refactoring of FGFDM parser replace old helpers with lib functions from <cstring> remove typecast that kills 'const' add some comments and clarify variable names
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226 lines
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#include "ControlMap.hpp"
#include "Model.hpp"
#include "Wing.hpp"
#include "Rotor.hpp"
#include "Vector.hpp"
#include "Version.hpp"
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
namespace yasim {
class Gear;
class Hook;
class Launchbar;
class Thruster;
class Hitch;
/// The Airplane class ties together the different components
class Airplane : public Version {
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wingsN;
void iterate(float dt);
void calcFuelWeights();
ControlMap* getControlMap() { return &_controls; }
Model* getModel() { return &_model; }
void setPilotPos(float* pos) { Math::set3(pos, _pilotPos); }
void getPilotPos(float* out) { Math::set3(_pilotPos, out); }
void getPilotAccel(float* out);
void setEmptyWeight(float weight) { _emptyWeight = weight; }
Wing* getWing();
bool hasWing() const { return (_wing != nullptr); }
Wing* getTail();
void addVStab(Wing* vstab) { _vstabs.add(vstab); }
void addFuselage(float* front, float* back, float width,
float taper=1, float mid=0.5f,
float cx=1, float cy=1, float cz=1, float idrag=1);
int addTank(float* pos, float cap, float fuelDensity);
void addGear(Gear* g);
void addHook(Hook* h) { _model.addHook(h); }
void addLaunchbar(Launchbar* l) { _model.addLaunchbar(l); }
void addThruster(Thruster* t, float mass, float* cg);
void addBallast(float* pos, float mass);
void addHitch(Hitch* h) { _model.addHitch(h); }
int addWeight(float* pos, float size);
void setWeight(int handle, float mass);
void setApproach(float speed, float altitude, float aoa, float fuel, float gla);
void setCruise(float speed, float altitude, float fuel, float gla);
void setElevatorControl(const char* prop);
void addApproachControl(const char* prop, float val);
void addCruiseControl(const char* prop, float val);
void addSolutionWeight(bool approach, int idx, float wgt);
int numGear() const { return _gears.size(); }
Gear* getGear(int g) { return ((GearRec*)_gears.get(g))->gear; }
Hook* getHook() const { return _model.getHook(); }
int numHitches() const { return _hitches.size(); }
Hitch* getHitch(int h);
Rotorgear* getRotorgear() { return _model.getRotorgear(); }
Launchbar* getLaunchbar() const { return _model.getLaunchbar(); }
int numThrusters() const { return _thrusters.size(); }
Thruster* getThruster(int n) {
return ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(n))->thruster; }
int numTanks() const { return _tanks.size(); }
void setFuelFraction(float frac); // 0-1, total amount of fuel
// get fuel in kg
float getFuel(int tank) const { return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->fill; }
// set fuel in kg
float setFuel(int tank, float fuel) { return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->fill = fuel; }
// get fuel density in kg/m^3
float getFuelDensity(int tank) const { return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->density; }
float getTankCapacity(int tank) const { return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->cap; }
void compile(); // generate point masses & such, then solve
void initEngines();
void stabilizeThrust();
// Solution output values
int getSolutionIterations() const { return _solutionIterations; }
float getDragCoefficient() const { return _dragFactor; }
float getLiftRatio() const { return _liftRatio; }
float getCruiseAoA() const { return _cruiseConfig.aoa; }
float getTailIncidence() const { return _tailIncidence; }
float getApproachElevator() const { return _approachElevator.val; }
const char* getFailureMsg() const { return _failureMsg; }
void loadApproachControls() { loadControls(_approachConfig.controls); }
void loadCruiseControls() { loadControls(_cruiseConfig.controls); }
float getCGHardLimitXMin() const { return _cgMin; } // get min x-coordinate for c.g (from main gear)
float getCGHardLimitXMax() const { return _cgMax; } // get max x-coordinate for c.g (from nose gear)
float getCGMAC(); // return c.g. x as fraction of MAC
// set desired range for C.G. in % of MAC, 0% = leading edge, 100% trailing edge
void setDesiredCGRangeInPercentOfMAC(float MACPercentMin, float MACPercentMax) { _cgDesiredMin = MACPercentMin; _cgDesiredMax = MACPercentMax; }
float getCGSoftLimitXMin() const { return _cgDesiredAft; } // get x-coordinate limit calculated from MAC and setCGRange values
float getCGSoftLimitXMax() const { return _cgDesiredFront; } // get x-coordinate limit calculated from MAC and setCGRange values
void setAutoBallast(bool allowed) { _autoBallast = allowed; }
struct Tank {
float pos[3];
float cap, fill, density;
int handle;
struct Fuselage {
float front[3], back[3];
float width, taper, mid, _cx, _cy, _cz, _idrag;
Vector surfs;
struct GearRec {
Gear* gear;
Surface* surf;
float wgt;
struct ThrustRec {
Thruster* thruster;
int handle;
float cg[3];
float mass;
struct ControlSetting {
int propHandle;
float val;
struct WeightRec {
int handle;
Surface* surf;
struct SolveWeight {
bool approach;
int idx;
float wgt;
struct ContactRec {
Gear* gear;
float p[3];
struct Config {
bool isApproach {false};
float speed {0};
float fuel {0};
float glideAngle {0};
float aoa {0};
float altitude;
float weight;
State state;
Vector controls;
Config _cruiseConfig;
Config _approachConfig;
void loadControls(const Vector& controls);
void runConfig(Config &cfg);
void solveGear();
void solve();
void solveHelicopter();
float compileWing(Wing* w);
void compileRotorgear();
float compileFuselage(Fuselage* f);
void compileGear(GearRec* gr);
void applyDragFactor(float factor);
void applyLiftRatio(float factor);
void addContactPoint(float* pos);
void compileContactPoints();
float normFactor(float f);
void updateGearState();
void setupWeights(bool isApproach);
void calculateCGHardLimits();
Model _model;
ControlMap _controls;
float _emptyWeight {0};
float _pilotPos[3] {0, 0, 0};
Wing* _wing {nullptr};
Wing* _tail {nullptr};
Vector _fuselages;
Vector _vstabs;
Vector _tanks;
Vector _thrusters;
float _ballast {0};
Vector _gears;
Vector _contacts; // non-gear ground contact points
Vector _weights;
Vector _surfs; // NON-wing Surfaces
Vector _hitches; //for airtow and winch
Vector _solveWeights;
int _solutionIterations {0};
float _dragFactor {1};
float _liftRatio {1};
float _tailIncidence {0};
ControlSetting _approachElevator;
const char* _failureMsg {0};
float _cgMax {-1e6}; // hard limits for cg from gear position
float _cgMin {1e6}; // hard limits for cg from gear position
float _cgDesiredMax {0.3f}; // desired cg max in %MAC from config
float _cgDesiredMin {0.25f}; // desired cg min in %MAC from config
float _cgDesiredFront {0}; // calculated desired cg x max
float _cgDesiredAft {0}; // calculated desired cg x min
bool _autoBallast = false;
}; // namespace yasim
#endif // _AIRPLANE_HPP