#include #include "Math.hpp" #include "Rotorpart.hpp" #include "Rotor.hpp" #include #include namespace yasim { const float pi=3.14159; float _help = 0; Rotorpart::Rotorpart() { _compiled=0; _cyclic=0; _collective=0; _rellenhinge=0; _dt=0; #define set3(x,a,b,c) x[0]=a;x[1]=b;x[2]=c; set3 (_speed,1,0,0); set3 (_directionofzentipetalforce,1,0,0); set3 (_directionofrotorpart,0,1,0); set3 (_direction_of_movement,1,0,0); set3 (_last_torque,0,0,0); #undef set3 _zentipetalforce=1; _maxpitch=.02; _minpitch=0; _maxcyclic=0.02; _mincyclic=-0.02; _delta3=0.5; _cyclic=0; _collective=-1; _relamp=1; _mass=10; _incidence = 0; _alpha=0; _alphamin=-.1; _alphamax= .1; _alpha0=-.05; _alpha0factor=1; _alphaoutputbuf[0][0]=0; _alphaoutputbuf[1][0]=0; _alpha2type=0; _alphaalt=0; _lastrp=0; _nextrp=0; _oppositerp=0; _last90rp=0; _next90rp=0; _translift=0; _dynamic=100; _c2=0; _torque_max_force=0; _torque_no_force=0; _omega=0; _omegan=1; _ddt_omega=0; _phi=0; _len=1; _rotor=NULL; _twist=0; _number_of_segments=1; _rel_len_where_incidence_is_measured=0.7; _diameter=10; _torque_of_inertia=0; _rel_len_blade_start=0; _torque=0; _rotor_correction_factor=0.6; } void Rotorpart::inititeration(float dt,float *rot) { _dt=dt; _phi+=_omega*dt; while (_phi>(2*pi)) _phi-=2*pi; while (_phi<(0 )) _phi+=2*pi; float a=Math::dot3(rot,_normal); if(a>0) _alphaalt=_alpha*Math::cos(a) +_next90rp->getrealAlpha()*Math::sin(a); else _alphaalt=_alpha*Math::cos(a) +_last90rp->getrealAlpha()*Math::sin(-a); //calculate the rotation of the fuselage, determine //the part in the same direction as alpha //and add it ro _alphaalt //alpha is rotation about "normal cross dirofzentf" float dir[3]; Math::cross3(_directionofzentipetalforce,_normal,dir); a=Math::dot3(rot,dir); _alphaalt -= a; _alphaalt= Math::clamp(_alphaalt,_alphamin,_alphamax); } void Rotorpart::setRotor(Rotor *rotor) { _rotor=rotor; } void Rotorpart::setParameter(char *parametername, float value) { #define p(a) if (strcmp(parametername,#a)==0) _##a = value; else p(twist) p(number_of_segments) p(rel_len_where_incidence_is_measured) p(rel_len_blade_start) p(rotor_correction_factor) SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "internal error in parameter set up for rotorpart: '" << parametername <<"'" << endl); #undef p } void Rotorpart::setTorque(float torque_max_force,float torque_no_force) { _torque_max_force=torque_max_force; _torque_no_force=torque_no_force; } void Rotorpart::setTorqueOfInertia(float toi) { _torque_of_inertia=toi; } void Rotorpart::setWeight(float value) { _mass=value; } float Rotorpart::getWeight(void) { return(_mass/.453); //_mass is in kg, returns pounds } void Rotorpart::setPosition(float* p) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) _pos[i] = p[i]; } float Rotorpart::getIncidence() { return(_incidence); } void Rotorpart::getPosition(float* out) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _pos[i]; } void Rotorpart::setPositionForceAttac(float* p) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) _posforceattac[i] = p[i]; } void Rotorpart::getPositionForceAttac(float* out) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _posforceattac[i]; } void Rotorpart::setSpeed(float* p) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) _speed[i] = p[i]; Math::unit3(_speed,_direction_of_movement); } void