/* * PortMixer * Mac OS 9 implementation * * Copyright (c) 2002 * * Written by Dominic Mazzoni * * PortMixer is intended to work side-by-side with PortAudio, * the Portable Real-Time Audio Library by Ross Bencina and * Phil Burk. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "portaudio.h" #include "pa_host.h" #include "portmixer.h" #define PA_MAX_NUM_HOST_BUFFERS (16) /* Do not exceed!! */ typedef struct MultiBuffer { char *buffers[PA_MAX_NUM_HOST_BUFFERS]; int numBuffers; int nextWrite; int nextRead; } MultiBuffer; /* Define structure to contain all Macintosh specific data. */ typedef struct PaHostSoundControl { UInt64 pahsc_EntryCount; double pahsc_InverseMicrosPerHostBuffer; /* 1/Microseconds of real-time audio per user buffer. */ /* Use char instead of Boolean for atomic operation. */ volatile char pahsc_IsRecording; /* Recording in progress. Set by foreground. Cleared by background. */ volatile char pahsc_StopRecording; /* Signal sent to background. */ volatile char pahsc_IfInsideCallback; /* Input */ SPB pahsc_InputParams; SICompletionUPP pahsc_InputCompletionProc; MultiBuffer pahsc_InputMultiBuffer; int32 pahsc_BytesPerInputHostBuffer; int32 pahsc_InputRefNum; /* Output */ CmpSoundHeader pahsc_SoundHeaders[PA_MAX_NUM_HOST_BUFFERS]; int32 pahsc_BytesPerOutputHostBuffer; SndChannelPtr pahsc_Channel; SndCallBackUPP pahsc_OutputCompletionProc; int32 pahsc_NumOutsQueued; int32 pahsc_NumOutsPlayed; PaTimestamp pahsc_NumFramesDone; UInt64 pahsc_WhenFramesDoneIncremented; /* Init Time -------------- */ int32 pahsc_NumHostBuffers; int32 pahsc_FramesPerHostBuffer; int32 pahsc_UserBuffersPerHostBuffer; int32 pahsc_MinFramesPerHostBuffer; /* Can vary depending on virtual memory usage. */ } PaHostSoundControl; typedef struct PxSource { char name[256]; } PxSource; typedef struct PxInfo { SPB *input; int32 inputRefNum; SndChannelPtr output; int32 numSources; PxSource *sources; } PxInfo; int Px_GetNumMixers( void *pa_stream ) { return 0; } const char *Px_GetMixerName( void *pa_stream, int index ) { return "Mac Sound Manager"; } PxMixer *Px_OpenMixer( void *pa_stream, int index ) { PxInfo *info; internalPortAudioStream *past; PaHostSoundControl *macInfo; OSErr err; int i, j; Handle h; unsigned char *data; info = (PxInfo *)malloc(sizeof(PxInfo)); past = (internalPortAudioStream *) pa_stream; macInfo = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; info->input = &macInfo->pahsc_InputParams; info->inputRefNum = macInfo->pahsc_InputRefNum; info->output = macInfo->pahsc_Channel; info->numSources = 0; info->sources = NULL; err = SPBGetDeviceInfo (info->inputRefNum, siInputSourceNames, &h); if (err) return (PxMixer *)info; HLock(h); HNoPurge(h); data = (unsigned char *)*h; info->numSources = ((short *)data)[0]; if (info->numSources <= 0 || info->numSources > 50) { HUnlock(h); return (PxMixer *)info; } info->sources = (PxSource *)malloc(info->numSources * sizeof(PxSource)); data += 2; for(i=0; i<info->numSources; i++) { int len = *data++; if (len > 63) { info->numSources = 0; free(info->sources); info->sources = NULL; HUnlock(h); return (PxMixer *)info; } for(j=0; j<len; j++) info->sources[i].name[j] = *data++; info->sources[i].name[len] = 0; } HUnlock(h); return (PxMixer *)info; } /* Px_CloseMixer() closes a mixer opened using Px_OpenMixer and frees any memory associated with it. */ void Px_CloseMixer(PxMixer *mixer) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; if (info->sources) free(info->sources); free(info); } /* Master (output) volume */ PxVolume Px_GetMasterVolume( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; return 0.0; } void