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If /sim/highlighting/enabled is true, we highlight animated objects under the pointer, and also highlight other objects that are animated by the same or related properties. The intent here is to be able to give a visual indication of what cockpit controls do or what cockpit controls affect particular aircraft objects - for example moving the pointer over the flaps will highlight the flaps and also highlight any controls or rotary indicators in the cockpit that are associated with the flaps. To make this work, we have to discover associations between properties. This is currently done for YASim (e.g. associations between /controls/flight/flaps and /surface-positions/flap-pos-norm) and autopilot filters (e.g. with the 777, digital filters associate /controls/flight/rudder-nul with /fcs/fbw/yaw/rudder-ratio-out). We don't currently gather associations between properties in JSBSim We also detect associations between dialogs, menus and keypresses and properties, which is used to populate /sim/highlighting/current with information about dialogs, menus and keypresses that are associated with the currently highlighted nodes' properties. Details: src/GUI/Highlight.cxx src/GUI/Highlight.hxx src/GUI/CMakeLists.txt src/Main/fg_init.cxx New subsystem called 'highlight', with support for registering and recovering links between menus, dialogs, keypresses and OSG node animations. Provides a function Highlight::highlight_nodes() which highlights related nodes using internal NodeHighlighting class, and populates /sim/highlighting/current with information about related dialogs, menus and keypresses. The NodeHighlighting class works by making nodes use an alternative StateSet which shows up as a distinct material on screen. We remember each highlighted node's original StateSet so that we can un-highlight. We update the material parameters using a listener for /sim/highlighting/material, which allows some control over the appearence of highlighted nodes. src/FDM/flight.cxx src/FDM/flight.hxx Added virtual method FGInterface::property_associations() which returns property associations from the FDM. Default implementation returns empty set. Implemented in YASim, but not (yet) in JSBSim. Uses a simple function pointer at the moment to avoid requring FDMs to use recent C++ features. src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.cpp src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.hpp src/FDM/YASim/YASim.cxx src/FDM/YASim/YASim.hxx Gathers information about property associations on startup such as /controls/flight/flaps => /surface-positions/flap-pos-norm, then YASim::property_associations() overrides default implementation to return these associations. src/Autopilot/analogcomponent.cxx src/Autopilot/analogcomponent.hxx src/Autopilot/digitalfilter.cxx src/Autopilot/inputvalue.cxx src/Autopilot/inputvalue.hxx Filters now gather information about their input/output properties and register with Highlight::add_property_property(). For example this makes highlighting work on the 777, where pilot controls affect control surfaces only via filters. src/GUI/new_gui.cxx Scan menus, keypresses and dialogs and register associations with Highlight::add_*(). src/GUI/property_list.cxx src/GUI/property_list.hxx src/GUI/FGPUIDialog.cxx Added <readonly> flag to property-list. If set, we don't show .. or . items and don't respond to mouse/keyboard. Used by fgdata's new Highlighting dialogue. src/Model/acmodel.cxx src/Model/acmodel.hxx Visit the user aircraft's scene graph when it is loaded, gathering information about osg::Node's that are animated by properties, and register these associations with Highlight::add_property_node(). src/Viewer/renderer.cxx When scanning for pick highlights, use Highlight::highlight_nodes() to highlight animated objects under the pointer and related objects. |
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CMakeModules | ||
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ChangeLog | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
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NEWS | ||
README.cmake | ||
README.msvc | ||
README.plib | ||
README.SimGear | ||
README.sound | ||
Thanks |
Welcome to the FlightGear Flight Simulator project. =================================================== The primary web page for this project is: For basic installation instructions see the "INSTALL" file. Before you can run FlightGear you will also need to download and install the "base" package which is a collection of textures, sounds, sample scenery, and other data files needed by the sim. For additional install help for specific platforms please browse the "docs-mini/" subdirectory. More complete documentation is available from our web page as a separate distribution. Please take a look at the "Thanks" file for a list of people who have contributed to this project. If you have contributed something but don't find your name in this file. Please send a polite reminder to For a summary of changes/additions by version see the "NEWS" file. This project is GPL'd. For complete details on our licensing please see the "COPYING" file. For information on available mailing lists, mailing list archives, and other available source code and documenation, please visit our web site. FlightGear is a product of the collaboration of large international group of volunteers. FlightGear is a work in progress. FlightGear comes with no warrantee. We hope you enjoy FlightGear and/or find it of some value!