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Florent Rougon 48f52f14c4 Improved infrastructure for add-ons: C++ classes, metadata file, Nasal interface
This commit adds C++ classes for add-on management, most notably
AddonManager, Addon and AddonVersion. The AddonManager is used to
register add-ons. It relies on an std::map<std::string, AddonRef> to
hold the metadata of each registered add-on (keys of the std::map are
add-on identifiers, and AddonRef is currently SGSharedPtr<Addon>).
Accessor methods are available for:

  - retrieving the list of registered or loaded add-ons (terminology
    explained in $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.add-ons);

  - checking if a particular add-on has already been registered or

  - for each add-on, obtaining an Addon instance which can be queried
    for its name, id, version, base path, the minimum and maximum
    FlightGear versions it requires, its base node in the Property Tree,
    its order in the load sequence, short and long description strings,
    home page, etc.

The most important metadata is made accessible in the Property Tree
under /addons/by-id/<addon-id> and the property
/addons/by-id/<addon-id>/loaded can be checked or listened to, in
order to determine when a particular add-on is loaded. There is also a
Nasal interface to access add-on metadata in a convenient way.

In order to provide this metadata, each add-on must from now on have in
its base directory a file called 'addon-metadata.xml'.

All this is documented in much more detail in

Mailing-list discussion:

2017-12-08 00:36:41 +01:00

135 lines
4.6 KiB

// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
// Addon.hxx --- FlightGear class holding add-on metadata
// Copyright (C) 2017 Florent Rougon
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef FG_ADDON_HXX
#define FG_ADDON_HXX
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/NasalHash.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/naref.h>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/SGReferenced.hxx>
#include "addon_fwd.hxx"
#include "AddonVersion.hxx"
namespace flightgear
class Addon : public SGReferenced {
// Default constructor. 'minFGVersionRequired' is initialized to "2017.4.0"
// and 'maxFGVersionRequired' to "none".
// An empty value for 'minFGVersionRequired' is translated into "2017.4.0".
// An empty value for 'maxFGVersionRequired' is translated into "none".
Addon(std::string id, AddonVersion version, SGPath basePath,
std::string minFGVersionRequired = "",
std::string maxFGVersionRequired = "",
SGPropertyNode* addonNode = nullptr);
std::string getId() const;
void setId(const std::string& addonId);
std::string getName() const;
void setName(const std::string& addonName);
AddonVersionRef getVersion() const;
void setVersion(const AddonVersion& addonVersion);
std::string getShortDescription() const;
void setShortDescription(const std::string& addonShortDescription);
std::string getLongDescription() const;
void setLongDescription(const std::string& addonLongDescription);
SGPath getBasePath() const;
void setBasePath(const SGPath& addonBasePath);
// Should be valid for use with simgear::strutils::compare_versions()
std::string getMinFGVersionRequired() const;
void setMinFGVersionRequired(const std::string& minFGVersionRequired);
// Should be valid for use with simgear::strutils::compare_versions(),
// except for the special value "none".
std::string getMaxFGVersionRequired() const;
void setMaxFGVersionRequired(const std::string& maxFGVersionRequired);
std::string getHomePage() const;
void setHomePage(const std::string& addonHomePage);
std::string getDownloadUrl() const;
void setDownloadUrl(const std::string& addonDownloadUrl);
std::string getSupportUrl() const;
void setSupportUrl(const std::string& addonSupportUrl);
// Node pertaining to the add-on in the Global Property Tree
SGPropertyNode_ptr getAddonNode() const;
void setAddonNode(SGPropertyNode* addonNode);
// For Nasal: result as a props.Node object
naRef getAddonPropsNode() const;
// Property node indicating whether the add-on is fully loaded
SGPropertyNode_ptr getLoadedFlagNode() const;
// 0 for the first loaded add-on, 1 for the second, etc.
// -1 means “not set” (as done by the default constructor)
int getLoadSequenceNumber() const;
void setLoadSequenceNumber(int num);
// Simple string representation
std::string str() const;
static void setupGhost(nasal::Hash& addonsModule);
// The add-on identifier, in reverse DNS style. The AddonManager refuses to
// register two add-ons with the same id in a given FlightGear session.
std::string _id;
// Pretty name for the add-on (not constrained to reverse DNS style)
std::string _name;
// Use a smart pointer to expose the AddonVersion instance to Nasal without
// needing to copy the data every time.
AddonVersionRef _version;
// Strings describing what the add-on does
std::string _shortDescription;
std::string _longDescription;
SGPath _basePath;
// To be used with simgear::strutils::compare_versions()
std::string _minFGVersionRequired;
// Ditto, but there is a special value: "none"
std::string _maxFGVersionRequired;
std::string _homePage;
std::string _downloadUrl;
std::string _supportUrl;
// Main node for the add-on in the Property Tree
SGPropertyNode_ptr _addonNode;
// Semantics explained above
int _loadSequenceNumber = -1;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Addon& addonMetaData);
} // of namespace flightgear
#endif // of FG_ADDON_HXX