Split up main.cxx into a program manegement part (which remains in main.cxx) and a render part (the new renderer.?xx files). Also turn the renderer into a small class of it's own. At this time not really exctining because most of the stuff is still global, but it allows us to slowly migrate some of the global definitions into the new class. The FGRenderer class is now managed by globals, so to get the renderer just call gloabals->get_renderer() At some pijt it might be a good idea to also turn the remaining code in main into a class of it's own. With a bit of luck we end up with a more robust, and better maintainable code.
398 lines
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398 lines
11 KiB
// globals.hxx -- Global state that needs to be shared among the sim modules
// Written by Curtis Olson, started July 2000.
// Copyright (C) 2000 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#ifndef _GLOBALS_HXX
#define _GLOBALS_HXX
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/structure/callback.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/event_mgr.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include STL_STRING
SG_USING_STD( vector );
SG_USING_STD( string );
typedef vector<string> string_list;
#include "renderer.hxx"
// Forward declarations
// This file is included, directly or indirectly, almost everywhere in
// FlightGear, so if any of its dependencies changes, most of the sim
// has to be recompiled. Using these forward declarations helps us to
// avoid including a lot of header files (and thus, a lot of
// dependencies). Since Most of the methods simply set or return
// pointers, we don't need to know anything about the class details
// anyway.
class SGEphemeris;
class SGCommandMgr;
class SGMagVar;
class SGMaterialLib;
class SGModelLib;
class SGPropertyNode;
class SGTime;
class SGSoundMgr;
class FGAirportList;
class FGRunwayList;
class FGAIMgr;
class FGATCMgr;
class FGATCDisplay;
class FGAircraftModel;
class FGControls;
class FGFlightPlanDispatcher;
class FGIO;
class FGNavList;
class FGFixList;
class FGLight;
class FGModelMgr;
class FGRouteMgr;
class FGScenery;
class FGMultiplayRxMgr;
class FGMultiplayTxMgr;
class FGPanel;
class FGTileMgr;
class FGViewMgr;
class FGViewer;
* Bucket for subsystem pointers representing the sim's state.
class FGGlobals
FGRenderer *renderer;
SGSubsystemMgr *subsystem_mgr;
SGEventMgr *event_mgr;
// Number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the program.
double sim_time_sec;
// Root of FlightGear data tree
string fg_root;
// Roots of FlightGear scenery tree
string_list fg_scenery;
// Fullscreen mode for old 3DFX cards.
#if defined(FX) && defined(XMESA)
bool fullscreen;
// An offset in seconds from the true time. Allows us to adjust
// the effective time of day.
long int warp;
// How much to change the value of warp each iteration. Allows us
// to make time progress faster than normal (or even run in reverse.)
long int warp_delta;
// Time structure
SGTime *time_params;
// Sky structures
SGEphemeris *ephem;
// Magnetic Variation
SGMagVar *mag;
// Material properties library
SGMaterialLib *matlib;
// Global autopilot "route"
FGRouteMgr *route_mgr;
// 2D panel
FGPanel *current_panel;
// sound manager
SGSoundMgr *soundmgr;
// Simple Airport List
FGAirportList *airports;
// Runway List
FGRunwayList *runways;
// ATC manager
FGATCMgr *ATC_mgr;
// ATC Renderer
FGATCDisplay *ATC_display;
// AI manager
FGAIMgr *AI_mgr;
// control input state
FGControls *controls;
// viewer manager
FGViewMgr *viewmgr;
// properties
SGPropertyNode *props;
SGPropertyNode *initial_state;
// localization
SGPropertyNode *locale;
SGCommandMgr *commands;
SGModelLib *model_lib;
//FGFlightPlanDispatcher *fpDispatcher;
FGAircraftModel *acmodel;
FGModelMgr * model_mgr;
// list of serial port-like configurations
string_list *channel_options_list;
// A list of initial waypoints that are read from the command line
// and or flight-plan file during initialization
string_list *initial_waypoints;
// FlightGear scenery manager
FGScenery *scenery;
// Tile manager
FGTileMgr *tile_mgr;
// Input/Ouput subsystem
FGIO *io;
// Navigational Aids
FGNavList *navlist;
FGNavList *loclist;
FGNavList *gslist;
FGNavList *dmelist;
FGNavList *mkrlist;
FGFixList *fixlist;
//Mulitplayer managers
FGMultiplayTxMgr *multiplayer_tx_mgr;
FGMultiplayRxMgr *multiplayer_rx_mgr;
virtual ~FGGlobals();
virtual FGRenderer *get_renderer () const;
virtual SGSubsystemMgr *get_subsystem_mgr () const;
virtual SGSubsystem *get_subsystem (const char * name);
virtual void add_subsystem (const char * name,
SGSubsystem * subsystem,
type = SGSubsystemMgr::GENERAL,
double min_time_sec = 0);
virtual SGEventMgr *get_event_mgr () const;
inline double get_sim_time_sec () const { return sim_time_sec; }
inline void inc_sim_time_sec (double dt) { sim_time_sec += dt; }
