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1999-04-05 21:32:32 +00:00

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Basically what I'm doing is starting with the 3 arcsec DEM files (a
point every 100 meters roughly.)
I start out at one corner and walk down a horizonal row. I start with
the first 2 points and do a least squares fit, I then add the next
point, and the next, and the next until my least squares fit exceeds
some error tolerance from the original data. At that point, I back up
one point and include that point in the output set of points. This
point then becomes my new starting point for the least squares fit. I
repeat this until I finish the row. I do this for each row to produce
an "irregular" set of output points from the original. I'm sure from
a pure mathematical perspective you can see some potential flaws in
this approach, but the actual real life result is actually quite good.
I then do a Delauney triangulation of these points (and add in more to
keep the triangles from getting too long and skinny.)
I have to go through additional pain to make sure that all the points
coincide on the edge between two adjacent areas (and the normals to so
there is continuity in the shading.)
I then run a "tri-striper" program to connect up all the individual
triangles into more efficient opengl strips.
Finally I post process everything to compensate for bugs in our lousy
tri-striper and to add in a few other things that our render requires.
There is a wee bit of documentation at:
Here I lay out our basic coordinate system. Essentially the scenery
tiles that result in the above process are just cutouts of the Earths
surface. The maintain the curved shape and spacial orientation. The
renderer translates everything to near (0,0,0) to compensate for
GLfloat precision limitations.
All the tools I use to do this are distributed with the FG source, so
feel free to download them, play around, and ask questions.
Our resulting scenery tile format is structured to facilitate view
frustum culling on a per tile basis as well as a per "fragment" basis.
The next thing I plan to work on is sorting by material properties.
As I walk through the tile structures doing my view frustum culling,
instead of immediately rendering the visible fragments, I plan to toss
them into buckets by material property. Then I make a pass through
each of these buckets, rendering all the items with like properties.
This should minimize opengl state and texture changes which should
help keep the performance from going in the dumpster.