290 lines
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290 lines
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Header: FGAuxiliary.h
Author: Jon Berndt
Date started: 01/26/99
------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jon@jsbsim.org) -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
11/22/98 JSB Created
1/1/00 TP Added calcs and getters for VTAS, VCAS, VEAS, Vground, in knots
#include "FGModel.h"
#include "math/FGColumnVector3.h"
#include "math/FGLocation.h"
#include "FGPropagate.h"
#define ID_AUXILIARY "$Id: FGAuxiliary.h,v 1.17 2009/10/24 22:59:30 jberndt Exp $"
namespace JSBSim {
/** Encapsulates various uncategorized scheduled functions.
Pilot sensed accelerations are calculated here. This is used
for the coordinated turn ball instrument. Motion base platforms sometimes
use the derivative of pilot sensed accelerations as the driving parameter,
rather than straight accelerations.
The theory behind pilot-sensed calculations is presented:
For purposes of discussion and calculation, assume for a minute that the
pilot is in space and motionless in inertial space. She will feel
no accelerations. If the aircraft begins to accelerate along any axis or
axes (without rotating), the pilot will sense those accelerations. If
any rotational moment is applied, the pilot will sense an acceleration
due to that motion in the amount:
[wdot X R] + [w X (w X R)]
Term I Term II
wdot = omegadot, the rotational acceleration rate vector
w = omega, the rotational rate vector
R = the vector from the aircraft CG to the pilot eyepoint
The sum total of these two terms plus the acceleration of the aircraft
body axis gives the acceleration the pilot senses in inertial space.
In the presence of a large body such as a planet, a gravity field also
provides an accelerating attraction. This acceleration can be transformed
from the reference frame of the planet so as to be expressed in the frame
of reference of the aircraft. This gravity field accelerating attraction
is felt by the pilot as a force on her tushie as she sits in her aircraft
on the runway awaiting takeoff clearance.
In JSBSim the acceleration of the body frame in inertial space is given
by the F = ma relation. If the vForces vector is divided by the aircraft
mass, the acceleration vector is calculated. The term wdot is equivalent
to the JSBSim vPQRdot vector, and the w parameter is equivalent to vPQR.
The radius R is calculated below in the vector vToEyePt.
@author Tony Peden, Jon Berndt
@version $Id: FGAuxiliary.h,v 1.17 2009/10/24 22:59:30 jberndt Exp $
class FGAuxiliary : public FGModel {
/** Constructor
@param Executive a pointer to the parent executive object */
FGAuxiliary(FGFDMExec* Executive);
/// Destructor
bool InitModel(void);
/** Runs the Auxiliary routines; called by the Executive
@return false if no error */
bool Run(void);
// GET functions
// Atmospheric parameters GET functions
/** Returns Calibrated airspeed in feet/second.*/
double GetVcalibratedFPS(void) const { return vcas; }
/** Returns Calibrated airspeed in knots.*/
double GetVcalibratedKTS(void) const { return vcas*fpstokts; }
/** Returns equivalent airspeed in feet/second. */
double GetVequivalentFPS(void) const { return veas; }
/** Returns equivalent airspeed in knots. */
double GetVequivalentKTS(void) const { return veas*fpstokts; }
/** Returns the total pressure.
Total pressure is freestream total pressure for
subsonic only. For supersonic it is the 1D total pressure
behind a normal shock. */
double GetTotalPressure(void) const { return pt; }
/** Returns the total temperature.
