870 lines
28 KiB
870 lines
28 KiB
// kln89_page_*.[ch]xx - this file is one of the "pages" that
// are used in the KLN89 GPS unit simulation.
// Written by David Luff, started 2005.
// Copyright (C) 2005 - David C Luff - daveluff AT ntlworld.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
# include "config.h"
#include "kln89_page_apt.hxx"
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <cassert>
#include <ATC/CommStation.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
KLN89AptPage::KLN89AptPage(KLN89* parent)
: KLN89Page(parent) {
_nSubPages = 8;
_subPage = 0;
_name = "APT";
_apt_id = "KHWD";
// Make sure that _last_apt_id doesn't match at startup to force airport data to be fetched on first update.
_last_apt_id = "XXXX";
_nRwyPages = 1;
_curRwyPage = 0;
_nFreqPages = 1;
_curFreqPage = 0;
ap = NULL;
_iapStart = 0;
_iafStart = 0;
_fStart = 0;
_iafDialog = false;
_addDialog = false;
_replaceDialog = false;
_curIap = 0;
_curIaf = 0;
KLN89AptPage::~KLN89AptPage() {
void KLN89AptPage::Update(double dt) {
bool actPage = (_kln89->_activePage->GetName() == "ACT" ? true : false);
bool multi; // Not set by FindFirst...
bool exact = false;
if(_apt_id.size() == 4) exact = true;
// TODO - move this search out to where the button is pressed, and cache the result!
if(_apt_id != _last_apt_id || ap == NULL) ap = _kln89->FindFirstAptById(_apt_id, multi, exact);
//if(np == NULL) cout << "NULL... ";
//if(b == false) cout << "false...\n";
if(np && b) {
cout << "VOR FOUND!\n";
} else {
cout << ":-(\n";
if(ap) {
//cout << "Valid airport found! id = " << ap->getId() << ", elev = " << ap->getElevation() << '\n';
if(_apt_id != _last_apt_id) {
_last_apt_id = _apt_id;
_curFreqPage = 0;
_curRwyPage = 0;
_apt_id = ap->getId();
if(_kln89->GetActiveWaypoint()) {
if(_apt_id == _kln89->GetActiveWaypoint()->id) {
if(!(_kln89->_waypointAlert && _kln89->_blink)) {
// Active waypoint arrow
_kln89->DrawSpecialChar(4, 2, 0, 3);
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(!(_subPage == 7 && (_iafDialog || _addDialog || _replaceDialog))) { // Don't draw the airport name when the IAP dialogs are active
if(!_entInvert) {
if(!actPage) {
_kln89->DrawText(ap->getId(), 2, 1, 3);
} else {
// If it's the ACT page, The ID is shifted slightly right to make space for the waypoint index.
_kln89->DrawText(ap->getId(), 2, 4, 3);
char buf[3];
int n = snprintf(buf, 3, "%i", _kln89->GetActiveWaypointIndex() + 1);
_kln89->DrawText((string)buf, 2, 3 - n, 3);
} else {
if(!_kln89->_blink) {
_kln89->DrawText(ap->getId(), 2, 1, 3, false, 99);
if(_subPage == 0) {
// Name
_kln89->DrawText(ap->getName(), 2, 0, 2);
// Elevation
_kln89->DrawText(_kln89->_altUnits == GPS_ALT_UNITS_FT ? "ft" : "m", 2, 14, 3);
char buf[6];
int n = snprintf(buf, 5, "%i", (_kln89->_altUnits == GPS_ALT_UNITS_FT ? (int)(ap->getElevation()) : (int)((double)ap->getElevation() * SG_FEET_TO_METER)));
_kln89->DrawText((string)buf, 2, 14 - n, 3);
// Town
airport_id_str_map_iterator itr = _kln89->_airportTowns.find(_apt_id);
if(itr != _kln89->_airportTowns.end()) {
_kln89->DrawText(itr->second, 2, 0, 1);
// State / Province / Country
itr = _kln89->_airportStates.find(_apt_id);
if(itr != _kln89->_airportStates.end()) {
_kln89->DrawText(itr->second, 2, 0, 0);
} else if(_subPage == 1) {
_kln89->DrawLatitude(ap->getLatitude(), 2, 3, 2);
_kln89->DrawLongitude(ap->getLongitude(), 2, 3, 1);
_kln89->DrawDirDistField(ap->getLatitude() * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, ap->getLongitude() * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
2, 0, 0, _to_flag, (_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == 5 ? true : false));
} else if(_subPage == 2) {
// Try and calculate a realistic difference from UTC based on longitude
// Since 0 longitude is the middle of UTC, the boundaries will be at 7.5, 22.5, 37.5 etc.
