The globals non-templated get_subsystem() helper function has been made private to enforce the switch.
776 lines
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776 lines
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// FGPUICompatDialog.cxx - XML dialog class without using PUI
// Copyright (C) 2022 James Turner
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "config.h"
#include "FGPUICompatDialog.hxx"
#include <simgear/debug/BufferedLogCallback.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/tsync/terrasync.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/SGBinding.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_os.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx>
#include "FGColor.hxx"
#include "FGFontCache.hxx"
#include "PUICompatObject.hxx"
#include "layout.hxx"
#include "new_gui.hxx"
#include "property_list.hxx"
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/NasalObject.hxx>
// shoudl really be exposed properly
extern naRef propNodeGhostCreate(naContext c, SGPropertyNode* n);
class FGPUICompatDialog::DialogPeer : public nasal::Object
DialogPeer(naRef impl) : nasal::Object(impl)
void setDialog(FGPUICompatDialog* dlg)
_dialog = dlg;
SGSharedPtr<FGPUICompatDialog> dialog() const
return _dialog.lock();
SGWeakPtr<FGPUICompatDialog> _dialog;
static naRef f_dialogModuleHash(FGPUICompatDialog& dialog, naContext c)
auto nas = globals->get_subsystem<FGNasalSys>();
if (!nas) {
return naNil();
return nas->getModule(dialog.nasalModule());
naRef f_dialogRootObject(FGPUICompatDialog& dialog, naContext c)
return nasal::to_nasal(c, dialog._root);
naRef f_makeDialogPeer(const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
return ctx.to_nasal(SGSharedPtr<FGPUICompatDialog::DialogPeer>(
new FGPUICompatDialog::DialogPeer(ctx.requireArg<naRef>(0))));
void FGPUICompatDialog::setupGhost(nasal::Hash& compatModule)
using NasalGUIDialog = nasal::Ghost<SGSharedPtr<FGPUICompatDialog>>;
.member("name", &FGPUICompatDialog::nameString)
.member("module", &f_dialogModuleHash)
.member("geometry", &FGPUICompatDialog::geometry)
.member("x", &FGPUICompatDialog::getX)
.member("y", &FGPUICompatDialog::getY)
.member("width", &FGPUICompatDialog::width)
.member("height", &FGPUICompatDialog::height)
.member("root", f_dialogRootObject)
.method("close", &FGPUICompatDialog::requestClose);
using NasalDialogPeer = nasal::Ghost<SGSharedPtr<DialogPeer>>;
.method("dialog", &DialogPeer::dialog);
nasal::Hash dialogHash = compatModule.createHash("Dialog");
dialogHash.set("new", &f_makeDialogPeer);
FGPUICompatDialog::FGPUICompatDialog(SGPropertyNode* props) : FGDialog(props),
_module = string("__dlg:") + props->getStringValue("name", "[unnamed]");
_name = props->getStringValue("name", "[unnamed]");
if (_peer) {
_props->setIntValue("lastx", getX());
_props->setIntValue("lasty", getY());
// FIXME: save width/height as well?
