Fork 0

533 lines
13 KiB

// runways.cxx -- a simple class to manage airport runway info
// Written by Curtis Olson, started August 2000.
// Copyright (C) 2000 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
#include <math.h> // fabs()
#include <stdio.h> // sprintf()
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sgstream.hxx>
#include STL_STRING
#include "runways.hxx"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#define NDEBUG // MSVC needs this
#endif // !_MSC_VER
#include <mk4.h>
#include <mk4str.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#undef NDEBUG
#endif // !_MSC_VER
# include <istream>
#elif defined( __BORLANDC__ ) || defined (__APPLE__)
# include <iostream>
# include <istream.h>
inline istream&
operator >> ( istream& in, FGRunway& a )
int tmp;
return in >> a.rwy_no >> a.lat >> a.lon >> a.heading >> a.length >> a.width
>> a.surface_flags >> a.end1_flags >> tmp >> tmp >> a.end2_flags
>> tmp >> tmp;
FGRunways::FGRunways( const string& file ) {
// open the specified database readonly
storage = new c4_Storage( file.c_str(), false );
if ( !storage->Strategy().IsValid() ) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << file );
vRunway = new c4_View;
*vRunway =
next_index = 0;
// Return reverse rwy number
// eg 01 -> 19
// 03L -> 21R
static string GetReverseRunwayNo(string rwyno) {
// cout << "Original rwyno = " << rwyNo << '\n';
// standardize input number
string tmp = rwyno.substr(1, 1);
if (( tmp == "L" || tmp == "R" || tmp == "C" ) || (rwyno.size() == 1)) {
tmp = rwyno;
rwyno = "0" + tmp;
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Standardising rwy number from " << tmp
<< " to " << rwyno );
char buf[4];
int rn = atoi(rwyno.substr(0,2).c_str());
rn += 18;
while(rn > 36) {
rn -= 36;
sprintf(buf, "%02i", rn);
if(rwyno.size() == 3) {
if(rwyno.substr(2,1) == "L") {
buf[2] = 'R';
buf[3] = '\0';
} else if (rwyno.substr(2,1) == "R") {
buf[2] = 'L';
buf[3] = '\0';
} else if (rwyno.substr(2,1) == "C") {
buf[2] = 'C';
buf[3] = '\0';
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Unknown runway code "
<< rwyno << " passed to GetReverseRunwayNo(...)");
// search for the specified apt id
bool FGRunways::search( const string& aptid, FGRunway* r ) {
c4_StringProp pID ("ID");
c4_StringProp pRwy ("Rwy");
c4_FloatProp pLon ("Longitude");
c4_FloatProp pLat ("Latitude");
c4_FloatProp pHdg ("Heading");
c4_FloatProp pLen ("Length");
c4_FloatProp pWid ("Width");
c4_StringProp pSurf ("SurfaceFlags");
c4_StringProp pEnd1 ("End1Flags");
c4_StringProp pEnd2 ("End2Flags");
int index = vRunway->Find(pID[aptid.c_str()]);
// cout << "index = " << index << endl;
if ( index == -1 ) {
return false;
next_index = index + 1;
c4_RowRef row = vRunway->GetAt(index);
r->id = (const char *) pID(row);
r->rwy_no = (const char *) pRwy(row);
r->lon = (double) pLon(row);
r->lat = (double) pLat(row);
r->heading = (double) pHdg(row);
r->length = (double) pLen(row);
r->width = (double) pWid(row);
r->surface_flags = (const char *) pSurf(row);
r->end1_flags = (const char *) pEnd1(row);
r->end2_flags = (const char *) pEnd2(row);
return true;
// search for the specified apt id and runway no
bool FGRunways::search( const string& aptid, const string& rwyno, FGRunway* r )
string runwayno = rwyno;
c4_StringProp pID ("ID");
c4_StringProp pRwy ("Rwy");
c4_FloatProp pLon ("Longitude");
c4_FloatProp pLat ("Latitude");
c4_FloatProp pHdg ("Heading");
c4_FloatProp pLen ("Length");
c4_FloatProp pWid ("Width");
