#!BPY # """ # Name: 'YASim (.xml)' # Blender: 245 # Group: 'Import' # Tooltip: 'Loads and visualizes a YASim FDM geometry' # """ __author__ = "Melchior FRANZ < mfranz # aon : at >" __url__ = ["http://www.flightgear.org/", "http://cvs.flightgear.org/viewvc/source/utils/Modeller/yasim_import.py"] __version__ = "0.1" __bpydoc__ = """\ yasim_import.py loads and visualizes a YASim FDM geometry ========================================================= It is recommended to load the model superimposed over a greyed out and immutable copy of the aircraft model: (1) load or import aircraft model (menu -> "File" -> "Import" -> "AC3D (.ac) ...") (2) create new *empty* scene (menu -> arrow button left of "SCE:scene1" combobox -> "ADD NEW" -> "empty") (3) rename scene to yasim (not required) (4) link to scene1 (F10 -> "Output" tab -> arrow button left of text entry "No Set Scene" -> "scene1") (5) now load the YASim config file (menu -> "File" -> "Import" -> "YASim (.xml) ...") This is good enough for simple checks. But if you are working on the YASim configuration, then you need a quick and convenient way to reload the file. In that case continue after (4): (5) switch the button area on the bottom of the blender screen to "Scripts Window" mode (green python snake icon) (6) load the YASim config file (menu -> "Scripts" -> "Import" -> "YASim (.xml) ...") (7) make the "Scripts Window" area as small as possible by dragging the area separator down (8) optionally split the "3D View" area and switch the right part to the "Outliner" (9) press the "Reload YASim" button in the script area to reload the file If the 3D model is displaced with respect to the FDM model, then the values from the model animation XML file should be added as comment to the YASim config file, as a line all by itself, with no spaces surrounding the equal signs. Spaces elsewhere are allowed. For example: Possible variables are: x ... y ... z ... h ... p ... r ... Of course, absolute FDM coordinates can then no longer directly be read from Blender's 3D view. The cursor coordinates display in the script area, however, shows the coordinates in YASim space. Note that object names don't contain XML indices but element numbers. YASim_hstab#2 is the third hstab in the whole file, not necessarily in its parent XML group. A floating point part in the object name (e.g. YASim_hstab#2.004) only means that the geometry has been reloaded that often. It's an unavoidable consequence of how Blender deals with meshes. Elements are displayed as follows: cockpit -> monkey head fuselage -> blue "tube" (with only 12 sides for less clutter) vstab -> red with yellow flaps wing/mstab/hstab -> green with yellow flaps/spoilers/slats (always 20 cm deep); symmetric surfaces are only displayed on the left side thrusters (jet/propeller/thruster) -> dashed line from center to actionpt; arrow from actionpt along thrust vector (always 1 m long); propeller circle rotor -> radius and rel_len_blade_start circly, direction arrow, normal and forward vector, one blade at phi0 gear -> contact point and compression vector (no arrow head) tank -> cube (10 cm side length) weight -> inverted cone ballast -> cylinder hitch -> circle (10 cm diameter) hook -> dashed line for up angle, T-line for down angle launchbar -> dashed line for up angles, T-line for down angles Cursor coordinates displayed in GUI and terminal are in YASim coordinates and consider an XML embedded displacement matrix as described above. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2009 Melchior FRANZ < mfranz # aon : at > # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Blender, BPyMessages, string, math from Blender.Mathutils import * from xml.sax import handler, make_parser YASIM_MATRIX = Matrix([-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) ORIGIN = Vector(0, 0, 0) X = Vector(1, 0, 0) Y = Vector(0, 1, 0) Z = Vector(0, 0, 1) DEG2RAD = math.pi / 180 RAD2DEG = 180 / math.pi class Global: path = "" matrix = None cursor = ORIGIN last_cursor = Vector(Blender.Window.GetCursorPos()) class Abort(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def log(msg): #print(msg) # uncomment to get verbose log messages pass def error(msg): print("\033[31;1mError: %s\033[m" % msg) Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|" + msg) def getfloat(attrs, key, default): if attrs.has_key(key): return float(attrs[key]) return default def draw_dashed_line(mesh, start, end): w = 0.04 step = w * (end - start).normalize() n = len(mesh.verts) for i in range(int(1 + 0.5 * (end - start).length / w)): a = start + 2 * i * step b = start + (2 * i + 1) * step if (b - end).length < step.length: b = end mesh.verts.extend([a, b]) mesh.edges.extend([n + 2 * i, n + 2 * i + 1]) def draw_arrow(mesh, start, end): v = end - start m = v.toTrackQuat('x', 'z').