int hrDiff = ((int)((fabs(ap->getLongitude())) + 7.5)) / 15;
_kln89->DrawText("UTC", 2, 0, 2);
if(hrDiff != 0) {
_kln89->DrawText(ap->getLongitude() >= 0.0 ? "+" : "-", 2, 3, 2);
char buf[3];
snprintf(buf, 3, "%02i", hrDiff);
_kln89->DrawText((string)buf, 2, 4, 2);
_kln89->DrawText("( DT)", 2, 6, 2);
if(ap->getLongitude() >= 0.0) {
} else {
_kln89->DrawText(ap->getLongitude() >= 0.0 ? "+" : "-", 2, 7, 2);
snprintf(buf, 3, "%02i", hrDiff);
_kln89->DrawText((string)buf, 2, 8, 2);
// I guess we can make a heuristic guess as to fuel availability from the runway sizes
// For now assume that airports with asphalt or concrete runways will have at least 100L,
// and that runways over 4000ft will have JET.
if(_aptRwys[0]->surface() <= 2) {
if(_aptRwys[0]->lengthFt() >= 4000) {
_kln89->DrawText("JET 100L", 2, 0, 1);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText("100L", 2, 0, 1);
if(_iaps.empty()) {
_kln89->DrawText("NO APR", 2, 0, 0);
} else {
// TODO - output proper differentiation of ILS and NP APR and NP APR type eg GPS(R)
_kln89->DrawText("NP APR", 2, 0, 0);
} else if(_subPage == 3) {
if(_nRwyPages > 1) {
_kln89->DrawChar('+', 1, 3, 0);
unsigned int i = _curRwyPage * 2;
string s;
if(i < _aptRwys.size()) {
// Rwy No.
string s = _aptRwys[i]->ident();
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 9, 3);
_kln89->DrawText("/", 2, 12, 3);
string recipIdent = _aptRwys[i]->reciprocalRunway()->ident();
_kln89->DrawText(recipIdent, 2, 13, 3);
// Length
s = GPSitoa(int(float(_aptRwys[i]->lengthFt()) * (_kln89->_altUnits == GPS_ALT_UNITS_FT ? 1.0 : SG_FEET_TO_METER) + 0.5));
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 5 - s.size(), 2);
_kln89->DrawText((_kln89->_altUnits == GPS_ALT_UNITS_FT ? "ft" : "m"), 2, 5, 2);
// Surface
// TODO - why not store these strings as an array?
switch(_aptRwys[i]->surface()) {
case 1:
// Asphalt - fall through
case 2:
// Concrete
_kln89->DrawText("HRD", 2, 9, 2);
case 3:
case 8:
// Turf / Turf helipad
_kln89->DrawText("TRF", 2, 9, 2);
case 4:
case 9:
// Dirt / Dirt helipad
_kln89->DrawText("DRT", 2, 9, 2);
case 5:
// Gravel
_kln89->DrawText("GRV", 2, 9, 2);
case 6:
// Asphalt helipad - fall through
case 7:
// Concrete helipad
_kln89->DrawText("HRD", 2, 9, 2);
case 12:
// Lakebed
_kln89->DrawText("CLY", 2, 9, 2);
// erm? ...
