Fork 0

806 lines
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// tileentry.cxx -- routines to handle a scenery tile
// Written by Curtis Olson, started May 1998.
// Copyright (C) 1998 - 2001 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sgstream.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Include/general.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/viewer.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <Time/light.hxx>
#include <Objects/apt_signs.hxx>
#include <Objects/matlib.hxx>
#include <Objects/newmat.hxx>
#include <Objects/obj.hxx>
#include "tileentry.hxx"
#include "tilemgr.hxx"
// Constructor
FGTileEntry::FGTileEntry ( const SGBucket& b )
: ncount( 0 ),
center( Point3D( 0.0 ) ),
tile_bucket( b ),
terra_transform( new ssgTransform ),
terra_range( new ssgRangeSelector ),
// update the contents
// if ( vec3_ptrs.size() || vec2_ptrs.size() || index_ptrs.size() ) {
// "Attempting to overwrite existing or"
// << " not properly freed leaf data." );
// exit(-1);
// }
// Destructor
FGTileEntry::~FGTileEntry () {
// cout << "nodes = " << nodes.size() << endl;;
// delete[] nodes;
#if 0
// This is the current method cut and pasted from
// FGTileEntry::load( const SGPath& base, bool is_base )
FGTileEntry::WorldCoordinate( sgCoord *obj_pos, Point3D center,
double lat, double lon, double elev, double hdg)
// setup transforms
Point3D geod( lon * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
elev );
Point3D world_pos = sgGeodToCart( geod );
Point3D offset = world_pos - center;
sgMat4 POS;
sgMakeTransMat4( POS, offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z() );
sgVec3 obj_rt, obj_up;
sgSetVec3( obj_rt, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Y axis
sgSetVec3( obj_up, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Z axis
sgMat4 ROT_lon, ROT_lat, ROT_hdg;
sgMakeRotMat4( ROT_lon, lon, obj_up );
sgMakeRotMat4( ROT_lat, 90 - lat, obj_rt );
sgMakeRotMat4( ROT_hdg, hdg, obj_up );
sgMat4 TUX;
sgCopyMat4( TUX, ROT_hdg );
sgPostMultMat4( TUX, ROT_lat );
sgPostMultMat4( TUX, ROT_lon );
sgPostMultMat4( TUX, POS );
sgSetCoord( obj_pos, TUX );
// Norman's 'fast hack' for above
static void WorldCoordinate( sgCoord *obj_pos, Point3D center, double lat,
double lon, double elev, double hdg )
double lon_rad = lon * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double lat_rad = lat * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double hdg_rad = hdg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
// setup transforms
Point3D geod( lon_rad, lat_rad, elev );
Point3D world_pos = sgGeodToCart( geod );
Point3D offset = world_pos - center;
sgMat4 mat;
SGfloat sin_lat = (SGfloat)sin( lat_rad );
SGfloat cos_lat = (SGfloat)cos( lat_rad );
SGfloat cos_lon = (SGfloat)cos( lon_rad );
SGfloat sin_lon = (SGfloat)sin( lon_rad );
SGfloat sin_hdg = (SGfloat)sin( hdg_rad ) ;
SGfloat cos_hdg = (SGfloat)cos( hdg_rad ) ;
mat[0][0] = cos_hdg * (SGfloat)sin_lat * (SGfloat)cos_lon - sin_hdg * (SGfloat)sin_lon;
mat[0][1] = cos_hdg * (SGfloat)sin_lat * (SGfloat)sin_lon + sin_hdg * (SGfloat)cos_lon;
mat[0][2] = -cos_hdg * (SGfloat)cos_lat;
mat[0][3] = SG_ZERO;
mat[1][0] = -sin_hdg * (SGfloat)sin_lat * (SGfloat)cos_lon - cos_hdg * (SGfloat)sin_lon;
mat[1][1] = -sin_hdg * (SGfloat)sin_lat * (SGfloat)sin_lon + cos_hdg * (SGfloat)cos_lon;
mat[1][2] = sin_hdg * (SGfloat)cos_lat;
mat[1][3] = SG_ZERO;
mat[2][0] = (SGfloat)cos_lat * (SGfloat)cos_lon;
mat[2][1] = (SGfloat)cos_lat * (SGfloat)sin_lon;
mat[2][2] = (SGfloat)sin_lat;
mat[2][3] = SG_ZERO;
mat[3][0] = offset.x();
mat[3][1] = offset.y();
mat[3][2] = offset.z();
mat[3][3] = SG_ONE ;
sgSetCoord( obj_pos, mat );
// recurse an ssg tree and call removeKid() on every node from the
// bottom up. Leaves the original branch in existance, but empty so
// it can be removed by the calling routine.
