// FGAICarrier - FGAIShip-derived class creates an AI aircraft carrier // // Written by David Culp, started October 2004. // - davidculp2@comcast.net // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <osg/Geode> #include <osg/Drawable> #include <osg/Transform> #include <osg/NodeVisitor> #include <osg/TemplatePrimitiveFunctor> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx> #include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/util/SGSceneUserData.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/bvh/BVHGroup.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/bvh/BVHLineGeometry.hxx> #include <math.h> #include <Main/util.hxx> #include <Main/viewer.hxx> #include "AICarrier.hxx" /// Hmm: move that kind of configuration into the model file??? class LineCollector : public osg::NodeVisitor { struct LinePrimitiveFunctor { LinePrimitiveFunctor() : _lineCollector(0) { } void operator() (const osg::Vec3&, bool) { } void operator() (const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2, bool) { if (_lineCollector) _lineCollector->addLine(v1, v2); } void operator() (const osg::Vec3&, const osg::Vec3&, const osg::Vec3&, bool) { } void operator() (const osg::Vec3&, const osg::Vec3&, const osg::Vec3&, const osg::Vec3&, bool) { } LineCollector* _lineCollector; }; public: LineCollector() : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::NODE_VISITOR, osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) { } virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode) { osg::TemplatePrimitiveFunctor<LinePrimitiveFunctor> pf; pf._lineCollector = this; for (unsigned i = 0; i < geode.getNumDrawables(); ++i) { geode.getDrawable(i)->accept(pf); } } virtual void apply(osg::Node& node) { traverse(node); } virtual void apply(osg::Transform& transform) { osg::Matrix matrix = _matrix; if (transform.computeLocalToWorldMatrix(_matrix, this)) traverse(transform); _matrix = matrix; } const std::vector<SGLineSegmentf>& getLineSegments() const { return _lineSegments; } void addLine(const osg::Vec3& v1, const osg::Vec3& v2) { // Trick to get the ends in the right order. // Use the x axis in the original coordinate system. Choose the // most negative x-axis as the one pointing forward SGVec3f tv1(_matrix.preMult(v1)); SGVec3f tv2(_matrix.preMult(v2)); if (tv1[0] > tv2[0]) _lineSegments.push_back(SGLineSegmentf(tv1, tv2)); else _lineSegments.push_back(SGLineSegmentf(tv2, tv1)); } void addBVHElements(osg::Node& node, simgear::BVHLineGeometry::Type type) { if (_lineSegments.empty()) return; SGSceneUserData* userData; userData = SGSceneUserData::getOrCreateSceneUserData(&node); simgear::BVHNode* bvNode = userData->getBVHNode(); if (!bvNode && _lineSegments.size() == 1) { simgear::BVHLineGeometry* bvLine; bvLine = new simgear::BVHLineGeometry(_lineSegments.front(), type); userData->setBVHNode(bvLine); return; } simgear::BVHGroup* group = new simgear::BVHGroup; if (bvNode) group->addChild(bvNode); for (unsigned i = 0; i < _lineSegments.size(); ++i) { simgear::BVHLineGeometry* bvLine; bvLine = new simgear::BVHLineGeometry(_lineSegments[i], type); group->addChild(bvLine); } userData->setBVHNode(group); } private: osg::Matrix _matrix; std::vector<SGLineSegmentf> _lineSegments; }; class FGCarrierVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: FGCarrierVisitor(FGAICarrier* carrier, const std::list<std::string>& wireObjects, const std::list<std::string>& catapultObjects) : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::NODE_VISITOR, osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN), mWireObjects(wireObjects), mCatapultObjects(catapultObjects) { } virtual void apply(osg::Node& node) { if (std::find(mWireObjects.begin(), mWireObjects.end(), node.getName()) != mWireObjects.end()) { LineCollector lineCollector; node.accept(lineCollector); simgear::BVHLineGeometry::Type type; type = simgear::BVHLineGeometry::CarrierWire; lineCollector.addBVHElements(node, type); } if (std::find(mCatapultObjects.begin(), mCatapultObjects.end(), node.getName()) != mCatapultObjects.end()) { LineCollector lineCollector; node.accept(lineCollector); simgear::BVHLineGeometry::Type type; type = simgear::BVHLineGeometry::CarrierCatapult; lineCollector.addBVHElements(node, type); } traverse(node); } private: std::list<std::string> mWireObjects; std::list<std::string> mCatapultObjects; }; FGAICarrier::FGAICarrier() : FGAIShip(otCarrier) { } FGAICarrier::~FGAICarrier() { } void FGAICarrier::readFromScenario(SGPropertyNode* scFileNode) { if (!scFileNode) return; FGAIShip::readFromScenario(scFileNode); setRadius(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("turn-radius-ft", 