_kln89->DrawText("MAT", 2, 9, 2);
if(i < _aptRwys.size()) {
// Rwy No.
string s = _aptRwys[i]->ident();
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 9, 1);
_kln89->DrawText("/", 2, 12, 1);
string recip = _aptRwys[i]->reciprocalRunway()->ident();
_kln89->DrawText(recip, 2, 13, 1);
// Length
s = GPSitoa(int(float(_aptRwys[i]->lengthFt()) * (_kln89->_altUnits == GPS_ALT_UNITS_FT ? 1.0 : SG_FEET_TO_METER) + 0.5));
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 5 - s.size(), 0);
_kln89->DrawText((_kln89->_altUnits == GPS_ALT_UNITS_FT ? "ft" : "m"), 2, 5, 0);
// Surface
// TODO - why not store these strings as an array?
switch(_aptRwys[i]->surface()) {
case 1:
// Asphalt - fall through
case 2:
// Concrete
_kln89->DrawText("HRD", 2, 9, 0);
case 3:
case 8:
// Turf / Turf helipad
_kln89->DrawText("TRF", 2, 9, 0);
case 4:
case 9:
// Dirt / Dirt helipad
_kln89->DrawText("DRT", 2, 9, 0);
case 5:
// Gravel
_kln89->DrawText("GRV", 2, 9, 0);
case 6:
// Asphalt helipad - fall through
case 7:
// Concrete helipad
_kln89->DrawText("HRD", 2, 9, 0);
case 12:
// Lakebed
_kln89->DrawText("CLY", 2, 9, 0);
// erm? ...
_kln89->DrawText("MAT", 2, 9, 0);
} else if(_subPage == 4) {
if(_nFreqPages > 1) {
_kln89->DrawChar('+', 1, 3, 0);
unsigned int i = _curFreqPage * 3;
if(i < _aptFreqs.size()) {
_kln89->DrawText(_aptFreqs[i].service, 2, 0, 2);
_kln89->DrawFreq(_aptFreqs[i].freq, 2, 7, 2);
if(i < _aptFreqs.size()) {
_kln89->DrawText(_aptFreqs[i].service, 2, 0, 1);
_kln89->DrawFreq(_aptFreqs[i].freq, 2, 7, 1);
if(i < _aptFreqs.size()) {
_kln89->DrawText(_aptFreqs[i].service, 2, 0, 0);
_kln89->DrawFreq(_aptFreqs[i].freq, 2, 7, 0);
} else if(_subPage == 5) {
// TODO - user ought to be allowed to leave persistent remarks
_kln89->DrawText("[Remarks]", 2, 2, 2);
} else if(_subPage == 6) {
// We don't have SID/STAR database yet
_kln89->DrawText("No SID/STAR", 2, 3, 2);
_kln89->DrawText("In Data Base", 2, 2, 1);
_kln89->DrawText("For This Airport", 2, 0, 0);
} else if(_subPage == 7) {
if(_iaps.empty()) {
_kln89->DrawText("IAP", 2, 11, 3);
_kln89->DrawText("No Approach", 2, 3, 2);
_kln89->DrawText("In Data Base", 2, 2, 1);
_kln89->DrawText("For This Airport", 2, 0, 0);
} else {
if(_iafDialog) {
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_ident, 2, 1, 3);
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_rwyStr, 2, 7, 3);
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_aptIdent, 2, 12, 3);
_kln89->DrawText("IAF", 2, 2, 2);
unsigned int line = 0;
for(unsigned int i=_iafStart; i<_approachRoutes.size(); ++i) {
if(line == 2) {
i = _approachRoutes.size() - 1;
// Assume that the IAF number is always single digit!
