Fork 0
andy 77ecc04676 Helicopter update from Maik:
More realistic calculation of vortices at the blades and therefore
 real airfoil parameters can be used now (not to be mixed up with the
 vortex ring state which is still not simulated), ground effect is now
 continuous e. g. at buildings, calculating of the rotor in more than 4
 directions, better documentation of the airfoil parameters.
2006-09-14 18:18:33 +00:00

248 lines
8.1 KiB

#ifndef _ROTOR_HPP
#define _ROTOR_HPP
#include "Vector.hpp"
#include "Rotorpart.hpp"
#include "Integrator.hpp"
#include "RigidBody.hpp"
#include "BodyEnvironment.hpp"
namespace yasim {
class Surface;
class Rotorpart;
class Ground;
const float rho_null=1.184f; //25DegC, 101325Pa
class Rotor {
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, /*const*/ Rotor& r);
float _torque;
float _omega,_omegan,_omegarel,_ddt_omega,_omegarelneu;
float _chord;
float _taper;
float _airfoil_incidence_no_lift;
float _collective;
float _airfoil_lift_coefficient;
float _airfoil_drag_coefficient0;
float _airfoil_drag_coefficient1;
int _ccw;
int _number_of_blades;
int _number_of_segments;
int _number_of_parts;
// Rotor geometry:
void setNormal(float* normal);
//the normal vector (direction of rotormast, pointing up)
void setForward(float* forward);
//the normal vector pointing forward (for ele and ail)
void setForceAtPitchA(float force);
void setPowerAtPitch0(float value);
void setPowerAtPitchB(float value);
void setNotorque(int value);
void setPitchA(float value);
void setPitchB(float value);
void setMinCyclicail(float value);
void setMinCyclicele(float value);
void setMaxCyclicail(float value);
void setMaxCyclicele(float value);
void setMaxCollective(float value);
void setMinCollective(float value);
void setDiameter(float value);
void setWeightPerBlade(float value);
void setNumberOfBlades(float value);
void setRelBladeCenter(float value);
void setDelta3(float value);
void setDelta(float value);
void setDynamic(float value);
void setTranslift(float value);
void setC2(float value);
void setStepspersecond(float steps);
void setRPM(float value);
void setRelLenHinge(float value);
void setBase(float* base); // in local coordinates
void getPosition(float* out);
void setCyclicail(float lval,float rval);
void setCyclicele(float lval,float rval);
void setCollective(float lval);
void setAlphaoutput(int i, const char *text);
void setCcw(int ccw);
int getCcw() {return _ccw;};
void setParameter(char *parametername, float value);
void setGlobalGround(double* global_ground, float* global_vel);
float getTorqueOfInertia();
int getValueforFGSet(int j,char *b,float *f);
void setName(const char *text);
void inititeration(float dt,float omegarel,float ddt_omegarel,float *rot);
void compile();
void getTip(float* tip);
void calcLiftFactor(float* v, float rho, State *s);
void getDownWash(float *pos, float * v_heli, float *downwash);
int getNumberOfBlades(){return _number_of_blades;}
// Query the list of Rotorpart objects
int numRotorparts();
Rotorpart* getRotorpart(int n);
void setAlpha0(float f);
void setAlphamin(float f);
void setAlphamax(float f);
void setTeeterdamp(float f);
void setMaxteeterdamp(float f);
void setRelLenTeeterHinge(float value);
void setAlpha0factor(float f);
void setTorque(float f);
void addTorque(float f);
float getTorque() {return _torque;}
float getLiftFactor();
float getLiftCoef(float incidence,float speed);
float getDragCoef(float incidence,float speed);
float getOmegaRel() {return _omegarel;}
float getOmegaRelNeu() {return _omegarelneu;}
void setOmegaRelNeu(float orn) {_omegarelneu=orn;}
float getOmegan() {return _omegan;}
float getTaper() { return _taper;}
float getChord() { return _chord;}
int getNumberOfParts() { return _number_of_parts;}
float getOverallStall()
{if (_stall_v2sum !=0 ) return _stall_sum/_stall_v2sum; else return 0;}
float getAirfoilIncidenceNoLift() {return _airfoil_incidence_no_lift;}
