Fork 0

520 lines
16 KiB

// simple.hxx -- a really simplistic class to manage airport ID,
// lat, lon of the center of one of it's runways, and
// elevation in feet.
// Written by Curtis Olson, started April 1998.
// Updated by Durk Talsma, started December 2004.
// Copyright (C) 1998 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#ifndef _FG_SIMPLE_HXX
#define _FG_SIMPLE_HXX
#ifndef __cplusplus
# error This library requires C++
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/math/point3d.hxx>
#include <simgear/route/waypoint.hxx>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/xml/easyxml.hxx>
#include STL_STRING
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
typedef vector<string> stringVec;
typedef vector<string>::iterator stringVecIterator;
typedef vector<string>::const_iterator stringVecConstIterator;
typedef vector<time_t> timeVec;
typedef vector<time_t>::const_iterator timeVecConstIterator;
class ScheduleTime {
timeVec start;
timeVec end;
stringVec scheduleNames;
double tailWind;
double crssWind;
ScheduleTime() {};
ScheduleTime(const ScheduleTime &other);
ScheduleTime &operator= (const ScheduleTime &other);
string getName(time_t dayStart);
void clear();
void addStartTime(time_t time) { start.push_back(time); };
void addEndTime (time_t time) { end. push_back(time); };
void addScheduleName(const string& sched) { scheduleNames.push_back(sched); };
void setTailWind(double wnd) { tailWind = wnd; };
void setCrossWind(double wnd) { tailWind = wnd; };
double getTailWind() { return tailWind; };
double getCrossWind() { return crssWind; };
//typedef vector<ScheduleTime> ScheduleTimes;
class RunwayList
string type;
stringVec preferredRunways;
RunwayList() {};
RunwayList(const RunwayList &other);
RunwayList& operator= (const RunwayList &other);
void set(const string&, const string&);
void clear();
string getType() { return type; };
stringVec *getRwyList() { return &preferredRunways; };
string getRwyList(int j) { return preferredRunways[j]; };
typedef vector<RunwayList> RunwayListVec;
typedef vector<RunwayList>::iterator RunwayListVectorIterator;
typedef vector<RunwayList>::const_iterator RunwayListVecConstIterator;
class RunwayGroup
string name;
RunwayListVec rwyList;
int active;
//stringVec runwayNames;
int choice[2];
int nrActive;
RunwayGroup() {};
RunwayGroup(const RunwayGroup &other);
RunwayGroup &operator= (const RunwayGroup &other);
void setName(string nm) { name = nm; };
void add(RunwayList list) { rwyList.push_back(list);};
void setActive(const string& aptId, double windSpeed, double windHeading, double maxTail, double maxCross);
int getNrActiveRunways() { return nrActive;};
void getActive(int i, string& name, string& type);
string getName() { return name; };
void clear() { rwyList.clear(); };
//void add(string, string);
typedef vector<RunwayGroup> PreferenceList;
typedef vector<RunwayGroup>::iterator PreferenceListIterator;
typedef vector<RunwayGroup>::const_iterator PreferenceListConstIterator;
class FGRunwayPreference : public XMLVisitor {
string value;
string scheduleName;
ScheduleTime comTimes; // Commercial Traffic;
ScheduleTime genTimes; // General Aviation;
ScheduleTime milTimes; // Military Traffic;
ScheduleTime currTimes; // Needed for parsing;
RunwayList rwyList;
RunwayGroup rwyGroup;
PreferenceList preferences;
time_t processTime(const string&);
bool initialized;
FGRunwayPreference(const FGRunwayPreference &other);
FGRunwayPreference & operator= (const FGRunwayPreference &other);
ScheduleTime *getSchedule(const char *trafficType);
RunwayGroup *getGroup(const string& groupName);
bool available() { return initialized; };
// Some overloaded virtual XMLVisitor members
virtual void startXML ();
virtual void endXML ();
virtual void startElement (const char * name, const XMLAttributes &atts);
virtual void endElement (const char * name);
virtual void data (const char * s, int len);
virtual void pi (const char * target, const char * data);
virtual void warning (const char * message, int line, int column);
virtual void error (const char * message, int line, int column);
double processPosition(const string& pos);
class FGParking {
double latitude;
double longitude;
double heading;
double radius;
int index;
string parkingName;
string type;
string airlineCodes;
bool available;
FGParking() { available = true;};
//FGParking(FGParking &other);
FGParking(double lat,
double lon,
double hdg,
double rad,
int idx,
const string& name,
const string& tpe,
const string& codes);
void setLatitude (const string& lat) { latitude = processPosition(lat); };