_kln89->DrawText(GPSitoa(i+1), 2, 6, 2-line);
if(!(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _kln89->_blink && _uLinePos == (line + 1))) {
_kln89->DrawText(_approachRoutes[i]->waypoints[0]->id, 2, 8, 2-line);
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos == (line + 1) && !(_kln89->_blink )) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 8, 2-line, 5);
if(_uLinePos > 0 && !(_kln89->_blink)) {
} else if(_addDialog) {
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_ident, 2, 1, 3);
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_rwyStr, 2, 7, 3);
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_aptIdent, 2, 12, 3);
string s = GPSitoa(_fStart + 1);
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 2-s.size(), 2);
s = GPSitoa(_kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size());
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 2-s.size(), 1);
if(!(_uLinePos == _fStart+1 && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText(_kln89->_approachFP->waypoints[_fStart]->id, 2, 4, 2);
if(_uLinePos == _fStart+1) _kln89->Underline(2, 4, 2, 6);
if(!(_uLinePos == _maxULinePos-1 && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText(_kln89->_approachFP->waypoints[_kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size()-1]->id, 2, 4, 1);
if(_uLinePos == _maxULinePos-1) _kln89->Underline(2, 4, 1, 6);
if(!(_uLinePos > _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size() && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText("ADD TO FPL 0?", 2, 2, 0);
if(_uLinePos > _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size()) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 2, 0, 13);
} else if(_replaceDialog) {
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_ident, 2, 1, 3);
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_rwyStr, 2, 7, 3);
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[_curIap]->_aptIdent, 2, 12, 3);
_kln89->DrawText("Replace Existing", 2, 0, 2);
_kln89->DrawText("Approach", 2, 4, 1);
if(_uLinePos > 0 && !(_kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText("APPROVE?", 2, 4, 0);
_kln89->Underline(2, 4, 0, 8);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText("IAP", 2, 11, 3);
bool selApp = false;
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos > 4) {
selApp = true;
if(!_kln89->_blink) _kln89->DrawEnt();
// _maxULine pos should be 4 + iaps.size() at this point.
// Draw a maximum of 3 IAPs.
// If there are more than 3 IAPs for this airport, then we need to offset the start
// of the list if _uLinePos is pointing at the 4th or later IAP.
unsigned int offset = 0;
unsigned int index;
if(_uLinePos > 7) {
offset = _uLinePos - 7;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
index = offset + i;
if(index < _iaps.size()) {
string s = GPSitoa(index+1);
_kln89->DrawText(s, 2, 2 - s.size(), 2-i);
if(!(selApp && _uLinePos == index+5 && _kln89->_blink)) {
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[index]->_ident, 2, 3, 2-i);
_kln89->DrawText(_iaps[index]->_rwyStr, 2, 9, 2-i);
if(selApp && _uLinePos == index+5 && !_kln89->_blink) {
_kln89->Underline(2, 3, 2-i, 9);
} else {
} else {
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR) _kln89->DrawText(_apt_id, 2, 1, 3);
if(_subPage == 0) {
_kln89->DrawText("----.-", 2, 9, 3);
_kln89->DrawText("--------------", 2, 0, 2);
_kln89->DrawText("- -- --.--'", 2, 3, 1);
_kln89->DrawText("---- --.--'", 2, 3, 0);
_kln89->DrawSpecialChar(0, 2, 7, 1);
_kln89->DrawSpecialChar(0, 2, 7, 0);
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(!(_subPage == 7 && (_iafDialog || _addDialog || _replaceDialog))) {
if(_uLinePos > 0 && _uLinePos < 5) {
// TODO - blink as well
_kln89->Underline(2, _uLinePos, 3, 1);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _apt_id.size(); ++i) {
if(_uLinePos != (i + 1)) {
_kln89->DrawChar(_apt_id[i], 2, i + 1, 3);
} else {
if(!_kln89->_blink) _kln89->DrawChar(_apt_id[i], 2, i + 1, 3);
_id = _apt_id;
void KLN89AptPage::SetId(const string& s) {
if(s != _apt_id || s != _last_apt_id) {
UpdateAirport(s); // If we don't do this here we break things if s is the same as the current ID since the update wouldn't get called then.
DCL: Hmmm - I wrote the comment above, but I don't quite understand it!
I'm not quite sure why I don't simply set _apt_id here (and NOT _last_apt_id)
and let the logic in Update(...) handle the airport details cache update.
