// tcas.hxx -- Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) // // Written by Thorsten Brehm, started December 2010. // // Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Brehm - brehmt (at) gmail com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifndef __INSTRUMENTS_TCAS_HXX #define __INSTRUMENTS_TCAS_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::deque; using std::map; class SGSampleGroup; #include
#ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning( push ) # pragma warning( disable: 4355 ) #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TCAS : public SGSubsystem { typedef enum { AdvisoryClear = 0, /*< Clear of traffic */ AdvisoryIntrusion = 1, /*< Intrusion flag */ AdvisoryClimb = AdvisoryIntrusion|(1 << 1), /*< RA climb */ AdvisoryDescend = AdvisoryIntrusion|(1 << 2), /*< RA descend */ AdvisoryAdjustVSpeed = AdvisoryIntrusion|(1 << 3), /*< RA adjust vertical speed (TCAS II 7.0 only) */ AdvisoryMaintVSpeed = AdvisoryIntrusion|(1 << 4), /*< RA maintain vertical speed */ AdvisoryMonitorVSpeed = AdvisoryIntrusion|(1 << 5), /*< RA monitor vertical speed */ AdvisoryLevelOff = AdvisoryIntrusion|(1 << 6) /*< RA level off (TCAS II 7.1 only) */ } EnumAdvisory; typedef enum { OptionNone = 0, /*< no option modifier */ OptionIncreaseClimb = (1 << 0), /*< increase climb */ OptionIncreaseDescend = (1 << 1), /*< increase descend */ OptionCrossingClimb = (1 << 2), /*< crossing climb */ OptionCrossingDescent = (1 << 3) /*< crossing descent */ } EnumAdvisoryOption; typedef enum { SwitchOff = 0, /*< TCAS switched off */ SwitchStandby = 1, /*< TCAS standby (no TA/RA) */ SwitchTaOnly = 2, /*< TCAS in TA-only mode (no RA) */ SwitchAuto = 3 /*< TCAS in TA/RA mode */ } EnumModeSwitch; typedef enum { ThreatInvisible = -1,/*< Traffic is invisible to TCAS (i.e. no transponder) */ ThreatNone = 0, /*< Traffic is visible but no threat. */ ThreatProximity = 1, /*< Proximity intruder traffic (no threat). */ ThreatTA = 2, /*< TA-level threat traffic. */ ThreatRA = 3 /*< RA-level threat traffic. */ } EnumThreatLevel; typedef struct { int threatLevel; /*< intruder threat level: 0=clear, 1=proximity, 2=intruder, 3=proximity intruder */ int RA; /*< resolution advisory */ int RAOption; /*< option flags for advisory */ } ResolutionAdvisory; typedef struct { float Tau; /*< vertical/horizontal protection range in seconds */ float DMOD; /*< horizontal protection range in nm */ float ALIM; /*< vertical protection range in ft */ } Thresholds; typedef struct { double maxAltitude; /*< max altitude for this sensitivity level */ int sl; /*< sensitivity level */ Thresholds TA; /*< thresholds for TA-level threats */ Thresholds RA; /*< thresholds for RA-level threats */ } SensitivityLevel; typedef struct { std::string callsign; bool verticalTA; bool verticalRA; bool horizontalTA; bool horizontalRA; bool isTracked; float horizontalTau; float verticalTau; float relativeAltitudeFt; float verticalFps; int RASense; } ThreatInfo; typedef struct { int threatLevel; double TAtimestamp; double RAtimestamp; } TrackerTarget; typedef map TrackerTargets; typedef struct { double lat; double lon; float pressureAltFt; float radarAltFt; float heading; float velocityKt; float verticalFps; } LocalInfo; /*< info structure for local aircraft */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::PropertiesHandler /////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class PropertiesHandler : public FGVoicePlayer::PropertiesHandler { TCAS *tcas; public: PropertiesHandler (TCAS *device) : FGVoicePlayer::PropertiesHandler(), tcas(device) {} PropertiesHandler (void) : FGVoicePlayer::PropertiesHandler() {} }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::VoicePlayer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class VoicePlayer : public FGVoicePlayer { public: VoicePlayer (TCAS* tcas) : FGVoicePlayer(&tcas->properties_handler, "tcas") {} ~VoicePlayer (void) {} void init (void); struct { Voice* pTrafficTraffic; Voice* pClimb; Voice* pClimbNow; Voice* pClimbCrossing; Voice* pClimbIncrease; Voice* pDescend; Voice* pDescendNow; Voice* pDescendCrossing; Voice* pDescendIncrease; Voice* pClear; Voice* pAdjustVSpeed; Voice* pMaintVSpeed; Voice* pMonitorVSpeed; Voice* pLevelOff; Voice* pTestOk; Voice* pTestFail; } Voices; private: SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeSoundFilePrefix; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::Annunciator //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Annunciator { public: Annunciator (TCAS* tcas); ~Annunciator (void) {} void bind (SGPropertyNode* node); void init (void); void update (void); void trigger (const ResolutionAdvisory& newAdvisory, bool revertedRA); void test (bool