Fork 0
durk 9cc92035b1 A set of additions related to allow the use of SID and STAR procedures.
The current code still has some rough edges, in particular memory still
needs to be deallocated where possible, and the actual use of the code
needs more testing. This code has been running without noticable problems,
so I think it's ready for some wider exposure. Detailed changes include:
- Finetuning of the SID/STAR data concept.
- Preloading of all SIDs, from one xml file.
- ATC determines which SID should be used and echoes this over the com1 or
  com2 radio.
2009-03-11 23:14:34 +01:00

587 lines
19 KiB

* AIFlightPlanCreate.cxx
* Written by Durk Talsma, started May, 2004.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
#include "AIFlightPlan.hxx"
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Airports/dynamics.hxx>
#include "AIAircraft.hxx"
#include "performancedata.hxx"
#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
/* FGAIFlightPlan::create()
* dynamically create a flight plan for AI traffic, based on data provided by the
* Traffic Manager, when reading a filed flightplan failes. (DT, 2004/07/10)
* This is the top-level function, and the only one that is publicly available.
// Check lat/lon values during initialization;
void FGAIFlightPlan::create(FGAIAircraft *ac, FGAirport *dep, FGAirport *arr, int legNr,
double alt, double speed, double latitude,
double longitude, bool firstFlight,double radius,
const string& fltType, const string& aircraftType,
const string& airline)
int currWpt = wpt_iterator - waypoints.begin();
case 1:
createPushBack(ac, firstFlight,dep, latitude, longitude,
radius, fltType, aircraftType, airline);
case 2:
createTakeoffTaxi(ac, firstFlight, dep, radius, fltType, aircraftType, airline);
case 3:
createTakeOff(ac, firstFlight, dep, speed, fltType);
case 4:
createClimb(ac, firstFlight, dep, speed, alt, fltType);
case 5:
createCruise(ac, firstFlight, dep,arr, latitude, longitude, speed, alt, fltType);
case 6:
createDecent(ac, arr, fltType);
case 7:
createLanding(ac, arr);
case 8:
createLandingTaxi(ac, arr, radius, fltType, aircraftType, airline);
case 9:
createParking(ac, arr, radius);
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "AIFlightPlan::create() attempting to create unknown leg"
" this is probably an internal program error");
wpt_iterator = waypoints.begin()+currWpt;
FGAIFlightPlan::createOnGround(FGAIAircraft *ac, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos, double aElev, double aSpeed)
waypoint* wpt = new waypoint;
wpt->name = aName;
wpt->longitude = aPos.getLongitudeDeg();
wpt->latitude = aPos.getLatitudeDeg();
wpt->altitude = aElev;
wpt->speed = aSpeed;
wpt->crossat = -10000;
wpt->gear_down = true;
wpt->flaps_down= true;
wpt->finished = false;
wpt->on_ground = true;
wpt->routeIndex= 0;
return wpt;
FGAIFlightPlan::createInAir(FGAIAircraft *ac, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos, double aElev, double aSpeed)
waypoint* wpt = new waypoint;
wpt->name = aName;
wpt->longitude = aPos.getLongitudeDeg();
wpt->latitude = aPos.getLatitudeDeg();
wpt->altitude = aElev;
wpt->speed = aSpeed;
wpt->crossat = -10000;
wpt->gear_down = false;
wpt->flaps_down= false;
wpt->finished = false;
wpt->on_ground = false;
wpt->routeIndex= 0;
return wpt;
FGAIFlightPlan::cloneWithPos(FGAIAircraft *ac, waypoint* aWpt, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos)
waypoint* wpt = new waypoint;
wpt->name = aName;
wpt->longitude = aPos.getLongitudeDeg();
wpt->latitude = aPos.getLatitudeDeg();
wpt->altitude = aWpt->altitude;
wpt->speed = aWpt->speed;
wpt->crossat = aWpt->crossat;
wpt->gear_down = aWpt->gear_down;
wpt->flaps_down= aWpt->flaps_down;
wpt->finished = aWpt->finished;
wpt->on_ground = aWpt->on_ground;
wpt->routeIndex = 0;
return wpt;
FGAIFlightPlan::clone(waypoint* aWpt)
waypoint* wpt = new waypoint;
wpt->name = aWpt->name;
wpt->longitude = aWpt->longitude;
wpt->latitude = aWpt->latitude;
wpt->altitude = aWpt->altitude;
wpt->speed = aWpt->speed;
wpt->crossat = aWpt->crossat;
wpt->gear_down = aWpt->gear_down;
wpt->flaps_down= aWpt->flaps_down;
wpt->finished = aWpt->finished;
wpt->on_ground = aWpt->on_ground;
wpt->routeIndex = 0;
return wpt;
void FGAIFlightPlan::createDefaultTakeoffTaxi(FGAIAircraft *ac, FGAirport* aAirport, FGRunway* aRunway)
SGGeod runwayTakeoff = aRunway->pointOnCenterline(5.0);
double airportElev = aAirport->getElevation();
waypoint* wpt;
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "Airport Center", aAirport->geod(), airportElev, 15);
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "Runway Takeoff", runwayTakeoff, airportElev, 15);
void FGAIFlightPlan::createTakeoffTaxi(FGAIAircraft *ac, bool firstFlight,
FGAirport *apt,
double radius, const string& fltType,
const string& acType, const string& airline)
double heading, lat, lon;
// If this function is called during initialization,
// make sure we obtain a valid gate ID first
// and place the model at the location of the gate.