static void my_remove_branch( ssgBranch * branch ) {
for ( ssgEntity *k = branch->getKid( 0 );
k != NULL;
k = branch->getNextKid() )
if ( k -> isAKindOf ( ssgTypeBranch() ) ) {
my_remove_branch( (ssgBranch *)k );
branch -> removeKid ( k );
} else if ( k -> isAKindOf ( ssgTypeLeaf() ) ) {
branch -> removeKid ( k ) ;
#ifdef WISH_PLIB_WAS_THREADED // but it isn't
// Schedule tile to be freed/removed
void FGTileEntry::sched_removal() {
global_tile_mgr.ready_to_delete( this );
// Clean up the memory used by this tile and delete the arrays used by
// ssg as well as the whole ssg branch
void FGTileEntry::free_tile() {
int i;
"FREEING TILE = (" << tile_bucket << ")" );
" deleting " << nodes.size() << " nodes" );
// delete the ssg structures
" deleting (leaf data) vertex, normal, and "
<< " texture coordinate arrays" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)vec3_ptrs.size(); ++i ) {
delete [] vec3_ptrs[i];
for ( i = 0; i < (int)vec2_ptrs.size(); ++i ) {
delete [] vec2_ptrs[i];
for ( i = 0; i < (int)index_ptrs.size(); ++i ) {
delete index_ptrs[i];
// delete the terrain branch (this should already have been
// disconnected from the scene graph)
ssgDeRefDelete( terra_transform );
if ( lights_transform ) {
// delete the terrain lighting branch (this should already have been
// disconnected from the scene graph)
ssgDeRefDelete( lights_transform );
// Update the ssg transform node for this tile so it can be
// properly drawn relative to our (0,0,0) point
void FGTileEntry::prep_ssg_node( const Point3D& p, float vis) {
if ( !loaded ) return;
SetOffset( p );
terra_range->setRange( 0, SG_ZERO );
terra_range->setRange( 1, vis + bounding_radius );
lights_range->setRange( 0, SG_ZERO );
lights_range->setRange( 1, vis * 1.5 + bounding_radius );
float ranges[2];
ranges[0] = SG_ZERO;
ranges[1] = vis + bounding_radius;
terra_range->setRanges( ranges, 2 );
if ( lights_range ) {
ranges[1] = vis * 1.5 + bounding_radius;
lights_range->setRanges( ranges, 2 );
sgVec3 sgTrans;
sgSetVec3( sgTrans, offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z() );
terra_transform->setTransform( sgTrans );
if ( lights_transform ) {
// we need to lift the lights above the terrain to avoid
// z-buffer fighting. We do this based on our altitude and
// the distance this tile is away from scenery center.
sgVec3 up;
sgCopyVec3( up, globals->get_current_view()->get_world_up() );
double agl;
if ( current_aircraft.fdm_state ) {
agl = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER
- scenery.cur_elev;
} else {
agl = 0.0;
// sgTrans just happens to be the
// vector from scenery center to the center of this tile which
// is what we want to calculate the distance of
sgVec3 to;
sgCopyVec3( to, sgTrans );
double dist = sgLengthVec3( to );
if ( general.get_glDepthBits() > 16 ) {
sgScaleVec3( up, 10.0 + agl / 100.0 + dist / 10000 );
} else {
sgScaleVec3( up, 10.0 + agl / 20.0 + dist / 5000 );
sgAddVec3( sgTrans, up );
lights_transform->setTransform( sgTrans );
// select which set of lights based on sun angle
float sun_angle = cur_light_params.sun_angle * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
if ( sun_angle > 95 ) {
} else if ( sun_angle > 92 ) {
} else if ( sun_angle > 89 ) {
} else {
ssgLeaf* FGTileEntry::gen_lights( ssgVertexArray *lights, int inc, float bright ) {
// generate a repeatable random seed
float *p1 = lights->get( 0 );
unsigned int *seed = (unsigned int *)p1;
sg_srandom( *seed );
int size = lights->getNum() / inc;
// Allocate ssg structure
ssgVertexArray *vl = new ssgVertexArray( size + 1 );
ssgNormalArray *nl = NULL;
ssgTexCoordArray *tl = NULL;
ssgColourArray *cl = new ssgColourArray( size + 1 );
sgVec4 color;
for ( int i = 0; i < lights->getNum(); ++i ) {
// this loop is slightly less efficient than it otherwise
// could be, but we want a red light to always be red, and a
// yellow light to always be yellow, etc. so we are trying to
// preserve the random sequence.
