Suggestion: It might be helpful to promote each of the .c files to .cxx. Rationale: -- The configure/makefile system handles CFLAGS differently from CXXFLAGS. -- It is important for the *info programs to compiled and run in exactly the same environment as the main fgfs program. Some users depend on compiler or linker flags such as rpath that strongly affect the results of the *info programs. -- There is no downside; you code compiles just fine as-is under the c++ compiler. second part of the original commit, for ehofman/sound
24 lines
660 B
24 lines
660 B
bin_PROGRAMS = est-epsilon gl-info alcinfo
noinst_PROGRAMS = test-gethostname test-mktime test-text test-up test-env-map
est_epsilon_SOURCES = est-epsilon.c
est_epsilon_LDADD = $(opengl_LIBS)
gl_info_SOURCES = gl-info.c
gl_info_LDADD = $(opengl_LIBS)
alcinfo_SOURCES = alcinfo.cxx
alcinfo_LDADD = $(openal_LIBS)
test_env_map_SOURCES = test-env-map.cxx
test_env_map_LDADD = $(opengl_LIBS)
test_gethostname_SOURCES = test-gethostname.cxx
test_mktime_SOURCES = test-mktime.cxx
test_text_SOURCES = test-text.cxx
test_up_SOURCES = test-up.cxx
test_up_LDADD = -lsgmath -lsgxml -lsgmisc -lsgdebug -lsgstructure -lsgtiming -lplibsg -lplibul -lz $(base_LIBS)