if (firstFlight) {
if (!(apt->getDynamics()->getAvailableParking(&lat, &lon,
&heading, &gateId,
radius, fltType,
acType, airline)))
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "Could not find parking for a " <<
acType <<
" of flight type " << fltType <<
" of airline " << airline <<
" at airport " << apt->getId());
string rwyClass = getRunwayClassFromTrafficType(fltType);
// Only set this if it hasn't been set by ATC already.
if (activeRunway.empty()) {
//cerr << "Getting runway for " << ac->getTrafficRef()->getCallSign() << " at " << apt->getId() << endl;
double depHeading = ac->getTrafficRef()->getCourse();
apt->getDynamics()->getActiveRunway(rwyClass, 1, activeRunway, depHeading);
rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(activeRunway);
SGGeod runwayTakeoff = rwy->pointOnCenterline(5.0);
FGGroundNetwork* gn = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork();
if (!gn->exists()) {
createDefaultTakeoffTaxi(ac, apt, rwy);
intVec ids;
int runwayId = gn->findNearestNode(runwayTakeoff);
// A negative gateId indicates an overflow parking, use a
// fallback mechanism for this.
// Starting from gate 0 in this case is a bit of a hack
// which requires a more proper solution later on.
delete taxiRoute;
taxiRoute = new FGTaxiRoute;
// Determine which node to start from.
int node = 0;
// Find out which node to start from
FGParking *park = apt->getDynamics()->getParking(gateId);
if (park) {
node = park->getPushBackPoint();
if (node == -1) {
node = gateId;
// HAndle case where parking doens't have a node
if ((node == 0) && park) {
if (firstFlight) {
node = gateId;
} else {
node = lastNodeVisited;
*taxiRoute = gn->findShortestRoute(node, runwayId);
intVecIterator i;
if (taxiRoute->empty()) {
createDefaultTakeoffTaxi(ac, apt, rwy);
//bool isPushBackPoint = false;
if (firstFlight) {
// If this is called during initialization, randomly
// skip a number of waypoints to get a more realistic
// taxi situation.
int nrWaypointsToSkip = rand() % taxiRoute->size();
// but make sure we always keep two active waypoints
// to prevent a segmentation fault
for (int i = 0; i < nrWaypointsToSkip-2; i++) {
} else {
if (taxiRoute->size() > 1) {
taxiRoute->next(&node); // chop off the first waypoint, because that is already the last of the pushback route
// push each node on the taxi route as a waypoint
int route;
while(taxiRoute->next(&node, &route)) {
char buffer[10];
snprintf (buffer, 10, "%d", node);
FGTaxiNode *tn = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()->findNode(node);
waypoint* wpt = createOnGround(ac, buffer, tn->geod(), apt->getElevation(), 15);
wpt->routeIndex = route;
void FGAIFlightPlan::createDefaultLandingTaxi(FGAIAircraft *ac, FGAirport* aAirport)
SGGeod lastWptPos =
SGGeod::fromDeg(waypoints.back()->longitude, waypoints.back()->latitude);
double airportElev = aAirport->getElevation();
waypoint* wpt;
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "Runway Exit", lastWptPos, airportElev, 15);
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "Airport Center", aAirport->geod(), airportElev, 15);
double heading, lat, lon;
aAirport->getDynamics()->getParking(gateId, &lat, &lon, &heading);
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "END", SGGeod::fromDeg(lon, lat), airportElev, 15);
void FGAIFlightPlan::createLandingTaxi(FGAIAircraft *ac, FGAirport *apt,
double radius, const string& fltType,
const string& acType, const string& airline)
double heading, lat, lon;
apt->getDynamics()->getAvailableParking(&lat, &lon, &heading,
&gateId, radius, fltType, acType, airline);
SGGeod lastWptPos =
SGGeod::fromDeg(waypoints.back()->longitude, waypoints.back()->latitude);
FGGroundNetwork* gn = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork();
// Find a route from runway end to parking/gate.