Px_SetMasterVolume( PxMixer *mixer, PxVolume volume ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; } /* PCM output volume */ int Px_SupportsPCMOutputVolume( PxMixer* mixer ) { return 1 ; } PxVolume Px_GetPCMOutputVolume( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; OSErr err; long packedVol; SndCommand cmd; cmd.cmd = getVolumeCmd; cmd.param1 = 0; cmd.param2 = (long)&packedVol; err = SndDoImmediate(info->output, &cmd); if (err) return 0.0; return ((packedVol & 0xFFFF) + ((packedVol & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16) / 2.0) / 256.0; } void Px_SetPCMOutputVolume( PxMixer *mixer, PxVolume volume ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; OSErr err; long packedVol; SndCommand cmd; packedVol = (unsigned long)volume * 256.0; packedVol += (packedVol << 16); cmd.cmd = volumeCmd; cmd.param1 = 0; cmd.param2 = packedVol; err = SndDoImmediate(info->output, &cmd); } /* All output volumes */ int Px_GetNumOutputVolumes( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; return 0; } const char *Px_GetOutputVolumeName( PxMixer *mixer, int i ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; return NULL; } PxVolume Px_GetOutputVolume( PxMixer *mixer, int i ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; return NULL; } void Px_SetOutputVolume( PxMixer *mixer, int i, PxVolume volume ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; } /* Input sources */ int Px_GetNumInputSources( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; return info->numSources; } const char *Px_GetInputSourceName( PxMixer *mixer, int i) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; if (i >= 0 && i < info->numSources) return info->sources[i].name; else return ""; } int Px_GetCurrentInputSource( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; short selected; OSErr err; err = SPBGetDeviceInfo (info->inputRefNum, siInputSource, &selected); if (err) return 0; return selected - 1; } void Px_SetCurrentInputSource( PxMixer *mixer, int i ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; short selected = i+1; OSErr err; err = SPBSetDeviceInfo (info->inputRefNum, siInputSource, &selected); } /* Input volume */ PxVolume Px_GetInputVolume( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; Fixed fixedGain; PxVolume vol; OSErr err; if (info->input) { err = SPBGetDeviceInfo(info->inputRefNum, siInputGain, (Ptr)&fixedGain); if (err) return 0.0; vol = (fixedGain / 65536.0) - 0.5; return vol; } return 0.0; } void Px_SetInputVolume( PxMixer *mixer, PxVolume volume ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; Fixed fixedGain; OSErr err; if (info->input) { fixedGain = (Fixed)((volume + 0.5) * 65536.0); err = SPBSetDeviceInfo(info->inputRefNum, siInputGain, (Ptr)&fixedGain); } } /* Balance */ int Px_SupportsOutputBalance( PxMixer *mixer ) { return 0; } PxBalance Px_GetOutputBalance( PxMixer *mixer ) { return 0.0; } void Px_SetOutputBalance( PxMixer *mixer, PxBalance balance ) { } /* Playthrough */ int Px_SupportsPlaythrough( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; return (info->input != NULL); } PxVolume Px_GetPlaythrough( PxMixer *mixer ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; OSErr err; short level; err = SPBGetDeviceInfo(info->inputRefNum, siPlayThruOnOff, (Ptr)&level); if (err) return 0.0; if (level < 0) level = 0; if (level > 7) level = 7; return (PxVolume)(level / 7.0); } void Px_SetPlaythrough( PxMixer *mixer, PxVolume volume ) { PxInfo *info = (PxInfo *)mixer; OSErr err; short level = (int)(volume * 7.0 + 0.5); err = SPBSetDeviceInfo(info->inputRefNum, siPlayThruOnOff, (Ptr)&level); }