float zombie = sg_random();
if ( i % inc == 0 ) {
vl->add( lights->get(i) );
// factor = sg_random() ^ 2, range = 0 .. 1 concentrated towards 0
float factor = sg_random();
factor *= factor;
if ( zombie > 0.5 ) {
// 50% chance of yellowish
sgSetVec4( color, 0.9, 0.9, 0.3, bright - factor * 0.2 );
} else if ( zombie > 0.15 ) {
// 35% chance of whitish
sgSetVec4( color, 0.9, 0.9, 0.8, bright - factor * 0.2 );
} else if ( zombie > 0.05 ) {
// 10% chance of orangish
sgSetVec4( color, 0.9, 0.6, 0.2, bright - factor * 0.2 );
} else {
// 5% chance of redish
sgSetVec4( color, 0.9, 0.2, 0.2, bright - factor * 0.2 );
cl->add( color );
// create ssg leaf
ssgLeaf *leaf =
new ssgVtxTable ( GL_POINTS, vl, nl, tl, cl );
// assign state
FGNewMat *newmat = material_lib.find( "LIGHTS" );
leaf->setState( newmat->get_state() );
return leaf;
FGTileEntry::obj_load( const std::string& path,
ssgVertexArray* lights, bool is_base )
ssgBranch* result = 0;
// try loading binary format
result = fgBinObjLoad( path, this, lights, is_base );
if ( result == NULL ) {
// next try the older ascii format
result = fgAsciiObjLoad( path, this, lights, is_base );
if ( result == NULL ) {
// default to an ocean tile
result = fgGenTile( path, this );
return result;
FGTileEntry::load( const SGPath& base, bool is_base )
cout << "load() base = " << base.str() << endl;
// Generate names for later use
string index_str = tile_bucket.gen_index_str();
SGPath tile_path = base;
tile_path.append( tile_bucket.gen_base_path() );
SGPath basename = tile_path;
basename.append( index_str );
// string path = basename.str();
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "Loading tile " << basename.str() );
// obj_load() will generate ground lighting for us ...
ssgVertexArray *light_pts = new ssgVertexArray( 100 );
ssgBranch* new_tile = new ssgBranch;
// Check for master .stg (scene terra gear) file
SGPath stg_name = basename;
stg_name.concat( ".stg" );
sg_gzifstream in( stg_name.str() );
if ( in.is_open() ) {
string token, name;
while ( ! in.eof() ) {
in >> token;
if ( token == "OBJECT_BASE" ) {
in >> name >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name );
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= obj_load( custom_path.str(), light_pts, true );
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
new_tile -> addKid( custom_obj );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT" ) {
in >> name >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name );
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= obj_load( custom_path.str(), NULL, false );
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
new_tile -> addKid( custom_obj );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_STATIC" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// object loading is deferred to main render thread,
// but lets figure out the paths right now.
