src/AIModel/AIAircraft.cxx src/ATC/AILocalTraffic.cxx src/FDM/flight.cxx src/FDM/flight.hxx src/FDM/groundcache.cxx src/FDM/groundcache.hxx src/Main/fg_init.cxx src/Main/main.cxx src/Scenery/hitlist.cxx src/Scenery/hitlist.hxx src/Scenery/scenery.cxx src/Scenery/scenery.hxx Make use of the attached SGMaterial reference userdata on scenegraph leafs. Make the SGMaterial pointer available to the ground query routines.
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// groundcache.hxx -- carries a small subset of the scenegraph near the vehicle
// Written by Mathias Froehlich, started Nov 2004.
// Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Froehlich -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
#include <plib/sg.h>
#include <plib/ssg.h>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
class SGMaterial;
class FGGroundCache {
// Ground handling routines
// Prepare the ground cache for the wgs84 position pt_*.
// That is take all vertices in the ball with radius rad around the
// position given by the pt_* and store them in a local scene graph.
bool prepare_ground_cache(double ref_time, const double pt[3],
double rad);
// Returns true if the cache is valid.
// Also the reference time, point and radius values where the cache
// is valid for are returned.
bool is_valid(double *ref_time, double pt[3], double *rad);
// Return the nearest catapult to the given point
// pt in wgs84 coordinates.
double get_cat(double t, const double pt[3],
double end[2][3], double vel[2][3]);
// Return the altitude above ground below the wgs84 point pt
// Search for highest triangle not higher than pt + max_altoff.
// Return ground properties like the ground type, the maximum load
// this kind kind of ground can carry, the friction factor between
// 0 and 1 which can be used to model lower friction with wet runways
// and finally the altitude above ground.
bool get_agl(double t, const double pt[3], double max_altoff,
double contact[3], double normal[3], double vel[3],
int *type, const SGMaterial** material, double *agl);
// Return 1 if the hook intersects with a wire.
// That test is done by checking if the quad spanned by the points pt*
// intersects with the line representing the wire.
// If the wire is caught, the cache will trace this wires endpoints until
// the FDM calls release_wire().
bool caught_wire(double t, const double pt[4][3]);
// Return the location and speed of the wire endpoints.
bool get_wire_ends(double t, double end[2][3], double vel[2][3]);
// Tell the cache code that it does no longer need to care for
// the wire end position.
void release_wire(void);
struct Triangle {
Triangle() : material(0) {}
// The edge vertices.
sgdVec3 vertices[3];
// The surface normal.
sgdVec4 plane;
// The bounding shpere.
sgdSphere sphere;
// The linear and angular velocity.
sgdVec3 velocity;
sgdVec3 rotation;
sgdVec3 rotation_pivot;
// Ground type
int type;
// the simgear material reference, contains friction coeficients ...
const SGMaterial* material;
struct Catapult {
sgdVec3 start;
sgdVec3 end;
sgdVec3 velocity;
sgdVec3 rotation;
sgdVec3 rotation_pivot;
struct Wire {
sgdVec3 ends[2];
sgdVec3 velocity;
sgdVec3 rotation;
sgdVec3 rotation_pivot;
int wire_id;
// The center of the cache.
sgdVec3 cache_center;
// Approximate ground radius.
// In case the aircraft is too high above ground.
double ground_radius;
// The time reference for later call to intersection test routines.
// Is required since we will have moving triangles in carriers.
double cache_ref_time;
// The wire identifier to track.
int wire_id;
// Containers which hold all the essential information about this cache.
std::vector<Triangle> triangles;
std::vector<Catapult> catapults;
std::vector<Wire> wires;
// The point and radius where the cache is built around.
// That are the arguments that were given to prepare_ground_cache.
sgdVec3 reference_wgs84_point;
double reference_vehicle_radius;
bool found_ground;
// Fills the environment cache with everything inside the sphere sp.
void cache_fill(ssgBranch *branch, sgdMat4 xform,
sgdSphere* sp, sgdVec3 down, sgdSphere* wsp);
// compute the ground property of this leaf.
void putSurfaceLeafIntoCache(const sgdSphere *sp, const sgdMat4 xform,
bool sphIsec, sgdVec3 down, ssgLeaf *l);
void putLineLeafIntoCache(const sgdSphere *wsp, const sgdMat4 xform,
ssgLeaf *l);
// Helper class to hold some properties of the ground triangle.
struct GroundProperty {
GroundProperty() : type(0), material(0) {}
int type;
int wire_id;
sgdVec3 vel;
sgdVec3 rot;
sgdVec3 pivot;
const SGMaterial* material;
// compute the ground property of this leaf.
static GroundProperty extractGroundProperty( ssgLeaf* leaf );
static void velocityTransformTriangle(double dt, Triangle& dst,
const Triangle& src);