c4_StringProp pSurf ("SurfaceFlags");
c4_StringProp pEnd1 ("End1Flags");
c4_StringProp pEnd2 ("End2Flags");
int index = vRunway->Find(pID[aptid.c_str()]);
// cout << "index = " << index << endl;
if ( index == -1 ) {
return false;
// standardize input number
string tmp = runwayno.substr(1, 1);
if (( tmp == "L" || tmp == "R" || tmp == "C" ) || (runwayno.size() == 1)) {
tmp = runwayno;
runwayno = "0" + tmp;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Standardising rwy number from " << tmp
<< " to " << runwayno );
c4_RowRef row = vRunway->GetAt(index);
string rowid = (const char *) pID(row);
string rowrwyno = (const char *) pRwy(row);
while ( rowid == aptid ) {
next_index = index + 1;
if ( rowrwyno == runwayno ) {
r->id = (const char *) pID(row);
r->rwy_no = (const char *) pRwy(row);
r->lon = (double) pLon(row);
r->lat = (double) pLat(row);
r->heading = (double) pHdg(row);
r->length = (double) pLen(row);
r->width = (double) pWid(row);
r->surface_flags = (const char *) pSurf(row);
r->end1_flags = (const char *) pEnd1(row);
r->end2_flags = (const char *) pEnd2(row);
return true;
// Search again with the other-end runway number
// Remember we have to munge the heading and rwy_no results if this one matches
rowrwyno = GetReverseRunwayNo(rowrwyno);
// cout << "New rowrwyno = " << rowrwyno << '\n';
if ( rowrwyno == runwayno ) {
r->id = (const char *) pID(row);
r->rwy_no = rowrwyno;
r->lon = (double) pLon(row);
r->lat = (double) pLat(row);
r->heading = (double) pHdg(row) + 180.0;
r->length = (double) pLen(row);
r->width = (double) pWid(row);
r->surface_flags = (const char *) pSurf(row);
r->end1_flags = (const char *) pEnd2(row);
r->end2_flags = (const char *) pEnd1(row);
// I've swapped the end flags as well
return true;
row = vRunway->GetAt(index);
rowid = (const char *) pID(row);
rowrwyno = (const char *) pRwy(row);
return false;
FGRunway FGRunways::search( const string& aptid ) {
FGRunway a;
search( aptid, &a );
return a;
// search for the specified id
bool FGRunways::next( FGRunway* r ) {
c4_StringProp pID ("ID");
c4_StringProp pRwy ("Rwy");
c4_FloatProp pLon ("Longitude");
c4_FloatProp pLat ("Latitude");
c4_FloatProp pHdg ("Heading");
c4_FloatProp pLen ("Length");
c4_FloatProp pWid ("Width");
c4_StringProp pSurf ("SurfaceFlags");
c4_StringProp pEnd1 ("End1Flags");
c4_StringProp pEnd2 ("End2Flags");
int size = vRunway->GetSize();
// cout << "total records = " << size << endl;
int index = next_index;
// cout << "index = " << index << endl;
if ( index == -1 || index >= size ) {
return false;
next_index = index + 1;
c4_RowRef row = vRunway->GetAt(index);
r->id = (const char *) pID(row);
r->rwy_no = (const char *) pRwy(row);
r->lon = (double) pLon(row);
r->lat = (double) pLat(row);
r->heading = (double) pHdg(row);
r->length = (double) pLen(row);
r->width = (double) pWid(row);
r->surface_flags = (const char *) pSurf(row);
r->end1_flags = (const char *) pEnd1(row);
r->end2_flags = (const char *) pEnd2(row);
return true;
// Return the runway closest to a given heading
bool FGRunways::search( const string& aptid, const int tgt_hdg,
FGRunway* runway )
string rwyNo = search(aptid, tgt_hdg);
return(rwyNo == "NN" ? false : search(aptid, rwyNo, runway));
// Return the runway number of the runway closest to a given heading
string FGRunways::search( const string& aptid, const int tgt_hdg ) {
FGRunway r;
FGRunway tmp_r;
string rn;
double found_dir = 0.0;
if ( !search( aptid, &tmp_r ) ) {
"Failed to find " << aptid << " in database." );
