302 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable file
302 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# Melchior FRANZ <mfranz#aon:at> Public Domain
# Usage: $ freq [IACO:ksfo [RANGE:15]]
# Examples: $ freq
# $ freq ksjc
# $ freq ksjc 30
# The RANGE is in km and defines which NDB, VOR, VORTAC, ... to
# display. Default is 15 km.
# Note that the directions given for NDB, VOR, VORTAC, ... are
# always the heading from this radio facility to the airport!
use strict;
use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
my $ID = shift || "KSFO";
my $RANGE = shift || 15; # for NDB/VOR [km]
my $FG_ROOT = $ENV{'FG_ROOT'} || "/usr/local/share/FlightGear";
my $APTFILE = "$FG_ROOT/Airports/apt.dat.gz" || die "airport file not found";
my $NAVFILE = "$FG_ROOT/Navaids/nav.dat.gz" || die "nav file not found";
$ID = uc($ID);
my $PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029;
my $D2R = $PI / 180;
my $R2D = 180 / $PI;
my $ERAD = 6378138.12;
my %COLOR = (
'NONE' => "\033[m",
'DME' => "\033[34;1",
'ILS' => "\033[33;1m",
'TWR' => "\033[31;1m",
'ATIS' => "\033[32;1m",
'NDB' => "\033[36;1m",
'VOR' => "\033[35;1m",
my $USECOLOR = 1;
my %FREQ;
my $aptdatacnt = 0;
my $aptlat = 0;
my $aptlon = 0;
open(F, "gzip -d -c $APTFILE|") or die "can't open airport file $APTFILE";
while (<F>) {
if (/^1\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+$ID\s+(.+)\s+/) {
my $title = "$ID - $1";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n";
foreach (<F>) {
last if /^\s*$/;
if (/^1.\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/) {
my ($lat, $lon) = ($1, $2);
map { s/^(-?)0+/$1/ } ($lat, $lon);
$aptlat += $lat;
$aptlon += $lon;
} elsif (/^(5\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)\s*/) {
my ($id, $freq, $desc) = ($1, $2, $3);
$freq =~ s/(..)$/.$1/;
&addfreq($freq, $desc);
close F or die "can't close airport file $APTFILE";
die "no data for $ID" unless $aptdatacnt;
# calculate mean location from all structures on the airport
$aptlat /= $aptdatacnt;
$aptlon /= $aptdatacnt;
my ($aptx, $apty, $aptz) = &ll2xyz($aptlat, $aptlon);
my @OM;
my @MM;
my @IM;
my @NDB;
my @VOR;
my @DME;
open(F, "gzip -d -c $NAVFILE|") or die "can't open airport file $NAVFILE";
while (<F>) {
if (/^2\s/) { # NDB
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 9;
map { s/^(-?)0+/$1/ } @l[1,2];
my $dist = &coord_dist_sq(&ll2xyz($l[1], $l[2]), $aptx, $apty, $aptz);
push @NDB, [$dist, @l];
} elsif (/^3\s/) { # VOR/VOR-DME/DME/VORTAC/TACAN
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 9;
map { s/^(-?)0+/$1/ } @l[1,2];
my $dist = &coord_dist_sq(&ll2xyz($l[1], $l[2]), $aptx, $apty, $aptz);
if ($l[8] =~ /\b(VOR|VOR-DME)$/) {
push @VOR, [$dist, @l];
} elsif ($l[8] =~ /\bDME\b/) {
push @DME, [$dist, @l];
} else {
push @OTHERS, [$dist, @l];
} elsif (/^(4|5)\s/) { # LLZ
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 11;
next unless $l[8] eq $ID;
$l[4] =~ s/(..)$/.$1/;
&addfreq($l[4], "LLZ " . $l[9]);
} elsif (/^6\s/) { # GS
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 11;
next unless $l[8] eq $ID;
$l[4] =~ s/(..)$/.$1/;
&addfreq($l[4], "GS " . $l[9]);
} elsif (/^7\s/) { # OM
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 11;
next unless $l[8] eq $ID;
push @OM, $l[9];
} elsif (/^8\s/) { # MM