inline void set_sim_time_sec (double t) { sim_time_sec = t; }
inline const string &get_fg_root () const { return fg_root; }
void set_fg_root (const string &root);
inline const string_list &get_fg_scenery () const { return fg_scenery; }
void set_fg_scenery (const string &scenery);
#if defined(FX) && defined(XMESA)
inline bool get_fullscreen() const { return fullscreen; }
inline bool set_fullscreen( bool f ) { fullscreen = f; }
inline long int get_warp() const { return warp; }
inline void set_warp( long int w ) { warp = w; }
inline void inc_warp( long int w ) { warp += w; }
inline long int get_warp_delta() const { return warp_delta; }
inline void set_warp_delta( long int d ) { warp_delta = d; }
inline void inc_warp_delta( long int d ) { warp_delta += d; }
inline SGTime *get_time_params() const { return time_params; }
inline void set_time_params( SGTime *t ) { time_params = t; }
inline SGEphemeris *get_ephem() const { return ephem; }
inline void set_ephem( SGEphemeris *e ) { ephem = e; }
inline SGMagVar *get_mag() const { return mag; }
inline void set_mag( SGMagVar *m ) { mag = m; }
inline SGMaterialLib *get_matlib() const { return matlib; }
inline void set_matlib( SGMaterialLib *m ) { matlib = m; }
inline FGAirportList *get_airports() const { return airports; }
inline void set_airports( FGAirportList *a ) {airports = a; }
inline FGRunwayList *get_runways() const { return runways; }
inline void set_runways( FGRunwayList *r ) {runways = r; }
inline FGATCMgr *get_ATC_mgr() const { return ATC_mgr; }
inline void set_ATC_mgr( FGATCMgr *a ) {ATC_mgr = a; }
inline FGATCDisplay *get_ATC_display() const { return ATC_display; }
inline void set_ATC_display( FGATCDisplay *d ) {ATC_display = d; }
inline FGAIMgr *get_AI_mgr() const { return AI_mgr; }
inline void set_AI_mgr( FGAIMgr *a ) {AI_mgr = a; }
inline FGPanel *get_current_panel() const { return current_panel; }
inline void set_current_panel( FGPanel *cp ) { current_panel = cp; }
inline SGSoundMgr *get_soundmgr() const { return soundmgr; }
inline void set_soundmgr( SGSoundMgr *sm ) { soundmgr = sm; }
inline FGControls *get_controls() const { return controls; }
inline void set_controls( FGControls *c ) { controls = c; }
inline FGViewMgr *get_viewmgr() const { return viewmgr; }
inline void set_viewmgr( FGViewMgr *vm ) { viewmgr = vm; }
FGViewer *get_current_view() const;
inline SGPropertyNode *get_props () { return props; }
inline void set_props( SGPropertyNode *n ) { props = n; }
inline SGPropertyNode *get_locale () { return locale; }
inline void set_locale( SGPropertyNode *n ) { locale = n; }
inline SGCommandMgr *get_commands () { return commands; }
inline SGModelLib * get_model_lib () { return model_lib; }
inline void set_model_lib (SGModelLib *m) {
model_lib = m;
inline FGAircraftModel *get_aircraft_model () { return acmodel; }
inline void set_aircraft_model (FGAircraftModel * model)
acmodel = model;
inline FGModelMgr *get_model_mgr () { return model_mgr; }
inline void set_model_mgr (FGModelMgr * mgr)
model_mgr = mgr;
inline FGMultiplayTxMgr *get_multiplayer_tx_mgr () { return multiplayer_tx_mgr; }
inline void set_multiplayer_tx_mgr (FGMultiplayTxMgr * mgr)
multiplayer_tx_mgr = mgr;
inline FGMultiplayRxMgr *get_multiplayer_rx_mgr () { return multiplayer_rx_mgr; }
inline void set_multiplayer_rx_mgr (FGMultiplayRxMgr * mgr)
multiplayer_rx_mgr = mgr;
inline string_list *get_channel_options_list () {
return channel_options_list;
inline void set_channel_options_list( string_list *l ) {
channel_options_list = l;
inline string_list *get_initial_waypoints () {
return initial_waypoints;
inline void set_initial_waypoints (string_list *list) {
initial_waypoints = list;
inline FGScenery * get_scenery () const { return scenery; }
inline void set_scenery ( FGScenery *s ) { scenery = s; }
inline FGTileMgr * get_tile_mgr () const { return tile_mgr; }
inline void set_tile_mgr ( FGTileMgr *t ) { tile_mgr = t; }
inline FGIO* get_io() const { return io; }
inline FGNavList *get_navlist() const { return navlist; }
inline void set_navlist( FGNavList *n ) { navlist = n; }
inline FGNavList *get_loclist() const { return loclist; }
inline void set_loclist( FGNavList *n ) { loclist = n; }
inline FGNavList *get_gslist() const { return gslist; }
inline void set_gslist( FGNavList *n ) { gslist = n; }
inline FGNavList *get_dmelist() const { return dmelist; }
inline void set_dmelist( FGNavList *n ) { dmelist = n; }
inline FGNavList *get_mkrlist() const { return mkrlist; }
inline void set_mkrlist( FGNavList *n ) { mkrlist = n; }
inline FGFixList *get_fixlist() const { return fixlist; }
inline void set_fixlist( FGFixList *f ) { fixlist = f; }
* Save the current state as the initial state.
void saveInitialState ();
* Restore the saved initial state, if any.
void restoreInitialState ();
extern FGGlobals *globals;
#endif // _GLOBALS_HXX