_last_apt_id = _apt_id;
_save_apt_id = _apt_id;
_apt_id = s;
// Update the cached airport details
void KLN89AptPage::UpdateAirport(const string& id) {
// Frequencies
const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(id);
if (!apt) {
throw sg_exception("UpdateAirport: unknown airport id " + id);
for (unsigned int c=0; c<apt->commStations().size(); ++c) {
flightgear::CommStation* comm = apt->commStations()[c];
AptFreq aq;
aq.freq = comm->freqKHz();
switch (comm->type()) {
case FGPositioned::FREQ_ATIS:
aq.service = "ATIS*"; break;
case FGPositioned::FREQ_GROUND:
aq.service = "GRND*"; break;
case FGPositioned::FREQ_TOWER:
aq.service = "TWR *"; break;
case FGPositioned::FREQ_APP_DEP:
aq.service = "APR *"; break;
_nFreqPages = (unsigned int)ceil((float(_aptFreqs.size())) / 3.0f);
// Runways
// build local array, longest runway first
for (unsigned int r=0; r<apt->numRunways(); ++r) {
FGRunway* rwy(apt->getRunwayByIndex(r));
if ((r > 0) && (rwy->lengthFt() > _aptRwys.front()->lengthFt())) {
_aptRwys.insert(_aptRwys.begin(), rwy);
} else {
_nRwyPages = (_aptRwys.size() + 1) / 2; // 2 runways per page.
if(_nFreqPages < 1) _nFreqPages = 1;
if(_nRwyPages < 1) _nRwyPages = 1;
// Instrument approaches
// Only non-precision for now - TODO - handle precision approaches if necessary
iap_map_iterator itr = _kln89->_np_iap.find(id);
if(itr != _kln89->_np_iap.end()) {
_iaps = itr->second;
if(_subPage == 7) {
if(_iafDialog || _addDialog || _replaceDialog) {
// Eek - major logic error if an airport details cache update occurs
// with one of these dialogs active.
// TODO - output a warning.
//cout << "HELP!!!!!!!!!!\n";
} else {
_maxULinePos = 4 + _iaps.size(); // We shouldn't need to check the crsr for out-of-bounds here since we only update the airport details when the airport code is changed - ie. _uLinePos <= 4!
void KLN89AptPage::CrsrPressed() {
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_DISP) {
if(_subPage == 7) {
// Pressing crsr jumps back to vanilla IAP page.
_iafDialog = false;
_addDialog = false;
_replaceDialog = false;
if(_kln89->_obsMode) {
_uLinePos = 0;
} else {
_uLinePos = 1;
if(_subPage == 0) {
_maxULinePos = 32;
} else if(_subPage == 7) {
// Don't *think* we need some of this since some of it we can only get to by pressing ENT, not CRSR.
if(_iafDialog) {
_maxULinePos = _approachRoutes.size();
_uLinePos = 1;
} else if(_addDialog) {
_maxULinePos = 1;
_uLinePos = 1;
} else if(_replaceDialog) {
_maxULinePos = 1;
_uLinePos = 1;
} else {
_maxULinePos = 4 + _iaps.size();
if(_iaps.empty()) {
_uLinePos = 1;
} else {
_uLinePos = 5;
} else {
_maxULinePos = 5;
void KLN89AptPage::ClrPressed() {
if(_subPage == 1 && _uLinePos == 5) {
_to_flag = !_to_flag;
} else if(_subPage == 7) {
// Clear backs out IAP selection one step at a time
if(_iafDialog) {
_iafDialog = false;
_maxULinePos = 4 + _iaps.size();
if(_iaps.empty()) {
_uLinePos = 1;
} else {
_uLinePos = 5;
} else if(_addDialog) {
_addDialog = false;
if(_approachRoutes.size() > 1) {
_iafDialog = true;
_maxULinePos = 1;
// Don't reset _curIaf since it is remembed.
_uLinePos = 1 + _curIaf; // TODO - make this robust to more than 3 IAF
} else {
_maxULinePos = 4 + _iaps.size();
if(_iaps.empty()) {
_uLinePos = 1;
} else {
_uLinePos = 5;
} else if(_replaceDialog) {
_replaceDialog = false;
_addDialog = true;
_maxULinePos = 1;
_uLinePos = 1;
void KLN89AptPage::EntPressed() {
if(_entInvert) {
_entInvert = false;
if(_kln89->_dtoReview) {
} else {
_last_apt_id = _apt_id;
_apt_id = _save_apt_id;
} else if(_subPage == 7 && _kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _uLinePos > 0) {
// We are selecting an approach
if(_iafDialog) {
if(_uLinePos > 0) {
// Record the IAF that was picked
if(_uLinePos == 3) {
_curIaf = _approachRoutes.size() - 1;
} else {
_curIaf = _uLinePos - 1 + _iafStart;
//cout << "_curIaf = " << _curIaf << '\n';
// TODO - delete the waypoints inside _approachFP before clearing them!!!!!!!