if (!gn->exists()) {
createDefaultLandingTaxi(ac, apt);
intVec ids;
int runwayId = gn->findNearestNode(lastWptPos);
// A negative gateId indicates an overflow parking, use a
// fallback mechanism for this.
// Starting from gate 0 is a bit of a hack...
//FGTaxiRoute route;
delete taxiRoute;
taxiRoute = new FGTaxiRoute;
if (gateId >= 0)
*taxiRoute = gn->findShortestRoute(runwayId, gateId);
*taxiRoute = gn->findShortestRoute(runwayId, 0);
intVecIterator i;
if (taxiRoute->empty()) {
createDefaultLandingTaxi(ac, apt);
int node;
int size = taxiRoute->size();
// Omit the last two waypoints, as
// those are created by createParking()
int route;
for (int i = 0; i < size-2; i++) {
taxiRoute->next(&node, &route);
char buffer[10];
snprintf (buffer, 10, "%d", node);
FGTaxiNode *tn = gn->findNode(node);
waypoint* wpt = createOnGround(ac, buffer, tn->geod(), apt->getElevation(), 15);
wpt->routeIndex = route;
* CreateTakeOff
* initialize the Aircraft at the parking location
void FGAIFlightPlan::createTakeOff(FGAIAircraft *ac, bool firstFlight, FGAirport *apt, double speed, const string &fltType)
double accel = ac->getPerformance()->acceleration();
double vRotate = ac->getPerformance()->vRotate();
// Acceleration = dV / dT
// Acceleration X dT = dV
// dT = dT / Acceleration
//d = (Vf^2 - Vo^2) / (2*a)
double accelTime = (vRotate - 15) / accel;
//cerr << "Using " << accelTime << " as total acceleration time" << endl;
double accelDistance = (vRotate*vRotate - 15*15) / (2*accel);
//cerr << "Using " << accelDistance << " " << accel << " " << vRotate << endl;
waypoint *wpt;
// Get the current active runway, based on code from David Luff
// This should actually be unified and extended to include
// Preferential runway use schema's
// NOTE: DT (2009-01-18: IIRC, this is currently already the case,
// because the getActive runway function takes care of that.
if (firstFlight)
string rwyClass = getRunwayClassFromTrafficType(fltType);
double heading = ac->getTrafficRef()->getCourse();
apt->getDynamics()->getActiveRunway(rwyClass, 1, activeRunway, heading);
rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(activeRunway);
double airportElev = apt->getElevation();
// Acceleration point, 105 meters into the runway,
SGGeod accelPoint = rwy->pointOnCenterline(105.0);
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "accel", accelPoint, airportElev, speed);
//Start Climbing to 3000 ft. Let's do this
// at the center of the runway for now:
SGGeod rotate = rwy->pointOnCenterline(105.0+accelDistance);
wpt = cloneWithPos(ac, wpt, "SOC", rotate);
wpt->altitude = airportElev+1000;
wpt->on_ground = false;
wpt = cloneWithPos(ac, wpt, "3000 ft", rwy->end());
wpt->altitude = airportElev+3000;
// Finally, add two more waypoints, so that aircraft will remain under
// Tower control until they have reached the 3000 ft climb point
SGGeod pt = rwy->pointOnCenterline(5000 + rwy->lengthM() * 0.5);
wpt = cloneWithPos(ac, wpt, "5000 ft", pt);
wpt->altitude = airportElev+5000;
* CreateClimb
* initialize the Aircraft at the parking location
void FGAIFlightPlan::createClimb(FGAIAircraft *ac, bool firstFlight, FGAirport *apt, double speed, double alt, const string &fltType)
waypoint *wpt;
bool planLoaded = false;
string fPLName;
if (firstFlight) {
string rwyClass = getRunwayClassFromTrafficType(fltType);
double heading = ac->getTrafficRef()->getCourse();
apt->getDynamics()->getActiveRunway(rwyClass, 1, activeRunway, heading);
rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(activeRunway);
if (sid) {
for (wpt_vector_iterator i = sid->getFirstWayPoint();
i != sid->getLastWayPoint();
i++) {
//cerr << " Cloning waypoint " << endl;
} else {
SGGeod climb1 = rwy->pointOnCenterline(10*SG_NM_TO_METER);