auto nas = globals->get_subsystem<FGNasalSys>();
if (nas) {
if (_nasal_close) {
const auto s = _nasal_close->getStringValue();
nas->createModule(_module.c_str(), _module.c_str(), s.c_str(), s.length(), _props);
bool FGPUICompatDialog::init()
try {
auto nas = globals->get_subsystem<FGNasalSys>();
nasal::Context ctx;
nasal::Hash guiModule{nas->getModule("gui"), ctx};
if (guiModule.isNil()) {
throw sg_exception("Can't initialize PUICompat Nasal");
using SelfRef = SGSharedPtr<FGPUICompatDialog>;
using PeerRef = SGSharedPtr<DialogPeer>;
const std::string type = _props->getStringValue("type", "dialog");
auto f = guiModule.get<std::function<PeerRef(std::string, SelfRef)>>("_createDialogPeer");
if (!f) {
SG_LOG(SG_GUI, SG_DEV_ALERT, "PUICompat module loaded incorrectly");
return false;
_peer = f(type, SelfRef{this});
_peer->callMethod<void>("init", nas->wrappedPropsNode(_props));
SGPropertyNode* nasal = _props->getNode("nasal");
if (nasal && nas) {
_nasal_close = nasal->getNode("close");
SGPropertyNode* open = nasal->getNode("open");
if (open) {
const auto s = open->getStringValue();
nas->createModule(_module.c_str(), _module.c_str(), s.c_str(), s.length(), _props);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
SG_LOG(SG_GUI, SG_ALERT, "Faield to build dialog:" << e.what());
return false;
return true;
void FGPUICompatDialog::bringToFront()
const char* FGPUICompatDialog::getName()
return _name.c_str();
void FGPUICompatDialog::updateValues(const std::string& objectName)
void FGPUICompatDialog::applyValues(const std::string& objectName)
void FGPUICompatDialog::update()
if (_needsRelayout) {
void FGPUICompatDialog::display(SGPropertyNode* props)
// map from physical to logical units for PUI
const double ratio = fgGetDouble("/sim/rendering/gui-pixel-ratio", 1.0);
const int physicalWidth = fgGetInt("/sim/startup/xsize"),
physicalHeight = fgGetInt("/sim/startup/ysize");
const int screenw = static_cast<int>(physicalWidth / ratio),
screenh = static_cast<int>(physicalHeight / ratio);
bool userx = props->hasValue("x");
bool usery = props->hasValue("y");
bool userw = props->hasValue("width");
bool userh = props->hasValue("height");
// Let the layout widget work in the same property subtree.
LayoutWidget wid(props);
SGPropertyNode* fontnode = props->getNode("font");
if (fontnode) {
SGPropertyNode* property_node = fontnode->getChild("property");
if (property_node)
fontnode = globals->get_props()->getNode(property_node->getStringValue());
// _font = FGFontCache::instance()->get(fontnode);
} else {
// _font = _gui->getDefaultFont();
// wid.setDefaultFont(_font, int(_font->getPointSize()));
int pw = 0, ph = 0;
int px, py, savex, savey;
if (!userw || !userh)
wid.calcPrefSize(&pw, &ph);
pw = props->getIntValue("width", pw);
ph = props->getIntValue("height", ph);
px = savex = props->getIntValue("x", (screenw - pw) / 2);
py = savey = props->getIntValue("y", (screenh - ph) / 2);
// Negative x/y coordinates are interpreted as distance from the top/right
// corner rather than bottom/left.
if (userx && px < 0)
px = screenw - pw + px;
if (usery && py < 0)
py = screenh - ph + py;
// Define "x", "y", "width" and/or "height" in the property tree if they
// are not specified in the configuration file.
wid.layout(px, py, pw, ph);
_root = PUICompatObject::createForType("group", _props);
_root->setGeometry(SGRectd{static_cast<double>(px), static_cast<double>(py),
static_cast<double>(pw), static_cast<double>(ph)});
// Remove automatically generated properties, so the layout looks
// the same next time around, or restore x and y to preserve negative coords.
