// HUD.hxx -- Head Up Display // // Written by Michele America, started September 1997. // // Copyright (C) 1997 Michele F. America [micheleamerica#geocities:com] // Copyright (C) 2006 Melchior FRANZ [mfranz#aon:at] // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifndef _HUD_HXX #define _HUD_HXX #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include using std::deque; using std::vector; #include #include #include #include #include // FGRunway #include // fntRenderer ? guiErrorMessage() #include // FGFontCache, FGColor #include #include
class FGViewer; class ClipBox { public: ClipBox(const SGPropertyNode *, float xoffset = 0, float yoffset = 0); void set(); void unset(); private: bool _active; float _xoffs, _yoffs; SGConstPropertyNode_ptr _top_node; SGConstPropertyNode_ptr _bot_node; SGConstPropertyNode_ptr _left_node; SGConstPropertyNode_ptr _right_node; GLdouble _top[4]; GLdouble _bot[4]; GLdouble _left[4]; GLdouble _right[4]; }; class LineSegment { public: LineSegment(GLfloat x0, GLfloat y0, GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1) : _x0(x0), _y0(y0), _x1(x1), _y1(y1) {} void draw() const { glVertex2f(_x0, _y0); glVertex2f(_x1, _y1); } private: GLfloat _x0, _y0, _x1, _y1; }; class LineList { public: void add(const LineSegment& seg) { _list.push_back(seg); } void erase() { _list.erase(_list.begin(), _list.end()); } inline unsigned int size() const { return _list.size(); } void draw() { glBegin(GL_LINES); vector::const_iterator it, end = _list.end(); for (it = _list.begin(); it != end; ++it) it->draw(); glEnd(); } private: vector _list; }; class HUDText { public: HUDText(fntRenderer *f, float x, float y, const char *s, int align = 0, int digits = 0); void draw(); private: fntRenderer *_fnt; float _x, _y; int _digits; static const int BUFSIZE = 64; char _msg[BUFSIZE]; }; class TextList { public: TextList() { _font = 0; } void setFont(fntRenderer *Renderer) { _font = Renderer; } void add(float x, float y, const char *s, int align = 0, int digit = 0) { _list.push_back(HUDText(_font, x, y, s, align, digit)); } void erase() { _list.erase(_list.begin(), _list.end()); } void align(const char *s, int align, float *x, float *y, float *l, float *r, float *b, float *t) const; void draw(); private: fntRenderer *_font; vector _list; }; class HUD : public SGSubsystem, public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: HUD(); ~HUD(); void init(); void update(double); // called from Main/renderer.cxx to draw 2D and 3D HUD void draw(osg::State&); // listener callback to read various HUD related properties void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *); // set current glColor void setColor() const; inline bool isVisible() const { return _visible; } inline bool isAntialiased() const { return _antialiased; } inline bool isTransparent() const { return _transparent; } inline bool is3D() const { return _3Denabled; } inline float alphaClamp() const { return _cl; } inline double timer() const { return _timer; } static void textAlign(fntRenderer *rend, const char *s, int align, float *x, float *y, float *l, float *r, float *b, float *t); enum Units { FEET, METER }; Units getUnits() const { return _units; } enum { HORIZONTAL = 0x0000, // keep that at zero? VERTICAL = 0x0001, TOP = 0x0002, BOTTOM = 0x0004, LEFT = 0x0008, RIGHT = 0x0010, NOTICKS = 0x0020, NOTEXT = 0x0040, BOTH = (LEFT|RIGHT), // for alignment (with LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM) HCENTER = 0x0080, VCENTER = 0x0100, CENTER = (HCENTER|VCENTER), }; protected: void common_draw(); int load(const char *, float x = 320.0f, float y = 240.0f, int level = 0, const std::string& indent = ""); private: void draw3D(); void draw2D(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); class Input; class Item; class Label; class Scale; class Gauge; class Tape; class Dial; class TurnBankIndicator; class Ladder; class Runway; class AimingReticle; deque _items; deque _ladders; SGPropertyNode_ptr _path; SGPropertyNode_ptr _current; SGPropertyNode_ptr _visibility; SGPropertyNode_ptr _3DenabledN; SGPropertyNode_ptr _antialiasing; SGPropertyNode_ptr _transparency; SGPropertyNode_ptr _red, _green, _blue, _alpha; SGPropertyNode_ptr _alpha_clamp; SGPropertyNode_ptr _brightness; bool _visible; bool _3Denabled; bool _antialiased; bool _transparent; float _r, _g, _b, _a, _cl; SGPropertyNode_ptr _scr_widthN, _scr_heightN; int _scr_width, _scr_height; SGPropertyNode_ptr _unitsN; Units _units; double _timer; fntRenderer *_font_renderer; FGFontCache *_font_cache; fntTexFont *_font; float _font_size; int _style; bool _listener_active; ClipBox *_clip_box; TextList _text_list; LineList _line_list; LineList _stipple_line_list; }; class HUD::Input { public: Input(const SGPropertyNode *n, float factor = 1.0, float offset = 0.0, float min = -SGLimitsf::max(), float max = SGLimitsf::max()) : _valid(false), _property(0), _damped(SGLimitsf::max()) { if (!n) return; _factor = n->getFloatValue("factor", factor); _offset = n->getFloatValue("offset", offset); _min = n->getFloatValue("min", min); _max = n->getFloatValue("max", max); _coeff = 1.0 - 1.0 / powf(10, fabsf(n->getFloatValue("damp", 0.0))); SGPropertyNode *p = ((SGPropertyNode *)n)->getNode("property", false); if (p) { const char *path = p->getStringValue(); if (path && path[0]) { _property = fgGetNode(path, true); _valid = true; } } } bool getBoolValue() const { assert(_property); return _property->getBoolValue(); } const char *getStringValue() const { assert(_property); return _property->getStringValue(); } float getFloatValue() { assert(_property); float f = _property->getFloatValue() * _factor + _offset; if (_damped == SGLimitsf::max()) _damped = f; if (_coeff > 0.0f) f = _damped = f * (1.0f - _coeff) + _damped * _coeff; return clamp(f); } inline float isValid() const { return _valid; } inline float min() const { return _min; } inline float max() const { return _max; } inline float factor() const { return _factor; } float clamp(float v) const { return v < _min ? _min : v > _max ? _max : v; } void set_min(float m, bool force = true) { if (force || _min == -SGLimitsf::max()) _min = m; } void set_max(float m, bool force = true) { if (force || _max == SGLimitsf::max()) _max = m; } private: bool _valid; SGConstPropertyNode_ptr _property; float _factor; float _offset; float _min; float _max; float _coeff; float _damped; }; class HUD::Item { public: Item(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x = 0.0f, float y = 0.0f); virtual ~Item () {} virtual void draw() = 0; virtual bool isEnabled(); protected: enum Format { INVALID, NONE, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING, }; Format check_format(const char *) const; inline float get_span() const { return _scr_span; } inline int get_digits() const { return _digits; } inline bool option_vert() const { return (_options & VERTICAL) == VERTICAL; } inline bool option_left() const { return (_options & LEFT) == LEFT; } inline bool option_right() const { return (_options & RIGHT) == RIGHT; } inline bool option_both() const { return (_options & BOTH) == BOTH; } inline bool option_noticks() const { return (_options & NOTICKS) == NOTICKS; } inline bool option_notext() const { return (_options & NOTEXT) == NOTEXT; } inline bool option_top() const { return (_options & TOP) == TOP; } inline bool option_bottom() const { return (_options & BOTTOM) == BOTTOM; } void draw_line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); void draw_stipple_line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); void draw_text(float x, float y, const char *msg, int align = 0, int digit = 0); void draw_circle(float x1, float y1, float r) const; void draw_bullet(float, float, float); HUD *_hud; std::string _name; int _options; float _x, _y, _w, _h; float _center_x, _center_y; private: SGSharedPtr _condition; float _disp_factor; // Multiply by to get numbers shown on scale. float _scr_span; // Working values for draw; int _digits; }; class HUD::Label : public Item { public: Label(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw(); private: bool blink(); Input _input; Format _mode; std::string _format; int _halign; // HUDText alignment int _blink; bool _box; float _text_y; float _pointer_width; float _pointer_length; SGSharedPtr _blink_condition; double _blink_interval; double _blink_target; // time for next blink state change bool _blink_state; }; // abstract base class for both moving scale and moving needle (fixed scale) // indicators. // class HUD::Scale : public Item { public: Scale(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw ( void ) {} // No-op here. Defined in derived classes. protected: inline float factor() const { return _display_factor; } inline float range_to_show() const { return _range_shown; } Input _input; float _major_divs; // major division marker units float _minor_divs; // minor division marker units unsigned int _modulo; // Roll over point private: float _range_shown; // Width Units. float _display_factor; // factor => screen units/range values. }; class HUD::Gauge : public Scale { public: Gauge(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw(); }; // displays the indicated quantity on a scale that moves past the // pointer. It may be horizontal or vertical. // class HUD::Tape : public Scale { public: Tape(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw(); protected: void draw_vertical(float); void draw_horizontal(float); void draw_fixed_pointer(float, float, float, float, float, float); char *format_value(float); private: float _val_span; float _half_width_units; bool _draw_tick_bottom; bool _draw_tick_top; bool _draw_tick_right; bool _draw_tick_left; bool _draw_cap_bottom; bool _draw_cap_top; bool _draw_cap_right; bool _draw_cap_left; float _marker_offset; float _label_offset; float _label_gap; bool _pointer; Format _label_fmt; std::string _format; int _div_ratio; // _major_divs/_minor_divs bool _odd_type; // whether to put numbers at 0/2/4 or 1/3/5 enum { BUFSIZE = 64 }; char _buf[BUFSIZE]; enum PointerType { FIXED, MOVING } _pointer_type; enum TickType { LINE, CIRCLE } _tick_type; enum TickLength { VARIABLE, CONSTANT } _tick_length; }; class HUD::Dial : public Scale { public: Dial(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw(); private: float _radius; int _divisions; }; class HUD::TurnBankIndicator : public Item { public: TurnBankIndicator(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw(); private: void draw_scale(); void draw_tee(); void draw_line(float, float, float, float); void draw_tick(float angle, float r1, float r2, int side); Input _bank; Input _sideslip; float _gap_width; bool _bank_scale; }; class HUD::Ladder : public Item { public: Ladder(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); ~Ladder(); virtual void draw(); private: void draw_zenith(float, float); void draw_nadir(float, float); void draw_text(float x, float y, const char *s, int align = 0) { _locTextList.add(x, y, s, align, 0); } void draw_line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, bool stipple = false) { if (stipple) _locStippleLineList.add(LineSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2)); else _locLineList.add(LineSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2)); } enum Type { PITCH, CLIMB_DIVE } _type; Input _pitch; Input _roll; float _width_units; int _div_units; float _scr_hole; float _zero_bar_overlength; bool _dive_bar_angle; float _tick_length; float _vmax; float _vmin; float _compression; bool _dynamic_origin; bool _frl; // fuselage reference line bool _target_spot; bool _target_markers; bool _velocity_vector; bool _drift_marker; bool _alpha_bracket; bool _energy_marker; bool _climb_dive_marker; bool _glide_slope_marker; float _glide_slope; bool _energy_worm; bool _waypoint_marker; bool _zenith; bool _nadir; bool _hat; ClipBox *_clip_box; // The Ladder has its own temporary display lists TextList _locTextList; LineList _locLineList; LineList _locStippleLineList; }; // responsible for rendering the active runway in the hud (if visible). // class HUD::Runway : public Item { public: Runway(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw(); private: void boundPoint(const sgdVec3& v, sgdVec3& m); bool boundOutsidePoints(sgdVec3& v, sgdVec3& m); bool drawLine(const sgdVec3& a1, const sgdVec3& a2, const sgdVec3& p1, const sgdVec3& p2); void drawArrow(); FGRunway* get_active_runway(); void get_rwy_points(sgdVec3 *points); void setLineWidth(); SGPropertyNode_ptr _agl; sgdVec3 _points3d[6], _points2d[6]; double _mm[16]; double _pm[16]; double _arrow_scale; // scales of runway indication arrow double _arrow_radius; double _line_scale; // maximum line scale double _scale_dist; // distance where to start scaling the lines double _default_pitch; double _default_heading; GLint _view[4]; FGRunway* _runway; FGViewer* _cockpit_view; unsigned short _stipple_out; // stipple pattern of the outline of the runway unsigned short _stipple_center; // stipple pattern of the center line of the runway bool _draw_arrow; // draw arrow when runway is not visible in HUD bool _draw_arrow_always; // always draws arrow float _left, _right, _top, _bottom; }; class HUD::AimingReticle : public Item { public: AimingReticle(HUD *parent, const SGPropertyNode *, float x, float y); virtual void draw(); private: SGSharedPtr _active_condition; // stadiametric (true) or standby (false) Input _diameter; // inner/outer radius relation float _bullet_size; float _inner_radius; }; #endif // _HUD_HXX