1138 lines
50 KiB
1138 lines
50 KiB
// kln89_page_*.[ch]xx - this file is one of the "pages" that
// are used in the KLN89 GPS unit simulation.
// Written by David Luff, started 2005.
// Copyright (C) 2005 - David C Luff - daveluff AT ntlworld.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
# include "config.h"
#include "kln89_page_fpl.hxx"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
KLN89FplPage::KLN89FplPage(KLN89* parent)
: KLN89Page(parent) {
_nSubPages = 26;
_subPage = 0;
_name = "FPL";
_fpMode = 0;
_actFpMode = 0;
_wLinePos = 0;
_bEntWp = false;
_bEntExp = false;
_entWp = NULL;
_fplPos = 0;
_resetFplPos0 = true;
_delFP = false;
_delWp = false;
_delAppr = false;
_changeAppr = false;
_fp0SelWpId = "";
KLN89FplPage::~KLN89FplPage() {
void KLN89FplPage::Update(double dt) {
// NOTE - we need to draw the active leg arrow outside of this block to avoid the _delFP check.
// TODO - we really ought to merge the page 0 and other pages drawing code with a couple of lines of extra logic.
if(_subPage == 0 && !_delFP) { // Note that in the _delFP case, the active flightplan gets a header, and hence the same geometry as the other fps, so we draw it there.
// active FlightPlan
// NOTE THAT FOR THE ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN, TOP POSITION IS STILL 4 in the underline position scheme, to make
// copy and paste easier!!!!
// ---------------------------------- Copy the active FlightPlan and insert approach header and fence if required ---------------
// For synatical convienience
//vector<GPSWaypoint*> waylist = _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints;
// Copy every waypoint for now.
// This is inefficient, but allows us to insert dummy waypoints to represent the header and fence
// in our *local copy* of the flightplan, if an approach is loaded. There must be a better way to do this!!!!
vector<GPSWaypoint> waylist;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
_hdrPos = -1;
_fencePos = -1;
if(_kln89->_approachLoaded) {
GPSWaypoint wp;
wp.id = "HHHH";
wp.type = GPS_WP_VIRT;
wp.appType = GPS_HDR;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<waylist.size(); ++i) {
// Insert the hdr immediately before the IAF
if(waylist[i].appType == GPS_IAF) {
waylist.insert(waylist.begin()+i, wp);
// Need to insert empty string into the params to keep them in sync
// Guard against empty params list.
// This shouldn't happen, but currently it can until ETE and UTC params are implemeted
// (and better the ugly params list ripped out and replaced with something more maintainable!).
if(!_params.empty()) {
_params.insert(_params.begin()+i-1, "");
_hdrPos = i;
wp.id = "FFFF";
wp.type = GPS_WP_VIRT;
wp.appType = GPS_FENCE;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<waylist.size(); ++i) {
// Insert the fence between the MAF and the MAP
if(waylist[i].appType == GPS_MAHP) {
waylist.insert(waylist.begin()+i, wp);
// Need to insert empty string into the params to keep them in sync
// Guard against empty params list. See comments a few lines above.
if(!_params.empty()) {
_params.insert(_params.begin()+i-1, "");
_fencePos = i;
// Now make up a vector of waypoint numbers, since they aren't aligned with list position anymore
int num = 0;
vector<int> numlist;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<waylist.size(); ++i) {
if(waylist[i].appType != GPS_HDR && waylist[i].appType != GPS_FENCE) {
} else {
int hfcount = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<waylist.size(); ++i) {
//cout << i + 1 - hfcount << ": ID= " << waylist[i].id;
if(waylist[i].appType == GPS_HDR) {
//cout << " HDR!";
if(waylist[i].appType == GPS_FENCE) {
//cout << " FENCE!";
//cout << '\n';
//----------------------------------------- end active FP copy ------------------------------------------------
// Recalculate which waypoint is displayed at the top of the list if required (generally if this page has lost focus).
int idx = _kln89->GetActiveWaypointIndex();
if(_resetFplPos0) {
if(waylist.size() <= 1) {
_fplPos = 0;
} else if(waylist.size() <= 4) {
_fplPos = 1;
} else {
// Make the active waypoint the second WP displayed
_fplPos = idx;
if(_fplPos != 0) {
//cout << "HeaderPos = " << _hdrPos << ", fencePos = " << _fencePos << ", _fplPos = " << _fplPos << ", active waypoint index = " << _parent->GetActiveWaypointIndex() << '\n';
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && idx >= _hdrPos) {
if(_fencePos >= 0 && (idx + 1) >= _fencePos) {
_resetFplPos0 = false;
// Increment the active waypoint position if required due hdr and fence here not above so it gets called every frame
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && idx >= _hdrPos) {
if(_fencePos >= 0 && idx >= _fencePos) {
// Draw the leg arrow etc
int diff = idx - (int)_fplPos;
int drawPos = -1;
if(idx < 0) {
// No active waypoint
} else if(diff < 0) {
// Off screen to the top
} else if(diff > 2) {
// TODO !