GPSWaypoint* wp = new GPSWaypoint;
*wp = *(_approachRoutes[_curIaf]->waypoints[0]); // Need to make copies here since we're going to alter ID and type sometimes
string iafid = wp->id;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<_IAP.size(); ++i) {
if(_IAP[i]->id != iafid) { // Don't duplicate waypoints that are part of the initial fix list and the approach procedure list.
// FIXME - allow the same waypoint to be both the IAF and the FAF in some
// approaches that have a procedure turn eg. KDLL
// Also allow MAF to be the same as IAF!
wp = new GPSWaypoint;
*wp = *_IAP[i];
//cout << "Adding waypoint " << wp->id << ", type is " << wp->appType << '\n';
//if(wp->appType == GPS_FAF) wp->id += 'f';
//if(wp->appType == GPS_MAP) wp->id += 'm';
//cout << "New id = " << wp->id << '\n';
_iafDialog = false;
_addDialog = true;
_maxULinePos = _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size() + 1;
_uLinePos = _maxULinePos;
} else if(_addDialog) {
if(_uLinePos == _maxULinePos) {
_addDialog = false;
if(_kln89->ApproachLoaded()) {
_replaceDialog = true;
_uLinePos = 1;
_maxULinePos = 1;
} else {
// Now load the approach into the active flightplan.
// As far as I can tell, the rules are this:
// If the airport of the approach is in the flightplan, insert it prior to this. (Not sure what happens if airport has already been passed).
// If the airport is not in the flightplan, append the approach to the flightplan, even if it is closer than the current active leg,
// in which case reorientate to flightplan might put us on the approach, but unable to activate it.
// However, it appears from the sim as if this can indeed happen if the user is not carefull.
bool added = false;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints.size(); ++i) {
if(_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints[i]->id == _apt_id) {
_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints.insert(_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints.begin()+i, _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.begin(), _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.end());
added = true;
if(!added) {
_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints.insert(_kln89->_activeFP->waypoints.end(), _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.begin(), _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.end());
_kln89->_approachID = _apt_id;
_kln89->_approachAbbrev = _iaps[_curIap]->_ident;
_kln89->_approachRwyStr = _iaps[_curIap]->_rwyStr;
_kln89->_approachLoaded = true;
//_kln89->_messageStack.push_back("*Press ALT To Set Baro");
// Actually - this message is only sent when we go into appraoch-arm mode.
// TODO - check the flightplan for consistency
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_DISP;
_kln89->_curPage = 7;
_kln89->_activePage = _kln89->_pages[7]; // Do we need to clean up here at all before jumping?
} else if(_replaceDialog) {
// TODO - load the approach!
} else if(_uLinePos > 4) {
_curIaf = 0;
_approachRoutes = ((FGNPIAP*)(_iaps[_uLinePos-5]))->_approachRoutes;
_IAP = ((FGNPIAP*)(_iaps[_uLinePos-5]))->_IAP;
_curIap = _uLinePos - 5; // TODO - handle the start of list ! no. 1, and the end of list not sequential!
_uLinePos = 1;
if(_approachRoutes.size() > 1) {
// More than 1 IAF - display the selection dialog
_iafDialog = true;
_maxULinePos = _approachRoutes.size();
} else {
// There is only 1 IAF, so load the waypoints into the approach flightplan here.
// TODO - there is nasty code duplication loading the approach FP between the case here where we have only one
// IAF and the case where we must choose the IAF from a list. Try to tidy this after it is all working properly.
GPSWaypoint* wp = new GPSWaypoint;
*wp = *(_approachRoutes[0]->waypoints[0]); // Need to make copies here since we're going to alter ID and type sometimes
string iafid = wp->id;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<_IAP.size(); ++i) {
if(_IAP[i]->id != iafid) { // Don't duplicate waypoints that are part of the initial fix list and the approach procedure list.
