568 lines
19 KiB
568 lines
19 KiB
Module: FGAerodynamics.cpp
Author: Jon S. Berndt
Date started: 09/13/00
Purpose: Encapsulates the aerodynamic forces
------------- Copyright (C) 2000 Jon S. Berndt (jon@jsbsim.org) -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
09/13/00 JSB Created
04/22/01 JSB Moved code into here from FGAircraft
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "FGFDMExec.h"
#include "FGAerodynamics.h"
#include "input_output/FGPropertyManager.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLFileRead.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGAerodynamics.cpp,v 1.53 2014/05/17 15:30:35 jberndt Exp $");
FGAerodynamics::FGAerodynamics(FGFDMExec* FDMExec) : FGModel(FDMExec)
Name = "FGAerodynamics";
AxisIdx["DRAG"] = 0;
AxisIdx["SIDE"] = 1;
AxisIdx["LIFT"] = 2;
AxisIdx["ROLL"] = 3;
AxisIdx["PITCH"] = 4;
AxisIdx["YAW"] = 5;
AxisIdx["AXIAL"] = 0;
AxisIdx["NORMAL"] = 2;
AxisIdx["X"] = 0;
AxisIdx["Y"] = 1;
AxisIdx["Z"] = 2;
axisType = atNone;
AeroFunctions = new AeroFunctionArray[6];
AeroFunctionsAtCG = new AeroFunctionArray[6];
impending_stall = stall_hyst = 0.0;
alphaclmin = alphaclmax = 0.0;
alphahystmin = alphahystmax = 0.0;
clsq = lod = 0.0;
alphaw = 0.0;
bi2vel = ci2vel = 0.0;
AeroRPShift = 0;
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
for (j=0; j<AeroFunctions[i].size(); j++)
delete AeroFunctions[i][j];
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
for (j=0; j<AeroFunctionsAtCG[i].size(); j++)
delete AeroFunctionsAtCG[i][j];
delete[] AeroFunctions;
delete[] AeroFunctionsAtCG;
delete AeroRPShift;
bool FGAerodynamics::InitModel(void)
if (!FGModel::InitModel()) return false;
impending_stall = stall_hyst = 0.0;
alphaclmin = alphaclmax = 0.0;
alphahystmin = alphahystmax = 0.0;
clsq = lod = 0.0;
alphaw = 0.0;
bi2vel = ci2vel = 0.0;
AeroRPShift = 0;
return true;
bool FGAerodynamics::Run(bool Holding)
if (FGModel::Run(Holding)) return true;
if (Holding) return false; // if paused don't execute
unsigned int axis_ctr, ctr;
const double twovel=2*in.Vt;
// calculate some oft-used quantities for speed
if (twovel != 0) {
bi2vel = in.Wingspan / twovel;
ci2vel = in.Wingchord / twovel;
alphaw = in.Alpha + in.Wingincidence;
qbar_area = in.Wingarea * in.Qbar;
if (alphaclmax != 0) {
if (in.Alpha > 0.85*alphaclmax) {
impending_stall = 10*(in.Alpha/alphaclmax - 0.85);
} else {
impending_stall = 0;
if (alphahystmax != 0.0 && alphahystmin != 0.0) {
if (in.Alpha > alphahystmax) {
stall_hyst = 1;
} else if (in.Alpha < alphahystmin) {
stall_hyst = 0;
for (axis_ctr = 0; axis_ctr < 3; axis_ctr++) {
for (ctr=0; ctr < AeroFunctions[axis_ctr].size(); ctr++) {
vFnative(axis_ctr+1) += AeroFunctions[axis_ctr][ctr]->GetValue();
for (axis_ctr = 0; axis_ctr < 3; axis_ctr++) {
for (ctr=0; ctr < AeroFunctionsAtCG[axis_ctr].size(); ctr++) {
vFnativeAtCG(axis_ctr+1) += AeroFunctionsAtCG[axis_ctr][ctr]->GetValue();
// Note that we still need to convert to wind axes here, because it is
// used in the L/D calculation, and we still may want to look at Lift
// and Drag.
// JSB 4/27/12 - After use, convert wind axes to produce normal lift
// and drag values - not negative ones!