Vector _rotorparts;
void findGroundEffectAltitude(Ground * ground_cb,State *s);
void writeInfo();
void strncpy(char *dest,const char *src,int maxlen);
void interp(float* v1, float* v2, float frac, float* out);
float calcStall(float incidence,float speed);
float findGroundEffectAltitude(Ground * ground_cb,State *s,
float *pos0,float *pos1,float *pos2,float *pos3,
int iteration=0,float a0=-1,float a1=-1,float a2=-1,float a3=-1);
Rotorpart* newRotorpart(float* pos, float *posforceattac, float *normal,
float* speed,float *dirzentforce, float zentforce,float maxpitchforce,
float maxpitch, float minpitch, float mincyclic,float maxcyclic,
float delta3,float mass,float translift,float rellenhinge,float len);
float _base[3];
float _groundeffectpos[4][3];
float _ground_effect_altitude;
//some postions, where to calcualte the ground effect
float _normal[3];//the normal vector (direction of rotormast, pointing up)
float _normal_with_yaw_roll[3];//the normal vector (perpendicular to rotordisc)
float _forward[3];
float _diameter;
float _weight_per_blade;
float _rel_blade_center;
float _min_pitch;
float _max_pitch;
float _force_at_pitch_a;
float _pitch_a;
float _power_at_pitch_0;
float _power_at_pitch_b;
int _no_torque;
int _sim_blades;
float _pitch_b;
float _rotor_rpm;
float _rel_len_hinge;
float _maxcyclicail;
float _maxcyclicele;
float _mincyclicail;
float _mincyclicele;
float _delta3;
float _delta;
float _dynamic;
float _translift;
float _c2;
float _stepspersecond;
char _alphaoutput[8][256];
char _name[256];
int _engineon;
float _alphamin,_alphamax,_alpha0,_alpha0factor;
float _teeterdamp,_maxteeterdamp;
float _rellenteeterhinge;
float _translift_ve;
float _translift_maxfactor;
float _ground_effect_constant;
float _vortex_state_lift_factor;
float _vortex_state_c1;
float _vortex_state_c2;
float _vortex_state_c3;
float _vortex_state_e1;
float _vortex_state_e2;
float _vortex_state_e3;
float _lift_factor,_f_ge,_f_vs,_f_tl;
float _vortex_state;
double _global_ground[4];
float _liftcoef;
float _dragcoef0;
float _dragcoef1;
float _twist; //outer incidence = inner inner incidence + _twist
float _rel_len_where_incidence_is_measured;
float _torque_of_inertia;
float _rel_len_blade_start;
float _incidence_stall_zero_speed;
float _incidence_stall_half_sonic_speed;
float _lift_factor_stall;
float _stall_change_over;
float _drag_factor_stall;
float _stall_sum;
float _stall_v2sum;
float _yaw;
float _roll;
float _cyclicail;
float _cyclicele;
float _cyclic_factor;
float _rotor_correction_factor;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, /*const*/ Rotor& r);
class Rotorgear {
int _in_use;
int _engineon;
float _max_power_engine;
float _engine_prop_factor;
float _yasimdragfactor;
float _yasimliftfactor;
float _rotorbrake;
float _max_power_rotor_brake;
float _rotorgear_friction;
float _ddt_omegarel;
float _engine_accel_limit;
float _total_torque_on_engine;
Vector _rotors;
int isInUse() {return _in_use;}
void setInUse() {_in_use = 1;}
float compile(RigidBody* body);
void addRotor(Rotor* rotor);
int getNumRotors() {return _rotors.size();}
Rotor* getRotor(int i) {return (Rotor*)_rotors.get(i);}
void calcForces(float* torqueOut);
void setParameter(char *parametername, float value);
void setEngineOn(int value);
int getEngineon();
void setRotorBrake(float lval);
float getYasimDragFactor() { return _yasimdragfactor;}
float getYasimLiftFactor() { return _yasimliftfactor;}
float getMaxPowerEngine() { return _max_power_engine;}
float getMaxPowerRotorBrake() { return _max_power_rotor_brake;}
float getRotorBrake() { return _rotorbrake;}
float getEnginePropFactor() {return _engine_prop_factor;}
Vector* getRotors() { return &_rotors;}
void initRotorIteration(float *lrot,float dt);
void getDownWash(float *pos, float * v_heli, float *downwash);
int getValueforFGSet(int j,char *b,float *f);
}; // namespace yasim
#endif // _ROTOR_HPP