return "NN";
double diff;
double min_diff = 360.0;
while ( tmp_r.id == aptid ) {
r = tmp_r;
// forward direction
diff = tgt_hdg - r.heading;
while ( diff < -180.0 ) { diff += 360.0; }
while ( diff > 180.0 ) { diff -= 360.0; }
diff = fabs(diff);
// "Runway " << r.rwy_no << " heading = " << r.heading <<
// " diff = " << diff );
if ( diff < min_diff ) {
min_diff = diff;
rn = r.rwy_no;
found_dir = 0;
// reverse direction
diff = tgt_hdg - r.heading - 180.0;
while ( diff < -180.0 ) { diff += 360.0; }
while ( diff > 180.0 ) { diff -= 360.0; }
diff = fabs(diff);
// "Runway -" << r.rwy_no << " heading = " <<
// r.heading + 180.0 <<
// " diff = " << diff );
if ( diff < min_diff ) {
min_diff = diff;
rn = r.rwy_no;
found_dir = 180.0;
next( &tmp_r );
// SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "closest runway = " << r.rwy_no
// << " + " << found_dir );
rn = r.rwy_no;
// cout << "In search, rn = " << rn << endl;
if ( found_dir == 180 ) {
rn = GetReverseRunwayNo(rn);
//cout << "New rn = " << rn << '\n';
return rn;
// Destructor
FGRunways::~FGRunways( void ) {
delete storage;
// Constructor
FGRunwaysUtil::FGRunwaysUtil() {
// load the data
int FGRunwaysUtil::load( const string& file ) {
FGRunway r;
string apt_id;
runways.erase( runways.begin(), runways.end() );
sg_gzifstream in( file );
if ( !in.is_open() ) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << file );
// skip first line of file
char tmp[2048];
in.getline( tmp, 2048 );
// read in each line of the file
#ifdef __MWERKS__
in >> ::skipws;
char c = 0;
while ( in.get(c) && c != '\0' ) {
if ( c == 'A' ) {
in >> apt_id;
in >> skipeol;
} else if ( c == 'R' ) {
in >> r;
r.id = apt_id;
} else {
in >> skipeol;
in >> ::skipws;
in >> ::skipws;
while ( ! in.eof() ) {
char c = 0;
if ( c == 'A' ) {
in >> apt_id;
in >> skipeol;
} else if ( c == 'R' ) {
in >> r;
r.id = apt_id;
// cout << apt_id << " " << r.rwy_no << endl;
} else {
in >> skipeol;
in >> ::skipws;
return 1;
// save the data in gdbm format
bool FGRunwaysUtil::dump_mk4( const string& file ) {
// open database for writing
c4_Storage storage( file.c_str(), true );
// need to do something about error handling here!
// define the properties
c4_StringProp pID ("ID");
c4_StringProp pRwy ("Rwy");
c4_FloatProp pLon ("Longitude");
c4_FloatProp pLat ("Latitude");
c4_FloatProp pHdg ("Heading");
c4_FloatProp pLen ("Length");
c4_FloatProp pWid ("Width");
c4_StringProp pSurf ("SurfaceFlags");
c4_StringProp pEnd1 ("End1Flags");
c4_StringProp pEnd2 ("End2Flags");
// Start with an empty view of the proper structure.
c4_View vRunway =
c4_Row row;
iterator current = runways.begin();
const_iterator end = runways.end();
while ( current != end ) {
// add each runway record
pID (row) = current->id.c_str();
pRwy (row) = current->rwy_no.c_str();
pLon (row) = current->lon;
pLat (row) = current->lat;
pHdg (row) = current->heading;
pLen (row) = current->length;
pWid (row) = current->width;
pSurf (row) = current->surface_flags.c_str();
pEnd1 (row) = current->end1_flags.c_str();
pEnd2 (row) = current->end2_flags.c_str();
// commit our changes
return true;
#if 0
// search for the specified id
FGRunwaysUtil::search( const string& id, FGRunway* a ) const
const_iterator it = runways.find( FGRunway(id) );
if ( it != runways.end() )
*a = *it;
return true;
return false;
FGRunwaysUtil::search( const string& id ) const
FGRunway a;
this->search( id, &a );
return a;
// Destructor
FGRunwaysUtil::~FGRunwaysUtil( void ) {