there was the situation where four directories contained jst two files, of which three directories were aircraft related, and one directory contained test code from Curt that might be better of in SimGear anyhow. This is just a patch to move a bunch of files to new locations. In case of local changes to any of them you can do the following: move replay.[ch]xx from src/Replay to src/Aircraft move control.[ch]xx from src/Control to src/Aircraft move ssgEntityArray.[ch]xx from src/Objects to simgear/screen In addition it has been decided only to use .[ch]xx files in all directories unless it's contained within an FDM specific directory, in which case the author is free to do whatever (s)he wants. In this repspect the following files have been renamed in src/Multiplayer: tiny_xdr.[ch]pp has become tiny_xdr.[ch]xx multiplaymgr.[ch]pp has become multiplaymgr.[ch]xx
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// UFO.cxx -- interface to the "UFO" flight model
// Written by Curtis Olson, started October 1999.
// Slightly modified from MagicCarpet.cxx by Jonathan Polley, April 2002
// Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/point3d.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/polar3d.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/controls.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "UFO.hxx"
const double throttle_damp = 0.2;
const double aileron_damp = 0.05;
const double elevator_damp = 0.05;
const double rudder_damp = 0.4;
FGUFO::FGUFO( double dt )
: Throttle(0.0),
// set_delta_t( dt );
// Initialize the UFO flight model, dt is the time increment
// for each subsequent iteration through the EOM
void FGUFO::init() {
// Run an iteration of the EOM (equations of motion)
void FGUFO::update( double dt ) {
// cout << "FGLaRCsim::update()" << endl;
if (is_suspended())
double time_step = dt;
// read the throttle
double th = globals->get_controls()->get_throttle( 0 );
if ( globals->get_controls()->get_brake_left() > 0.0
|| globals->get_controls()->get_brake_right() > 0.0 )
th = -th;
Throttle = th * throttle_damp + Throttle * (1 - throttle_damp);
// read the state of the control surfaces
Aileron = globals->get_controls()->get_aileron() * aileron_damp
+ Aileron * (1 - aileron_damp);
Elevator = globals->get_controls()->get_elevator() * elevator_damp
+ Elevator * (1 - elevator_damp);
Rudder = globals->get_controls()->get_rudder() * rudder_damp
+ Rudder * (1 - rudder_damp);
// the velocity of the aircraft
double velocity = Throttle * 2000; // meters/sec
double old_pitch = get_Theta();
double pitch_rate = SGD_PI_4; // assume I will be pitching up
double target_pitch = -Elevator * SGD_PI_2;
// if I am pitching down
if (old_pitch > target_pitch)
// set the pitch rate to negative (down)
pitch_rate *= -1;
double pitch = old_pitch + (pitch_rate * time_step);
// if I am pitching up
if (pitch_rate > 0.0)
// clip the pitch at the limit
if ( pitch > target_pitch)
pitch = target_pitch;
// if I am pitching down
else if (pitch_rate < 0.0)
// clip the pitch at the limit
if ( pitch < target_pitch)
pitch = target_pitch;
double old_roll = get_Phi();
double roll_rate = SGD_PI_4;
double target_roll = Aileron * SGD_PI_2;
if (old_roll > target_roll)
roll_rate *= -1;
double roll = old_roll + (roll_rate * time_step);
// if I am rolling CW
if (roll_rate > 0.0)
// clip the roll at the limit
if ( roll > target_roll)
roll = target_roll;
// if I am rolling CCW
else if (roll_rate < 0.0)
// clip the roll at the limit
if ( roll < target_roll)
roll = target_roll;
// the vertical speed of the aircraft
double real_climb_rate = sin (pitch) * SG_METER_TO_FEET * velocity; // feet/sec
_set_Climb_Rate( -Elevator * 10.0 );
double climb = real_climb_rate * time_step;
// the lateral speed of the aircraft
double speed = cos (pitch) * velocity; // meters/sec
double dist = speed * time_step;
double kts = velocity * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
_set_V_equiv_kts( kts );
_set_V_calibrated_kts( kts );
_set_V_ground_speed( kts );
// angle of turn
double turn_rate = sin(roll) * SGD_PI_4; // radians/sec
double turn = turn_rate * time_step;
double yaw = fabs(Rudder) < .2 ? 0.0 : Rudder / (25 + fabs(speed) * .1);
// update (lon/lat) position
double lat2, lon2, az2;
if ( fabs(speed) > SG_EPSILON ) {
geo_direct_wgs_84 ( get_Altitude(),
get_Latitude() * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES,
get_Longitude() * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES,
dist, &lat2, &lon2, &az2 );
_set_Longitude( lon2 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
_set_Latitude( lat2 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
// cout << "lon error = " << fabs(end.x()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES - lon2)
// << " lat error = " << fabs(end.y()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES - lat2)
// << endl;
double sl_radius, lat_geoc;
sgGeodToGeoc( get_Latitude(), get_Altitude(), &sl_radius, &lat_geoc );
// update euler angles
_set_Euler_Angles( roll, pitch,
fmod(get_Psi() + turn + yaw, SGD_2PI) );
_set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, get_Longitude(),
sl_radius + get_Altitude() + climb );
// cout << "sea level radius (ft) = " << sl_radius << endl;
// cout << "(setto) sea level radius (ft) = " << get_Sea_level_radius() << endl;
_set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
_set_Altitude( get_Altitude() + climb );