Rotorpart::setDirectionofZentipetalforce(float* p) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) _directionofzentipetalforce[i] = p[i]; } void Rotorpart::setDirectionofRotorPart(float* p) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) _directionofrotorpart[i] = p[i]; } void Rotorpart::setOmega(float value) { _omega=value; } void Rotorpart::setOmegaN(float value) { _omegan=value; } void Rotorpart::setDdtOmega(float value) { _ddt_omega=value; } void Rotorpart::setZentipetalForce(float f) { _zentipetalforce=f; } void Rotorpart::setMinpitch(float f) { _minpitch=f; } void Rotorpart::setMaxpitch(float f) { _maxpitch=f; } void Rotorpart::setMaxcyclic(float f) { _maxcyclic=f; } void Rotorpart::setMincyclic(float f) { _mincyclic=f; } void Rotorpart::setDelta3(float f) { _delta3=f; } void Rotorpart::setRelamp(float f) { _relamp=f; } void Rotorpart::setTranslift(float f) { _translift=f; } void Rotorpart::setDynamic(float f) { _dynamic=f; } void Rotorpart::setRelLenHinge(float f) { _rellenhinge=f; } void Rotorpart::setC2(float f) { _c2=f; } void Rotorpart::setAlpha0(float f) { _alpha0=f; } void Rotorpart::setAlphamin(float f) { _alphamin=f; } void Rotorpart::setAlphamax(float f) { _alphamax=f; } void Rotorpart::setAlpha0factor(float f) { _alpha0factor=f; } void Rotorpart::setDiameter(float f) { _diameter=f; } float Rotorpart::getPhi() { return(_phi); } float Rotorpart::getAlpha(int i) { i=i&1; if (i==0) return _alpha*180/pi;//in Grad = 1 else { if (_alpha2type==1) //yaw or roll return (getAlpha(0)-_oppositerp->getAlpha(0))/2; else //collective return (getAlpha(0)+_oppositerp->getAlpha(0)+ _next90rp->getAlpha(0)+_last90rp->getAlpha(0))/4; } } float Rotorpart::getrealAlpha(void) { return _alpha; } void Rotorpart::setAlphaoutput(char *text,int i) { strncpy(_alphaoutputbuf[i>0],text,255); if (i>0) _alpha2type=i; } char* Rotorpart::getAlphaoutput(int i) { return _alphaoutputbuf[i&1]; } void Rotorpart::setLen(float value) { _len=value; } void Rotorpart::setNormal(float* p) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) _normal[i] = p[i]; } void Rotorpart::getNormal(float* out) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _normal[i]; } void Rotorpart::setCollective(float pos) { _collective = pos; } void Rotorpart::setCyclic(float pos) { _cyclic = pos; } void Rotorpart::setlastnextrp(Rotorpart*lastrp,Rotorpart*nextrp, Rotorpart *oppositerp,Rotorpart*last90rp,Rotorpart*next90rp) { _lastrp=lastrp; _nextrp=nextrp; _oppositerp=oppositerp; _last90rp=last90rp; _next90rp=next90rp; } void Rotorpart::strncpy(char *dest,const char *src,int maxlen) { int n=0; while(src[n]&&n<(maxlen-1)) { dest[n]=src[n]; n++; } dest[n]=0; } // Calculate the flapping angle, where zentripetal force and //lift compensate each other float Rotorpart::calculateAlpha(float* v_rel_air, float rho, float incidence, float cyc, float alphaalt, float *torque, float *returnlift) { float moment[3],v_local[3],v_local_scalar,lift_moment,v_flap[3],v_help[3]; float ias;//nur f. dgb int i,n; for (i=0;i<3;i++) moment[i]=0; lift_moment=0; *torque=0;// if((_nextrp==NULL)||(_lastrp==NULL)||(_rotor==NULL)) return 0.0;//not initialized. Can happen during startupt of flightgear if (returnlift!