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(start) v = v.length * X n = len(mesh.verts) mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN * m , v * m, (v - 0.05 * X + 0.05 * Y) * m, (v - 0.05 * X - 0.05 * Y) * m]) # head mesh.verts.extend([(ORIGIN + 0.05 * Y) * m, (ORIGIN - 0.05 * Y) * m]) # base mesh.edges.extend([[n, n + 1], [n + 1, n + 2], [n + 1, n + 3], [n + 4, n + 5]]) def draw_circle(mesh, numpoints, radius, matrix): n = len(mesh.verts) for i in range(numpoints): angle = 2.0 * math.pi * i / numpoints v = Vector(radius * math.cos(angle), radius * math.sin(angle), 0) mesh.verts.extend([v * matrix]) for i in range(numpoints): i1 = (i + 1) % numpoints mesh.edges.extend([[n + i, n + i1]]) class Item: scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() def make_twosided(self, mesh): mesh.faceUV = True for f in mesh.faces: f.mode |= Blender.Mesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE | Blender.Mesh.FaceModes.OBCOL def set_color(self, mesh, name, color): mat = Blender.Material.New(name) mat.setRGBCol(color[0], color[1], color[2]) mat.setAlpha(color[3]) mat.mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.ZTRANSP | Blender.Material.Modes.TRANSPSHADOW mesh.materials += [mat] class Cockpit(Item): def __init__(self, center): mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Monkey() mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.13, 4) * Euler(90, 0, 90).toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(Vector(-0.1, 0, -0.032))) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, "YASim_cockpit") obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Tank(Item): def __init__(self, name, center): mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cube() mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.05, 4)) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Ballast(Item): def __init__(self, name, center): mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cylinder() mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.05, 4)) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Weight(Item): def __init__(self, name, center): mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cone() mesh.transform(ScaleMatrix(0.05, 4)) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Gear(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, compression): mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, compression]) mesh.edges.extend([0, 1]) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Hook(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, length, up_angle, dn_angle): mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() up = ORIGIN - length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z dn = ORIGIN - length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, dn, dn + 0.05 * Y, dn - 0.05 * Y]) mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, up) draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, dn) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Launchbar(Item): def __init__(self, name, lb, lb_length, hb, hb_length, up_angle, dn_angle): mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() hb = hb - lb lb_tip = ORIGIN + lb_length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - lb_length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z hb_tip = hb - hb_length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - hb_length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z mesh.verts.extend([lb_tip, ORIGIN, hb, hb_tip, lb_tip + 0.05 * Y, lb_tip - 0.05 * Y, hb_tip + 0.05 * Y, hb_tip - 0.05 * Y]) mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]) draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, lb_length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - lb_length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z) draw_dashed_line(mesh, hb, hb - hb_length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - hb_length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(lb) * Global.matrix) class Hitch(Item): def __init__(self, name, center): mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Circle(8, 0.1) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(RotationMatrix(90, 4, "x") * TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Thrust: def set_actionpt(self, p): self.actionpt = p def set_dir(self, d): self.thrustvector = d class Thruster(Thrust, Item): def __init__(self, name, center, thrustvector): (self.name, self.center, self.actionpt, self.thrustvector) = (name, center, center, thrustvector) def __del__(self): a = self.actionpt - self.center mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, a) draw_arrow(mesh, a, a + self.thrustvector.normalize()) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, self.name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix) class Propeller(Thrust, Item): def __init__(self, name, center, radius): (self.name, self.center, self.radius, self.actionpt, self.thrustvector) = (name, center, radius, center, -X) def __del__(self): a = self.actionpt - self.center cross = -X.cross(self.thrustvector) angle = AngleBetweenVecs(-X, self.thrustvector) matrix = RotationMatrix(angle, 4, "r", cross) * TranslationMatrix(a) matrix = self.thrustvector.toTrackQuat('z', 'x').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(a) mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN * matrix, (ORIGIN + self.radius * X) * matrix]) mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1]]) draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, a) draw_arrow(mesh, a, a + self.thrustvector.normalize()) draw_circle(mesh, 128, self.radius, matrix) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, self.name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix) class Jet(Thrust, Item): def __init__(self, name, center, rotate): (self.name, self.center, self.actionpt) = (name, center, center) self.thrustvector = -X * RotationMatrix(rotate, 4, "y") def __del__(self): a = self.actionpt - self.center mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, a) draw_arrow(mesh, a, a + self.thrustvector.normalize()) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, self.name) obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix) class Fuselage(Item): def __init__(self, name, a, b, width, taper, midpoint): numvert = 12 angle = [] for i in range(numvert): alpha = i * 2 * math.pi / float(numvert) angle.append([math.cos(alpha), math.sin(alpha)]) axis = b - a length = axis.length mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() for i in range(numvert): mesh.verts.extend([[0, 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][1]]]) for i in range(numvert): mesh.verts.extend([[midpoint * length, 0.5 * width * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * angle[i][1]]]) for i in range(numvert): mesh.verts.extend([[length, 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][1]]]) for i in range(numvert): i1 = (i + 1) % numvert mesh.faces.extend([[i, i1, i1 + numvert, i + numvert]]) mesh.faces.extend([[i + numvert, i1 + numvert, i1 + 2 * numvert, i + 2 * numvert]]) mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, length * X]) self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [0, 0, 0.5, 0.4]) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.transp = True obj.setMatrix(axis.toTrackQuat('x', 'y').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(a) * Global.matrix) class Rotor(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, up, fwd, numblades, radius, chord, twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw): matrix = RotationMatrix(phi0, 4, "z") * up.toTrackQuat('z', 'x').toMatrix().resize4x4() invert = matrix.copy().invert() direction = [-1, 1][ccw] twist *= DEG2RAD a = ORIGIN + rel_len_blade_start * radius * X b = ORIGIN + radius * X tw = 0.5 * chord * taper * math.cos(twist) * Y + 0.5 * direction * chord * taper * math.sin(twist) * Z mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, a, b, a + 0.5 * chord * Y, a - 0.5 * chord * Y, b + tw, b - tw]) mesh.edges.extend([[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [3, 5], [4, 6], [5, 6]]) draw_circle(mesh, 64, rel_len_blade_start * radius, Matrix()) draw_circle(mesh, 128, radius, Matrix()) draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, up * invert) draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, fwd * invert) b += 0.1 * X + direction * chord * Y draw_arrow(mesh, b, b + 0.5 * radius * direction * Y) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.setMatrix(matrix * TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix) class Wing(Item): def __init__(self, name, root, length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral): # <1--0--2 # \ | / # 4-3-5 mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, ORIGIN + 0.5 * chord * X, ORIGIN - 0.5 * chord * X]) tip = ORIGIN + math.cos(sweep * DEG2RAD) * length * Y - math.sin(sweep * DEG2RAD) * length * X tipfore = tip + 0.5 * taper * chord * math.cos(twist * DEG2RAD) * X + 0.5 * taper * chord * math.sin(twist * DEG2RAD) * Z tipaft = tip + tip - tipfore mesh.verts.extend([tip, tipfore, tipaft]) mesh.faces.extend([[0, 1, 4, 3], [2, 0, 3, 5]]) self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [[0, 0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5]][name.startswith("YASim_vstab")]) self.make_twosided(mesh) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.transp = True m = Euler(dihedral, -incidence, 0).toMatrix().resize4x4() m *= TranslationMatrix(root) obj.setMatrix(m * Global.matrix) (self.obj, self.mesh) = (obj, mesh) def add_flap(self, name, start, end): a = Vector(self.mesh.verts[2].co) b = Vector(self.mesh.verts[5].co) c = 0.2 * (Vector(self.mesh.verts[0].co - a)).normalize() m = self.obj.getMatrix() mesh = Blender.Mesh.New() i0 = a + start * (b - a) i1 = a + end * (b - a) mesh.verts.extend([i0, i1, i0 + c, i1 + c]) mesh.faces.extend([[0, 1, 3, 2]]) self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [0.8, 0.8, 0, 0.9]) self.make_twosided(mesh) obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name) obj.transp = True obj.setMatrix(m) class import_yasim(handler.ContentHandler): ignored = ["cruise", "approach", "control-input", "control-output", "control-speed", \ "control-setting", "stall", "airplane", "piston-engine", "turbine-engine", \ "rotorgear", "tow", "winch", "solve-weight"] # err_handler def error(self, exception): raise Abort(str(exception)) def fatalError(self, exception): raise Abort(str(exception)) def warning(self, exception): print "WARNING: " + str(exception) # doc_handler def setDocumentLocator(self, whatever): pass def startDocument(self): self.tags = [] self.counter = {} self.items = [None] pass def endDocument(self): for o in Item.scene.objects: o.sel = True def characters(self, data): pass def ignorableWhitespace(self, data, start, length): pass def processingInstruction(self, target, data): pass def startElement(self, tag, attrs): if len(self.tags) == 0 and tag != "airplane": raise Abort("this isn't a YASim config file") self.tags.append(tag) path = string.join(self.tags, '/') item = Item() parent = self.items[-1] if self.counter.has_key(tag): self.counter[tag] += 1 else: self.counter[tag] = 0 if tag == "cockpit": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) log("\033[31mcockpit x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2])) item = Cockpit(c) elif tag == "fuselage": a = Vector(float(attrs["ax"]), float(attrs["ay"]), float(attrs["az"])) b = Vector(float(attrs["bx"]), float(attrs["by"]), float(attrs["bz"])) width = float(attrs["width"]) taper = getfloat(attrs, "taper", 1) midpoint = getfloat(attrs, "midpoint", 0.5) log("\033[32mfuselage ax=%f ay=%f az=%f bx=%f by=%f bz=%f width=%f taper=%f midpoint=%f\033[m" % \ (a[0], a[1], a[2], b[0], b[1], b[2], width, taper, midpoint)) item = Fuselage("YASim_%s#%d" % (tag, self.counter[tag]), a, b, width, taper, midpoint) elif tag == "gear": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) compression = getfloat(attrs, "compression", 1) up = Z * compression if attrs.has_key("upx"): up = Vector(float(attrs["upx"]), float(attrs["upy"]), float(attrs["upz"])).normalize() * compression log("\033[35;1mgear x=%f y=%f z=%f compression=%f upx=%f upy=%f upz=%f\033[m" \ % (c[0], c[1], c[2], compression, up[0], up[1], up[2])) item = Gear("YASim_gear#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, up) elif tag == "jet": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) rotate = getfloat(attrs, "rotate", 0.0) log("\033[36;1mjet x=%f y=%f z=%f rotate=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], rotate)) item = Jet("YASim_jet#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, rotate) elif tag == "propeller": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) radius = float(attrs["radius"]) log("\033[36;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f radius=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], radius)) item = Propeller("YASim_propeller#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, radius) elif tag == "thruster": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) v = Vector(float(attrs["vx"]), float(attrs["vy"]), float(attrs["vz"])) log("\033[36;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f vx=%f vy=%f