// As a clarification, JSBSim assumes that drag and lift values are defined
// in wind axes - BUT with a 180 rotation about the Y axis. That is, lift and
// drag will be positive up and aft, respectively, so that they are reported
// as positive numbers. However, the wind axes themselves assume that the X
// and Z forces are positive forward and down.
switch (axisType) {
case atBodyXYZ: // Forces already in body axes; no manipulation needed
vFw = in.Tb2w*vFnative;
vForces = vFnative;
vFw(eDrag)*=-1; vFw(eLift)*=-1;
vFwAtCG = in.Tb2w*vFnativeAtCG;
vForcesAtCG = vFnativeAtCG;
vFwAtCG(eDrag)*=-1; vFwAtCG(eLift)*=-1;
case atLiftDrag: // Copy forces into wind axes
vFw = vFnative;
vFw(eDrag)*=-1; vFw(eLift)*=-1;
vForces = in.Tw2b*vFw;
vFw(eDrag)*=-1; vFw(eLift)*=-1;
vFwAtCG = vFnativeAtCG;
vFwAtCG(eDrag)*=-1; vFwAtCG(eLift)*=-1;
vForcesAtCG = in.Tw2b*vFwAtCG;
vFwAtCG(eDrag)*=-1; vFwAtCG(eLift)*=-1;
case atAxialNormal: // Convert native forces into Axial|Normal|Side system
vFw = in.Tb2w*vFnative;
vFnative(eX)*=-1; vFnative(eZ)*=-1;
vForces = vFnative;
vFwAtCG = in.Tb2w*vFnativeAtCG;
vFnativeAtCG(eX)*=-1; vFnativeAtCG(eZ)*=-1;
vForcesAtCG = vFnativeAtCG;
cerr << endl << " A proper axis type has NOT been selected. Check "
<< "your aerodynamics definition." << endl;
// Calculate lift coefficient squared
if ( in.Qbar > 0) {
clsq = (vFw(eLift) + vFwAtCG(eLift))/ (in.Wingarea*in.Qbar);
clsq *= clsq;
// Calculate lift Lift over Drag
if ( fabs(vFw(eDrag) + vFwAtCG(eDrag)) > 0.0)
lod = fabs( (vFw(eLift) + vFwAtCG(eLift))/ (vFw(eDrag) + vFwAtCG(eDrag)));
// Calculate aerodynamic reference point shift, if any. The shift
// takes place in the structual axis. That is, if the shift is positive,
// it is towards the back (tail) of the vehicle. The AeroRPShift
// function should be non-dimensionalized by the wing chord. The
// calculated vDeltaRP will be in feet.
if (AeroRPShift) vDeltaRP(eX) = AeroRPShift->GetValue()*in.Wingchord;
vDXYZcg(eX) = in.RPBody(eX) - vDeltaRP(eX); // vDeltaRP is given in the structural frame
vDXYZcg(eY) = in.RPBody(eY) + vDeltaRP(eY);
vDXYZcg(eZ) = in.RPBody(eZ) - vDeltaRP(eZ);
for (axis_ctr = 0; axis_ctr < 3; axis_ctr++) {
for (ctr = 0; ctr < AeroFunctions[axis_ctr+3].size(); ctr++) {
vMomentsMRC(axis_ctr+1) += AeroFunctions[axis_ctr+3][ctr]->GetValue();
vMoments = vMomentsMRC + vDXYZcg*vForces; // M = r X F
// Now add the "at CG" values to base forces - after the moments have been transferred
vForces += vForcesAtCG;
vFnative += vFnativeAtCG;
vFw += vFwAtCG;
return false;
bool FGAerodynamics::Load(Element *element)
string parameter, axis, scratch;
string scratch_unit="";
string fname="", file="";
Element *temp_element, *axis_element, *function_element;
string separator = "/";
FGXMLFileRead XMLFileRead;
Element* document;
fname = element->GetAttributeValue("file");
if (!fname.empty()) {
file = FDMExec->GetFullAircraftPath() + separator + fname;
document = XMLFileRead.LoadXMLDocument(file);
if (document == 0L) return false;
} else {
document = element;
Name = "Aerodynamics Model: " + document->GetAttributeValue("name");
FGModel::Load(document); // Perform base class Pre-Load
DetermineAxisSystem(document); // Detemine if Lift/Side/Drag, etc. is used.