=NULL) *returnlift=0; /*float flap_omega=(_nextrp->getrealAlpha()-_lastrp->getrealAlpha()) *_omega / pi*_rotor->getNumberOfParts()/4; hier mal die alte version probieren? */ float flap_omega=(_next90rp->getrealAlpha()-_last90rp->getrealAlpha()) *_omega / pi; float local_width=_diameter*(1-_rel_len_blade_start)/2. /(float (_number_of_segments)); for (n=0;n<_number_of_segments;n++) { float rel = (n+.5)/(float (_number_of_segments)); float r= _diameter *0.5 *(rel*(1-_rel_len_blade_start) +_rel_len_blade_start); float local_incidence=incidence+_twist *rel - _twist *_rel_len_where_incidence_is_measured; float local_chord = _rotor->getChord()*rel+_rotor->getChord() *_rotor->getTaper()*(1-rel); float A = local_chord * local_width; //calculate the local air speed and the incidence to this speed; Math::mul3(_omega * r , _direction_of_movement , v_local); // add speed component due to flapping Math::mul3(flap_omega * r,_normal,v_flap); Math::add3(v_flap,v_local,v_local); Math::sub3(v_rel_air,v_local,v_local); //v_local is now the total airspeed at the blade //apparent missing: calculating the local_wind = v_rel_air at //every point of the rotor. It differs due to aircraft-rotation //it is considered in v_flap //substract now the component of the air speed parallel to //the blade; Math::mul3(Math::dot3(v_local,_directionofrotorpart), _directionofrotorpart,v_help); Math::sub3(v_local,v_help,v_local); //split into direction and magnitude v_local_scalar=Math::mag3(v_local); if (v_local_scalar!=0) //Math::unit3(v_local,v_help); Math::mul3(1/v_local_scalar,v_local,v_help); float incidence_of_airspeed = Math::asin(Math::clamp( Math::dot3(v_help,_normal),-1,1)) + local_incidence; ias = incidence_of_airspeed; //reduce the ias (Prantl factor) float prantl_factor=2/pi*Math::acos(Math::exp( -_rotor->getNumberOfBlades()/2.*(1-rel) *Math::sqrt(1+1/Math::sqr(Math::tan( pi/2-Math::abs(incidence_of_airspeed-local_incidence)))))); incidence_of_airspeed = (incidence_of_airspeed+ _rotor->getAirfoilIncidenceNoLift())*prantl_factor *_rotor_correction_factor-_rotor->getAirfoilIncidenceNoLift(); ias = incidence_of_airspeed; float lift_wo_cyc = _rotor->getLiftCoef(incidence_of_airspeed -cyc*_rotor_correction_factor,v_local_scalar) * v_local_scalar * v_local_scalar * A *rho *0.5; float lift_with_cyc = _rotor->getLiftCoef(incidence_of_airspeed,v_local_scalar) * v_local_scalar * v_local_scalar *A *rho*0.5; float lift=lift_wo_cyc+_relamp*(lift_with_cyc-lift_wo_cyc); //take into account that the rotor is a resonant system where //the cyclic input hase increased result float drag = -_rotor->getDragCoef(incidence_of_airspeed,v_local_scalar) * v_local_scalar * v_local_scalar * A *rho*0.5; float angle = incidence_of_airspeed - incidence; //angle between blade movement caused by rotor-rotation and the //total movement of the blade /* the next shold look like this, but this is the inner loop of the rotor simulation. For small angles (and we hav only small angles) the first order approximation works well lift_moment += r*(lift * Math::cos(angle) - drag * Math::sin(angle)); *torque += r*(drag * Math::cos(angle) + lift * Math::sin(angle)); */ lift_moment += r*(lift * (1-angle*angle) - drag * angle); *torque += r*(drag * (1-angle*angle) + lift * angle); if (returnlift!=NULL) *returnlift+=lift; } //as above, use 1st order approximation //float alpha=Math::atan2(lift_moment,_zentipetalforce * _len); float alpha; if ((_zentipetalforce >1e-8) || (_zentipetalforce <-1e-8)) alpha=lift_moment/(_zentipetalforce * _len); else alpha=0; return (alpha); } // Calculate the aerodynamic force given a wind vector v (in the // aircraft's "local" coordinates) and an air density rho. Returns a // torque about the Y axis, too. void Rotorpart::calcForce(float* v, float rho, float* out, float* torque, float* torque_scalar) { if (_compiled!