} else {
drawPos = diff;
// Only the head is blinked during waypoint alerting
if(!(_kln89->_waypointAlert && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawSpecialChar(4, 2, 0, 3-drawPos);
// If the active waypoint is immediately after an approach header then we need to do an extra-long tail leg
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && idx == _hdrPos + 1) {
if(drawPos > 0 && !_kln89->_dto) _kln89->DrawLongLegTail(3-drawPos);
} else {
if(drawPos > 0 && !_kln89->_dto) _kln89->DrawLegTail(3-drawPos);
//cout << "Top pos is " << _fplPos0 << ' ';
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(_uLinePos == 3) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 13, 3, 3);
} else if(_uLinePos >= 4) {
if(_bEntWp) {
if(_wLinePos == 0) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 5, 3 - (_uLinePos - 4), 4);
} else if(_wLinePos == 4) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 4, 3 - (_uLinePos - 4), 4);
} else {
_kln89->Underline(2, 4, 3 - (_uLinePos - 4), _wLinePos);
_kln89->Underline(2, 5 + _wLinePos, 3 - (_uLinePos - 4), 4 - _wLinePos);
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
//_kln89->DrawText(_entWp->id, 2, 4, 2 - (_uLinePos - 4), false, _wLinePos);
} else {
_kln89->Underline(2, 4, 3 - (_uLinePos - 4), 5);
// ----------------------------------
// Sanity check the top position - remember that we can have an extra blank one at the bottom even if CRSR is off if crsr is switched on then off
if((int)_fplPos > ((int)waylist.size()) - 3) _fplPos = (((int)waylist.size()) - 3 < 0 ? 0 : waylist.size() - 3);
unsigned int last_pos;
if(waylist.empty()) {
last_pos = 0;
} else {
last_pos = ((int)_fplPos == ((int)waylist.size()) - 3 ? waylist.size() : waylist.size() - 1);
//cout << "Initialising last_pos, last_pos = " << last_pos << '\n';
if(waylist.size() < 4) last_pos = waylist.size();
// Don't draw the cyclic field header if the top waypoint is the approach header
// Not sure if this also applies to the fence - don't think so but TODO - check!
if(!waylist.empty() && _fplPos < waylist.size()) {
if(waylist[_fplPos].appType != GPS_HDR) {
_kln89->DrawChar('>', 2, 12, 3);
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == 3 && _kln89->_blink)) {
// NOTE: this is the drawing routine for the ACTIVE flightplan, due to the number
// of differences there is a seperate routine for the stored flightplans.
// There are 4 rows to display flightplan data on the KLN89. Draw each row.
for(unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
// Sanity check - we should no longer tickle this.
if((_fplPos+i) > waylist.size()) {
// Draw the number and (optional) colon for each row.
bool drawNum = true;
int n = (i < 3 ? _fplPos + i + 1 : last_pos + 1);
if(_kln89->_approachLoaded) {
if(n > _hdrPos) --n;
if(n > _fencePos) --n;
string s = GPSitoa(n);
if(_fplPos+i < waylist.size()) {
// Don't draw the waypoint number for the header or fence
if((waylist[_fplPos+i].appType == GPS_HDR || waylist[_fplPos+i].appType == GPS_FENCE)
&& i != 3) { // By definition, the header and fence lines can't be displayed on the last line hence the unconditional !i==3 is safe.
drawNum = false;
} else {
// Don't draw the colon for waypoints that are part of the published approach
if(waylist[_fplPos+i].appType == GPS_APP_NONE) {
s += ':';
} else {
// We must be drawing the next entry field at the end of the list - this has a colon
s += ':';
if(drawNum) {
if(!(_delWp && _uLinePos == i+4)) _kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 4 - (s[s.size()-1] == ':' ? s.size() : s.size()+1), 3 - i);
// Done drawing numbers and colons.
