Fork 0
curt 2c0e18bdd0 Updates from Fred Bouvier:
You'll find attached the modified fgadmin that takes care of
'Objects' and 'Terrain' if they exist. I also implemented the
'Check all' / 'Check none' feature you suggested several months
2005-11-15 22:00:41 +00:00

136 lines
3.7 KiB

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0106
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
decl {\#include <string>} {public
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>} {public
decl {\#include <FL/fl_ask.H>} {}
decl {using std::string;} {public
class FGAdminUI {open
} {
decl {\#include <iostream>} {}
decl {using std::cout;} {}
decl {using std::endl;} {}
Function {FGAdminUI()} {open
} {
Fl_Window main_window {
label {FlightGear Admin Wizard}
callback {fl_alert("Use the Quit button to exit fgadmin");} open
xywh {500 247 465 435} type Double resizable visible
} {
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {5 405 455 25}
} {
Fl_Button quit_b {
label Quit
callback {quit();}
xywh {375 405 85 25}
Fl_Progress progress {
xywh {5 405 365 25} color 49 selection_color 175 resizable
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {5 5 460 390} resizable
} {
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {5 5 225 390}
} {
Fl_Button source_b {
label {Select Scenery Source ...}
callback {select_install_source();
xywh {5 5 225 25}
Fl_Input source_text {
xywh {5 35 225 25}
Fl_Check_Browser install_box {
label {Select Files to Install}
xywh {5 95 225 240} resizable
Fl_Button install_b {
label {Install Selected Files}
callback {install_selected();}
xywh {20 360 195 35} labelfont 1
Fl_Button source_sel_all {
label {Select all}
callback {install_box->check_all();}
xywh {5 65 110 25}
Fl_Button source_desel_all {
label {Deselect all}
callback {install_box->check_none();}
xywh {120 65 110 25}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {230 5 230 390}
} {
Fl_Button dest_b {
label {Select Install Destination ...}
callback {select_install_dest();
xywh {235 5 225 25}
Fl_Input dest_text {
xywh {235 35 225 25}
Fl_Check_Browser remove_box {
label {Select Files to Remove}
xywh {235 95 225 240} resizable
Fl_Button remove_b {
label {Remove Selected Files}
callback {remove_selected();}
xywh {250 360 195 35} labelfont 1
Fl_Button dest_sel_all {
label {Select all}
callback {remove_box->check_all();}
xywh {235 65 110 25}
Fl_Button dest_desel_all {
label {Deselect all}
callback {remove_box->check_none();} selected
xywh {350 65 110 25}
decl {~FGAdminUI();} {public
decl {void init();} {public
decl {void show();} {public
decl {static void step( void * );} {public
decl {static void step( void *, int );} {public
decl {void refresh_lists();} {}
decl {void quit();} {}
decl {void select_install_source();} {}
decl {void select_install_dest();} {}
decl {void update_install_box();} {}
decl {void update_remove_box();} {}
decl {void install_selected();} {}
decl {void remove_selected();} {}
decl {void select_all_source();} {}
decl {void deselect_all_source();} {}
decl {void select_all_dest();} {}
decl {void deselect_all_dest();} {}
decl {Fl_Preferences *prefs;} {}
decl {string source;} {}
decl {string dest;} {}
decl {string progress_label;} {}