211 lines
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211 lines
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#ifndef __NASALSYS_HXX
#define __NASALSYS_HXX
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_dir.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/NasalHash.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/nasal.h>
#include <simgear/threads/SGQueue.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
// Required only for MSVC
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <Scripting/NasalModelData.hxx>
#include <map>
class FGNasalScript;
class FGNasalListener;
class SGCondition;
class FGNasalModelData;
class NasalCommand;
class FGNasalModuleListener;
namespace simgear { class BufferedLogCallback; }
SGPropertyNode* ghostToPropNode(naRef ref);
SGCondition* conditionGhost(naRef r);
class FGNasalSys : public SGSubsystem
virtual ~FGNasalSys();
virtual void init();
virtual void shutdown();
virtual void update(double dt);
// Loads a nasal script from an external file and inserts it as a
// global module of the specified name.
bool loadModule(SGPath file, const char* moduleName);
// Simple hook to run arbitrary source code. Returns a bool to
// indicate successful execution. Does *not* return any Nasal
// values, because handling garbage-collected objects from C space
// is deep voodoo and violates the "simple hook" idea.
bool parseAndRun(const char* sourceCode);
// Slightly more complicated hook to get a handle to a precompiled
// Nasal script that can be invoked via a call() method. The
// caller is expected to delete the FGNasalScript returned from
// this function. The "name" argument specifies the "file name"
// for the source code that will be printed in Nasal stack traces
// on error.
// FGNasalScript* parseScript(const char* src, const char* name=0);
// Implementation of the settimer extension function
void setTimer(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args);
// Implementation of the setlistener extension function
naRef setListener(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args);
naRef removeListener(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args);
// Returns a ghost wrapper for the current _cmdArg
naRef cmdArgGhost();
void setCmdArg(SGPropertyNode* aNode);
* create Nasal props.Node for an SGPropertyNode*
* This is the actual ghost, wrapped in a Nasal sugar class.
naRef wrappedPropsNode(SGPropertyNode* aProps);
// Callbacks for command and timer bindings
virtual bool handleCommand( const char* moduleName,
const char* fileName,
const char* src,
const SGPropertyNode* arg = 0 );
virtual bool handleCommand(const SGPropertyNode* arg);
bool createModule(const char* moduleName, const char* fileName,
const char* src, int len, const SGPropertyNode* cmdarg=0,
int argc=0, naRef*args=0);
void deleteModule(const char* moduleName);
void addCommand(naRef func, const std::string& name);
void removeCommand(const std::string& name);
* Set member of specified hash to given value
void hashset(naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val);
* Set member of globals hash to given value
void globalsSet(const char* key, naRef val);
naRef call(naRef code, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals);
naRef callMethod(naRef code, naRef self, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals);
naRef propNodeGhost(SGPropertyNode* handle);
void registerToLoad(FGNasalModelData* data);
void registerToUnload(FGNasalModelData* data);
// can't call this 'globals' due to naming clash
naRef nasalGlobals() const
{ return _globals; }
nasal::Hash getGlobals() const
{ return nasal::Hash(_globals, _context); }
// This mechanism is here to allow naRefs to be passed to
// locations "outside" the interpreter. Normally, such a
// reference would be garbage collected unexpectedly. By passing
// it to gcSave and getting a key/handle, it can be cached in a
// globals.__gcsave hash. Be sure to release it with gcRelease
// when done.
int gcSave(naRef r);
void gcRelease(int key);
/// retrive the associated log object, for displaying log
/// output somewhere (a UI, presumably)
simgear::BufferedLogCallback* log() const
{ return _log; }
//friend class FGNasalScript;
friend class FGNasalListener;
friend class FGNasalModuleListener;
SGLockedQueue<SGSharedPtr<FGNasalModelData> > _loadList;
SGLockedQueue<SGSharedPtr<FGNasalModelData> > _unloadList;
// Delay removing items of the _loadList to ensure the are already attached
// to the scene graph (eg. enables to retrieve world position in load
// callback).
bool _delay_load;
// FGTimer subclass for handling Nasal timer callbacks.
// See the implementation of the settimer() extension function for
// more notes.
struct NasalTimer {
virtual void timerExpired();
virtual ~NasalTimer() {}
naRef handler;
int gcKey;
FGNasalSys* nasal;
// Listener
std::map<int, FGNasalListener *> _listener;
std::vector<FGNasalListener *> _dead_listener;
std::vector<FGNasalModuleListener*> _moduleListeners;
static int _listenerId;
void loadPropertyScripts();
void loadPropertyScripts(SGPropertyNode* n);
void loadScriptDirectory(simgear::Dir nasalDir);
void addModule(std::string moduleName, simgear::PathList scripts);
static void logError(naContext);
naRef parse(const char* filename, const char* buf, int len);
naRef genPropsModule();
naContext _context;
naRef _globals,
SGPropertyNode_ptr _cmdArg;
simgear::BufferedLogCallback* _log;
typedef std::map<std::string, NasalCommand*> NasalCommandDict;
NasalCommandDict _commands;
naRef _wrappedNodeFunc;
void handleTimer(NasalTimer* t);
#if 0
class FGNasalScript {
~FGNasalScript() { _nas->gcRelease(_gcKey); }
bool call() {
naRef n = naNil();
naCall(_nas->_context, _code, 0, &n, naNil(), naNil());
return naGetError(_nas->_context) == 0;
FGNasalSys* sys() const { return _nas; }
friend class FGNasalSys;
naRef _code;
int _gcKey;
FGNasalSys* _nas;
#endif // __NASALSYS_HXX