wpt = createInAir(ac, "10000ft climb", climb1, speed, 10000);
wpt->gear_down = true;
wpt->flaps_down= true;
SGGeod climb2 = rwy->pointOnCenterline(20*SG_NM_TO_METER);
wpt = cloneWithPos(ac, wpt, "18000ft climb", climb2);
wpt->altitude = 18000;
* CreateDecent
* initialize the Aircraft at the parking location
void FGAIFlightPlan::createDecent(FGAIAircraft *ac, FGAirport *apt, const string &fltType)
// Ten thousand ft. Slowing down to 240 kts
waypoint *wpt;
//Beginning of Decent
//string name;
// allow "mil" and "gen" as well
string rwyClass = getRunwayClassFromTrafficType(fltType);
double heading = ac->getTrafficRef()->getCourse();
apt->getDynamics()->getActiveRunway(rwyClass, 2, activeRunway, heading);
rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(activeRunway);
SGGeod descent1 = rwy->pointOnCenterline(-100000); // 100km out
wpt = createInAir(ac, "Dec 10000ft", descent1, apt->getElevation(), 240);
wpt->crossat = 10000;
// Three thousand ft. Slowing down to 160 kts
SGGeod descent2 = rwy->pointOnCenterline(-8*SG_NM_TO_METER); // 8nm out
wpt = createInAir(ac, "DEC 3000ft", descent2, apt->getElevation(), 160);
wpt->crossat = 3000;
wpt->gear_down = true;
wpt->flaps_down= true;
* CreateLanding
* initialize the Aircraft at the parking location
void FGAIFlightPlan::createLanding(FGAIAircraft *ac, FGAirport *apt)
// Ten thousand ft. Slowing down to 150 kts
waypoint *wpt;
double aptElev = apt->getElevation();
//Runway Threshold
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "Threshold", rwy->threshold(), aptElev, 150);
wpt->crossat = apt->getElevation();
// Roll-out
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "Center", rwy->geod(), aptElev, 30);
SGGeod rollOut = rwy->pointOnCenterline(rwy->lengthM() * 0.9);
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "Roll Out", rollOut, aptElev, 15);
wpt->crossat = apt->getElevation();
* CreateParking
* initialize the Aircraft at the parking location
void FGAIFlightPlan::createParking(FGAIAircraft *ac, FGAirport *apt, double radius)
waypoint* wpt;
double aptElev = apt->getElevation();
double lat, lat2;
double lon, lon2;
double az2;
double heading;
apt->getDynamics()->getParking(gateId, &lat, &lon, &heading);
heading += 180.0;
if (heading > 360)
heading -= 360;
geo_direct_wgs_84 ( 0, lat, lon, heading,
&lat2, &lon2, &az2 );
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "taxiStart", SGGeod::fromDeg(lon2, lat2), aptElev, 10);
geo_direct_wgs_84 ( 0, lat, lon, heading,
0.1 *radius,
&lat2, &lon2, &az2 );
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "taxiStart2", SGGeod::fromDeg(lon2, lat2), aptElev, 10);
wpt = createOnGround(ac, "END", SGGeod::fromDeg(lon, lat), aptElev, 10);
* @param fltType a string describing the type of
* traffic, normally used for gate assignments
* @return a converted string that gives the runway
* preference schedule to be used at aircraft having
* a preferential runway schedule implemented (i.e.
* having a rwyprefs.xml file
* Currently valid traffic types for gate assignment:
* - gate (commercial gate)
* - cargo (commercial gargo),
* - ga (general aviation) ,
* - ul (ultralight),
* - mil-fighter (military - fighter),
* - mil-transport (military - transport)
* Valid runway classes:
* - com (commercial traffic: jetliners, passenger and cargo)
* - gen (general aviation)
* - ul (ultralight: I can imagine that these may share a runway with ga on some airports)
* - mil (all military traffic)
string FGAIFlightPlan::getRunwayClassFromTrafficType(string fltType)
if ((fltType == "gate") || (fltType == "cargo")) {
return string("com");
if (fltType == "ga") {
return string ("gen");
if (fltType == "ul") {
return string("ul");
if ((fltType == "mil-fighter") || (fltType == "mil-transport")) {
return string("mil");
return string("com");