""" - ground properties (e.g. feel bumpiness and the reduced friction of grass or go swimming with the beaver) - initial load for yasim gears (to get rid of the jitter the beaver has on ground) - glider/winch/aerotow (do winch start with YASim glider or do aerotow over the net) I will place a how-to on the wiki soon, here very short: use the sgs233y (or the bocian if you have AJ (up ot now) non-GPL bocian) winch start: Ctrl-w for placing the winch, hold w to winch, press Shift-w to release the tow aerotow: Place the glider within 60m to a MP-aircraft, press Ctrl-t to tow to this aircraft. If the MP-aircraft is the J3 and the patch is installed on both sides, the J3 feels the forces, too. The J3-pilot has to taxi very slow up to the moment, the glider starts moving. Increase the throttle gently. Don't lift the J3 early, wait for the glider being lifted, lift gently. """
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#include "ControlMap.hpp"
#include "Model.hpp"
#include "Wing.hpp"
#include "Rotor.hpp"
#include "Vector.hpp"
namespace yasim {
class Gear;
class Hook;
class Launchbar;
class Thruster;
class Hitch;
class Airplane {
void iterate(float dt);
void calcFuelWeights();
ControlMap* getControlMap();
Model* getModel();
void setPilotPos(float* pos);
void getPilotPos(float* out);
void getPilotAccel(float* out);
void setWeight(float weight);
void setWing(Wing* wing);
void setTail(Wing* tail);
void addVStab(Wing* vstab);
void addFuselage(float* front, float* back, float width,
float taper=1, float mid=0.5,
float cx=1, float cy=1, float cz=1, float idrag=1);
int addTank(float* pos, float cap, float fuelDensity);
void addGear(Gear* g);
void addHook(Hook* h);
void addLaunchbar(Launchbar* l);
void addThruster(Thruster* t, float mass, float* cg);
void addBallast(float* pos, float mass);
void addHitch(Hitch* h);
int addWeight(float* pos, float size);
void setWeight(int handle, float mass);
void setApproach(float speed, float altitude, float aoa, float fuel, float gla);
void setCruise(float speed, float altitude, float fuel, float gla);
void setElevatorControl(int control);
void addApproachControl(int control, float val);
void addCruiseControl(int control, float val);
void addSolutionWeight(bool approach, int idx, float wgt);
int numGear();
Gear* getGear(int g);
Hook* getHook();
int numHitches() { return _hitches.size(); }
Hitch* getHitch(int h);
Rotorgear* getRotorgear();
Launchbar* getLaunchbar();
int numThrusters() { return _thrusters.size(); }
Thruster* getThruster(int n) {
return ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(n))->thruster; }
int numTanks();
void setFuelFraction(float frac); // 0-1, total amount of fuel
float getFuel(int tank); // in kg!
float setFuel(int tank, float fuel); // in kg!
float getFuelDensity(int tank); // kg/m^3
float getTankCapacity(int tank);
void compile(); // generate point masses & such, then solve
void initEngines();
void stabilizeThrust();
// Solution output values
int getSolutionIterations();
float getDragCoefficient();
float getLiftRatio();
float getCruiseAoA();
float getTailIncidence();
float getApproachElevator() { return _approachElevator.val; }
char* getFailureMsg();
static void setupState(float aoa, float speed, float gla, State* s); // utility
struct Tank { float pos[3]; float cap; float fill;
float density; int handle; };
struct Fuselage { float front[3], back[3], width, taper, mid, _cx, _cy, _cz, _idrag; };
struct GearRec { Gear* gear; Surface* surf; float wgt; };
struct ThrustRec { Thruster* thruster;
int handle; float cg[3]; float mass; };
struct Control { int control; float val; };
struct WeightRec { int handle; Surface* surf; };
struct SolveWeight { bool approach; int idx; float wgt; };
struct ContactRec { Gear* gear; float p[3]; };
void runCruise();
void runApproach();
void solveGear();
void solve();
void solveHelicopter();
float compileWing(Wing* w);
void compileRotorgear();
float compileFuselage(Fuselage* f);
void compileGear(GearRec* gr);
void applyDragFactor(float factor);
void applyLiftRatio(float factor);
float clamp(float val, float min, float max);
void addContactPoint(float* pos);
void compileContactPoints();
float normFactor(float f);
void updateGearState();
void setupWeights(bool isApproach);
Model _model;
ControlMap _controls;
float _emptyWeight;
float _pilotPos[3];
Wing* _wing;
Wing* _tail;
Vector _fuselages;
Vector _vstabs;
Vector _tanks;
Vector _thrusters;
float _ballast;
Vector _gears;
Vector _contacts; // non-gear ground contact points
Vector _weights;
Vector _surfs; // NON-wing Surfaces
Vector _hitches; //for airtow and winch
Vector _solveWeights;
Vector _cruiseControls;
State _cruiseState;
float _cruiseP;
float _cruiseT;
float _cruiseSpeed;
float _cruiseWeight;
float _cruiseFuel;
float _cruiseGlideAngle;
Vector _approachControls;
State _approachState;
float _approachP;
float _approachT;
float _approachSpeed;
float _approachAoA;
float _approachWeight;
float _approachFuel;
float _approachGlideAngle;
int _solutionIterations;
float _dragFactor;
float _liftRatio;
float _cruiseAoA;
float _tailIncidence;
Control _approachElevator;
char* _failureMsg;
}; // namespace yasim
#endif // _AIRPLANE_HPP