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 11;
next unless $l[8] eq $ID;
push @MM, $l[9];
} elsif (/^9\s/) { # IM
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 11;
next unless $l[8] eq $ID;
push @IM, $l[9];
} elsif (/^12\s/) { # DME (ILS)
my @l = split /\s+/, $_, 11;
next unless $l[8] eq $ID;
$l[4] =~ s/(..)$/.$1/;
&addfreq($l[4], "DME " . $l[9]);
close F or die "can't close airport file $NAVFILE";
foreach my $freq (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %FREQ) {
my %h;
map { $h{$_} = 1 } @{$FREQ{$freq}};
my @uniq = keys %h;
my @desc;
my %rwy;
foreach my $d (@uniq) {
if ($d =~ /(\S*)\s*(\d\d[LRC]?)\s*(\S*)/) {
push @{$rwy{$2}}, ($1 . $3);
} else {
push @desc, $d;
foreach my $r (keys %rwy) {
push @desc, ((join "/", sort @{$rwy{$r}}) . " $r");
my $s;
my $k = join ", ", @desc;
if ($k =~ /\bTWR\b/) {
$s = $COLOR{'TWR'};
} elsif ($k =~ /\bATIS\b/) {
$s = $COLOR{'ATIS'};
} elsif ($k =~ /\b(GZ|LLZ)\b/) {
$s = $COLOR{'ILS'};
$s .= sprintf "%-7s %s\033[m\n", $freq, join ", ", $k;
print $s;
&printfreq(0, $COLOR{'NDB'}, @NDB);
&printfreq(1, $COLOR{'VOR'}, @VOR);
&printfreq(1, $COLOR{'DME'}, @DME);
&printfreq(1, $COLOR{'NONE'}, @OTHERS);
print " OM " . (join ", ", sort @OM) . "\n" if @OM;
print " MM " . (join ", ", sort @MM) . "\n" if @MM;
print " IM " . (join ", ", sort @IM) . "\n" if @IM;
exit 0;
sub printfreq($$$)
my $divfreq = shift; # divide frequency by 100?
my $color = shift;
foreach (sort { @{$a}[0] <=> @{$b}[0] } @_) {
my @l = @{$_};
my $dist = &distance($l[0]);
my $dir = &llll2dir($l[2], $l[3], $aptlat, $aptlon);
my $freq = $l[5];
$freq =~ s/(..)$/.$1/ if $divfreq;
printf "$color%-7s %s (\"%s\")\t-->\t%s km/%s nm @ %s (%s)$COLOR{'NONE'}\n",
$freq, $l[9], $l[8],
&round($dist, 0.1), # km
&round($dist / 1.852, 0.1), # nm
int $dir, &symdir($dir);
next if $l[9] =~ /\b$ID\b/;
last if $dist > $RANGE;
sub addfreq($$)
my ($freq, $desc) = @_;
push @{$FREQ{$freq}}, $desc;
sub distance($) # km
my $t = shift;
return $ERAD * sqrt($t) / 1000;
sub round($)
my $i = shift;
my $m = (shift or 1);
$i /= $m;
$i = $i - &floor($i) >= 0.5 ? &ceil($i) : &floor($i);
$i *= $m;
return $i;
sub llll2dir($$$$)
my $latA = (shift) * $D2R;
my $lonA = (shift) * $D2R;
my $latB = (shift) * $D2R;
my $lonB = (shift) * $D2R;
my $xdist = sin($lonB - $lonA) * $ERAD * cos(($latA + $latB) / 2);
my $ydist = sin($latB - $latA) * $ERAD;
my $dir = atan2($xdist, $ydist) * $R2D;
$dir += 360 if $dir < 0;
return $dir;
sub ll2xyz($$)
my $lat = (shift) * $D2R;
my $lon = (shift) * $D2R;
my $cosphi = cos $lat;
my $di = $cosphi * cos $lon;
my $dj = $cosphi * sin $lon;
my $dk = sin $lat;
return ($di, $dj, $dk);
sub xyz2ll($$$)
my ($di, $dj, $dk) = @_;
my $aux = $di * $di + $dj * $dj;
my $lat = atan2($dk, sqrt $aux) * $R2D;
my $lon = atan2($dj, $di) * $R2D;
return ($lat, $lon);
sub coord_dist_sq($$$$$$)
my ($xa, $ya, $za, $xb, $yb, $zb) = @_;
my $x = $xb - $xa;
my $y = $yb - $ya;
my $z = $zb - $za;
return $x * $x + $y * $y + $z * $z;
sub symdir($)
my $dir = shift;
my @names = ("N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE",
"S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW");
my $nnames = scalar @names;
my $idx = int($nnames * (($dir / 360) + (0.5 / $nnames)));
if ($idx >= $nnames) {
$idx = 0;
return $names[$idx];