astro, flight, input, gl, view, cockpit, general, math," << std::endl;
std::cout << " event, aircraft, autopilot, io, clipper, network, atc, nasal," << std::endl;
std::cout << " instrumentation, systems, ai, environment, sound, navaid, gui, terrasync," << std::endl;
std::cout << " particles, headless, osg, undefined, all}" << std::endl << std::endl;
failure = true;
// Return a simgear debug class.
return sgDebugClass(logClass);
// Convert the log priority string into a simgear debug priority value.
sgDebugPriority processLogPriority(std::string logLevel, bool &failure) {
// Declarations.
sgDebugPriority logPriority=SG_INFO;
// Conversion.
if (logLevel == "bulk")
logPriority = SG_BULK;
else if (logLevel == "debug")
logPriority = SG_DEBUG;
else if (logLevel == "info")
logPriority = SG_INFO;
else if (logLevel == "warn")
logPriority = SG_WARN;
else if (logLevel == "alert")
logPriority = SG_ALERT;
else if (logLevel == "popup")
logPriority = SG_POPUP;
else if (logLevel == "dev_warn")
logPriority = SG_DEV_WARN;
else if (logLevel == "dev_alert")
logPriority = SG_DEV_ALERT;
else {
std::cout << "The log level setting of \"" << logLevel << "\" must be one of {bulk,debug,info,warn,alert,popup,dev_warn,dev_alert}.\n\n";
failure = true;
// Return the simgear debug priority.
return logPriority;
// Print out a summary of the relax test suite.
void summary(CppUnit::OStream &stream, int system_result, int unit_result, int gui_result, int simgear_result, int fgdata_result)
int synopsis = 0;
// Title.
string text = "Summary of the FlightGear test suite";
printTitle(stream, text);
// Subtitle.
text = "Synopsis";
printSection(stream, text);
// System/functional test summary.
if (system_result != -1) {
text = "System/functional tests";
printSummaryLine(stream, text, system_result);
synopsis += system_result;
// Unit test summary.
if (unit_result != -1) {
text = "Unit tests";
printSummaryLine(stream, text, unit_result);
synopsis += unit_result;
// GUI test summary.
if (gui_result != -1) {
text = "GUI tests";
printSummaryLine(stream, text, gui_result);
synopsis += gui_result;
// Simgear unit test summary.
if (simgear_result != -1) {
text = "Simgear unit tests";
printSummaryLine(stream, text, simgear_result);
synopsis += simgear_result;
// FGData test summary.
if (fgdata_result != -1) {
text = "FGData tests";
printSummaryLine(stream, text, fgdata_result);
synopsis += fgdata_result;
// Synopsis.
text ="Synopsis";
printSummaryLine(stream, text, synopsis);
// End.
stream << endl << endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Declarations.
int status_gui=-1, status_simgear=-1, status_system=-1, status_unit=-1, status_fgdata=-1;
bool run_system=false, run_unit=false, run_gui=false, run_simgear=false, run_fgdata=false;
bool logSplit=false;
bool timings=false, ctest_output=false, debug=false, printSummary=true, help=false;
char *subset_system=NULL, *subset_unit=NULL, *subset_gui=NULL, *subset_simgear=NULL, *subset_fgdata=NULL;
bool failure=false;
char firstchar;
std::string arg, delim, fgRoot, logClassVal, logLevel;
size_t delimPos;
// The default logging class and priority to show.
sgDebugClass logClass=SG_ALL;
sgDebugPriority logPriority=SG_INFO;
// Process environmental variables before the command line options.
if (getenv("FG_TEST_LOG_LEVEL"))
logPriority = processLogPriority(getenv("FG_TEST_LOG_LEVEL"), failure);
if (getenv("FG_TEST_LOG_CLASS"))
logClass = processLogClass(getenv("FG_TEST_LOG_CLASS"), failure);
if (getenv("FG_TEST_LOG_SPLIT"))
logSplit = true;
if (getenv("FG_TEST_TIMINGS"))
timings = true;
if (getenv("FG_TEST_DEBUG"))
debug = true;
if (failure)
return 1;
// Argument parsing.