bool drawID = true;
if(_delWp && _uLinePos == i+4) {
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
_kln89->DrawText("Del", 2, 0, 3-i);
_kln89->DrawChar('?', 2, 10, 3-i);
_kln89->Underline(2, 0, 3-i, 11);
} else if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _bEntWp && _uLinePos == i+4) {
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
if(_wLinePos >= _entWpStr.size()) {
_kln89->DrawText(_entWpStr, 2, 4, 3-i);
_kln89->DrawChar(' ', 2, 4+_wLinePos, 3-i, false, true);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText(_entWpStr.substr(0, _wLinePos), 2, 4, 3-i);
_kln89->DrawChar(_entWpStr[_wLinePos], 2, 4+_wLinePos, 3-i, false, true);
_kln89->DrawText(_entWpStr.substr(_wLinePos+1, _entWpStr.size()-_wLinePos-1), 2, 5+_wLinePos, 3-i);
// Draw the param - this is "----" during waypoint entry (not for the first row though or we draw through the label!)
if(i != 0) {
_kln89->DrawText("----", 2, 12, 3-i);
drawID = false;
if(drawID) {
if(i == 3 || _fplPos + i == waylist.size()) {
//cout << "_uLinePos = " << _uLinePos << ", i = " << i << ", waylist.size() = " << waylist.size() << endl;
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == (i + 4) && _kln89->_blink)) {
// Draw the underline symbol at the end of the flightplan
_kln89->DrawText(last_pos < waylist.size() ? waylist[last_pos].GetAprId() : "_____", 2, 4, 3-i);
//cout << "last_pos = " << last_pos << endl;
if(last_pos > 0 && last_pos < waylist.size() && i > 0) {
// Draw the param
if(_actFpMode == 0) { // DIS
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _bEntWp && _uLinePos < i+4) {
// This means that we are beyond the waypoint being entered. In DIS mode
// this means that we dash out the field.
_kln89->DrawText("----", 2, 12, 3-i);
} else {
string s = _params[last_pos - 1];
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 16-s.size(), 3-i);
} else if(_actFpMode == 3) { // DTK
string s = _params[last_pos - 1];
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 15-s.size(), 3-i);
_kln89->DrawSpecialChar(0, 2, 15, 3-i);
} else {
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == (i + 4) && _kln89->_blink)) {
if(waylist[_fplPos+i].appType == GPS_HDR) {
if(_delAppr) {
_kln89->DrawText("DELETE APPR?", 2, 1, 3-i);
} else if(_changeAppr) {
_kln89->DrawText("CHANGE APPR?", 2, 1, 3-i);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText(_kln89->_approachAbbrev, 2, 1, 3-i);
_kln89->DrawText(_kln89->_approachRwyStr, 2, 7, 3-i);
_kln89->DrawText(_kln89->_approachID, 2, 12, 3-i);
} else if(waylist[_fplPos+i].appType == GPS_FENCE) {
_kln89->DrawText("*NO WPT SEQ", 2, 0, 3-i);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText(waylist[_fplPos+i].GetAprId(), 2, 4, 3-i);
if(i > 0) {
// Draw the param
//cout << "i > 0 param draw...\n";
if(_actFpMode == 0) { // DIS
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _bEntWp && _uLinePos < i+4) {
// This means that we are beyond the waypoint being entered. In DIS mode
// this means that we dash out the field.
_kln89->DrawText("----", 2, 12, 3-i);
} else {
string s = _params[_fplPos + i - 1];
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 16-s.size(), 3-i);
} else if(_actFpMode == 3) { // DTK
// TODO - figure out properly what to do in DTK mode when beyond a waypoint being entered.
// I *think* it is OK to do the same as here, but maybe not for the waypoint immediately
// beyond the one being entered - need to check.