if (userx)
props->setIntValue("x", savex);
if (usery)
props->setIntValue("y", savey);
if (!userw) props->removeChild("width");
if (!userh) props->removeChild("height");
#if 0
FGPUIDialog::makeObject(SGPropertyNode* props, int parentWidth, int parentHeight)
if (!props->getBoolValue("enabled", true))
return 0;
bool presetSize = props->hasValue("width") && props->hasValue("height");
int width = props->getIntValue("width", parentWidth);
int height = props->getIntValue("height", parentHeight);
int x = props->getIntValue("x", (parentWidth - width) / 2);
int y = props->getIntValue("y", (parentHeight - height) / 2);
string type = props->getName();
if (type.empty())
type = "dialog";
if (type == "dialog") {
puPopup* obj;
bool draggable = props->getBoolValue("draggable", true);
bool resizable = props->getBoolValue("resizable", false);
if (props->getBoolValue("modal", false))
obj = new puDialogBox(x, y);
obj = new fgPopup(this, x, y, resizable, draggable);
setupGroup(obj, props, width, height, true);
setColor(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "group") {
puGroup* obj = new puGroup(x, y);
setupGroup(obj, props, width, height, false);
setColor(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "frame") {
puGroup* obj = new puGroup(x, y);
setupGroup(obj, props, width, height, true);
setColor(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "hrule" || type == "vrule") {
puFrame* obj = new puFrame(x, y, x + width, y + height);
setupObject(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "list") {
int slider_width = props->getIntValue("slider", 20);
fgList* obj = new fgList(x, y, x + width, y + height, props, slider_width);
if (presetSize)
obj->setSize(width, height);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "airport-list") {
AirportList* obj = new AirportList(x, y, x + width, y + height);
if (presetSize)
obj->setSize(width, height);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "property-list") {
PropertyList* obj = new PropertyList(x, y, x + width, y + height, globals->get_props());
if (presetSize)
obj->setSize(width, height);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "input") {
puInput* obj = new puInput(x, y, x + width, y + height);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, FOREGROUND | LABEL);
return obj;
} else if (type == "text") {
puText* obj = new puText(x, y);
setupObject(obj, props);
// Layed-out objects need their size set, and non-layout ones
// get a different placement.
if (presetSize)
obj->setSize(width, height);
setColor(obj, props, LABEL);
return obj;
} else if (type == "checkbox") {
puButton* obj;
obj = new puButton(x, y, x + width, y + height, PUBUTTON_XCHECK);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, FOREGROUND | LABEL);
return obj;
} else if (type == "radio") {
puButton* obj;
obj = new puButton(x, y, x + width, y + height, PUBUTTON_CIRCLE);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, FOREGROUND | LABEL);
return obj;
} else if (type == "button") {
puButton* obj;
const char* legend = props->getStringValue("legend", "[none]");
if (props->getBoolValue("one-shot", true))
obj = new puOneShot(x, y, legend);
obj = new puButton(x, y, legend);
if (presetSize)
obj->setSize(width, height);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "map") {
MapWidget* mapWidget = new MapWidget(x, y, x + width, y + height);
setupObject(mapWidget, props);
return mapWidget;
} else if (type == "canvas") {
CanvasWidget* canvasWidget = new CanvasWidget(x, y,
x + width, y + height,
setupObject(canvasWidget, props);
return canvasWidget;
} else if (type == "combo") {
fgComboBox* obj = new fgComboBox(x, y, x + width, y + height, props,
props->getBoolValue("editable", false));
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, EDITFIELD);
return obj;
} else if (type == "slider") {
bool vertical = props->getBoolValue("vertical", false);
puSlider* obj = new puSlider(x, y, (vertical ? height : width), vertical);
obj->setMinValue(props->getFloatValue("min", 0.0));
obj->setMaxValue(props->getFloatValue("max", 1.0));
#if PLIB_VERSION > 185
setupObject(obj, props);
if (presetSize)
obj->setSize(width, height);
setColor(obj, props, FOREGROUND | LABEL);
return obj;
} else if (type == "dial") {
puDial* obj = new puDial(x, y, width);
obj->setMinValue(props->getFloatValue("min", 0.0));
