274 lines
7 KiB
Executable file
274 lines
7 KiB
Executable file
import glob, os, sys, string, xml.sax, getopt
__doc__ = """\
List properties of FlightGear's <PropertyList> XML files.
lsprop -h
lsprop [-v] [-i|-I] [-f <format>] [<list-of-xml-files>]
-h, --help this help screen
-v, --verbose increase verbosity (can be used multiple times)
-i, --all-indices also show null indices in properties
-I, --no-indices don't show any indices in properties
-f, --format set output format (default: --format="%f +%l: %p = '%'v'")
%f file path
%l line number
%c column number
%p property path
%t property type
%V raw value (unescaped)
%v cooked value (carriage return, non printable chars etc. escaped)
%'v like %v, but single quotes escaped to \\'
%"v like %v, but double quotes escaped to \\"
%% percent sign
LSPROP_FORMAT overrides default format
If no file arguments are specified, then the following files are assumed:
class config:
root = "/usr/local/share/FlightGear"
home = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.fgfs"
format = "%f +%l: %p = '%'v'"
verbose = 1
indices = 1 # 0: no indices; 1: only indices != [0]; 2: all indices
def errmsg(msg, color = "31;1"):
if os.isatty(2):
print >>sys.stderr, "\033[%sm%s\033[m" % (color, msg)
print >>sys.stderr, msg
class Error(Exception):
class Abort(Exception):
class XMLError(Exception):
def __init__(self, locator, msg):
msg = "%s\n\tin %s, line %d, column %d" \
% (msg, locator.getSystemId(), locator.getLineNumber(), \
raise Error(msg)
class parse_xml_file(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, path, nesting = 0, stack = None):
self.level = 0
self.path = path
self.nesting = nesting
self.type = None
if stack:
self.stack = stack
self.stack = [[None, None, {}, ""]] # name, index, indices, data
self.pretty_path = os.path.normpath(path)
if path.startswith(config.root):
self.pretty_path = self.pretty_path.replace(config.root, "$FG_ROOT", 1)
elif path.startswith(config.home):
self.pretty_path = self.pretty_path.replace(config.home, "$FG_HOME", 1)
if config.verbose > 1:
errmsg("%s (%d)" % (path, nesting), "35")
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise Error("file doesn't exist: " + path)
xml.sax.parse(path, self, self)
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
self.level += 1
if self.level == 1:
if name != "PropertyList":
raise XMLError(self.locator, "XML file isn't a <PropertyList>")
if attrs.has_key("n"):
index = int(attrs["n"])
elif name in self.stack[-1][2]:
index = self.stack[-1][2][name] + 1
index = 0
self.stack[-1][2][name] = index
if attrs.has_key("include"):
path = os.path.dirname(self.path) + "/" + attrs["include"]
if attrs.has_key("omit-node") and attrs["omit-node"] == "y":
self.stack.append([None, None, self.stack[-1][2], ""])
self.stack.append([name, index, {}, ""])
parse_xml_file(path, self.nesting + 1, self.stack)
self.stack.append([name, index, {}, ""])
self.type = "unspecified"
if attrs.has_key("type"):
self.type = attrs["type"]
def endElement(self, name):
if not len(self.stack[-1][2]):
path = self.pathname()
if path:
value = self.stack[-1][3]
cooked_value = self.escape(value.encode("iso-8859-15", "backslashreplace"))
print config.cooked_format % {
"f": self.pretty_path,
"l": self.locator.getLineNumber(),
"c": self.locator.getColumnNumber(),
"p": path,
"t": self.type,
"V": value,
"v": cooked_value,
"v'": cooked_value.replace("'", "\\'"),
'v"': cooked_value.replace('"', '\\"'),
except TypeError, e:
raise Abort("invalid --format value")
elif len(string.strip(self.stack[-1][3])):
raise XMLError(self.locator, "child data '" + string.strip(self.stack[-1][3]) + "'")
self.level -= 1
if self.level:
def characters(self, data):
self.stack[-1][3] += data
def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
self.locator = locator
def pathname(self):
path = ""
for e in self.stack[1:]:
if e[0] == None: # omit-node
path += "/" + e[0]
if e[1] and config.indices == 1 or config.indices == 2:
path += "[%d]" % e[1]
return path
def escape(self, string):
s = ""
for c in string:
if c == '\n':
s += '\\n'
elif c == '\r':
s += '\\r'
elif c == '\v':
s += '\\v'
elif c == '\\':
s += '\\\\'
elif not c.isalnum() and " \t!@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`[]{};':\",./<>?".find(c) < 0:
s += "\\x%02x" % ord(c)
s += c
return s
def warning(self, exception):
raise XMLError(self.locator, "WARNING: " + str(exception))
def error(self, exception):
raise XMLError(self.locator, "ERROR: " + str(exception))
def fatalError(self, exception):
raise XMLError(self.locator, "FATAL: " + str(exception))
def main():
if 'FG_ROOT' in os.environ:
config.root = os.environ['FG_ROOT'].rstrip("/\\\t ").lstrip()
if 'FG_HOME' in os.environ:
config.home = os.environ['FG_HOME'].rstrip("/\\\t ").lstrip()
if 'LSPROP_FORMAT' in os.environ:
config.format = os.environ['LSPROP_FORMAT']
# options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], \
"hviIf:", \
["help", "verbose", "all-indices", "no-indices", "format="])
except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
print >>sys.stderr, str(msg)
return 0
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
print __doc__
print "Current settings:"
print '\t--format="%s"' % config.format.replace('"', '\\"')
return 0
if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
config.verbose += 1
if o in ("-i", "--all-indices"):
config.indices = 2
if o in ("-I", "--no-indices"):
config.indices = 0
if o in ("-f", "--format"):
config.format = a
# format
f = config.format
f = f.replace("\\e", "\x1b")
f = f.replace("\\033", "\x1b")
f = f.replace("\\x1b", "\x1b")
f = f.replace("%%", "\x01\x01")
f = f.replace("%(", "\x01\x01(")
f = f.replace("%f", "\x01(f)s")
f = f.replace("%l", "\x01(l)d")
f = f.replace("%c", "\x01(c)d")
f = f.replace("%p", "\x01(p)s")
f = f.replace("%t", "\x01(t)s")
f = f.replace("%V", "\x01(V)s")
f = f.replace("%v", "\x01(v)s")
f = f.replace("%'v", "\x01(v')s")
f = f.replace('%"v', '\x01(v")s')
f = f.replace("%", "%%")
f = f.replace("\x01", "%")
config.cooked_format = f
if config.verbose > 1:
print >>sys.stderr, "internal format = [%s]" % config.cooked_format
if not len(args):
args = [config.root + "/preferences.xml"]
if not os.path.exists(args[0]):
errmsg("Error: environment variable FG_ROOT not set or set wrongly?")
return -1
for f in glob.glob(config.root + '/Aircraft/*/*-set.xml'):
for arg in args:
except Abort, e:
errmsg("Abort: " + e.args[0])
return -1
except Error, e:
errmsg("Error: " + e.args[0])
except IOError, (errno, msg):
errmsg("Error: " + msg)
return errno
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print >>sys.stderr, "\033[m"
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":