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
// wire as much of the scene graph together as we can
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
// bump up the pending models count
// push an entry onto the model load queue
FGDeferredModel *dm
= new FGDeferredModel( custom_path.str(), tile_path.str(),
this, obj_trans );
FGTileMgr::model_ready( dm );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_TAXI_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= gen_taxi_sign( custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_RUNWAY_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= gen_runway_sign( custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else if ( token == "RWY_LIGHTS" ) {
double lon, lat, hdg, len, width;
string common, end1, end2;
in >> lon >> lat >> hdg >> len >> width
>> common >> end1 >> end2;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " hdg = " << hdg
<< " size = " << len << ", " << width
<< " codes = " << common << " "
<< end1 << " " << end2 );
} else {
"Unknown token " << token << " in "
<< stg_name.str() );
in >> ::skipws;
} else {
// no .stg file so this must be old scenery
new_tile = obj_load( basename.str(), light_pts, true );
// load custom objects
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "Checking for custom objects ..." );
SGPath index_path = tile_path;
index_path.append( index_str );
index_path.concat( ".ind" );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "Looking in " << index_path.str() );
sg_gzifstream in( index_path.str() );
if ( in.is_open() ) {
string token, name;
while ( ! in.eof() ) {
in >> token;
if ( token == "OBJECT" ) {
in >> name >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name );
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= obj_load( custom_path.str(), NULL, false );
if ( (new_tile != NULL) && (custom_obj != NULL) ) {
new_tile -> addKid( custom_obj );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_STATIC" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// object loading is deferred to main render thread,
// but lets figure out the paths right now.
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
// wire as much of the scene graph together as we can
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
// bump up the pending models count
// push an entry onto the model load queue
FGDeferredModel *dm
= new FGDeferredModel( custom_path.str(),
this, obj_trans );
FGTileMgr::model_ready( dm );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_TAXI_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= gen_taxi_sign( custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( (new_tile != NULL) && (custom_obj != NULL) ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_RUNWAY_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= gen_runway_sign( custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( (new_tile != NULL) && (custom_obj != NULL) ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else {
"Unknown token " << token << " in "
<< index_path.str() );
in >> ::skipws;
if ( new_tile != NULL ) {
terra_range->addKid( new_tile );
terra_transform->addKid( terra_range );
// calculate initial tile offset
SetOffset( scenery.center );
sgCoord sgcoord;
sgSetCoord( &sgcoord,
offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z(),
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
terra_transform->setTransform( &sgcoord );
// terrain->addKid( terra_transform );
lights_transform = NULL;
lights_range = NULL;
/* uncomment this section for testing ground lights */
if ( light_pts->getNum() ) {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "generating lights" );
lights_transform = new ssgTransform;
lights_range = new ssgRangeSelector;
lights_brightness = new ssgSelector;
ssgLeaf *lights;
lights = gen_lights( light_pts, 4, 0.7 );
lights_brightness->addKid( lights );
lights = gen_lights( light_pts, 2, 0.85 );
lights_brightness->addKid( lights );
lights = gen_lights( light_pts, 1, 1.0 );
lights_brightness->addKid( lights );
lights_range->addKid( lights_brightness );
lights_transform->addKid( lights_range );
lights_transform->setTransform( &sgcoord );
// ground->addKid( lights_transform );
/* end of ground light section */
FGTileEntry::add_ssg_nodes( ssgBranch* terrain, ssgBranch* ground )
// bump up the ref count so we can remove this later without
// having ssg try to free the memory.
terrain->addKid( terra_transform );
"connected a tile into scene graph. terra_transform = "
<< terra_transform );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "num parents now = "
<< terra_transform->getNumParents() );
if ( lights_transform != 0 ) {
// bump up the ref count so we can remove this later without
// having ssg try to free the memory.
ground->addKid( lights_transform );
loaded = true;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "disconnecting ssg nodes" );
if ( ! loaded ) {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "removing a not-fully loaded tile!" );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "removing a fully loaded tile! terra_transform = " << terra_transform );
// find the terrain branch parent
int pcount = terra_transform->getNumParents();
if ( pcount > 0 ) {
// find the first parent (should only be one)
ssgBranch *parent = terra_transform->getParent( 0 ) ;
if( parent ) {
// disconnect the tile (we previously ref()'d it so it
// won't get freed now)
parent->removeKid( terra_transform );
} else {
"parent pointer is NULL! Dying" );
} else {
"Parent count is zero for an ssg tile! Dying" );
// find the terrain lighting branch
if ( lights_transform ) {
pcount = lights_transform->getNumParents();
if ( pcount > 0 ) {
// find the first parent (should only be one)
ssgBranch *parent = lights_transform->getParent( 0 ) ;
if( parent ) {
// disconnect the light branch (we previously ref()'d
// it so it won't get freed now)
parent->removeKid( lights_transform );
} else {
"parent pointer is NULL! Dying" );
} else {
"Parent count is zero for an ssg light tile! Dying" );