=1) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) torque[i]=out[i]=0; *torque_scalar=0; return; } _zentipetalforce=_mass*_len*_omega*_omega; float vrel[3],vreldir[3]; Math::sub3(_speed,v,vrel); float scalar_torque=0,alpha_alteberechnung=0; Math::unit3(vrel,vreldir);//direction of blade-movement rel. to air float delta=Math::asin(Math::dot3(_normal,vreldir)); //Angle of blade which would produce no vertical force (where the //effective incidence is zero) //float cyc=_mincyclic+(_cyclic+1)/2*(_maxcyclic-_mincyclic); float cyc=_cyclic; float col=_minpitch+(_collective+1)/2*(_maxpitch-_minpitch); _incidence=(col+cyc)-_delta3*_alphaalt; //the incidence of the rotorblade due to control input reduced by the //delta3 effect, see README.YASIM //float beta=_relamp*cyc+col; //the incidence of the rotorblade which is used for the calculation float alpha,factor; //alpha is the flapping angle //the new flapping angle will be the old flapping angle //+ factor *(alpha - "old flapping angle") if((_omega*10)>_omegan) //the rotor is rotaing quite fast. //(at least 10% of the nominal rotational speed) { alpha=calculateAlpha(v,rho,_incidence,cyc,0,&scalar_torque); //the incidence is a function of alpha (if _delta* != 0) //Therefore missing: wrap this function in an integrator //(runge kutta e. g.) factor=_dt*_dynamic; if (factor>1) factor=1; } else //the rotor is not rotating or rotating very slowly { alpha=calculateAlpha(v,rho,_incidence,cyc,alpha_alteberechnung, &scalar_torque); //calculate drag etc., e. g. for deccelrating the rotor if engine //is off and omega <10% alpha = Math::clamp(alpha,_alphamin,_alphamax); float rel =_omega*10 / _omegan; alpha=rel * alpha + (1-rel)* _alpha0; factor=_dt*_dynamic/10; if (factor>1) factor=1; } float vz=Math::dot3(_normal,v); //the s float dirblade[3]; Math::cross3(_normal,_directionofzentipetalforce,dirblade); float vblade=Math::abs(Math::dot3(dirblade,v)); float tliftfactor=Math::sqrt(1+vblade*_translift); alpha=_alphaalt+(alpha-_alphaalt)*factor; _alpha=alpha; float meancosalpha=(1*Math::cos(_last90rp->getrealAlpha()) +1*Math::cos(_next90rp->getrealAlpha()) +1*Math::cos(_oppositerp->getrealAlpha()) +1*Math::cos(alpha))/4; float schwenkfactor=1-(Math::cos(_lastrp->getrealAlpha())-meancosalpha)*_rotor->getNumberOfParts()/4; //missing: consideration of rellenhinge float xforce = Math::cos(alpha)*_zentipetalforce; float zforce = schwenkfactor*Math::sin(alpha)*_zentipetalforce; *torque_scalar=scalar_torque; scalar_torque+= 0*_ddt_omega*_torque_of_inertia; float thetorque = scalar_torque; int i; float f=_rotor->getCcw()?1:-1; for(i=0; i<3; i++) { _last_torque[i]=torque[i] = f*_normal[i]*thetorque; out[i] = _normal[i]*zforce*_rotor->getLiftFactor() +_directionofzentipetalforce[i]*xforce; } } void Rotorpart::getAccelTorque(float relaccel,float *t) { int i; float f=_rotor->getCcw()?1:-1; for(i=0; i<3; i++) { t[i]=f*-1* _normal[i]*relaccel*_omegan* _torque_of_inertia;// *_omeagan ? _rotor->addTorque(-relaccel*_omegan* _torque_of_inertia); } } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Rotorpart& rp) { #define i(x) << #x << ":" << rp.x << endl #define iv(x) << #x << ":" << rp.x[0] << ";" << rp.x[1] << ";" <