string s = _params[_fplPos + i - 1];
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 15-s.size(), 3-i);
_kln89->DrawSpecialChar(0, 2, 15, 3-i);
} else { // Not active flightplan
//cout << "Top pos is " << _fplPos << ' ';
// For synatical convienience
//int nWp = (_subPage == 0 && !_delFP ? 4 : 3); // number of waypoints to display
vector<GPSWaypoint*> waylist = _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints;
if(waylist.empty()) {
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == 1 && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText(_delFP ? "Delete FPL?" : "Copy FPL 0?", 2, 0, 3);
} else {
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && (_uLinePos == 1 || _uLinePos == 2) && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText(_delFP ? "Delete FPL?" : "Use?", 2, 0, 3);
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == 2 && _kln89->_blink)) {
if(!_delFP) _kln89->DrawText("Inverted?", 2, 5, 3);
// ----------------------------------
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(_uLinePos == 1) {
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 0, 3, (waylist.empty() || _delFP ? 11 : 4)); // This underline is blinked
} else if(_uLinePos == 2) {
// assert(!waylist.empty());
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 0, 3, 14); // This underline is blinked
} else if(_uLinePos == 3) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 13, 2, 3);
} else if(_uLinePos >= 4) {
if(_bEntWp) {
if(_wLinePos == 0) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 5, 2 - (_uLinePos - 4), 4);
} else if(_wLinePos == 4) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 4, 2 - (_uLinePos - 4), 4);
} else {
_kln89->Underline(2, 4, 2 - (_uLinePos - 4), _wLinePos);
_kln89->Underline(2, 5 + _wLinePos, 2 - (_uLinePos - 4), 4 - _wLinePos);
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
//_kln89->DrawText(_entWp->id, 2, 4, 2 - (_uLinePos - 4), false, _wLinePos);
} else {
if(!_delWp) _kln89->Underline(2, 4, 2 - (_uLinePos - 4), 5);
// ----------------------------------
_kln89->DrawChar('>', 2, 12, 2);
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == 3 && _kln89->_blink)) DrawFpMode(2);
// Sanity check the top position - remember that we can have an extra blank one at the bottom even if CRSR is off if crsr is switched on then off
if((int)_fplPos > ((int)waylist.size()) - 2) _fplPos = (((int)waylist.size()) - 2 < 0 ? 0 : waylist.size() - 2);
unsigned int last_pos;
if(waylist.empty()) {
last_pos = 0;
} else {
last_pos = ((int)_fplPos == ((int)waylist.size()) - 2 ? waylist.size() : waylist.size() - 1);
if(waylist.size() < 3) last_pos = waylist.size();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
string s = GPSitoa(i < 2 ? _fplPos + i + 1 : last_pos + 1);
s += ':';
if(!(_delWp && _uLinePos == i+4)) _kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 4 - s.size(), 2 - i);
bool drawID = true;
if(_delWp && _uLinePos == i+4) {
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
_kln89->DrawText("Del", 2, 0, 2-i);
_kln89->DrawChar('?', 2, 10, 2-i);
_kln89->Underline(2, 0, 2-i, 11);
} else if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _bEntWp && _uLinePos == i+4) {
// This means that we are drawing a waypoint currently being entered
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
if(_wLinePos >= _entWpStr.size()) {
_kln89->DrawText(_entWpStr, 2, 4, 2-i);
_kln89->DrawChar(' ', 2, 4+_wLinePos, 2-i, false, true);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText(_entWpStr.substr(0, _wLinePos), 2, 4, 2-i);
_kln89->DrawChar(_entWpStr[_wLinePos], 2, 4+_wLinePos, 2-i, false, true);
_kln89->DrawText(_entWpStr.substr(_wLinePos+1, _entWpStr.size()-_wLinePos-1), 2, 5+_wLinePos, 2-i);
// Draw the param - this is "----" during waypoint entry (not for the first row though or we draw through the label!)
if(i != 0) {
_kln89->DrawText("----", 2, 12, 2-i);
drawID = false;
if(drawID) {
if(i == 2 || _fplPos + i == waylist.size()) {
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == (i + 4) && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText(last_pos < waylist.size() ? waylist[last_pos]->id : "_____", 2, 4, 2-i);
if(last_pos > 0 && last_pos < waylist.size() && i > 0) {
// Draw the param
// TODO - we should also handle DTK mode params here.
if(_fpMode == 0) { // DIS
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _bEntWp && _uLinePos < i+4) {
// This means that we are beyond the waypoint being entered. In DIS mode
// this means that we dash out the field.
_kln89->DrawText("----", 2, 12, 2-i);
} else {
string s = _params[last_pos - 1];
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 16-s.size(), 2-i);
} else {
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == (i + 4) && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText(waylist[_fplPos+i]->id, 2, 4, 2-i);
if(i > 0) {
// Draw the param
// TODO - we should also handle DTK mode params here.
if(_fpMode == 0) { // DIS
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _bEntWp && _uLinePos < i+4) {
// This means that we are beyond the waypoint being entered. In DIS mode
// this means that we dash out the field.
_kln89->DrawText("----", 2, 12, 2-i);
} else {
string s = _params[_fplPos + i - 1];
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 16-s.size(), 2-i);
void KLN89FplPage::DrawFpMode(int ypos) {
string s = "Dis";
if(0 == _subPage) {
if(_actFpMode == 1) {
s = "ETE";
} else if(_actFpMode == 2) {
s = "UTC"; // TODO - alter depending on chosen timezone
} else if(_actFpMode == 3) {
s = (_kln89->_obsMode ? "OBS" : "Dtk");
} else {
if(_fpMode == 1) {
s = "Dtk";
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 13, ypos);
// Calculate the displayable parameters for the currently displayed flightplan.
// These are Distance, ETE, ETA (UTC) and DTK for the active flight plan, and Distance and DTK for the stored flightplans.
// These are then converted into strings and pushed onto a string list (_params) which matches the flightplan,
// which is a really really really ugly and potentially bug-prone and hard to maintain way of doing this.