The total temperature ("tat", isentropic flow) is calculated:
tat = sat*(1 + 0.2*Mach*Mach)
(where "sat" is standard temperature) */
double GetTotalTemperature(void) const { return tat; }
double GetTAT_C(void) const { return tatc; }
double GetPilotAccel(int idx) const { return vPilotAccel(idx); }
double GetNpilot(int idx) const { return vPilotAccelN(idx); }
double GetAeroPQR(int axis) const { return vAeroPQR(axis); }
double GetEulerRates(int axis) const { return vEulerRates(axis); }
const FGColumnVector3& GetPilotAccel (void) const { return vPilotAccel; }
const FGColumnVector3& GetNpilot (void) const { return vPilotAccelN; }
const FGColumnVector3& GetAeroPQR (void) const { return vAeroPQR; }
const FGColumnVector3& GetEulerRates (void) const { return vEulerRates; }
const FGColumnVector3& GetAeroUVW (void) const { return vAeroUVW; }
const FGLocation& GetLocationVRP(void) const { return vLocationVRP; }
double GethVRP(void) const { return vLocationVRP.GetRadius() - Propagate->GetSeaLevelRadius(); }
double GetAeroUVW (int idx) const { return vAeroUVW(idx); }
double Getalpha (void) const { return alpha; }
double Getbeta (void) const { return beta; }
double Getadot (void) const { return adot; }
double Getbdot (void) const { return bdot; }
double GetMagBeta (void) const { return fabs(beta); }
double Getalpha (int unit) const { if (unit == inDegrees) return alpha*radtodeg;
else return BadUnits(); }
double Getbeta (int unit) const { if (unit == inDegrees) return beta*radtodeg;
else return BadUnits(); }
double Getadot (int unit) const { if (unit == inDegrees) return adot*radtodeg;
else return BadUnits(); }
double Getbdot (int unit) const { if (unit == inDegrees) return bdot*radtodeg;
else return BadUnits(); }
double GetMagBeta (int unit) const { if (unit == inDegrees) return fabs(beta)*radtodeg;
else return BadUnits(); }
double Getqbar (void) const { return qbar; }
double GetqbarUW (void) const { return qbarUW; }
double GetqbarUV (void) const { return qbarUV; }
double GetReynoldsNumber(void) const { return Re; }
/** Gets the magnitude of total vehicle velocity including wind effects in feet per second. */
double GetVt (void) const { return Vt; }
/** Gets the ground speed in feet per second.
The magnitude is the square root of the sum of the squares (RSS) of the
vehicle north and east velocity components.
@return The magnitude of the vehicle velocity in the horizontal plane. */
double GetVground (void) const { return Vground; }
/** Gets the Mach number. */
double GetMach (void) const { return Mach; }
/** The mach number calculated using the vehicle X axis velocity. */
double GetMachU (void) const { return MachU; }
/** The vertical acceleration in g's of the aircraft center of gravity. */
double GetNz (void) const { return Nz; }
double GetHOverBCG(void) const { return hoverbcg; }
double GetHOverBMAC(void) const { return hoverbmac; }
double GetGamma(void) const { return gamma; }
double GetGroundTrack(void) const { return psigt; }
double GetHeadWind(void) const;
double GetCrossWind(void) const;
// SET functions
void SetAeroUVW(FGColumnVector3 tt) { vAeroUVW = tt; }
void Setalpha (double tt) { alpha = tt; }
void Setbeta (double tt) { beta = tt; }
void Setqbar (double tt) { qbar = tt; }
void SetqbarUW (double tt) { qbarUW = tt; }
void SetqbarUV (double tt) { qbarUV = tt; }
void SetVt (double tt) { Vt = tt; }
void SetMach (double tt) { Mach=tt; }
void Setadot (double tt) { adot = tt; }
void Setbdot (double tt) { bdot = tt; }
void SetAB (double t1, double t2) { alpha=t1; beta=t2; }
void SetGamma (double tt) { gamma = tt; }
// Time routines, SET and GET functions, used by FGMSIS atmosphere
void SetDayOfYear (int doy) { day_of_year = doy; }
void SetSecondsInDay (double sid) { seconds_in_day = sid; }
int GetDayOfYear (void) const { return day_of_year; }
double GetSecondsInDay (void) const { return seconds_in_day; }
double GetLongitudeRelativePosition (void) const { return lon_relative_position; }
double GetLatitudeRelativePosition (void) const { return lat_relative_position; }
double GetDistanceRelativePosition (void) const { return relative_position; }
void SetAeroPQR(FGColumnVector3 tt) { vAeroPQR = tt; }
double vcas, veas;
double rhosl, rho, p, psl, pt, tat, sat, tatc; // Don't add a getter for pt!
FGColumnVector3 vPilotAccel;
FGColumnVector3 vPilotAccelN;
FGColumnVector3 vToEyePt;
FGColumnVector3 vAeroPQR;
FGColumnVector3 vAeroUVW;
FGColumnVector3 vEuler;
FGColumnVector3 vEulerRates;
FGColumnVector3 vMachUVW;
FGColumnVector3 vAircraftAccel;
FGLocation vLocationVRP;
double Vt, Vground, Mach, MachU;
double qbar, qbarUW, qbarUV;
double Re; // Reynolds Number = V*c/mu
double alpha, beta;
double adot,bdot;
double psigt, gamma;
double Nz;
double seconds_in_day; // seconds since current GMT day began
int day_of_year; // GMT day, 1 .. 366
double hoverbcg, hoverbmac;
// helper data, calculation of distance from initial position
double lon_relative_position;
double lat_relative_position;
double relative_position;
void CalculateRelativePosition(void);
void bind(void);
double BadUnits(void) const;
void Debug(int from);
} // namespace JSBSim