void setLongitude(const string& lon) { longitude = processPosition(lon); };
void setHeading (double hdg) { heading = hdg; };
void setRadius (double rad) { radius = rad; };
void setIndex (int idx) { index = idx; };
void setName (const string& name) { parkingName = name; };
void setType (const string& tpe) { type = tpe; };
void setCodes (const string& codes){ airlineCodes= codes;};
bool isAvailable () { return available;};
void setAvailable(bool val) { available = val; };
double getLatitude () { return latitude; };
double getLongitude() { return longitude; };
double getHeading () { return heading; };
double getRadius () { return radius; };
int getIndex () { return index; };
string getType () { return type; };
string getCodes () { return airlineCodes;};
string getName () { return parkingName; };
bool operator< (const FGParking &other) const {return radius < other.radius; };
typedef vector<FGParking> FGParkingVec;
typedef vector<FGParking>::iterator FGParkingVecIterator;
typedef vector<FGParking>::const_iterator FGParkingVecConstIterator;
class FGTaxiSegment; // forward reference
typedef vector<FGTaxiSegment> FGTaxiSegmentVector;
typedef vector<FGTaxiSegment*> FGTaxiSegmentPointerVector;
typedef vector<FGTaxiSegment>::iterator FGTaxiSegmentVectorIterator;
typedef vector<FGTaxiSegment*>::iterator FGTaxiSegmentPointerVectorIterator;
* class FGTaxiNode
class FGTaxiNode
double lat;
double lon;
int index;
FGTaxiSegmentPointerVector next; // a vector to all the segments leaving from this node
FGTaxiNode(double, double, int);
void setIndex(int idx) { index = idx;};
void setLatitude (double val) { lat = val;};
void setLongitude(double val) { lon = val;};
void setLatitude (const string& val) { lat = processPosition(val); };
void setLongitude(const string& val) { lon = processPosition(val); };
void addSegment(FGTaxiSegment *segment) { next.push_back(segment); };
double getLatitude() { return lat;};
double getLongitude(){ return lon;};
int getIndex() { return index; };
FGTaxiNode *getAddress() { return this;};
FGTaxiSegmentPointerVectorIterator getBeginRoute() { return next.begin(); };
FGTaxiSegmentPointerVectorIterator getEndRoute() { return next.end(); };
typedef vector<FGTaxiNode> FGTaxiNodeVector;
typedef vector<FGTaxiNode>::iterator FGTaxiNodeVectorIterator;
* class FGTaxiSegment
class FGTaxiSegment
int startNode;
int endNode;
double length;
FGTaxiNode *start;
FGTaxiNode *end;
int index;
FGTaxiSegment(FGTaxiNode *, FGTaxiNode *, int);
void setIndex (int val) { index = val; };
void setStartNodeRef (int val) { startNode = val; };
void setEndNodeRef (int val) { endNode = val; };
void setStart(FGTaxiNodeVector *nodes);
void setEnd (FGTaxiNodeVector *nodes);
void setTrackDistance();
FGTaxiNode * getEnd() { return end;};
double getLength() { return length; };
int getIndex() { return index; };
typedef vector<int> intVec;
typedef vector<int>::iterator intVecIterator;
class FGTaxiRoute
intVec nodes;
double distance;
intVecIterator currNode;
FGTaxiRoute() { distance = 0; currNode = nodes.begin(); };
FGTaxiRoute(intVec nds, double dist) { nodes = nds; distance = dist; currNode = nodes.begin();};
bool operator< (const FGTaxiRoute &other) const {return distance < other.distance; };
bool empty () { return nodes.begin() == nodes.end(); };
bool next(int *val);
void first() { currNode = nodes.begin(); };
typedef vector<FGTaxiRoute> TaxiRouteVector;
typedef vector<FGTaxiRoute>::iterator TaxiRouteVectorIterator;
* class FGGroundNetWork
class FGGroundNetwork
bool hasNetwork;
FGTaxiNodeVector nodes;
FGTaxiSegmentVector segments;
//intVec route;
intVec traceStack;
TaxiRouteVector routes;
bool foundRoute;
double totalDistance, maxDistance;
void addNode (const FGTaxiNode& node);
void addNodes (FGParkingVec *parkings);
void addSegment(const FGTaxiSegment& seg);
void init();
bool exists() { return hasNetwork; };
int findNearestNode(double lat, double lon);
FGTaxiNode *findNode(int idx);
FGTaxiRoute findShortestRoute(int start, int end);
void trace(FGTaxiNode *, int, int, double dist);
class FGAirport : public XMLVisitor{
string _id;
double _longitude; // degrees
double _latitude; // degrees
double _elevation; // ft
string _code; // depricated and can be removed
string _name;
bool _has_metar;
FGParkingVec parkings;
FGRunwayPreference rwyPrefs;
FGGroundNetwork groundNetwork;
time_t lastUpdate;
string prevTrafficType;
stringVec landing;
stringVec takeoff;
// Experimental keep a running average of wind dir and speed to prevent
// Erratic runway changes.