// TODO: When the unit is fully working rip out _params and replace with a better solution.
void KLN89FplPage::Calc() {
GPSFlightPlan* fp = _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage];
vector<GPSWaypoint*> wv = fp->waypoints;
// Some parameters are calculated differently for the active and the stored flightplans, so
// do the two cases seperately.
if(0 == _subPage) {
// Active FP - parameters are only displayed for the active waypoint onwards for the active plan,
// and distance is cumulative from the user position.
if(0 == _actFpMode) {
// Dis
double cum_tot = 0.0;
if(wv.size() > 0) {
cum_tot += _kln89->GetGreatCircleDistance(_kln89->_gpsLat, _kln89->_gpsLon, wv[0]->lat, wv[0]->lon);
for(unsigned int i=1; i<wv.size(); ++i) {
cum_tot += _kln89->GetGreatCircleDistance(wv[i-1]->lat, wv[i-1]->lon, wv[i]->lat, wv[i]->lon); // TODO - add units switch!
int n = (int)(cum_tot + 0.5);
} else if(1 == _actFpMode) {
} else if(2 == _actFpMode) {
} else {
// Dtk
for(unsigned int i=1; i<wv.size(); ++i) {
double dtk = _kln89->GetMagHeadingFromTo(wv[i-1]->lat, wv[i-1]->lon, wv[i]->lat, wv[i]->lon);
int n = (int)(dtk + 0.5);
} else {
// other FPs
if(0 == _fpMode) {
double cum_tot = 0.0;
for(unsigned int i=1; i<wv.size(); ++i) {
cum_tot += _kln89->GetGreatCircleDistance(wv[i-1]->lat, wv[i-1]->lon, wv[i]->lat, wv[i]->lon); // TODO - add units switch!
int n = (int)(cum_tot + 0.5);
} else {
// Dtk
for(unsigned int i=1; i<wv.size(); ++i) {
double dtk = _kln89->GetMagHeadingFromTo(wv[i-1]->lat, wv[i-1]->lon, wv[i]->lat, wv[i]->lon);
int n = (int)(dtk + 0.5);
void KLN89FplPage::CrsrPressed() {
if(_delFP || _delAppr) {
_delFP = _delAppr = false;
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_DISP;
_wLinePos = 0;
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_DISP) {
if(_bEntWp) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints[i] == _entWp) {
_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.erase(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.begin() + i);
delete _entWp;
_entWp = NULL;
_bEntWp = false;
} else {
if(_kln89->_obsMode) {
_uLinePos = 0;
} else {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->IsEmpty()) {
_uLinePos = 4;
} else {
_uLinePos = (_subPage == 0 ? 3 : 1);
void KLN89FplPage::ClrPressed() {
if(_delFP || _delAppr) {
_delFP = _delAppr = false;
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_DISP;
} else {
if(KLN89_MODE_CRSR == _kln89->_mode) {
// TODO - see if we need to delete a waypoint
if(_uLinePos >= 4) {
if(_delWp) {
// If we are already displaying a clear waypoint dialog in response to the CLR button,
// then a further press of the CLR button cancels the dialog.
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_DISP;
_delWp = false;
} else if(_bEntWp) {
// If we are currently entering a waypoint, then CLR deletes it unconditionally
// without a confirmation dialog and cancels waypoint entry.
int pos = _uLinePos - 4 + _fplPos;
// Sanity check - the calculated wp position should never be off the end of the waypoint list.
if(pos > static_cast<int>(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size()) - 1) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - _uLinePos too big in KLN89FplPage::ClrPressed!\n");
_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.erase(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.begin() + pos);
_bEntWp = false;
_entWp = NULL;
_wLinePos = 0;
// We can also get here from the waypoint review page, so clear _bEntExp as well
_bEntExp = false;
// Do we need to re-calc _fplPos here?
} else {
// First check that we're not trying to delete an approach waypoint. Note that we can delete the approach by deleting the header though.
// Check for approach waypoints or header/fences in flightplan 0
int n = _fplPos + _uLinePos - 4;
bool hdrPos = false;
bool fencePos = false;
//cout << "_fplPos = " << _fplPos << ", _uLinePos = " << _uLinePos << ", n = " << n << ", _hdrPos = " << _hdrPos << ", _fencePos = " << _fencePos << '\n';
if(n == _hdrPos) {
//cout << "HEADER POS\n";
hdrPos = true;
if(n == _fencePos) {
//cout << "FENCE POS\n";
fencePos = true;
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && n > _hdrPos) --n;
if(_fencePos >= 0 && n >= _fencePos) --n; // This one needs to be >= since n is already decremented by 1 in the line above!