testOk); void clear (void); bool isPlaying (void) { return voicePlayer.is_playing();} private: TCAS* tcas; ResolutionAdvisory previous; FGVoicePlayer::Voice* pLastVoice; VoicePlayer voicePlayer; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeGpwsAlertOn; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator //////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AdvisoryCoordinator { public: AdvisoryCoordinator (TCAS* _tcas); ~AdvisoryCoordinator (void) {} void bind (SGPropertyNode* node); void init (void); void reinit (void); void update (int mode); void clear (void); void add (const ResolutionAdvisory& newAdvisory); private: TCAS* tcas; double lastTATime; ResolutionAdvisory current; ResolutionAdvisory previous; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeTAWarning; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::Tracker //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Tracker { public: Tracker (TCAS* _tcas); ~Tracker (void) {} void update (void); void add (const std::string callsign, int detectedLevel); bool active (void) { return haveTargets;} bool newTraffic (void) { return newTargets;} bool isTracked (std::string callsign) { if (!haveTargets) return false;else return _isTracked(callsign);} bool _isTracked (std::string callsign); int getThreatLevel (std::string callsign); private: TCAS* tcas; double currentTime; bool haveTargets; bool newTargets; TrackerTargets targets; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AdvisoryGenerator { public: AdvisoryGenerator (TCAS* _tcas); ~AdvisoryGenerator (void) {} void init (const LocalInfo* _pSelf, ThreatInfo* _pCurrentThreat); void setAlarmThresholds (const SensitivityLevel* _pAlarmThresholds); int resolution (int mode, int threatLevel, float distanceNm, float altFt, float heading, float velocityKt); private: float verticalSeparation (float newVerticalFps); void determineRAsense (int& RASense, bool& isCrossing); private: TCAS* tcas; const LocalInfo* pSelf; /*< info structure for local aircraft */ ThreatInfo* pCurrentThreat; /*< info structure on current intruder/threat */ const SensitivityLevel* pAlarmThresholds; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::ThreatDetector ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ThreatDetector { public: ThreatDetector (TCAS* _tcas); ~ThreatDetector (void) {} void init (void); void update (void); bool checkTransponder (const SGPropertyNode* pModel, float velocityKt); int checkThreat (int mode, const SGPropertyNode* pModel); void checkVerticalThreat (void); void horizontalThreat (float bearing, float distanceNm, float heading, float velocityKt); void setPressureAlt (float altFt) { self.pressureAltFt = altFt;} float getPressureAlt (void) { return self.pressureAltFt;} void setRadarAlt (float altFt) { self.radarAltFt = altFt;} float getRadarAlt (void) { return self.radarAltFt;} float getVelocityKt (void) { return self.velocityKt;} int getRASense (void) { return currentThreat.RASense;} private: void unitTest (void); private: static const SensitivityLevel sensitivityLevels[]; TCAS* tcas; #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR int checkCount; #endif // of FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeLat; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeLon; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodePressureAlt; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeRadarAlt; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeHeading; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeVelocity; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeVerticalFps; LocalInfo self; /*< info structure for local aircraft */ ThreatInfo currentThreat; /*< info structure on current intruder/threat */ const SensitivityLevel* pAlarmThresholds; }; private: std::string name; int num; double nextUpdateTime; int selfTestStep; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeModeSwitch; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeServiceable; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeSelfTest; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeDebugTrigger; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeDebugRA; SGPropertyNode_ptr nodeDebugThreat; PropertiesHandler properties_handler; ThreatDetector threatDetector; Tracker tracker; AdvisoryCoordinator advisoryCoordinator; AdvisoryGenerator advisoryGenerator; Annunciator annunciator; private: void selfTest (void); public: TCAS (SGPropertyNode* node); virtual void bind (void); virtual void unbind (void); virtual void init (void); virtual void reinit (void); virtual void update (double dt); }; #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning( pop ) #endif #endif // __INSTRUMENTS_TCAS_HXX