if ((temp_element = document->FindElement("alphalimits"))) {
scratch_unit = temp_element->GetAttributeValue("unit");
if (scratch_unit.empty()) scratch_unit = "RAD";
alphaclmin = temp_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertFromTo("min", scratch_unit, "RAD");
alphaclmax = temp_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertFromTo("max", scratch_unit, "RAD");
if ((temp_element = document->FindElement("hysteresis_limits"))) {
scratch_unit = temp_element->GetAttributeValue("unit");
if (scratch_unit.empty()) scratch_unit = "RAD";
alphahystmin = temp_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertFromTo("min", scratch_unit, "RAD");
alphahystmax = temp_element->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertFromTo("max", scratch_unit, "RAD");
if ((temp_element = document->FindElement("aero_ref_pt_shift_x"))) {
function_element = temp_element->FindElement("function");
AeroRPShift = new FGFunction(PropertyManager, function_element);
axis_element = document->FindElement("axis");
while (axis_element) {
AeroFunctionArray ca;
AeroFunctionArray ca_atCG;
axis = axis_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
function_element = axis_element->FindElement("function");
while (function_element) {
string current_func_name = function_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
bool apply_at_cg = false;
if (function_element->HasAttribute("apply_at_cg")) {
if (function_element->GetAttributeValue("apply_at_cg") == "true") apply_at_cg = true;
if (!apply_at_cg) {
try {
ca.push_back( new FGFunction(PropertyManager, function_element) );
} catch (string const str) {
cerr << endl << fgred << "Error loading aerodynamic function in "
<< current_func_name << ":" << str << " Aborting." << reset << endl;
return false;
} else {
try {
ca_atCG.push_back( new FGFunction(PropertyManager, function_element) );
} catch (string const str) {
cerr << endl << fgred << "Error loading aerodynamic function in "
<< current_func_name << ":" << str << " Aborting." << reset << endl;
return false;
function_element = axis_element->FindNextElement("function");
AeroFunctions[AxisIdx[axis]] = ca;
AeroFunctionsAtCG[AxisIdx[axis]] = ca_atCG;
axis_element = document->FindNextElement("axis");
PostLoad(document, PropertyManager); // Perform base class Post-Load
return true;
// This private class function checks to verify consistency in the choice of
// aerodynamic axes used in the config file. One set of LIFT|DRAG|SIDE, or
// X|Y|Z, or AXIAL|NORMAL|SIDE must be chosen; mixed system axes are not allowed.
// Note that if the "SIDE" axis specifier is entered first in a config file,
// a warning message will be given IF the AXIAL|NORMAL specifiers are also given.
// This is OK, and the warning is due to the SIDE specifier used for both
// the Lift/Drag and Axial/Normal axis systems.
void FGAerodynamics::DetermineAxisSystem(Element* document)
Element* axis_element = document->FindElement("axis");
string axis;
while (axis_element) {
axis = axis_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
if (axis == "LIFT" || axis == "DRAG") {
if (axisType == atNone) axisType = atLiftDrag;
else if (axisType != atLiftDrag) {
cerr << endl << " Mixed aerodynamic axis systems have been used in the"
<< " aircraft config file. (LIFT DRAG)" << endl;
} else if (axis == "SIDE") {
if (axisType != atNone && axisType != atLiftDrag && axisType != atAxialNormal) {
cerr << endl << " Mixed aerodynamic axis systems have been used in the"
<< " aircraft config file. (SIDE)" << endl;
} else if (axis == "AXIAL" || axis == "NORMAL") {
if (axisType == atNone) axisType = atAxialNormal;
else if (axisType != atAxialNormal) {
cerr << endl << " Mixed aerodynamic axis systems have been used in the"
<< " aircraft config file. (NORMAL AXIAL)" << endl;
} else if (axis == "X" || axis == "Y" || axis == "Z") {
if (axisType == atNone) axisType = atBodyXYZ;
else if (axisType != atBodyXYZ) {
cerr << endl << " Mixed aerodynamic axis systems have been used in the"
<< " aircraft config file. (XYZ)" << endl;
} else if (axis != "ROLL" && axis != "PITCH" && axis != "YAW") { // error
cerr << endl << " An unknown axis type, " << axis << " has been specified"
<< " in the aircraft configuration file." << endl;
axis_element = document->FindNextElement("axis");
if (axisType == atNone) {
axisType = atLiftDrag;
cerr << endl << " The aerodynamic axis system has been set by default"
<< " to the Lift/Side/Drag system." << endl;
string FGAerodynamics::GetAeroFunctionStrings(const string& delimeter) const
string AeroFunctionStrings = "";
bool firstime = true;
unsigned int axis, sd;
for (axis = 0; axis < 6; axis++) {
for (sd = 0; sd < AeroFunctions[axis].size(); sd++) {
if (firstime) {
firstime = false;
} else {
AeroFunctionStrings += delimeter;