//cout << "New n = " << n << '\n';
if(hdrPos) {
//cout << "HDRP\n";
_delAppr = true;
} else if(fencePos) {
//cout << "FENP\n";
// no-op
} else if(n >= static_cast<int>(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size())) {
// no-op - off the end of the list on the entry field
} else if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints[n]->appType == GPS_APP_NONE) {
//cout << "DELFP\n";
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_CRSR;
_delWp = true;
} else {
ShowScratchpadMessage("Invald", " Del ");
} else if(_uLinePos == 3) {
if(_subPage == 0) {
if(_actFpMode > 3) _actFpMode = 0;
} else {
if(_fpMode > 1) _fpMode = 0;
} else {
_delFP = true;
_uLinePos = 1;
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_CRSR;
void KLN89FplPage::CleanUp() {
// TODO - possibly need to clean up _delWp here as well, since it goes off if dto and then ent are pressed.
_bEntWp = false;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints[i] == _entWp) {
_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.erase(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.begin() + i);
delete _entWp;
_entWp = NULL;
void KLN89FplPage::LooseFocus() {
_fplPos = 0;
_resetFplPos0 = true;
_wLinePos = 0;
_uLinePos = 0;
_scratchpadMsg = false;
void KLN89FplPage::EntPressed() {
if(_delFP) {
} else if(_delWp) {
int pos = _uLinePos - 4 + _fplPos;
// Sanity check - the calculated wp position should never be off the end of the waypoint list.
if(pos > static_cast<int>(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size()) - 1) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - _uLinePos too big in KLN89FplPage::EntPressed!\n");
_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.erase(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.begin() + pos);
_delWp = false;
// Do we need to re-calc _fplPos here?
} else if(_bEntExp) {
// We get here if we have just approved a waypoint review for addition with the ENT button
_bEntWp = false;
_bEntExp = false;
_entWp = NULL; // DON'T delete it! - it's been pushed onto the waypoint list at this point.
_kln89->_cleanUpPage = -1;
_wLinePos = 0;
// The cursor should be moved either to the next waypoint in the list, or to the empty position at
// the end of the list if the waypoint just entered was the last one in the list. Unfortunately
// that means that we have to deal with the horrible _uLinePos / _fplPos interaction yet again :-(
if(_uLinePos == 4) {
// We can't handle this case by calling K1R1, since we want to jump the field type
_uLinePos = 5;
} else {
// Just call Knob1Right1 and let that handle the horrible logic :-)
} else if(_bEntWp) {
if(_entWp != NULL) {
// TODO - should be able to get rid of this switch I think and use the enum values.
switch(_entWp->type) {
case GPS_WP_APT:
_kln89->_activePage = _kln89->_pages[0];
_kln89->_curPage = 0;
case GPS_WP_VOR:
_kln89->_activePage = _kln89->_pages[1];
_kln89->_curPage = 1;
case GPS_WP_NDB:
_kln89->_activePage = _kln89->_pages[2];
_kln89->_curPage = 2;
case GPS_WP_INT:
_kln89->_activePage = _kln89->_pages[3];
_kln89->_curPage = 3;
case GPS_WP_USR:
_kln89->_activePage = _kln89->_pages[4];
_kln89->_curPage = 4;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Error - unknown waypoint type found in KLN89::FplPage::EntPressed()\n");
_kln89->_entJump = _kln89->_clrJump = 7;
_kln89->_cleanUpPage = 7;
_kln89->_jumpRestoreCrsr = true;
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_DISP;
_bEntExp = true;
} else if(_uLinePos == 1) {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->IsEmpty()) {
// Copy fpl 0
for(unsigned int i=0; i<_kln89->_flightPlans[0]->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
GPSWaypoint* wp = new GPSWaypoint;
*wp = *(_kln89->_flightPlans[0]->waypoints[i]);
} else {
// Use
for(unsigned int i=0; i<_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
GPSWaypoint* wp = new GPSWaypoint;
*wp = *(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints[i]);
_subPage = 0;
} else if(_uLinePos == 2) {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->IsEmpty()) {
// ERROR !!!
} else {
// Use Invert
for(unsigned int i=0; i<_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
GPSWaypoint* wp = new GPSWaypoint;
*wp = *(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints[i]);
// FIXME - very inefficient - use a reverse iterator on the source array and push_back instead!!!!!!!!