// FIXME - allow the same waypoint to be both the IAF and the FAF in some
// approaches that have a procedure turn eg. KDLL
// Also allow MAF to be the same as IAF!
wp = new GPSWaypoint;
*wp = *_IAP[i];
_addDialog = true;
_maxULinePos = 1;
void KLN89AptPage::Knob1Left1() {
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _subPage == 7 && _addDialog) {
if(_uLinePos == _maxULinePos) {
if(_kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size() > 1) _fStart = _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size() - 2;
} else if(_uLinePos == _maxULinePos - 1) {
} else if(_uLinePos > 0) {
if(_fStart == 0) {
} else {
} else {
void KLN89AptPage::Knob1Right1() {
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _subPage == 7 && _addDialog) {
if(_uLinePos == _maxULinePos) {
// no-op
} else if(_uLinePos == _maxULinePos - 1) {
_fStart = 0;
} else if(_uLinePos > 0) {
if(_fStart >= _kln89->_approachFP->waypoints.size() - 2) {
} else {
} else if(_uLinePos == 0) {
_fStart = 0;
} else {
void KLN89AptPage::Knob2Left1() {
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR || _uLinePos == 0) {
if(_uLinePos == 0 && _kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _kln89->_obsMode) {
} else if(_subPage == 5) {
_subPage = 4;
_curFreqPage = _nFreqPages - 1;
} else if(_subPage == 4) {
// Freqency pages
if(_curFreqPage == 0) {
_subPage = 3;
_curRwyPage = _nRwyPages - 1;
} else {
} else if(_subPage == 3) {
if(_curRwyPage == 0) {
} else {
} else if(_subPage == 0) {
_subPage = 7;
// We have to set _uLinePos here even though the cursor isn't pressed, to
// ensure that the list displays properly.
if(_iaps.empty()) {
_uLinePos = 1;
} else {
_uLinePos = 5;
} else {
} else {
if(_uLinePos < 5 && !(_subPage == 7 && (_iafDialog || _addDialog || _replaceDialog))) {
// Same logic for all pages - set the ID
_apt_id = _apt_id.substr(0, _uLinePos);
// ASSERT(_uLinePos > 0);
if(_uLinePos == (_apt_id.size() + 1)) {
_apt_id += '9';
} else {
_apt_id[_uLinePos - 1] = _kln89->DecChar(_apt_id[_uLinePos - 1], (_uLinePos == 1 ? false : true));
} else {
if(_subPage == 0) {
// TODO - set by name
} else {
// NO-OP - to/fr is cycled by clr button
void KLN89AptPage::Knob2Right1() {
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR || _uLinePos == 0) {
if(_uLinePos == 0 && _kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR && _kln89->_obsMode) {
} else if(_subPage == 2) {
_subPage = 3;
_curRwyPage = 0;
} else if(_subPage == 3) {
if(_curRwyPage == _nRwyPages - 1) {
_subPage = 4;
_curFreqPage = 0;
} else {
} else if(_subPage == 4) {
if(_curFreqPage == _nFreqPages - 1) {
_subPage = 5;
} else {
} else if(_subPage == 6) {
_subPage = 7;
// We have to set _uLinePos here even though the cursor isn't pressed, to
// ensure that the list displays properly.
if(_iaps.empty()) {
_uLinePos = 1;
} else {
_uLinePos = 5;
} else {
} else {
if(_uLinePos < 5 && !(_subPage == 7 && (_iafDialog || _addDialog || _replaceDialog))) {
// Same logic for all pages - set the ID
_apt_id = _apt_id.substr(0, _uLinePos);
// ASSERT(_uLinePos > 0);
if(_uLinePos == (_apt_id.size() + 1)) {
_apt_id += 'A';
} else {
_apt_id[_uLinePos - 1] = _kln89->IncChar(_apt_id[_uLinePos - 1], (_uLinePos == 1 ? false : true));
} else {
if(_subPage == 0) {
// TODO - set by name
} else {
// NO-OP - to/fr is cycled by clr button