obj->setMaxValue(props->getFloatValue("max", 1.0));
obj->setWrap(props->getBoolValue("wrap", true));
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, FOREGROUND | LABEL);
return obj;
} else if (type == "textbox") {
int slider_width = props->getIntValue("slider", 20);
int wrap = props->getBoolValue("wrap", true);
#if PLIB_VERSION > 185
puaLargeInput* obj = new puaLargeInput(x, y,
x + width, x + height, 11, slider_width, wrap);
puaLargeInput* obj = new puaLargeInput(x, y,
x + width, x + height, 2, slider_width, wrap);
if (props->getBoolValue("editable"))
if (presetSize)
obj->setSize(width, height);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, FOREGROUND | LABEL);
int top = props->getIntValue("top-line", 0);
obj->setTopLineInWindow(top < 0 ? unsigned(-1) >> 1 : top);
return obj;
} else if (type == "select") {
fgSelectBox* obj = new fgSelectBox(x, y, x + width, y + height, props);
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, EDITFIELD);
return obj;
} else if (type == "waypointlist") {
ScrolledWaypointList* obj = new ScrolledWaypointList(x, y, width, height);
setupObject(obj, props);
return obj;
} else if (type == "loglist") {
LogList* obj = new LogList(x, y, width, height, 20);
string logClass = props->getStringValue("logclass");
if (logClass == "terrasync") {
auto tsync = globals->get_subsystem<simgear::SGTerraSync>();
if (tsync) {
} else {
auto nasal = globals->get_subsystem<FGNasalSys>();
setupObject(obj, props);
setColor(obj, props, FOREGROUND | LABEL);
return obj;
} else {
return 0;
#if 0
void FGPUIDialog::setupObject(puObject* object, SGPropertyNode* props)
GUIInfo* info = new GUIInfo(this);
info->node = props;
if (props->hasValue("legend")) {
info->legend = props->getStringValue("legend");
if (props->hasValue("label")) {
info->label = props->getStringValue("label");
if (props->hasValue("border"))
object->setBorderThickness(props->getIntValue("border", 2));
if (SGPropertyNode* nft = props->getNode("font", false)) {
if (nft) {
SGPropertyNode* property_node = nft->getChild("property");
if (property_node)
nft = globals->get_props()->getNode(property_node->getStringValue());
_font = FGFontCache::instance()->get(nft);
} else {
_font = _gui->getDefaultFont();
puFont* lfnt = FGFontCache::instance()->get(nft);
} else {
if (props->hasChild("visible")) {
ConditionalObject* cnd = new ConditionalObject("visible", object);
cnd->setCondition(sgReadCondition(globals->get_props(), props->getChild("visible")));
if (props->hasChild("enable")) {
ConditionalObject* cnd = new ConditionalObject("enable", object);
cnd->setCondition(sgReadCondition(globals->get_props(), props->getChild("enable")));
string type = props->getName();
if (type == "input" && props->getBoolValue("live"))
if (type == "text") {
const char* format = props->getStringValue("format", 0);
if (format) {
info->fmt_type = validate_format(format);
if (info->fmt_type != f_INVALID)
info->format = format;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "DIALOG: invalid <format> '" << format << '\'');
if (props->hasValue("property")) {
const char* name = props->getStringValue("name");
if (name == 0)
name = "";
const char* propname = props->getStringValue("property");
SGPropertyNode_ptr node = fgGetNode(propname, true);
if (type == "map") {
// mapWidget binds to a sub-tree of properties, and
// ignores the puValue mechanism, so special case things here
MapWidget* mw = static_cast<MapWidget*>(object);
} else {
// normal widget, creating PropertyObject
copy_to_pui(node, object);
PropertyObject* po = new PropertyObject(name, object, node);
if (props->getBoolValue("live"))
const auto bindings = props->getChildren("binding");
if (!bindings.empty()) {
info->key = props->getIntValue("keynum", -1);
if (props->hasValue("key"))
info->key = getKeyCode(props->getStringValue("key", ""));
for (auto bindingNode : bindings) {
const char* cmd = bindingNode->getStringValue("command");
if (!strcmp(cmd, "nasal")) {
// we need to clone the binding node, so we can unique the
// Nasal module. Otherwise we always modify the global dialog
// definition, and cloned dialogs use the same Nasal module for
// <nasal> bindings, which goes wrong. (Especially, the property
// inspector)
// memory ownership works because SGBinding has a ref to its
// argument node and holds onto it.