// Note: I should add these to the copy constructor and assigment operator to be
// constistent
double avWindHeading [10];
double avWindSpeed [10];
string chooseRunwayFallback();
FGAirport(const FGAirport &other);
//operator= (FGAirport &other);
FGAirport(const string& id, double lon, double lat, double elev, const string& name, bool has_metar);
void init();
void getActiveRunway(const string& trafficType, int action, string& runway);
bool getAvailableParking(double *lat, double *lon, double *heading, int *gate, double rad, const string& fltype,
const string& acType, const string& airline);
void getParking (int id, double *lat, double* lon, double *heading);
FGParking *getParking(int i); // { if (i < parkings.size()) return parkings[i]; else return 0;};
void releaseParking(int id);
string getParkingName(int i);
string getId() const { return _id;};
const string &getName() const { return _name;};
//FGAirport *getAddress() { return this; };
//const string &getName() const { return _name;};
// Returns degrees
double getLongitude() const { return _longitude;};
// Returns degrees
double getLatitude() const { return _latitude; };
// Returns ft
double getElevation() const { return _elevation;};
bool getMetar() const { return _has_metar;};
FGGroundNetwork* getGroundNetwork() { return &groundNetwork; };
void setId(const string& id) { _id = id;};
void setMetar(bool value) { _has_metar = value; };
void setRwyUse(const FGRunwayPreference& ref);
// Some overloaded virtual XMLVisitor members
virtual void startXML ();
virtual void endXML ();
virtual void startElement (const char * name, const XMLAttributes &atts);
virtual void endElement (const char * name);
virtual void data (const char * s, int len);
virtual void pi (const char * target, const char * data);
virtual void warning (const char * message, int line, int column);
virtual void error (const char * message, int line, int column);
typedef map < string, FGAirport* > airport_map;
typedef airport_map::iterator airport_map_iterator;
typedef airport_map::const_iterator const_airport_map_iterator;
typedef vector < FGAirport * > airport_list;
typedef airport_list::iterator airport_list_iterator;
typedef airport_list::const_iterator const_airport_list_iterator;
class FGAirportList {
airport_map airports_by_id;
airport_list airports_array;
set < string > ai_dirs;
// Constructor (new)
// Destructor
// add an entry to the list
void add( const string& id, const double longitude, const double latitude,
const double elevation, const string& name, const bool has_metar );
// search for the specified id.
// Returns NULL if unsucessfull.
FGAirport* search( const string& id );
// Search for the next airport in ASCII sequence to the supplied id.
// eg. id = "KDC" or "KDCA" would both return "KDCA".
// If exact = true then only exact matches are returned.
// NOTE: Numbers come prior to A-Z in ASCII sequence so id = "LD" would return "LD57", not "LDDP"
// Implementation assumes airport codes are unique.
// Returns NULL if unsucessfull.
const FGAirport* findFirstById( const string& id, bool exact = false );
// search for the airport closest to the specified position
// (currently a linear inefficient search so it's probably not
// best to use this at runtime.) If with_metar is true, then only
// return station id's marked as having metar data.
// Returns NULL if fails (unlikely unless none have metar and with_metar spec'd!)
FGAirport* search( double lon_deg, double lat_deg, bool with_metar );
* Return the number of airports in the list.
int size() const;
* Return a specific airport, by position.
const FGAirport *getAirport( unsigned int index ) const;
* Return a pointer to the raw airport list
inline const airport_list* getAirportList() { return(&airports_array); }
* Mark the specified airport record as not having metar
void no_metar( const string &id );
* Mark the specified airport record as (yes) having metar
void has_metar( const string &id );
#endif // _FG_SIMPLE_HXX