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
firstchar = '\0';
arg = argv[i];
if (i < argc-1)
firstchar = argv[i+1][0];
// System test.
if (arg == "-s" || arg == "--system-tests") {
run_system = true;
if (firstchar != '-')
subset_system = argv[i+1];
// Unit test.
} else if (arg == "-u" || arg == "--unit-tests") {
run_unit = true;
if (firstchar != '-')
subset_unit = argv[i+1];
// GUI test.
} else if (arg == "-g" || arg == "--gui-tests") {
run_gui = true;
if (firstchar != '-')
subset_gui = argv[i+1];
// Simgear test.
} else if (arg == "-m" || arg == "--simgear-tests") {
run_simgear = true;
if (firstchar != '-')
subset_simgear = argv[i+1];
// FGData test.
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--fgdata-tests") == 0) {
run_fgdata = true;
if (firstchar != '-')
subset_fgdata = argv[i+1];
// Log class.
} else if (arg.find( "--log-class" ) == 0) {
// Process the command line.
logClass = SG_NONE;
delimPos = arg.find('=');
logClassVal = arg.substr(delimPos + 1);
logClass = processLogClass(logClassVal, failure);
if (failure)
return 1;
// Log level.
} else if (arg.find( "--log-level" ) == 0) {
// Process the command line level.
delimPos = arg.find('=');
logLevel = arg.substr(delimPos + 1);
logPriority = processLogPriority(logLevel, failure);
if (failure)
return 1;
// Log splitting.
} else if (arg == "--log-split") {
logSplit = true;
// Timing output.
} else if (arg == "-t" || arg == "--timings") {
timings = true;
// CTest suitable output.
} else if (arg == "-c" || arg == "--ctest") {
ctest_output = true;
// Debug output.
} else if (arg == "-d" || arg == "--debug") {
debug = true;
// No summary output.
} else if (arg == "--no-summary") {
printSummary = false;
// Help.
} else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
help = true;
// FGData path.
} else if (arg == "--fg-root") {
if (firstchar != '-')
fgRoot = argv[i+1];
// Help.
if (help) {
return 0;
// Turn on all tests if no subset was specified.
if (!run_system && !run_unit && !run_gui && !run_simgear && !run_fgdata) {
run_system = true;
run_unit = true;
run_gui = true;
run_simgear = true;
run_fgdata = true;
// Set up the data store singleton and FGData path.
DataStore& data = DataStore::get();
if (data.findFGRoot(fgRoot, debug) != 0) {
return 1;
if (data.validateFGRoot() != 0) {
return 1;
// Set up logging.
if (debug)
sglog().setLogLevels(sgDebugClass(logClass), logPriority);
setupLogging(sgDebugClass(logClass), logPriority, logSplit);
// Execute each of the test suite categories.
if (run_system)
status_system = testRunner("System tests", "System / functional tests", subset_system, timings, ctest_output, debug);
if (run_unit)
status_unit = testRunner("Unit tests", "Unit tests", subset_unit, timings, ctest_output, debug);
if (run_gui && 0) // Disabled as there are no GUI tests yet.
status_gui = testRunner("GUI tests", "GUI tests", subset_gui, timings, ctest_output, debug);
if (run_simgear)
status_simgear = testRunner("Simgear unit tests", "Simgear unit tests", subset_simgear, timings, ctest_output, debug);
if (run_fgdata)
status_fgdata = testRunner("FGData tests", "FGData tests", subset_fgdata, timings, ctest_output, debug);
// Summary printout.
if (printSummary && !ctest_output)
summary(cerr, status_system, status_unit, status_gui, status_simgear, status_fgdata);
// Deactivate the logging.
if (!debug)
// Failure.
if (status_system > 0)
return 1;
if (status_unit > 0)
return 1;
if (status_gui > 0)
return 1;
if (status_simgear > 0)
return 1;
if (status_fgdata > 0)
return 1;
// Success.
return 0;