Add an explicit toggle switch to the planning page so we don’t always set an empty plan.
470 lines
14 KiB
470 lines
14 KiB
import QtQuick 2.4
import FlightGear.Launcher 1.0
import FlightGear 1.0
import "."
Item {
Flickable {
id: flick
height: parent.height
width: parent.width - scrollbar.width
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
contentHeight: contents.childrenRect.height + Style.margin * 2
Component.onCompleted: {
if (_launcher.flightPlan.cruiseSpeed.value === 0.0) {
_launcher.flightPlan.cruiseSpeed = _launcher.selectedAircraftInfo.cruiseSpeed
if (_launcher.flightPlan.cruiseAltitude.value === 0.0) {
_launcher.flightPlan.cruiseAltitude = _launcher.selectedAircraftInfo.cruiseAltitude
_launcher.flightPlan.aircraftType = _launcher.selectedAircraftInfo.icaoType
route.text = _launcher.flightPlan.icaoRoute
id: contents
width: parent.width - (Style.margin * 2)
x: Style.margin
y: Style.margin
spacing: Style.margin
Row {
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
height: loadButton.height
ToggleSwitch {
label: qsTr("Fly with a flight-plan")
checked: _launcher.flightPlan.enabled
function toggle(newChecked) {
_launcher.flightPlan.enabled = newChecked
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Button {
id: loadButton
text: qsTr("Load");
onClicked: {
var ok = _launcher.flightPlan.loadPlan();
if (ok) {
route.text = _launcher.flightPlan.icaoRoute;
Button {
text: qsTr("Save");
onClicked: _launcher.flightPlan.savePlan();
Button {
text: qsTr("Clear");
onClicked: {
route.text = "";
HeaderBox {
title: qsTr("Aircraft & flight information")
width: parent.width
// date of flight << omit for now
Row {
height: aircraftIdent.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
StyledText {
text: qsTr("Callsign / Flight No.")
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
LineEdit {
id: aircraftIdent
placeholder: "D-FGFS"
suggestedWidthString: "XXXXXX";
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: _launcher.flightPlan.callsign
onTextChanged: {
_launcher.flightPlan.callsign = text
Item { width: Style.strutSize; height: 1 }
StyledText {
text: qsTr("Aircraft type:")
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
LineEdit {
placeholder: "B738"
suggestedWidthString: "XXXX";
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: _launcher.flightPlan.aircraftType
onTextChanged: {
_launcher.flightPlan.aircraftType = text
Row {
height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
PopupChoice {
id: flightRules
label: qsTr("Flight rules:")
model: ["VFR", "IFR"] // initially IFR (Y), initially VFR (Z)
Component.onCompleted: {
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
_launcher.flightPlan.flightRules = currentIndex;
Item { width: Style.strutSize; height: 1 }
PopupChoice {
id: flightType
label: qsTr("Flight type:")
model: [qsTr("Scheduled"),
qsTr("General aviation"),
Component.onCompleted: {
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
_launcher.flightPlan.flightType = currentIndex;
Row {
height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
PopupChoice {
id: wakeTurbulenceCategory
label: qsTr("Wake turbulence category:")
model: [qsTr("Light"),
// equipment
// - ideally prefill from acft
HeaderBox {
title: qsTr("Route")
width: parent.width
Row {
height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
AirportEntry {
label: qsTr("Departure airport:")
Component.onCompleted: {
onPickAirport: {
_launcher.flightPlan.departure = airport
onClickedName: {
detailLoader.airportGuid = airport.guid
detailLoader.sourceComponent = airportDetails;
KeyNavigation.tab: departureTime
// padding
Item { width: Style.strutSize; height: 1 }
TimeEdit {
id: departureTime
label: qsTr("Departure time:")
// cruising speed + level
Row {
height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
NumericalEdit {
label: qsTr("Cruise speed:")
