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* mesh2ogl.c -- walk through a mesh data structure and make ogl calls
* Written by Curtis Olson, started May 1997.
* $Id$
* (Log is kept at end of this file)
/* assumes -I/usr/include/mesa in compile command */
#include "gltk.h"
#include "../scenery/mesh.h"
#include "mat3.h"
/* Sets the first vector to be the cross-product of the last two
vectors. */
static void mat3_cross_product(float result_vec[3], register float vec1[3],
register float vec2[3]) {
float tempvec[3];
register float *temp = tempvec;
temp[0] = vec1[1] * vec2[2] - vec1[2] * vec2[1];
temp[1] = vec1[2] * vec2[0] - vec1[0] * vec2[2];
temp[2] = vec1[0] * vec2[1] - vec1[1] * vec2[0];
MAT3_COPY_VEC(result_vec, temp);
/* walk through mesh and make ogl calls */
GLint mesh_to_ogl(struct mesh *m) {
GLint mesh;
static GLfloat color[4] = { 0.3, 0.7, 0.2, 1.0 };
float x1, y1, x2, y2, z11, z12, z21, z22;
float v1[3], v2[3], normal[3];
int i, j, istep, jstep, iend, jend;
float temp;
istep = jstep = 150; /* Detail level 1 -- 1200 ... */
mesh = glGenLists(1);
glNewList(mesh, GL_COMPILE);
glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, color );
glShadeModel( GL_FLAT ); /* glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH ); */
iend = m->cols - 1;
jend = m->rows - 1;
y1 = m->originy;
y2 = y1 + (m->col_step * istep);
for ( i = 0; i < iend; i += istep ) {
x1 = m->originx;
x2 = x1 + (m->row_step * jstep);
for ( j = 0; j < jend; j += jstep ) {
z11 = 0.12 * m->mesh_data[j * m->rows + i ];
z12 = 0.12 * m->mesh_data[j * m->rows + (i+istep)];
z21 = 0.12 * m->mesh_data[(j+jstep) * m->rows + i ];
z22 = 0.12 * m->mesh_data[(j+jstep) * m->rows + (i+istep)];
/* printf("x1 = %f y1 = %f\n", x1, y1);
printf("x2 = %f y2 = %f\n", x2, y2);
printf("z11 = %f z12 = %f z21 = %f z22 = %f\n",
z11, z12, z21, z22); */
v1[0] = x2 - x1; v1[1] = 0; v1[2] = z21 - z11;
v2[0] = x2 - x1; v2[1] = y2 - y1; v2[2] = z22 - z11;
mat3_cross_product(normal, v1, v2);
glVertex3f(x1, y1, z11);
glVertex3f(x2, y1, z21);
glVertex3f(x2, y2, z22);
/* printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", x1, y1, z11);
printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", x2, y1, z21);
printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", x2, y2, z22); */
v1[0] = x2 - x1; v1[1] = y2 - y1; v1[2] = z22 - z11;
v2[0] = 0; v2[1] = y2 - y1; v2[2] = z12 - z11;
mat3_cross_product(normal, v1, v2);
glVertex3f(x1, y1, z11);
glVertex3f(x2, y2, z22);
glVertex3f(x1, y2, z12);
/* printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", x1, y1, z11);
printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", x2, y2, z22);
printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", x1, y2, z12); */
x1 = x2;
x2 = x1 + (m->row_step * jstep);
y1 = y2;
y2 = y1 + (m->col_step * istep);
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.2 1997/05/17 00:17:35 curt
/* Trying to stub in support for standard OpenGL.
* Revision 1.1 1997/05/16 16:05:52 curt
* Initial revision.