From  Tue Jun 15 12:24:35 1999
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From: "Stephen J Baker" <>
Subject: RE: [FGFS-Devel] Towards a Binary Scenery Format
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:24:25 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

> With what you know about our current terrain scheme, do we have any
> chance of doing things like having object cast shadows on the ground
> ... especially our own plane?  How about landing lights illuminating
> the ground?
Well, ownship shadow is do-able so long as people don't get too picky.
General shadows are impossible. Shadows for a few specialised things
might be doable if they are really important to you. (We need them
for things like Night-Vision-Goggles (NVG's) where shadows cast by
the moon are CRITICAL to military operations).

For ownship shadows, 

You can figure out the intersection of the ray from the sun through
the center of the plane onto the ground polygons - that's not too

Then take a texture mapped quad containing a plan-view shadow and
rotate it to the same heading as ownship but with the roll/pitch
driven by the terrain.

That looks OK for 99% of the time and is probably 'good enough'.

I do this in my Tux game - with a circular shadow texture,
there are LOTS of cases where it fails, nobody noticed yet!


* It doesn't take account of ownship roll/pitch - although
  for small angles, you can perhaps kludge it by squashing the
  shadow polygon in width/length.

* It won't shadow things like buildings or other aircraft.
  (because the shadow is projected onto the terrain beneath

* It won't split across terrain polygons - so it tends to
  momentarily vanish in concavities and momentarily float
  above convexities.

* You need a different shadow texture for each aircraft type.

* It's not easy to produce umbra/penumbra effects as a
  function of ownship altitude...but you could maybe
  kludge something with glAlphaFunc.

Helicopter and VTOL pilots use the ownship shadow as an
important height cue - so you need to get it right for
them. However, they tend not to land with 60 degree
bank angles!  I believe that Navy pilots learn to use
the shadow as a height cue when ditching in the ocean.

Landing lights are a pain. In OpenGL, you can define a light
source for each landing light (not many planes need more than
the half dozen or so that OpenGL guarantees to support).

The problem is that lighting is only computed at polygon
vertices. When you are on approach, there are likely to
be polygons that are MUCH larger than the puddle of light
that the landing light projects.

You can decimate polygons either dynamically (hard) or
statically (easier).

Statically, just make runway/taxiway/apron polygons that
are modelled so as to be switched into 'high detail' at
close range using an LOD node (ssgRangeSelector in SSG).
That's not really great because you can't land on a road
or in a field that the database prep tools didn't think
you'd want to land in because your lights won't work well.
You'll also get bad things happening when you fly low
over general terrain with your landing lights on.

Dynamically is REALLY hard to code with any generality.

Instead of using OpenGL lights, you could use multi-pass
rendering or make use of Multi-texture (if your hardware
supports it). In this way, you can render a daylight
scene and on a second pass render a black anti-light
texture over the entire scene.

In the past, that was REALLY COSTLY because it halved
your frame rate. However, the latest generation of
PC cards can do multi-texture which should greatly
speed that up. On a Voodoo-3, the second pass is
essentialy free.

Multipass is great for single landing lights - but
if you have a wingman who is landing in formation,
or if you are flying a 747 with half a dozen
landing lights - then you need one OpenGL rendering
pass PER LIGHT - plus the you are
screwed and will lose framerate.

A *REALLY* cheesy solution that I used once in a
railroad simulator was to render the scene with
dense black fog applied to all of the terrain and
buildings - but not to lights and the sky. The
result was an omni-directional light source that
didn't cast nice pools of light - but which was
utterly free.

Using a second texture pass, it's hard to get the
light to attenuate nicely with range - so you tend
to light up mountains that are 40 miles away with
your super-bright landing lights! The kludge to
fix that is to add the cheesy black fog trick to
the light-texture pass.

I think that of all of these, statically diced
polygons works best. However, it rather relies
on the fact that:

* Light aircraft don't often fly low over
  open country at night.

* Big aircraft don't fly low over open
  country at all.

* Airforce planes don't fly with landing
  lights on at all unless they are on
  final approach. This would be stoopid
  in combat - and they are taught to fly
  that way at all times.

* Navy pilots are even taught to land without
  landing lights.

If FGFS pilots want to land on freeways at night,
then their landing lights would look *terrible*.

Steve Baker                (817)619-2657 (Vox/Vox-Mail)
Raytheon Systems Inc.      (817)619-2466 (Fax)

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