vz=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], v[0], v[1], v[2])) item = Thruster("YASim_thruster#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, v) elif tag == "actionpt": if not isinstance(parent, Thrust): raise Abort("%s is not part of a propeller or jet" % path) c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) log("\t\033[36mactionpt x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2])) parent.set_actionpt(c) elif tag == "dir": if not isinstance(parent, Thrust): raise Abort("%s is not part of a propeller or jet" % path) c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) log("\t\033[36mdir x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (c[0], c[1], c[2])) parent.set_dir(c) elif tag == "tank": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) log("\033[34;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2])) item = Tank("YASim_tank#%d" % self.counter[tag], c) elif tag == "ballast": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) log("\033[34m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2])) item = Ballast("YASim_ballast#%d" % self.counter[tag], c) elif tag == "weight": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) log("\033[34m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2])) item = Weight("YASim_weight#%d" % self.counter[tag], c) elif tag == "hook": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) length = getfloat(attrs, "length", 1.0) up_angle = getfloat(attrs, "up-angle", 0.0) down_angle = getfloat(attrs, "down-angle", 70.0) log("\033[35m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f length=%f up-angle=%f down-angle=%f\033[m" \ % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], length, up_angle, down_angle)) item = Hook("YASim_hook#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, length, up_angle, down_angle) elif tag == "hitch": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) log("\033[35m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f\033[m" % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2])) item = Hitch("YASim_hitch#%d" % self.counter[tag], c) elif tag == "launchbar": c = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) length = getfloat(attrs, "length", 1.0) up_angle = getfloat(attrs, "up-angle", -45.0) down_angle = getfloat(attrs, "down-angle", 45.0) holdback = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "holdback-x", c[0]), getfloat(attrs, "holdback-y", c[1]), getfloat(attrs, "holdback-z", c[2])) holdback_length = getfloat(attrs, "holdback-length", 2.0) log("\033[35m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f length=%f down-angle=%f up-angle=%f holdback-x=%f holdback-y=%f holdback-z+%f holdback-length=%f\033[m" \ % (tag, c[0], c[1], c[2], length, down_angle, up_angle, \ holdback[0], holdback[1], holdback[2], holdback_length)) item = Launchbar("YASim_launchbar#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, length, holdback, holdback_length, up_angle, down_angle) elif tag == "wing" or tag == "hstab" or tag == "vstab" or tag == "mstab": root = Vector(float(attrs["x"]), float(attrs["y"]), float(attrs["z"])) length = float(attrs["length"]) chord = float(attrs["chord"]) incidence = getfloat(attrs, "incidence", 0.0) twist = getfloat(attrs, "twist", 0.0) taper = getfloat(attrs, "taper", 1.0) sweep = getfloat(attrs, "sweep", 0.0) dihedral = getfloat(attrs, "dihedral", [0.0, 90.0][tag == "vstab"]) log("\033[33;1m%s x=%f y=%f z=%f length=%f chord=%f incidence=%f twist=%f taper=%f sweep=%f dihedral=%f\033[m" \ % (tag, root[0], root[1], root[2], length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral)) item = Wing("YASim_%s#%d" % (tag, self.counter[tag]), root, length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral) elif tag == "flap0" or tag == "flap1" or tag == "slat" or tag == "spoiler": if not isinstance(parent, Wing): raise Abort("%s is not part of a wing or stab" % path) start = float(attrs["start"]) end = float(attrs["end"]) log("\t\033[33m%s start=%f end=%f\033[m" % (tag, start, end)) parent.add_flap("YASim_%s#%d" % (tag, self.counter[tag]), start, end) elif tag == "rotor": c = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "x", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "y", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "z", 0.0)) norm = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "nx", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "ny", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "nz", 1.0)) fwd = Vector(getfloat(attrs, "fx", 1.0), getfloat(attrs, "fy", 