_kln89->_flightPlans[0]->waypoints.insert(_kln89->_flightPlans[0]->waypoints.begin(), wp);
_subPage = 0;
void KLN89FplPage::Knob1Left1() {
if(_delFP) {
_delFP = false;
_delWp = false;
_changeAppr = false;
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(_bEntWp) {
if(_wLinePos > 0) _wLinePos--;
} else {
// _uLinePos with empty/not-empty plan: 1 = Copy FPL 0? / Use?, 2 = unused if empty / Invert?, 3 = >Dis/Dtk field, 4+ = Waypoint 1+
if(_uLinePos == 0) {
// No-op
} else if(_uLinePos == 1 || _uLinePos == 2) {
} else if(_uLinePos == 3) {
_uLinePos = 4;
} else if(_uLinePos == 4) {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->IsEmpty()) {
_uLinePos = (_subPage == 0 ? 0 : 1);
} else if(_fplPos == 0) {
_uLinePos = (_subPage == 0 ? 0 : 2);
} else {
} else if(_uLinePos == 5) {
_uLinePos = 3;
} else {
if(_subPage == 0 && _uLinePos > 3) {
int ix = _fplPos + (_uLinePos - 4);
if(_fencePos >= 0 && ix >= _fencePos) ix--;
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && ix >= _hdrPos) ix--;
if(ix >= static_cast<int>(_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints.size())) {
} else {
_fp0SelWpId = _kln89->_activeFP->waypoints[ix]->id;
} else {
//cout << "Not page 0, or not in waypoints, clearing id!\n";
void KLN89FplPage::Knob1Right1() {
if(_delFP) {
_delFP = false;
_delWp = false;
_changeAppr = false;
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(_bEntWp) {
if(_wLinePos < 4) _wLinePos++;
} else {
// _uLinePos with empty/not-empty plan:
// 1 = Copy FPL 0? / Use?, 2 = unused if empty / Invert?, 3 = >Dis/Dtk field, 4+ = Waypoint 1+
if(_uLinePos == 0) {
_uLinePos = (_subPage == 0 ? 4 : 1);
} else if(_uLinePos == 1) {
_uLinePos = (_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->IsEmpty() ? 4 : 2);
} else if(_uLinePos == 2) {
_uLinePos = 4;
} else if(_uLinePos == 3) {
if(!_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->IsEmpty()) _uLinePos = 5;
} else if(_uLinePos == 4) {
_uLinePos = 3;
} else if((_subPage == 0 && _uLinePos == 6) || (_subPage > 0 && _uLinePos == 5)) {
// Urrggh - complicated!
// 3 possibilities:
// 1: We're on the entry field at the end of the list, and can't move any more.
// 2: We're on the last or second-last field, and move to the last position
// 3: We're on a field before the second-last one, and don't move, but change the list-head position
// And 4: _subPage 0 can be complicated by the presence of header/fence lines in an approach.
int hfcount = 0;
if(_subPage == 0) {
if(_hdrPos >= 0) hfcount++;
if(_fencePos >= 0) hfcount++;
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size() == 1 || _fplPos == _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size() + hfcount - 1) {
// 1: Don't move
} else if((int)_fplPos >= static_cast<int>(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size()) + hfcount - (_subPage == 0 ? 4 : 3)) {
} else {
} else if(_uLinePos == 5) {
// Must be _subPage 0
} else {
// Must be the last line - either _uLinePos 6 or 7 depending on _subPage
const unsigned thresh = (_subPage == 0 ? 3 : 2);
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size() == thresh || _fplPos == _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size() - thresh) {
// Don't move
} else {
if(_subPage == 0 && _uLinePos > 3) {
int ix = _fplPos + (_uLinePos - 4);
if(_fencePos >= 0 && ix >= _fencePos) ix--;
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && ix >= _hdrPos) ix--;
if(ix >= static_cast<int>(_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints.size())) {
} else {
_fp0SelWpId = _kln89->_activeFP->waypoints[ix]->id;
} else {
//cout << "Not page 0, or not in waypoints, clearing id!\n";
void KLN89FplPage::Knob2Left1() {
if(_delFP) {
_delFP = false;
_delWp = false;
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR || _uLinePos == 0) {
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR) _resetFplPos0 = true;
} else {
if(_uLinePos > 3) {
// Check for approach waypoints or header/fences in flightplan 0
int n = _fplPos + _uLinePos - 4;
bool hdrPos = false;
bool fencePos = false;
bool appWp = false;
//cout << "_fplPos = " << _fplPos << ", _uLinePos = " << _uLinePos << ", n = " << n << ", _hdrPos = " << _hdrPos << ", _fencePos = " << _fencePos << '\n';
if(n == _hdrPos) {
//cout << "HEADER POS\n";
hdrPos = true;
if(n == _fencePos) {
//cout << "FENCE POS\n";
fencePos = true;
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && n > _hdrPos) --n;
if(_fencePos >= 0 && n >= _fencePos) --n; // This one needs to be >= since n is already decremented by 1 in the line above!