unitsMode: Units.Speed
quantity: _launcher.flightPlan.cruiseSpeed
onCommit: {
_launcher.flightPlan.cruiseSpeed = newValue
KeyNavigation.tab: cruiseAltitude
// padding
Item { width: Style.strutSize; height: 1 }
NumericalEdit {
id: cruiseAltitude
label: qsTr("Cruise altitude:")
unitsMode: Units.AltitudeIncludingMeters
quantity: _launcher.flightPlan.cruiseAltitude
onCommit: _launcher.flightPlan.cruiseAltitude = newValue
StyledText {
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Route")
PlainTextEditBox {
id: route
width: parent.width
enabled: _launcher.flightPlan.departure.valid && _launcher.flightPlan.destination.valid
onEditingFinished: {
var ok = _launcher.flightPlan.tryParseRoute(text);
Row {
height: generateRouteButton.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
Button {
id: generateRouteButton
text: qsTr("Generate route")
enabled: route.enabled
onClicked: {
var ok = _launcher.flightPlan.tryGenerateRoute();
if (ok) {
route.text = _launcher.flightPlan.icaoRoute;
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
PopupChoice {
id: routeNetwork
label: qsTr("Using")
model: [qsTr("High-level (Jet) airways"),
qsTr("Low-level (Victor) airways"),
qsTr("High- & low-level airways")]
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Button {
text: qsTr("View route")
onClicked: {
detailLoader.airportGuid = 0
detailLoader.sourceComponent = routeDetails;
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Button {
text: qsTr("Clear route")
onClicked: {
route.text = "";
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
id: legsView
width: parent.width
onClickedLeg: {
detailLoader.airportGuid = 0
detailLoader.legIndex = index
detailLoader.sourceComponent = routeDetails;
Row {
height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
AirportEntry {
id: destinationICAO
label: qsTr("Destination airport:")
Component.onCompleted: {
onPickAirport: {
_launcher.flightPlan.destination = airport
onClickedName: {
detailLoader.airportGuid = airport.guid
detailLoader.sourceComponent = airportDetails;
Item { width: Style.strutSize; height: 1 }
TimeEdit {
id: enrouteEstimate
label: qsTr("Estimated enroute time:")
Component.onCompleted: {
onValueChanged: {
_launcher.flightPlan.estimatedDurationMinutes = value.getHours() * 60 + value.getMinutes();
Item { width: Style.strutSize; height: 1 }
text: qsTr("Total distance: %1").arg(_launcher.flightPlan.totalDistanceNm);
Row {
height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width
spacing: Style.margin
AirportEntry {
id: alternate1
label: qsTr("Alternate airport:")
Component.onCompleted: {
onPickAirport: {
_launcher.flightPlan.alternate = airport
onClickedName: {
detailLoader.airportGuid = airport.guid
detailLoader.sourceComponent = airportDetails;
HeaderBox {
title: qsTr("Additional information")
width: parent.width
StyledText {
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Remarks")
PlainTextEditBox {
id: remarks
width: parent.width
text: _launcher.flightPlan.remarks
onEditingFinished: {
_launcher.flightPlan.remarks = text;
} // of main column
} // of flickable
Scrollbar {
id: scrollbar
anchors.right: parent.right
height: parent.height
flickable: flick
visible: flick.contentHeight > flick.height
Component {
id: airportDetails
PlanAirportView {
id: airportView
Component {
id: routeDetails
PlanRouteDetails {
id: routeView
Loader {
id: detailLoader
anchors.fill: parent
visible: sourceComponent != null
property var airportGuid
property int legIndex
onStatusChanged: {
if (status == Loader.Ready) {
if (item.hasOwnProperty("location")) {
item.location = airportGuid
if (item.hasOwnProperty("legIndex")) {
item.legIndex = legIndex
Button {
id: backButton
anchors { left: parent.left; top: parent.top; margins: Style.margin }
width: Style.strutSize
visible: detailLoader.visible
text: "< Back"
onClicked: {
detailLoader.sourceComponent = null