2000)); setSign(scFileNode->getStringValue("pennant-number")); setWind_from_east(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("wind_from_east", 0)); setWind_from_north(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("wind_from_north", 0)); setTACANChannelID(scFileNode->getStringValue("TACAN-channel-ID", "029Y")); setMaxLat(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("max-lat", 0)); setMinLat(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("min-lat", 0)); setMaxLong(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("max-long", 0)); setMinLong(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("min-long", 0)); setMPControl(scFileNode->getBoolValue("mp-control", false)); SGPropertyNode* flols = scFileNode->getChild("flols-pos"); if (flols) { // Transform to the right coordinate frame, configuration is done in // the usual x-back, y-right, z-up coordinates, computations // in the simulation usual body x-forward, y-right, z-down coordinates flols_off(0) = - flols->getDoubleValue("x-offset-m", 0); flols_off(1) = flols->getDoubleValue("y-offset-m", 0); flols_off(2) = - flols->getDoubleValue("z-offset-m", 0); } else flols_off = SGVec3d::zeros(); std::vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> props = scFileNode->getChildren("wire"); std::vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr>::const_iterator it; for (it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it) { std::string s = (*it)->getStringValue(); if (!s.empty()) wire_objects.push_back(s); } props = scFileNode->getChildren("catapult"); for (it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it) { std::string s = (*it)->getStringValue(); if (!s.empty()) catapult_objects.push_back(s); } props = scFileNode->getChildren("parking-pos"); for (it = props.begin(); it != props.end(); ++it) { string name = (*it)->getStringValue("name", "unnamed"); // Transform to the right coordinate frame, configuration is done in // the usual x-back, y-right, z-up coordinates, computations // in the simulation usual body x-forward, y-right, z-down coordinates double offset_x = -(*it)->getDoubleValue("x-offset-m", 0); double offset_y = (*it)->getDoubleValue("y-offset-m", 0); double offset_z = -(*it)->getDoubleValue("z-offset-m", 0); double hd = (*it)->getDoubleValue("heading-offset-deg", 0); ParkPosition pp(name, SGVec3d(offset_x, offset_y, offset_z), hd); ppositions.push_back(pp); } } void FGAICarrier::setWind_from_east(double fps) { wind_from_east = fps; } void FGAICarrier::setWind_from_north(double fps) { wind_from_north = fps; } void FGAICarrier::setMaxLat(double deg) { max_lat = fabs(deg); } void FGAICarrier::setMinLat(double deg) { min_lat = fabs(deg); } void FGAICarrier::setMaxLong(double deg) { max_long = fabs(deg); } void FGAICarrier::setMinLong(double deg) { min_long = fabs(deg); } void FGAICarrier::setSign(const string& s) { sign = s; } void FGAICarrier::setTACANChannelID(const string& id) { TACAN_channel_id = id; } void FGAICarrier::setMPControl(bool c) { MPControl = c; } void FGAICarrier::update(double dt) { // Now update the position and heading. This will compute new hdg and // roll values required for the rotation speed computation. FGAIShip::update(dt); //automatic turn into wind with a target wind of 25 kts otd //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AICarrier: MPControl " << MPControl ); if (!MPControl){ if(turn_to_launch_hdg){ TurnToLaunch(); } else if(turn_to_recovery_hdg ){ TurnToRecover(); } else if(OutsideBox() || returning ) {// check that the carrier is inside ReturnToBox(); // the operating box, } else { TurnToBase(); } } else { FGAIShip::TurnTo(tgt_heading); FGAIShip::AccelTo(tgt_speed); } UpdateWind(dt); UpdateElevator(dt, transition_time); UpdateJBD(dt, jbd_transition_time); // Transform that one to the horizontal local coordinate system. SGQuatd ec2hl = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(pos); // The orientation of the carrier wrt the horizontal local frame SGQuatd hl2body = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(hdg, pitch, roll); // and postrotate the orientation of the AIModel wrt the horizontal // local frame SGQuatd ec2body = ec2hl*hl2body; // The cartesian position of the carrier in the wgs84 world SGVec3d cartPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos); // The position of the eyepoint - at least near that ... SGVec3d eyePos(globals->get_current_view()->get_view_pos()); // Add the position offset of the AIModel to gain the earth // centered position SGVec3d eyeWrtCarrier = eyePos - cartPos; // rotate the eyepoint wrt