SGPropertyNode_ptr copiedBinding = new SGPropertyNode;
copyProperties(bindingNode, copiedBinding);
copiedBinding->setStringValue("module", _module.c_str());
bindingNode = copiedBinding;
info->bindings.push_back(new SGBinding(bindingNode, globals->get_props()));
#if 0
void FGPUIDialog::setupGroup(puGroup* group, SGPropertyNode* props,
int width, int height, bool makeFrame)
setupObject(group, props);
if (makeFrame) {
puFrame* f = new puFrame(0, 0, width, height);
setColor(f, props);
int nChildren = props->nChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++)
makeObject(props->getChild(i), width, height);
void FGPUICompatDialog::relayout()
_needsRelayout = false;
int screenw = globals->get_props()->getIntValue("/sim/startup/xsize");
int screenh = globals->get_props()->getIntValue("/sim/startup/ysize");
bool userx = _props->hasValue("x");
bool usery = _props->hasValue("y");
bool userw = _props->hasValue("width");
bool userh = _props->hasValue("height");
// Let the layout widget work in the same property subtree.
LayoutWidget wid(_props);
// wid.setDefaultFont(_font, int(_font->getPointSize()));
int pw = 0, ph = 0;
int px, py, savex, savey;
if (!userw || !userh) {
wid.calcPrefSize(&pw, &ph);
pw = _props->getIntValue("width", pw);
ph = _props->getIntValue("height", ph);
px = savex = _props->getIntValue("x", (screenw - pw) / 2);
py = savey = _props->getIntValue("y", (screenh - ph) / 2);
// Negative x/y coordinates are interpreted as distance from the top/right
// corner rather than bottom/left.
if (userx && px < 0)
px = screenw - pw + px;
if (usery && py < 0)
py = screenh - ph + py;
// Define "x", "y", "width" and/or "height" in the property tree if they
// are not specified in the configuration file.
wid.layout(px, py, pw, ph);
_root->setGeometry(SGRectd{static_cast<double>(px), static_cast<double>(py),
static_cast<double>(pw), static_cast<double>(ph)});
// Remove automatically generated properties, so the layout looks
// the same next time around, or restore x and y to preserve negative coords.
if (userx)
_props->setIntValue("x", savex);
if (usery)
_props->setIntValue("y", savey);
if (!userw) _props->removeChild("width");
if (!userh) _props->removeChild("height");
#if 0
void FGPUIDialog::applySize(puObject* object)
// compound plib widgets use setUserData() for internal purposes, so refuse
// to descend into anything that has other bits set than the following
int type = object->getType();
if ((type & PUCLASS_GROUP) && !(type & ~validUserData)) {
puObject* c = ((puGroup*)object)->getFirstChild();
for (; c != NULL; c = c->getNextObject()) {
} // of child iteration
} // of group object case
GUIInfo* info = (GUIInfo*)object->getUserData();
if (!info)
SGPropertyNode* n = info->node;
if (!n) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "FGDialog::applySize: no props");
int x = n->getIntValue("x");
int y = n->getIntValue("y");
int w = n->getIntValue("width", 4);
int h = n->getIntValue("height", 4);
object->setPosition(x, y);
object->setSize(w, h);
double FGPUICompatDialog::getX() const
if (!_root)
return 0.0;
return _root->getX();
double FGPUICompatDialog::getY() const
if (!_root)
return 0.0;
return _root->getY();
double FGPUICompatDialog::width() const
if (!_root)
return 800.0;
return _root->width();
double FGPUICompatDialog::height() const
if (!_root)
return 600.0;
return _root->height();
SGRectd FGPUICompatDialog::geometry() const
return _root->geometry();
std::string FGPUICompatDialog::nameString() const
return _name;
std::string FGPUICompatDialog::nasalModule() const
return _module;
void FGPUICompatDialog::requestClose()
auto gui = globals->get_subsystem<NewGUI>();