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From: Steve Baker <>
To: Multiple recipients of list OPENGL-GAMEDEV-L <>
Subject: Re: Strips vs Fans ...
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 19:50:31 -0800

On Sat, 11 Apr 1998, Edward M Povazan wrote:

> I've been following threads here about auto strip generation, and am
> starting to wonder, why not do fans. I did a small paper test ... a regular
> triangle grid.
>   case : transforms per case : percentage less than seperate triangles
>   seperate triangles : 144 : 0
>   fans : 77 : 53%
>   strips : 56 : 39%
> OK so strips win here. But on a general mesh (especially one optimized for
> rt3d) the strip runs are not as long. In fact, there are cases when fans
> produce less transforms than strips (this is the case in my landscape
> engine).
The other thing that leads me to get more excited about fans than
strips is that they tend to be more compact - spatially that is -
becuase they are all sharing that one vertex.

This is useful for pre-OpenGL culling since it greatly increases the
probablility that a fan will cleanly come out wither entirely inside
or entirely outside the view frustum. If (like me) you are using a
bounding sphere test to accept or reject entire strip/fan primitives
then it's easy to visualise how fans fit better into a neat sphere
than those long wandering strips.

I'm still struggling to convert an old terrain system which was based
around IRISGL primitives (alas, no fans) - and the wins for fans
seem pretty significant.

Steve Baker                (817)619-8776 (Vox/Vox-Mail)
Raytheon Systems Inc.      (817)619-4028 (Fax)

Author: Steve Baker

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From  Sun Aug 16 00:55:44 1998
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From: Steve Baker <>
To: "Curtis L. Olson" <>
Subject: Re: strips vs. fans
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 00:52:12 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 15 Aug 1998, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

> At one point did you suggest that I might have comperable performance
> with fans vs. tri-strips?
Yes. We went down the path of changing our terrain tools to use
fans - the performance was essentially unchanged.

In the end, it depends on the average number of vertices per triangle.
For very long tristrips, or for very large fans, the average tends
towards 1 vertex per triangle. In this respect, there is no performance
difference between strips and fans. However, there are two reasons
to prefer strips and one reason to prefer fans:

1) Strips are allegedly implemented in hardware for Voodoo-2, and
   when Mesa supports that, there could be some savings to be had
   in triangle setup times. I have not heard that the same is true
   for tri-fans - but it's possible.

2) Strips can potentially contain more triangles than fans because
   they are not limited to having all their triangles share that
   one start vertex. If you can actually make your strips longer
   for practical data then strips should win. However, it's quite
   hard to get an average strip strip length more than four or
   five when your terrain has features like lakes, rivers, forest,
   etc embedded in it.

3) Fans have one theoretical advantage - since all the triangles
   share that first vertex, fans tend to be spatially compact.
   This means that crude bounding sphere culling will be more
   effective at reducing the number of triangles sent to OpenGL
   than it might be with tri-strips.

My practical experience so far seems to suggest that these
various effects are either so tiny as to make no difference - or
somehow cancel out. However, it's work-in-progress.

Steve Baker                (817)619-2657 (Vox/Vox-Mail)
Raytheon Systems Inc.      (817)619-4028 (Fax)

From  Tue Aug 18 08:57:29 1998
X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]
	["4108" "Tue" "18" "August" "1998" "08:56:05" "-0500" "Steve Baker" "" nil "87" "Re: strips vs. fans" "^From:" nil nil "8" nil nil nil nil nil]
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From: Steve Baker <>
To: "Curtis L. Olson" <>
Subject: Re: strips vs. fans
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 08:56:05 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

> So do just use a "greedy" algorithm to build fans, or do you do
> something more sophisticated?
Well, we have to consider the larger issues.

* From the point of view of OpenGL, the more triangles in the strip/fan
  the better.
* From the point of view of FOV culling, the more compact the strip/fan
  the better.
* From the point of view of intersection testing, the shorter the strip/fan
  the better.

We use a variety of stripping algorithms depending on the cicumstance.
Sometimes we just do the 'greedy' algorithm, sometimes we impose a limit
on the maximum strip length which tends to cut down on the number of
single triangles (which are especially costly on SGI hardware for some
reason). Sometimes we use an algorithm that has an estimate of the
relative costs of transforming strips of length 1, 2, 3, 4, ... which
tries many different ways to strip/fan until it finds one with a cost
per-triangle that is less than some user-specified limit - and the
ultimate algorithm simply does a totally exhaustive search for the cheapest
overall set of strips.

The last few algorithms can take days to run on even relatively simple
objects - and we use those only for the simplest of objects when that object
is re-used a gazillion times in the database. For example, we did a
model of Yellowstone national park where the customer needed the highest
possible density of single, individual trees. We built a set of tree
cluster models and ran the tri-stripper at maximum optimisation on them
all to get down the cost of transforming all those thousands of trees to
the absolute minimum.

However, when we have the whole of North America to tstrip, we can't
afford the CPU hours to do anything much more than the very basic
limited-length-greedy algorithm.

Limiting the maximum strip length helps the FOV culling so much that
we pretty much always limit the length to a dozen of so triangles.
That's principally due to SGI hardware which gains performance as the
strip length increases - up to about 10 triangles - beyond which it
doesn't really help any.

It's MUCH better (on SGI ONYX hardware) to generate two strips of 5
triangles each than it is to generate one strip of 9 and one single

For us, there are yet other considerations. We don't currently drive
OpenGL directly - we use the Performer scene graph API as a layer on
top. Performer can optimise the case where all the triangles in the
strip share the same surface normal and/or colour. In that case, it
generates just one glNormal and glColor command for each strip. These
are called 'Flat-Tri-strips'. For man-made objects, we can often win
by having shorter strips that are flat rather than longer strips that
are non-flat because the cost of transforming the normals is not

Some of the SGI machines also optimise for the case when there is only
a single, infinite light source by only doing illumination per-normal
rather than per-vertex - this also makes flat strips worth having.

Some of these optimisations are actually pessimisations on some machines,
so you have to optimise the database for the hardware.

As you can see, this is another incredibly complicated issue if you
want to get absolutely *ALL* the performance you can.

It's unreasonable to expect FGFS to do this with the limited effort
available. We have two or three full-time staff thinking about
database tools - and we have been working with OpenGL for five
years now.

> > 1) Strips are allegedly implemented in hardware for Voodoo-2, and
> >    when Mesa supports that, there could be some savings to be had in
> >    triangle setup times. I have not heard that the same is true for
> >    tri-fans - but it's possible.
> I would think that if they did strips, they could easily do fans ...
I just asked the question on the 3Dfx newsgroup - we'll get a definitive
answer there.

Steve Baker                (817)619-2657 (Vox/Vox-Mail)
Raytheon Systems Inc.      (817)619-4028 (Fax)