Fork 0
James Turner 1bf52662ae Launcher converted to QQ2
This simplifies the launcher's rendering since the widget-based
code is gone, various things get hooked up as a result. Styling
fixes everywhere as well.

Menubar on Linux/Windows needs to be re-added.
2018-06-23 17:14:21 +01:00

104 lines
2.5 KiB

import QtQuick 2.4
import FlightGear.Launcher 1.0 as FG
import "."
SettingControl {
id: root
implicitHeight: defaultButton.height + Style.margin + description.height
property alias label: label.text
property string path
property string defaultPath
property alias chooseDirectory: picker.selectFolder
property alias dialogPrompt: picker.title
property alias value: root.path // needed for save + restore
property string defaultValue: "" // needed for correct save/restore typing
readonly property bool isDefault: (path.length == 0) || (path == defaultPath)
readonly property url effectiveUrl: picker.urlFromLocalFilePath(effectivePath());
function effectivePath()
return root.isDefault ? defaultPath : path;
function apply()
if (option != "") {
_config.setArg(option, effectivePath())
Text {
id: label
text: root.label
anchors.verticalCenter: chooseButton.verticalCenter
color: (root.enabled ? "black" : Style.inactiveThemeColor)
Text {
id: currentPath
text: root.isDefault ? qsTr("%1 (default)").arg(root.defaultPath) : root.path
anchors.verticalCenter: chooseButton.verticalCenter
color: (root.enabled ? "black" : Style.inactiveThemeColor)
font.italic: true
anchors.left: label.right
anchors.leftMargin: Style.margin
anchors.right: chooseButton.left
anchors.rightMargin: Style.margin
elide: Text.ElideRight
Button {
id: chooseButton
text: qsTr("Change")
anchors.right: defaultButton.left
anchors.rightMargin: Style.margin
enabled: root.enabled
onClicked: {
// set current value as a URL
picker.folder = effectiveUrl
Button {
id: defaultButton
text: qsTr("Use default")
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.margin
enabled: root.enabled && !root.isDefault
onClicked: {
path = defaultPath
SettingDescription {
id: description
enabled: root.enabled
text: root.description
anchors.top: chooseButton.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.margin
width: parent.width
FG.FileDialog {
id: picker
onAccepted: {
path = filePath
onRejected: {