//cout << "New n = " << n << '\n';
if(n < static_cast<int>(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size())) {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints[n]->appType != GPS_APP_NONE) {
appWp = true;
if(hdrPos) {
// TODO - not sure what we actually do in this condition
_changeAppr = true;
} else if(fencePos) {
// no-op?
} else if(appWp) {
ShowScratchpadMessage("Invald", " Add ");
} else {
if(!_entWpStr.size()) {
_entWpStr += _kln89->DecChar(_kln89->_defaultFirstChar, false, true);
} else if((_wLinePos + 1) > _entWpStr.size()) {
// I don't think we can ever reach this state since I think it only ever applies to the
// first char and gets caught by the line above, but it can stay for now just in case.
_entWpStr += '9';
} else {
_entWpStr[_wLinePos] = _kln89->DecChar(_entWpStr[_wLinePos], (_wLinePos == 0 ? false : true));
_bEntWp = true;
_fp0SelWpId.clear(); // Waypoints don't become the DTO default whilst being entered.
GPSWaypoint* wp = _kln89->FindFirstById(_entWpStr.substr(0, _wLinePos+1));
if(NULL == wp) {
// No ID matches the partial ID entered so _entWpStr must be shortened to the cursor
// position if it was longer due to a match on the previous character.
if(_entWpStr.size() > _wLinePos+1) {
_entWpStr = _entWpStr.substr(0, _wLinePos+1);
} else {
// There is a matching full ID to the entered partial ID, so copy the full ID
// into _entWpStr
_entWpStr = wp->id;
if(_entWp) {
*_entWp = *wp; // copy
delete wp;
} else {
_entWp = wp;
if(_fplPos + (_uLinePos - 4) >= _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size()) {
} else {
_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.insert(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.begin()+(_fplPos + (_uLinePos - 4)), _entWp);
void KLN89FplPage::Knob2Right1() {
if(_delFP) {
_delFP = false;
_delWp = false;
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR || _uLinePos == 0) {
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR) _resetFplPos0 = true;
} else {
if(_uLinePos > 3) {
// Check for approach waypoints or header/fences in flightplan 0
int n = _fplPos + _uLinePos - 4;
bool hdrPos = false;
bool fencePos = false;
bool appWp = false;
//cout << "_fplPos = " << _fplPos << ", _uLinePos = " << _uLinePos << ", n = " << n << ", _hdrPos = " << _hdrPos << ", _fencePos = " << _fencePos << '\n';
if(n == _hdrPos) {
//cout << "HEADER POS\n";
hdrPos = true;
if(n == _fencePos) {
//cout << "FENCE POS\n";
fencePos = true;
if(_hdrPos >= 0 && n > _hdrPos) --n;
if(_fencePos >= 0 && n >= _fencePos) --n; // This one needs to be >= since n is already decremented by 1 in the line above!
//cout << "New n = " << n << '\n';
if(n < static_cast<int>(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size())) {
if(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints[n]->appType != GPS_APP_NONE) {
appWp = true;
if(hdrPos) {
// TODO - not sure what we actually do in this condition
_changeAppr = true;
} else if(fencePos) {
// no-op?
} else if(appWp) {
ShowScratchpadMessage("Invald", " Add ");
} else {
if(!_entWpStr.size()) {
_entWpStr += _kln89->_defaultFirstChar;
} else if((_wLinePos + 1) > _entWpStr.size()) {
// I don't think we can ever reach this state since I think it only ever applies to the
// first char and gets caught by the line above, but it can stay for now just in case.
_entWpStr += 'A';
} else {
_entWpStr[_wLinePos] = _kln89->IncChar(_entWpStr[_wLinePos], (_wLinePos == 0 ? false : true));
_bEntWp = true;
_fp0SelWpId.clear(); // Waypoints don't become the DTO default whilst being entered.
GPSWaypoint* wp = _kln89->FindFirstById(_entWpStr.substr(0, _wLinePos+1));
if(NULL == wp) {
// No ID matches the partial ID entered so _entWpStr must be shortened to the cursor
// position if it was longer due to a match on the previous character.
if(_entWpStr.size() > _wLinePos+1) {
_entWpStr = _entWpStr.substr(0, _wLinePos+1);
} else {
// There is a matching full ID to the entered partial ID, so copy the full ID
// into _entWpStr
_entWpStr = wp->id;
if(_entWp) {
*_entWp = *wp; // copy
delete wp;
} else {
_entWp = wp;
if(_fplPos + (_uLinePos - 4) >= _kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.size()) {
} else {
_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.insert(_kln89->_flightPlans[_subPage]->waypoints.begin()+(_fplPos + (_uLinePos - 4)), _entWp);