carrier vector into the carriers frame eyeWrtCarrier = ec2body.transform(eyeWrtCarrier); // the eyepoints vector wrt the flols position SGVec3d eyeWrtFlols = eyeWrtCarrier - flols_off; // the distance from the eyepoint to the flols dist = norm(eyeWrtFlols); // now the angle, positive angles are upwards if (fabs(dist) < SGLimits<float>::min()) { angle = 0; } else { double sAngle = -eyeWrtFlols(2)/dist; sAngle = SGMiscd::min(1, SGMiscd::max(-1, sAngle)); angle = SGMiscd::rad2deg(asin(sAngle)); } // set the value of source if ( angle <= 4.35 && angle > 4.01 ) source = 1; else if ( angle <= 4.01 && angle > 3.670 ) source = 2; else if ( angle <= 3.670 && angle > 3.330 ) source = 3; else if ( angle <= 3.330 && angle > 2.990 ) source = 4; else if ( angle <= 2.990 && angle > 2.650 ) source = 5; else if ( angle <= 2.650 ) source = 6; else source = 0; } //end update bool FGAICarrier::init(bool search_in_AI_path) { if (!FGAIShip::init(search_in_AI_path)) return false; _longitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true); _latitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true); _altitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true); _launchbar_state_node = fgGetNode("/gear/launchbar/state", true); _surface_wind_from_deg_node = fgGetNode("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/wind-from-heading-deg", true); _surface_wind_speed_node = fgGetNode("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/wind-speed-kt", true); turn_to_launch_hdg = false; turn_to_recovery_hdg = false; turn_to_base_course = true; returning = false; in_to_wind = false; mOpBoxPos = pos; base_course = hdg; base_speed = speed; pos_norm = 0; elevators = false; transition_time = 150; time_constant = 0.005; jbd_pos_norm = raw_jbd_pos_norm = 0; jbd = false ; jbd_transition_time = 3; jbd_time_constant = 0.1; return true; } void FGAICarrier::initModel(osg::Node *node) { // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_BULK, "AICarrier::initModel()" ); FGAIShip::initModel(node); // process the 3d model here // mark some objects solid, mark the wires ... FGCarrierVisitor carrierVisitor(this, wire_objects, catapult_objects); node->accept(carrierVisitor); } void FGAICarrier::bind() { FGAIShip::bind(); props->untie("velocities/true-airspeed-kt"); props->tie("controls/flols/source-lights", SGRawValuePointer<int>(&source)); props->tie("controls/flols/distance-m", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&dist)); props->tie("controls/flols/angle-degs", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&angle)); props->tie("controls/turn-to-launch-hdg", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&turn_to_launch_hdg)); props->tie("controls/in-to-wind", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&turn_to_launch_hdg)); props->tie("controls/base-course-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&base_course)); props->tie("controls/base-speed-kts", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&base_speed)); props->tie("controls/start-pos-lat-deg", SGRawValueMethods<SGGeod,double>(pos, &SGGeod::getLatitudeDeg)); props->tie("controls/start-pos-long-deg", SGRawValueMethods<SGGeod,double>(pos, &SGGeod::getLongitudeDeg)); props->tie("controls/mp-control", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&MPControl)); props->tie("velocities/speed-kts", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&speed)); props->tie("environment/surface-wind-speed-true-kts", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&wind_speed_kts)); props->tie("environment/surface-wind-from-true-degs", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&wind_from_deg)); props->tie("environment/rel-wind-from-degs", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&rel_wind_from_deg)); props->tie("environment/rel-wind-from-carrier-hdg-degs", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&rel_wind)); props->tie("environment/rel-wind-speed-kts", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&rel_wind_speed_kts)); props->tie("environment/in-to-wind", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&in_to_wind)); props->tie("controls/flols/wave-off-lights", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&wave_off_lights)); props->tie("controls/elevators", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&elevators)); props->tie("surface-positions/elevators-pos-norm", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&pos_norm)); props->tie("controls/constants/elevators/trans-time-s", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&transition_time)); props->tie("controls/constants/elevators/