AeroFunctionStrings += AeroFunctions[axis][sd]->GetName();
string FunctionStrings = FGModelFunctions::GetFunctionStrings(delimeter);
if (FunctionStrings.size() > 0) {
if (AeroFunctionStrings.size() > 0) {
AeroFunctionStrings += delimeter + FunctionStrings;
} else {
AeroFunctionStrings = FunctionStrings;
return AeroFunctionStrings;
string FGAerodynamics::GetAeroFunctionValues(const string& delimeter) const
ostringstream buf;
for (unsigned int axis = 0; axis < 6; axis++) {
for (unsigned int sd = 0; sd < AeroFunctions[axis].size(); sd++) {
if (buf.tellp() > 0) buf << delimeter;
buf << AeroFunctions[axis][sd]->GetValue();
string FunctionValues = FGModelFunctions::GetFunctionValues(delimeter);
if (FunctionValues.size() > 0) {
if (buf.str().size() > 0) {
buf << delimeter << FunctionValues;
} else {
buf << FunctionValues;
return buf.str();
void FGAerodynamics::bind(void)
typedef double (FGAerodynamics::*PMF)(int) const;
PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbx-aero-lbs", this, 1, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetForces);
PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fby-aero-lbs", this, 2, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetForces);
PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbz-aero-lbs", this, 3, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetForces);
PropertyManager->Tie("moments/l-aero-lbsft", this, 1, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetMoments);
PropertyManager->Tie("moments/m-aero-lbsft", this, 2, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetMoments);
PropertyManager->Tie("moments/n-aero-lbsft", this, 3, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetMoments);
PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fwx-aero-lbs", this, 1, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetvFw);
PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fwy-aero-lbs", this, 2, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetvFw);
PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fwz-aero-lbs", this, 3, (PMF)&FGAerodynamics::GetvFw);
PropertyManager->Tie("forces/lod-norm", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetLoD);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/cl-squared", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetClSquared);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/qbar-area", &qbar_area);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/alpha-max-rad", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetAlphaCLMax, &FGAerodynamics::SetAlphaCLMax, true);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/alpha-min-rad", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetAlphaCLMin, &FGAerodynamics::SetAlphaCLMin, true);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/bi2vel", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetBI2Vel);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/ci2vel", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetCI2Vel);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/alpha-wing-rad", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetAlphaW);
PropertyManager->Tie("systems/stall-warn-norm", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetStallWarn);
PropertyManager->Tie("aero/stall-hyst-norm", this, &FGAerodynamics::GetHysteresisParm);
// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
// the config files as they are read. If the environment
// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
// whatsoever.
// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
// startup messages
// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
// a class is instantiated
// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
// FGModel object executes its Run() method
// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
// are printed out periodically
// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
void FGAerodynamics::Debug(int from)
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
if (from == 2) { // Loader
switch (axisType) {
case (atLiftDrag):
cout << endl << " Aerodynamics (Lift|Side|Drag axes):" << endl << endl;
case (atAxialNormal):
cout << endl << " Aerodynamics (Axial|Side|Normal axes):" << endl << endl;
case (atBodyXYZ):
cout << endl << " Aerodynamics (X|Y|Z axes):" << endl << endl;
case (atNone):
cout << endl << " Aerodynamics (undefined axes):" << endl << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGAerodynamics" << endl;
if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGAerodynamics" << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
if (debug_lvl & 64) {
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
cout << IdSrc << endl;
cout << IdHdr << endl;
} // namespace JSBSim