#include "fgcanvaselement.h" #include "localprop.h" #include "fgcanvaspaintcontext.h" #include "fgcanvasgroup.h" #include #include #include #include QTransform qTransformFromCanvas(LocalProp* prop) { float m[6] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // identity matrix for (int i =0; i< 6; ++i) { LocalProp* mProp = prop->getOrCreateChildWithNameAndIndex(NameIndexTuple("m", i)); if (!mProp->value().isNull()) { m[i] = mProp->value().toFloat(); } } return QTransform(m[0], m[1], 0.0, m[2], m[3], 0.0, m[4], m[5], 1.0); } bool FGCanvasElement::isStyleProperty(QByteArray name) { if ((name == "font") || (name == "line-height") || (name == "alignment") || (name == "character-size") || (name == "fill") || (name == "background")) { return true; } return false; } LocalProp *FGCanvasElement::property() const { return const_cast(_propertyRoot); } FGCanvasElement::FGCanvasElement(FGCanvasGroup* pr, LocalProp* prop) : QObject(pr), _propertyRoot(prop), _parent(pr) { connect(prop->getOrCreateWithPath("visible"), &LocalProp::valueChanged, [this](QVariant val) { _visible = val.toBool(); }); connect(prop, &LocalProp::childAdded, this, &FGCanvasElement::onChildAdded); connect(prop, &LocalProp::childRemoved, this, &FGCanvasElement::onChildRemoved); if (pr) { pr->markChildZIndicesDirty(); } } void FGCanvasElement::paint(FGCanvasPaintContext *context) const { if (!isVisible()) { return; } QPainter* p = context->painter(); if (_clipDirty) { // re-calculate clip QVariant clipSpec = _propertyRoot->value("clip", QVariant()); if (clipSpec.isNull()) { _hasClip = false; } else { // https://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS/Properties/clip for the stupid order here QStringList clipRectDesc = clipSpec.toString().split(','); int top = clipRectDesc.at(0).toInt(); int right = clipRectDesc.at(1).toInt(); int bottom = clipRectDesc.at(2).toInt(); int left = clipRectDesc.at(3).toInt(); _clipRect = QRectF(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); _hasClip = true; } _clipDirty = false; } p->save(); p->setTransform(combinedTransform(), true /* combine */); if (_styleDirty) { _fillColor = parseColorValue(getCascadedStyle("fill")); _styleDirty = false; } if (!_fillColor.isValid()) { p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); } else { p->setBrush(_fillColor); } if (_hasClip) { p->save(); p->setPen(Qt::yellow); p->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::yellow, Qt::DiagCrossPattern)); p->drawRect(_clipRect); p->restore(); // context->painter()->setClipRect(_clipRect); // context->painter()->setClipping(true); } doPaint(context); if (_hasClip) { p->setClipping(false); } p->restore(); } void FGCanvasElement::doPaint(FGCanvasPaintContext* context) const { Q_UNUSED(context); } QTransform FGCanvasElement::combinedTransform() const { if (_transformsDirty) { _combinedTransform.reset(); for (LocalProp* tfProp : _propertyRoot->childrenWithName("tf")) { _combinedTransform *= qTransformFromCanvas(tfProp); } #if 0 QPointF offset(_propertyRoot->value("center-offset-x", 0.0).toFloat(), _propertyRoot->value("center-offset-y", 0.0).toFloat()); _combinedTransform.translate(offset.x(), offset.y()); #endif _transformsDirty = false; } return _combinedTransform; } bool FGCanvasElement::isVisible() const { return _visible; } int FGCanvasElement::zIndex() const { return _zIndex; } const FGCanvasGroup *FGCanvasElement::parentGroup() const { return _parent; } bool FGCanvasElement::onChildAdded(LocalProp *prop) { const QByteArray nm = prop->name(); if (nm == "tf") { connect(prop, &LocalProp::childAdded, this, &FGCanvasElement::onChildAdded); return true; } else if (nm == "visible") { return true; } else if (nm == "tf-rot-index") { // ignored, this is noise from the Nasal SVG parswer return true; } else if (nm.startsWith("center-offset-")) { // ignored, this is noise from the Nasal SVG parswer return true; } else if (nm == "center") { connect(prop, &LocalProp::valueChanged, this, &FGCanvasElement::onCenterChanged); return true; } else if (nm == "m") { if ((prop->parent()->name() == "tf") && (prop->parent()->parent() == _propertyRoot)) { connect(prop, &LocalProp::valueChanged, this, &FGCanvasElement::markTransformsDirty); return true; } else { qWarning() << "saw confusing 'm' property" << prop->path(); } } else if (nm == "m-geo") { // ignore for now, we do geo projection server-side return true; } else if (nm == "id") { connect(prop, &LocalProp::valueChanged, [this](QVariant value) { _svgElementId = value.toByteArray(); }); return true; } else if (prop->name() == "update") { // disable updates optionally? return true; } else if (nm == "clip") { connect(prop, &LocalProp::valueChanged, this, &FGCanvasElement::markClipDirty); return true; } if (isStyleProperty(nm)) { connect(prop, &LocalProp::valueChanged, this, &FGCanvasElement::markStyleDirty); return true; } if (prop->name() == "layer-type") { connect(prop, &LocalProp::valueChanged, [this](QVariant value) {qDebug() << "layer-type:" << value.toByteArray() << "on" << _propertyRoot->path(); }); return true; } else if (prop->name() == "z-index") { connect(prop, &LocalProp::valueChanged, this, &FGCanvasElement::markZIndexDirty); return true; } return false; } bool FGCanvasElement::onChildRemoved(LocalProp *prop) { const QByteArray nm = prop->name(); if ((nm == "tf") || (nm == "m")) { markTransformsDirty(); return true; } return false; } QColor FGCanvasElement::fillColor() const { return _fillColor; } void FGCanvasElement::onCenterChanged(QVariant value) { LocalProp* senderProp = static_cast(sender()); int centerTerm = senderProp->index(); if (centerTerm == 0) { _center.setX(value.toFloat()); } else { _center.setY(value.toFloat()); } } void FGCanvasElement::markTransformsDirty() { _transformsDirty = true; } void FGCanvasElement::markClipDirty() { _clipDirty = true; } QColor FGCanvasElement::parseColorValue(QVariant value) const { QString colorString = value.toString(); if (colorString.isEmpty() || colorString == "none") { return QColor(); // return an invalid color } int alpha = 255; int red = 0; int green = 0; int blue = 0; bool good = false; if (colorString.startsWith('#')) { // web style if (colorString.length() == 9) { QRegularExpression re("#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(colorString); if (match.hasMatch()) { red = match.captured(1).toInt(nullptr, 16); green = match.captured(2).toInt(nullptr, 16); blue = match.captured(3).toInt(nullptr, 16); alpha = match.captured(4).toInt(nullptr, 16); good = true; } } else if (colorString.length() == 7) { // long form, RGB QRegularExpression re("#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(colorString); if (match.hasMatch()) { red = match.captured(1).toInt(nullptr, 16); green = match.captured(2).toInt(nullptr, 16); blue = match.captured(3).toInt(nullptr, 16); good = true; } } } else if (colorString.startsWith("rgb")) { // try rgb(ddd, ddd, ddd) syntax QRegularExpression re("rgb\\((\\d*),(\\d*),(\\d*)\\)"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(value.toString()); if (match.hasMatch()) { red = match.captured(1).toInt(); green = match.captured(2).toInt(); blue = match.captured(3).toInt(); good = true; } QRegularExpression re2("rgba\\((\\d*),(\\d*),(\\d*),(\\d*)\\)"); match = re2.match(value.toString()); if (match.hasMatch()) { red = match.captured(1).toInt(); green = match.captured(2).toInt(); blue = match.captured(3).toInt(); alpha = match.captured(4).toInt() * 255; good = true; } } if (good) { return QColor(red, green, blue, alpha); } qWarning() << _propertyRoot->path() << "failed to parse color:" << colorString; return Qt::magenta; // default horrible colour } void FGCanvasElement::markStyleDirty() { _styleDirty = true; // group will cascade } QVariant FGCanvasElement::getCascadedStyle(const char *name, QVariant defaultValue) const { LocalProp* style = _propertyRoot->childWithNameAndIndex(NameIndexTuple(name, 0)); if (style) { return style->value(); } if (_parent) { return _parent->getCascadedStyle(name); } return defaultValue; } void FGCanvasElement::markZIndexDirty(QVariant value) { _zIndex = value.toInt(); _parent->markChildZIndicesDirty(); } void FGCanvasElement::onVisibleChanged(QVariant value) { _visible = value.toBool(); }