time-constant", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&time_constant)); props->tie("controls/jbd", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&jbd)); props->tie("surface-positions/jbd-pos-norm", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&jbd_pos_norm)); props->tie("controls/constants/jbd/trans-time-s", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&jbd_transition_time)); props->tie("controls/constants/jbd/time-constant", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&jbd_time_constant)); props->tie("controls/turn-to-recovery-hdg", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&turn_to_recovery_hdg)); props->tie("controls/turn-to-base-course", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&turn_to_base_course)); props->setBoolValue("controls/flols/cut-lights", false); props->setBoolValue("controls/flols/wave-off-lights", false); props->setBoolValue("controls/flols/cond-datum-lights", true); props->setBoolValue("controls/crew", false); props->setStringValue("navaids/tacan/channel-ID", TACAN_channel_id.c_str()); props->setStringValue("sign", sign.c_str()); props->setBoolValue("controls/lighting/deck-lights", false); props->setDoubleValue("controls/lighting/flood-lights-red-norm", 0); } void FGAICarrier::unbind() { FGAIShip::unbind(); props->untie("velocities/true-airspeed-kt"); props->untie("controls/flols/source-lights"); props->untie("controls/flols/distance-m"); props->untie("controls/flols/angle-degs"); props->untie("controls/turn-to-launch-hdg"); props->untie("velocities/speed-kts"); props->untie("environment/wind-speed-true-kts"); props->untie("environment/wind-from-true-degs"); props->untie("environment/rel-wind-from-degs"); props->untie("environment/rel-wind-speed-kts"); props->untie("environment/in-to-wind"); props->untie("controls/flols/wave-off-lights"); props->untie("controls/elevators"); props->untie("surface-positions/elevators-pos-norm"); props->untie("controls/constants/elevators/trans-time-secs"); props->untie("controls/constants/elevators/time-constant"); props->untie("controls/jbd"); props->untie("surface-positions/jbd/pos-norm"); props->untie("controls/constants/jbd/trans-time-s"); props->untie("controls/jbd-time-constant"); props->untie("controls/mp-control"); props->untie("controls/turn-to-recovery-hdg"); props->untie("controls/turn-to-base-course"); } bool FGAICarrier::getParkPosition(const string& id, SGGeod& geodPos, double& hdng, SGVec3d& uvw) { // FIXME: does not yet cover rotation speeds. list<ParkPosition>::iterator it = ppositions.begin(); while (it != ppositions.end()) { // Take either the specified one or the first one ... if ((*it).name == id || id.empty()) { ParkPosition ppos = *it; SGVec3d cartPos = getCartPosAt(ppos.offset); geodPos = SGGeod::fromCart(cartPos); hdng = hdg + ppos.heading_deg; double shdng = sin(ppos.heading_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double chdng = cos(ppos.heading_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double speed_fps = speed*1.6878099; uvw = SGVec3d(chdng*speed_fps, shdng*speed_fps, 0); return true; } ++it; } return false; } // find relative wind void FGAICarrier::UpdateWind( double dt) { //get the surface wind speed and direction wind_from_deg = _surface_wind_from_deg_node->getDoubleValue(); wind_speed_kts = _surface_wind_speed_node->getDoubleValue(); //calculate the surface wind speed north and east in kts double wind_speed_from_north_kts = cos( wind_from_deg / SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES )* wind_speed_kts ; double wind_speed_from_east_kts = sin( wind_from_deg / SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES )* wind_speed_kts ; //calculate the carrier speed north and east in kts double speed_north_kts = cos( hdg / SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES )* speed ; double speed_east_kts = sin( hdg / SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES )* speed ; //calculate the relative wind speed north and east in kts double rel_wind_speed_from_east_kts = wind_speed_from_east_kts + speed_east_kts; double rel_wind_speed_from_north_kts = wind_speed_from_north_kts + speed_north_kts; //combine relative speeds north and east to get relative windspeed in kts rel_wind_speed_kts = sqrt((rel_wind_speed_from_east_kts * rel_wind_speed_from_east_kts) + (rel_wind_speed_from_north_kts * rel_wind_speed_from_north_kts)); //calculate the relative wind direction rel_wind_from_deg = atan2(rel_wind_speed_from_east_kts, rel_wind_speed_from_north_kts) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; //calculate rel wind rel_wind = rel_wind_from_deg - hdg; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(rel_wind, -180.0, 180.0); //switch the wave-off lights if (InToWind()) wave_off_lights = false; else wave_off_lights = true; // cout << "rel wind: " << rel_wind << endl; }// end update wind void FGAICarrier::TurnToLaunch(){ // calculate tgt heading if (wind_speed_kts < 3){ tgt_heading = base_course; } else { tgt_heading = wind_from_deg; } //calculate tgt speed double tgt_speed = 25 - wind_speed_kts; if (tgt_speed < 10) tgt_speed = 10; //turn the carrier FGAIShip::TurnTo(tgt_heading); FGAIShip::AccelTo(tgt_speed); } void FGAICarrier::TurnToRecover(){ //these are the rules for adjusting heading to provide a relative wind //down the angled flightdeck if (wind_speed_kts < 3){ tgt_heading = base_course + 60; } else if (rel_wind < -9 && rel_wind >= -180){ tgt_heading = wind_from_deg; } else if (rel_wind > -7 && rel_wind < 45){ tgt_heading = wind_from_deg + 60; } else if (rel_wind >=45 && rel_wind < 180){ tgt_heading = wind_from_deg + 45; } else tgt_heading = hdg; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(tgt_heading, 0.0, 360.0); //calculate tgt speed double tgt_speed = 26 - wind_speed_kts; if (tgt_speed < 10) tgt_speed = 10; //turn the carrier FGAIShip::TurnTo(tgt_heading); FGAIShip::AccelTo(tgt_speed); } void FGAICarrier::TurnToBase(){ //turn the carrier FGAIShip::TurnTo(base_course); FGAIShip::AccelTo(base_speed); } void FGAICarrier::ReturnToBox(){ double course, distance, az2; //calculate the bearing and range of the initial position from the carrier geo_inverse_wgs_84(pos, mOpBoxPos, &course, &az2, &distance); distance *= SG_METER_TO_NM; //cout << "return course: " << course << " distance: " << distance << endl; //turn the carrier FGAIShip::TurnTo(course); FGAIShip::AccelTo(base_speed); if (distance >= 1) returning = true; else returning = false; } // end turn to base bool FGAICarrier::OutsideBox() { //returns true if the carrier is outside operating box if ( max_lat == 0 && min_lat == 0 && max_long == 0 && min_long == 0) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "AICarrier: No Operating Box defined" ); return false; } if (mOpBoxPos.getLatitudeDeg() >= 0) { //northern hemisphere if (pos.getLatitudeDeg() >= mOpBoxPos.getLatitudeDeg() + max_lat) return true; if (pos.getLatitudeDeg() <= mOpBoxPos.getLatitudeDeg() - min_lat) return true; } else { //southern hemisphere if (pos.getLatitudeDeg() <= mOpBoxPos.getLatitudeDeg() - max_lat) return true; if (pos.getLatitudeDeg() >= mOpBoxPos.getLatitudeDeg() + min_lat) return true; } if (mOpBoxPos.getLongitudeDeg() >=0) { //eastern hemisphere if (pos.getLongitudeDeg() >= mOpBoxPos.getLongitudeDeg() + max_long) return true; if (pos.getLongitudeDeg() <= mOpBoxPos.getLongitudeDeg() - min_long) return true; } else { //western hemisphere if (pos.getLongitudeDeg() <= mOpBoxPos.getLongitudeDeg() - max_long) return true; if (pos.getLongitudeDeg() >= mOpBoxPos.getLongitudeDeg() + min_long) return true; } SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "AICarrier: Inside Operating Box" ); return false; } // end OutsideBox bool FGAICarrier::InToWind() { in_to_wind = false; if ( fabs(rel_wind) < 10 ){ in_to_wind = true; return true; } return false; } void FGAICarrier::UpdateElevator(double dt, double transition_time) { double step = 0; if ((elevators && pos_norm >= 1 ) || (!elevators && pos_norm <= 0 )) return; // move the elevators if ( elevators ) { step = dt/transition_time; if ( step > 1 ) step = 1; } else { step = -dt/transition_time; if ( step < -1 ) step = -1; } // assume a linear relationship raw_pos_norm += step; //low pass filter pos_norm = (raw_pos_norm * time_constant) + (pos_norm * (1 - time_constant)); //sanitise the output if (raw_pos_norm >= 1) { raw_pos_norm = 1; } else if (raw_pos_norm <= 0) { raw_pos_norm = 0; } return; } // end UpdateElevator void FGAICarrier::UpdateJBD(double dt, double jbd_transition_time) { string launchbar_state = _launchbar_state_node->getStringValue(); double step = 0; if (launchbar_state == "Engaged"){ jbd = true; } else { jbd = false; } if (( jbd && jbd_pos_norm >= 1 ) || ( !jbd && jbd_pos_norm <= 0 )){ return; } // move the jbds if ( jbd ) { step = dt/jbd_transition_time; if ( step > 1 ) step = 1; } else { step = -dt/jbd_transition_time; if ( step < -1 ) step = -1; } // assume a linear relationship raw_jbd_pos_norm += step; //low pass filter jbd_pos_norm = (raw_jbd_pos_norm * jbd_time_constant) + (jbd_pos_norm * (1 - jbd_time_constant)); //sanitise the output if (jbd_pos_norm >= 1) { jbd_pos_norm = 1; } else if (jbd_pos_norm <= 0) { jbd_pos_norm = 0; } return; } // end UpdateJBD