0.0), getfloat(attrs, "fz", 0.0)) diameter = getfloat(attrs, "diameter", 10.2) numblades = int(getfloat(attrs, "numblades", 4)) chord = getfloat(attrs, "chord", 0.3) twist = getfloat(attrs, "twist", 0.0) taper = getfloat(attrs, "taper", 1.0) rel_len_blade_start = getfloat(attrs, "rel-len-blade-start", 0.0) phi0 = getfloat(attrs, "phi0", 0) ccw = not not getfloat(attrs, "ccw", 0) log(("\033[36;1mrotor x=%f y=%f z=%f nx=%f ny=%f nz=%f fx=%f fy=%f fz=%f numblades=%d diameter=%f " \ + "chord=%f twist=%f taper=%f rel_len_blade_start=%f phi0=%f ccw=%d\033[m") \ % (c[0], c[1], c[2], norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], fwd[0], fwd[1], fwd[2], numblades, \ diameter, chord, twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw)) item = Rotor("YASim_rotor#%d" % self.counter[tag], c, norm, fwd, numblades, 0.5 * diameter, chord, \ twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw) elif tag not in self.ignored: log("\033[30;1m%s\033[m" % path) self.items.append(item) def endElement(self, tag): self.tags.pop() self.items.pop() def extract_matrix(path, tag): v = { 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0, 'h': 0.0, 'p': 0.0, 'r': 0.0 } hasmatrix = False f = open(path) for line in f.readlines(): line = string.strip(line) if not line.startswith(""): continue line = string.strip(line[4:-3]) if not string.lower(line).startswith("%s:" % tag): continue line = string.strip(line[8:]) for assignment in string.split(line): (key, value) = string.split(assignment, '=', 2) v[string.strip(key)] = float(string.strip(value)) hasmatrix = True f.close() matrix = None if hasmatrix: matrix = Euler(v['r'], v['p'], v['h']).toMatrix().resize4x4() matrix *= TranslationMatrix(Vector(v['x'], v['y'], v['z'])) return matrix def run_parser(path): if BPyMessages.Error_NoFile(path): return editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode() if editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1) try: for o in Item.scene.objects: if o.name.startswith("YASim_"): Item.scene.objects.unlink(o) print("\033[1mloading '%s'\033[m" % path) Global.matrix = YASIM_MATRIX matrix = extract_matrix(path, "offsets") if matrix: Global.matrix *= matrix.invert() yasim = make_parser() yasim.setContentHandler(import_yasim()) yasim.setErrorHandler(import_yasim()) yasim.parse(path) Blender.Registry.SetKey("FGYASimImportExport", { "path": path }, False) Global.path = path except Abort, e: print "Error:", e.msg, " -> aborting ...\n" Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|" + e.msg) Blender.Window.RedrawAll() Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0) if editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1) def draw(): from Blender import BGL, Draw (width, height) = Blender.Window.GetAreaSize() BGL.glClearColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.45, 1) BGL.glClear(BGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) Draw.PushButton("Reload YASim", 0, 5, 5, 100, 28) Draw.PushButton("Update Cursor", 1, width - 650, 5, 100, 28) BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 1) BGL.glRasterPos2f(120, 15) Draw.Text(Global.path) BGL.glRasterPos2f(width - 530 + Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Distance from last") - Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Current"), 24) Draw.Text("Current cursor pos: x = %+.3f y = %+.3f z = %+.3f" % tuple(Global.cursor)) c = Global.cursor - Global.last_cursor BGL.glRasterPos2f(width - 530, 7) Draw.Text("Distance from last cursor pos: x = %+.3f y = %+.3f z = %+.3f length = %.3f" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c.length)) def event(ev, value): if ev == Blender.Draw.ESCKEY: Blender.Draw.Exit() def button(n): if n == 0: run_parser(Global.path) elif n == 1: Global.last_cursor = Global.cursor Global.cursor = Vector(Blender.Window.GetCursorPos()) * Global.matrix.invert() d = Global.cursor - Global.last_cursor print("cursor: x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" dx=%f dy=%f dz=%f length=%f" \ % (Global.cursor[0], Global.cursor[1], Global.cursor[2], d[0], d[1], d[2], d.length)) Blender.Draw.Redraw(1) def main(): registry = Blender.Registry.GetKey("FGYASimImportExport", False) if registry and "path" in registry and Blender.sys.exists(Blender.sys.expandpath(registry["path"])): path = registry["path"] else: path = "" log(6 * "\n") if Blender.Window.GetScreenInfo(Blender.Window.Types.SCRIPT): Blender.Draw.Register(draw, event, button) Blender.Window.FileSelector(run_parser, "Import YASim Configuration File", path) main()